Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 215 Don’t bully the old and the poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 215 Don’t bully the old and the poor (2) [-in-]

When he was dying, what he felt in his heart was not regrets and regrets, but hatred, hatred for the unfairness of the world, hatred for the irrationality of the earth, hatred for the damn alchemist, hatred for the chaotic and disorderly practice world, hatred for his lack of talent, and hatred for himself. He is not capable enough, he does not know how to refine elixirs and weapons, etc.

All in all, she died a miserable death.

He died with overwhelming hatred in his heart.

If these hatreds were summed up into last wishes, then she really had quite a lot of last wishes. From a young age, at least she definitely wanted revenge and wanted to kill the profiteer alchemist. But from a big perspective, she even There is the idea of ​​​​reshaping the universe and defining rules and order for practice.

If you are average, you may have to improve your qualifications, improve your cultivation, and master high-end technologies such as alchemy and weapon refining. You will not beg for help and will no longer be deceived by others.

Even thoughts such as fulfilling the last wish of youth.

It's troublesome and complicated.

“The last wish of revenge is the smallest, simplest, and most basic, as long as this wish can be fulfilled.

The current world mission cannot be considered a failure.

Only monks who have condensed true elixirs can be considered true monks in the realm of elixir formation. Therefore, generally speaking, if a certain monk is a real elixir formation practitioner, the other monk must have formed true elixirs.

Family clans generally think about long-term development.

Originally, she planned to go out and continue earning spiritual stones after successfully building the foundation. Unfortunately, all her plans were ruined by the useless foundation building pill.

Become a great monk of Nascent Soul.

Behind the foundation-building realm is pill formation.

No serious injuries or foundation damage.

Even the quality of the golden elixir!

Moreover, even if he only forms the lowest level one-turn golden elixir, it can ensure that as long as he survives, he will be able to break through the Nascent Soul realm and form a fourth-turn or above golden elixir, which will fully prepare him to transform into a god and the nine-turn golden elixir. , the capital to become an immortal.

Although the current situation is more difficult.

Of course, the premise is that you don’t die in the middle.

Only in this way can the golden elixir be formed as much as possible.

The failure of this body's breakthrough not only caused the cultivation level to regress to the ninth level of Qi Refining, but the meridians in the body were also filled with erysipelas. At the same time, the Dantian was severely damaged, and the sea of ​​consciousness was ruptured.

Spiritual veins are the source of spiritual energy. The core of the spiritual veins will breed spiritual marrow, and spiritual stones are actually stones that are infected by spiritual marrow and contain spiritual energy. The closer the spiritual stone is to the spiritual marrow, the higher the quality. It’s that simple. .

It’s very troublesome to repair!

There was nothing I could do about it. Basically all the wealth that the original person had accumulated over the years was used to exchange for foundation-building elixir materials and gave them to the alchemist to make elixirs. In the process, he also bought many gifts for the alchemist's children and the alchemist.

Therefore, in the next second, Bai Sheng took out the Dongfu rental sign in a realistic manner, charged all the spiritual stones he could take out of his original storage bag into it, and renewed himself for another thirteen and a half days. Cave lease term.

"Forget it, let's heal first."

At best the finish isn't very good. "

It's just that for now, it's not advisable to face him head-on. It still takes some time to recover from his injuries and build up strength.

Although the probability is not very high, there is still a 1% ratio. Compared with those fake alchemy monks who have no chance of encountering and have almost zero chance of breaking through the Nascent Soul realm on their own, the real alchemy realm monks are much better.

But it is definitely not something that Qi Refining and Foundation Building can deal with.

The realm of alchemy formation is very different. The worst alchemy realm is called the false alchemy realm. Generally, the foundation for refining Qi and establishing the foundation is not very good, and the qualifications are not enough. It is difficult to break through the realm of alchemy, and one must rely on external forces to break through. That kind of monk, this kind of monk has no chance encounters, and will just linger in the fake elixir realm in this life, and it is impossible to make any breakthroughs.

But Bai Sheng is really not afraid of him.

Therefore, alchemists in the realm of fake elixirs are just out of reach for ordinary Qi-refining and foundation-building monks. In the eyes of slightly higher-level powerful sects, they are just ants.

By the way, the rent for this cave is about to expire.

They will not take the initiative to dig out the spiritual essence.

And forming a true elixir is expected to go a step further.

But there is a high probability that there is no spiritual stone.

The golden elixir is divided into nine levels. The basic requirements are that the talent must be extremely high and the foundation must be extremely solid. At the same time, you must not take auxiliary elixirs such as foundation-building elixirs to achieve breakthroughs.

Bai Sheng quickly prioritized the original body's last wishes, determined which ones must be fulfilled, and then checked the condition of his body and couldn't help but smile bitterly:
"Unfortunately, even the last wish of revenge is not so easy to fulfill. If I remember correctly, that alchemist is a fake alchemy monk, although he is not as good as a real alchemy monk, let alone a golden alchemy monk.

