Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 214 Don’t bully the old and the poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 214 Don’t bully the old and the poor (1) [-in-]

After returning, Bai Sheng received the test report from the testing agency immediately. Didn't she get a mountain of blessings in the previous world? Because she was too lazy to verify it, she knocked off a piece and sent it to the testing agency.

And now the results are out.

That is a ball of extremely rich and solid immortal blessing energy. Carrying it with you can comprehensively increase your own luck. No matter what you do, it will be easier and smoother. It is the production of various talismans and even magic weapons with positive amplification effects. of top-notch materials.

The purchase price is one tael for a trace of the origin of the world.

The price positioning alone is calculated based on the origin of the world, which is enough to prove how precious this thing is. And many acquired materials, such as acquired Geng gold, if you use the origin of the world to buy it, just a wisp of the origin of the world can easily be purchased. Buy thousands or tens of thousands of catties.

With sufficient skills and cultivation, one pound of Houtian Geng Gold is enough to refine an immortal sword at the level of an immortal weapon.

This shows how rare Fukuzawa Mountain is.

Sure enough, everything related to luck is not cheap.

As for good things, you can't take them out unless necessary. Keep them for yourself first, just in case you need to use them one day, so Bai Sheng directly ignored the subsequent acquisition information and went to the database instead to buy some. There are few methods of making talismans and magical instruments related to luck.

It is also a capital offense for a servant to practice secretly.

And thus delaying the best stage of cultivation.

After her original body was sold as a mortal servant, because the family she took over was also a practicing family, her identity might be discovered once she tried to practice.

Not to mention that she had just received the Qi Refining Technique. The normal follow-up process should have been explained by the family elders and received some basic training supplies, but she obviously had nothing since she had become a slave. So not only did the original person not dare to practice, but she actually didn't know how to practice. Practicing rashly could easily lead to obsession, so she could only be an honest slave.

If the White Saint hadn't come, she would most likely have followed the humorous and sad route of not bullying young people into poverty, not bullying middle-aged people into poverty, and never bullying old people into poverty, saying that death is a big deal.


When she was young, the ancestor of her family's golden elixir died at the end of his life. The family fell apart instantly. At the same time, many foreign enemies invaded and divided their family's assets. That year, she had just finished testing her spiritual roots and obtained the most basic Qi Refining Technique. .

Even if her true identity is not discovered.

Ordinary mortals are quite vulnerable in front of practitioners.

Naturally, we have to cut the grass and root out the root causes in order to avoid future troubles forever.

After all, no one is stupid, and it’s not like there weren’t one or two scoundrels left behind in the past who were eventually killed.

As soon as he entered the new body, Bai Sheng basically figured out the cause of the original body's death, and immediately started the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to regulate the body and repair the injuries in the body.

Let's put it this way, the original version was quite miserable.

But fortunately, this family distributes martial arts secrets to all the servants, and they can still practice to the innate realm. It is not that they expect these servants to be of any use. The main reason is that the servants with some martial arts are more durable and will not The masters of the monks who were in the Qi Refining Realm could be killed with a slap, or injured by the fluctuation of spiritual energy caused by a breakthrough.

This world is so cruel and real.

During the chaos, in order to protect their son with better spiritual abilities, her brother, her parents decisively abandoned her and took her brother to escape. However, she stayed calm in the face of danger, wiped some blood on her face, and changed her body. He hid in the pile of dead people and pretended to be dead. In addition, he had not yet begun to practice, so he was packaged and sold as a surviving servant, so he barely managed to save a small life.

About half an hour later, Bai Sheng stabilized the injuries in his body, and then began to sort out the original body's memories.

Prepare to wait for the day when the World Cultivation Task appears, and you can go in and practice it.

Once the strongest member of a family dies and does not have a successor of the same level to protect him, or does not have a strong sect force to back him up, he will be divided up by the hostile forces in the past.

And try to eliminate the roots as much as possible.

Then she absorbed the power of the years gained this time into her own origin, and after thoroughly digesting it, she opened the task list again and started a new task.

If you practice martial arts and reach a certain level, you will not die casually. As long as the master has no killing intention, generally speaking, he will be seriously injured at most. He can just take some medicine or recuperate by himself. This also saves the need to buy people back frequently. It doesn’t cost much, but it’s quite a waste of time to teach the people you bought it the rules and so on!
Because only martial arts can be practiced openly.

It is difficult to escape from the mansion without some force, let alone survive independently after escaping from the mansion, so after the original person obtained the martial arts secrets, he practiced quite hard.

Twenty years later.