Refining the quality of the elixir is slightly better.

In Bai Sheng's portable plane, the spiritual marrow may have just begun to grow in the spiritual veins, and the spiritual marrow has not had time to imbibe other stones and the like into spiritual stones.

And if I am not dead, but the news of the failed breakthrough is spread, I am afraid that the alchemist will definitely realize that I already know that the Foundation Establishment Pill he gave me is a waste pill, and then he will definitely find someone to silence him. , after all, he should not be able to tolerate the damage to his reputation. "

So the original person really didn't have any savings. He took out all the spirit stones and could only renew the lease for another thirteen and a half days.

Not even taking any pills from the beginning.

I hope they will pay more attention to it.

Above that is the Golden elixir monk.

In this world, behind the realm of Qi refining is foundation building.

Bai Sheng couldn't even move now, so naturally he couldn't leave the cave. He took out the remaining items in his original storage bag and sold them in exchange for spiritual stones. Although she has a lot of spiritual energy in the plane she carries with her, after all, she is still young in the world and has insufficient foundation. She may still have some spiritual essence.

Although he is definitely better than the Foundation Establishment monks, he is at the bottom of the Core Formation monks and has no future at all!

Therefore, there is a high probability that there will be no spiritual stones to mine.

In addition, even without mentioning the damage to the spiritual veins in the portable plane caused by the current mining of spiritual marrow, Bai Sheng did not dare to take it out. Generally speaking, only Nascent Soul monks can use spiritual marrow to practice, and others can use it to practice. If this thing is discovered by others, it is a proper crime to possess a treasure.

Therefore, Bai Sheng could only give up all other ideas for the time being, and stay here for now, preparing to rely on thirteen and a half days of hard work to recover as much as possible from his injuries.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

If it really doesn't work, you can still hide in the portable plane.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng, of course, continued to work hard to practice the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique, and looked for useful things from the portable plane, but the effect was mediocre.

The main reason is that the impact of erysipelas in the body is too great.

When breaking through the foundation building, the essence, energy and spirit in the body need to be mobilized. At the same time, the power of the foundation building pill must also enter the essence, energy and spirit to help the monks to complete the essence, energy and spirit.

This creates the foundation for practice. If the monk himself can bring his own energy and spirit to a perfect state, he can build the foundation without using the foundation-building pill.

Foundation Building Pills are pharmaceutical aids.

Forcibly elevate those who had no chance of breaking through the Foundation Establishment with their own talents to the Foundation Establishment realm.

As for the useless Foundation-Building Pill that the original body ate, although it was made useless due to the alchemist's lack of ability or bad luck, etc., its essence is still a Foundation-Building Pill, but it is filled with a large amount of erysipelas. After the original body ate it, it started to The result of the breakthrough was that those erysipelas directly entered her vitality and spirit, affecting her vitality and spirit.

Therefore, after careful inspection, Bai Sheng discovered that her body not only contained erysipelas in her meridians, but also in her blood. There were also many remnants of erysipelas in her bone marrow, dantian, the mana in her body, and the Lingtai Consciousness Sea.

To put it bluntly, if the original body didn't swallow the foundation-building pill and directly built the foundation, there would be a 1% success rate.

But after eating that useless Foundation Building Pill.

It is 100% certain to die.

The erysipelas in the meridians can be removed with the Qingmai Pill. The erysipelas in the blood can be successfully removed with the Qingti Pill. The erysipelas in the bone marrow can also be removed with the Marrow Cleansing Pill.

But the Dantian, the magic power in the body and the sea of ​​consciousness of the Lingtai.

There may be special elixirs that can remove erysipelas, but Bai Sheng didn't have any, so in the end she could only choose to remove it bit by bit with the same effort as a water mill.

Wait until the lease of Dongfu expires.

Bai Sheng also used the Qingmai Pill, Qingti Pill and Marrow Cleansing Pill to successfully remove the erysipelas in the blood and bone marrow of the meridians, and with the same effort as a water mill, 80% of the erysipelas in the Dantian was removed, and the Mana and Lingtai Consciousness Sea were removed. The erysipelas has not yet been eliminated, which is quite troublesome.

Moreover, the erysipelas White Saint in the blood and bone marrow of the meridians has not been completely eliminated, and there is still a little remaining.

It's simply hard to shake.

It just has no effect on the body.

But from this Bai Sheng also probably understood why only the Jindan monks had a smoother cultivation path in the later period.

Because no matter whether it is a fake elixir or a real elixir, monks need to rely on elixirs to break through, and no matter how good the elixir is, the most it can do is reduce the amount of erysipelas in it to a safe range, so that the person will not be poisoned to death first. When breaking through the Foundation Establishment Pill, the erysipelas in the Foundation Establishment Pill will enter the monk's spirit. When forming the Pill, the erysipelas in the corresponding pill will probably also enter the fake pill and the real pill they formed.

No matter how high-quality the elixirs used are, they are still poisonous.

It’s just a matter of more poison and less poison.

Those elixirs that specifically remove erysipelas are actually elixirs in nature, so as long as the elixirs are used, the erysipelas in the body can never be completely removed.

The essence, energy, and spirit were all contaminated by erysipelas.

Fake elixirs and real elixirs are not pure either.

It is natural that the subsequent journey of spiritual practice will be bumpy.

The core of the golden elixir, I am afraid the key lies in a pure word. Only the pure and incomparable spirit can condense the pure and incomparable golden elixir. As for whether it is one or nine turns, it is probably related to one's own innate understanding and the level of heavenly materials and earthly treasures used in the process of condensing the golden elixir.

Heavenly materials and earthly treasures are different from elixirs. For example, treasures such as the essence of the Five Elements and acquired Yimu essence are natural materials and earthly treasures, and they are definitely not poisonous.

They also don't need to be artificially refined into elixirs.

Just absorb it directly.

Of course, these are still quite far away from Bai Sheng, so she went through the rental cancellation procedures after recording her ideas, and quickly left Xianyun City secretly, finding a random place in the wild to enter the portable plane.

Begin long-term retreat to eliminate erysipelas.

There is no way, if the erysipelas is not removed, the injuries in the body will not be easy to repair, let alone cultivation.

Even if all the erysipelas cannot be removed, at least 80% to 90% must be removed to barely affect the repair of the injury. Anyway, with the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to help extend life, she is not afraid of dying at the end of her life for the time being, so Bai Sheng she There is plenty of time to slowly eliminate those erysipelas.


On the other side, in Xianyun City, inside Huaguang Pavilion.

After listening to his subordinate's reply, Master Huaguang's expression turned ugly, and he immediately asked:

"Are you sure that guy failed to build the foundation and his cultivation level has regressed? He left the city immediately after leaving Qunzhu Cave? Is it the female cultivator?"

If the old female cultivator came out alive without taking the pill or trying to build a foundation, he would still be able to accept it. After all, she didn't take the useless foundation-building pill he gave her or try to build a foundation, so naturally nothing would happen. .

But if she had already tried to build the foundation and failed, it was impossible not to take the foundation building pill, but how could she survive after taking the useless foundation building pill he gave her?

As an alchemist, he knows very well that an elixir with more than 30% erysipelas is a useless elixir, 20% erysipelas is a low-grade elixir, 10% erysipelas is a medium-grade elixir, half of it is a high-grade elixir, and top-grade elixirs still contain a little erysipelas. .

At most it's less, less than one percent.

The Foundation Establishment Pill he gave out contained 50% erysipelas, which was actually no different from poison.

It was the result of his failed attempt at alchemy more than ten years ago.

In recent years, he has rarely refined useless pills when refining Foundation Establishment Pills. This time, with the three materials that the female cultivator sent him, he successfully refined two top-grade Foundation Establishment Pills and one medium-grade pill. The Foundation Establishment Pill is not even of low quality, so I really can’t bear to give it to him. In addition, considering that the female cultivator is so old and has no background, even if the foundation building is successful, she will only live a few more years, which is a pure waste.

So I picked a useless foundation-building pill from the inventory that contained 50% erysipelas, and gave it to the man in disguise.

Originally, the normal ending should have been that the female cultivator failed to break through the Foundation Establishment and died. He sent someone to kindly help collect the body, which not only avoided exposing the other party's taking the useless Foundation Establishment Pill, but also gained some good reputation.

He has done similar things in the past.

Moreover, the failure of an elderly monk to build a foundation is so common that no one would find it strange. On the contrary, a successful breakthrough can make all the monks talk about it for a long time.

But now, something obviously happened.

I don’t know if the female cultivator had some adventure or some other coincidence, and she didn’t die. But if she didn’t die, she must have realized that there was something wrong with the Foundation Establishment Pill he gave her, and at the same time, if she did it again, What are you promoting everywhere, even if not many people believe it?

But it will inevitably take a hit to his reputation.

If someone were to rehash the old scores and make a summary of statistics or something, it might be possible to analyze that among all the older Qi Refining Perfection cultivators with no background and ask them to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, none of them could succeed in the Foundation Establishment.

So he became suspicious of him.

"Yes, I really saw it.

But at such an old age, it is normal for her to fail in foundation building. It must have nothing to do with the foundation building pill you gave her. It can only be said that she is unlucky and does not have that fate. "

The guy in charge of keeping an eye on him thought that Alchemist Huaguang was a good person, so he actually comforted him at this moment.

But Alchemist Huaguang can’t say anything now.

After brushing off the matter with a few words, he sent the man away, and quickly used the communication talisman to call in several tribulation cultivators who had done his dirty work for him. At the same time, his souls were branded as slaves by him, and asked them to find Bai Sheng quickly. , and silenced her to prevent relevant information from leaking out.

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