She finally caught up with the family that was involved in a war due to internal and external troubles. She took advantage of the chaos and her innate martial arts to successfully escape. She thought that from then on she would be able to leap from sea to sea and embark on a path of spiritual revenge.

But it turns out that being a casual cultivator is really difficult.

Although the original body that successfully obtained a free body was able to practice the Qi Refining Technique, the biggest feature of basic Qi training techniques such as the Qi Refining Technique was its stability and slow training speed. The core reason why major families basically use this method to teach their children is that six-year-old children have poor understanding in all aspects, and at the same time their meridians have not been fully formed. It is not easy to make mistakes when practicing this kind of basic qi-refining method. Even if something goes wrong, it will not be possible. It won't hurt the roots.

Once you become proficient, you will change the method.

Very few people rely on Qi Refining Techniques to complete the Qi refining stage.

Most of them just try it briefly, using this technique to introduce Qi into the body, and very few use the technique to practice to the third level of Qi refining.

In addition, the original qualifications are not enough. She has the largest number of five spiritual roots in the cultivation world. Even if she practices the Qi Refining Technique at the innate level of martial arts, it took her a whole year to break through the first level of Qi Refining, and it took another whole year to follow. In ten years, Fang barely broke through to the third level of Qi refining.

That year, she was thirty-seven years old.

Some talented people have already formed elixirs at the age of thirty-seven.

Realizing that hard training was not enough and unreliable, she started her own path of hard work, which can also be called the path of middle-age improvement. For example, she went to some casual cultivation gathering places to see if she could earn some spiritual stones, and Or is there any sect that accepts people like her and changes their skills?

At such an old age, with such poor qualifications and low cultivation level, the sect will definitely not want him, and most of the jobs that can earn spiritual stones require some skills.

Refining elixirs, refining weapons, and making talisman formations.

Otherwise, it would be fine if you could plant, collect herbs or something.

But these original bodies don’t know how to do it!

At most, she can only be said to be able to serve people. After all, when she was a slave in that cultivating family, she worked as a maid for twenty years, but this skill is useless. There are many young and beautiful female monks aged seventeen or eighteen who compete with her.

The original version can be said to be uncompetitive.

In the end, she agreed to take care of Zheng Fuying, the childless and childless Ninth Level Spirit Planter who died unexpectedly, and signed a contract, and then she successfully became an apprentice to the Spirit Planter and had a stable job.

Ling Zhifu actually works in farming.

It's just that ordinary farmers grow ordinary mundane crops, and what they grow is spiritual rice and wheat. When your level is high, you can also grow spiritual roots and elixirs!
This is already a skill with the lowest threshold in the cultivation world. As long as you learn a few professional spells, practice regularly, and work hard, you can basically master it.

The original person had experienced too many setbacks and blows, and had long been discouraged. When she was a teenager, she wanted to work hard to become a great monk on her own, find her biological parents, and make them realize that their original choice was wrong, and that she was their family's hope for the future. The daydream has been completely shattered.

In middle age, I still want to work hard to achieve my dream of turning a corner.

It was basically broken.

At this time, she just wants to be a spiritual husband to save some foundation, save it for retirement, and spend the rest of her life peacefully.

As for finding a partner!

Her cultivation was so poor that she had no ability to keep her appearance, and she had no money to buy things that could keep her appearance. A few years ago, because losing her virginity would affect the speed of her cultivation, she never thought about it. Later, no one wanted her at all. After all, she doesn't look down on mortals or older Qi refining monks.

Qi-refining monks and above look down on her, while those who are qi-refining monks would rather find a pretty mortal or someone younger.

They dislike each other but are unwilling to lower their bottom line.

Don’t you just stay single forever!

After seeing each other a few times, the original person completely gave up the idea of ​​finding a partner, and after signing a pension contract with the spirit planter who was on the ninth level of Qi Refining, he began to farm with peace of mind, and along with it, he practiced the Qi Refining Technique. Converted into the Five Elements Spirit Art, which is more suitable for being a spiritual husband.

It was given to her by the ninth-level qi-refining spirit planter.

Ten years later, the original body broke through the fourth level of Qi refining, and the spiritual husband died. After burying the other party, the original body successfully obtained all the other party's inheritance. In fact, there was nothing, just a few acres of spiritual land, or The rent was from someone else, and the other scattered items added up to less than two hundred spirit stones, but the original owner was already very satisfied.

After all, she finally learned a skill.

Have the ability to make money.

She originally thought that she could live a stable life as Ling Zhifu, save some money, and when she gets older, like Zheng Fuying who just passed away, she would recruit a reliable disciple to support her until her death, but reality gave her a slap in the face. A loud slap, that means she was bullied.

Being squeezed out by other Lingzhifu around.

He was even responsible for lowering the price of spiritual rice and so on.

Only then did she realize that it turned out that everyone had behaved relatively mildly before, and the food collectors did not cause trouble. It was not because there was so much peace here, but because Zheng Fuying, who was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, was still alive. Even though he was old, Most of the nearby Lingzhifu were only at the seventh or eighth level of Qi refining, so there was no need to offend them.

But now that Zheng Fuying is dead, she was only at the fourth level of Qi refining, which is several levels short of it. In addition, the spiritual land is relatively limited. If you want to rent more, someone will have to cancel the lease or something.

So some people started to exclude her.

I want to get her away or kill her!
The original person had thought of various ways, but when she was inferior to others and had no backing, she really couldn't defeat those people. In the end, due to various reasons such as those people causing trouble, there was no profit from farming.

The original body couldn't resist.

I have no choice but to give up the lease and have no whereabouts again.

I had to give up my originally safe life and start going to the wild to search for spiritual objects, or kill some weak monsters, to earn training resources, even rent, etc.

The original person may have really not deserved to die. Although he encountered many dangers in the process, he was able to escape the danger in the end. At the same time, he also encountered some relatively small adventures that were really helpful to the original person. He finally succeeded at the age of sixty. Reaching the ninth level of Qi Refining, and because of this, he developed some ambitions, and he developed the ambition to break through the foundation building.

The maximum level of Qi refining is twelve, but it stands to reason that you can break through the foundation building at the ninth level of Qi refining. You just need to use the foundation building pill, and the process of breaking through is relatively dangerous.

So next, it is natural for the original body to start running for the Foundation Establishment Pill. The disciples of the sect can obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill based on their own merit or the appreciation of their elders. Even some wealthy sect disciples can obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill after reaching the perfect state of Qi refining. Directly allocate a foundation-building pill.

However, casual cultivators do not have this channel. They can only either sell them at auctions, or collect the raw materials for the Foundation Establishment Pill themselves and pay an alchemist to refine it.

Usually there are three parts of materials, one for each.

Harsh, but there is no choice.

The original person originally thought that he would be able to collect three base-building elixir raw materials in at most ten years and ask people to help him refine the elixir. However, there were too many accidents in the process. For example, the original city was attacked by demonic cultivators, and for example, a ruin appeared nearby. , and for example, the original body was injured, etc.

In the end, it took thirty years.

It took me until I was ninety to scrape together three pieces of materials.

The risk of foundation building at this age is quite high, and the failure rate is also very high. Fortunately, the original body has spent thirty years slowly grinding his own realm from the ninth level of Qi refining to the twelfth level, a proper state of Qi refining. .

This can increase the success rate of foundation building.

In addition, the original person had no descendants, so there was no need to keep the things she had finally collected, so she finally decided to take a gamble and find a local alchemist with a good reputation and ask him to help make alchemy.

The other party agreed after meeting the original person.

A month later, the original person also successfully obtained a Foundation Establishment Pill from the other party. After careful inspection, he hurriedly returned to his cave, swallowed the Foundation Establishment Pill, and began to break through.

Then the breakthrough failed and he died on the spot.

But before she died, the original person knew very well that her failure was not due to lack of knowledge or being too old. The main reason was that the foundation-building pill that the damn alchemist gave her was a fake. After being disguised, the surface was coated with some foundation-building pill powder.

Although the original person had no relevant knowledge or experience, she did not recognize it at first, but after eating the food, a large amount of erysipelas erupted, which not only failed to help her break through, but actually hindered her feeling of breaking through.

The original body can still be identified.

But by this time it was too late.

The breakthrough could not be stopped, coupled with the outbreak of erysipelas and the mental shock this incident caused to her, it directly led to the failure of the original breakthrough and her death on the spot.

Before the original body died, she probably guessed why the alchemist did what she did. It was extremely common for a Qi refining monk of her age to fail to break through to the foundation-building realm. It would be hard to see the body without a thorough examination of the corpse. Come out and use the useless Foundation Establishment Pill to kill a very old Qi Refining Perfection monk, thus saving a Foundation Establishment Pill worth at least 10,000 spirit stones for sale.

It's not too cost-effective.

The most important thing is that there are no hidden dangers.

It can be said that the alchemist just bullied the original person because he was old, ignorant and had no clan members.

The meeting and communication before refining the elixir are most likely for testing purposes. If there are hidden dangers in giving the discarded elixir, give it to the real person. If there are no hidden dangers, you can save money by giving the discarded foundation-building elixir.

It's a pity that the original person died in the hands of profiteers!

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