Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 224 Don’t bully the old and the poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 224 Don’t bully the old and the poor (11) [-in-]

At this point, Bai Sheng suddenly realized that it was reasonable. Now everything was reasonable. It was reasonable for all nine of his tribes to be destroyed, and it was also reasonable for the Huansha Islands to disappear and be destroyed.

Even this thing sounds like there is still a loophole.

So Bai Sheng hurriedly continued to ask:
"I know the situation of the Bai family very well. Their family was destroyed by the other four major alchemy families on Zhongsha Island, so it is normal to have hatred between each other. From what you mean, I should think that the Bai family did this.

It's killing someone with a borrowed knife.

Borrowing the sword of the dragon clan to avenge your own family, right? "

"I didn't say that, but everyone did have similar speculations in private. After all, although the dragon egg is a bit fragile compared to the dragon, it is not so fragile that it will be broken and die accidentally. The shattering of the dragon egg and the death of the dragon inside , it must be caused by humans.

At that time, the dragon eggs were in the hands of the remnants of the Bai family.

Who else could have done it if not him?
According to our guess, as long as he signed a life-and-death contract with the dragon egg, he should not die, but he did not. Instead, he chose to destroy the dragon egg, completely angering the dragon clan, which really makes people think too much.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, since he has the ability to steal the dragon eggs from the dragon clan.

And he has been running away for a long time.

He should also be able to continue escaping.

It is precisely because of these circumstances that everyone secretly guessed that the remnants of the Bai family wanted to use the sword of the Jiaolong clan to destroy Zhongsha Island to avenge the family. As for the destruction of Huansha Islands, they were just implicated! "

At this time, Shopkeeper Dong had already guessed that Bai Sheng was either related to a certain family on Zhongsha Island, or to the remnants of the Bai family, and it was probably more related to the remnants of the Bai family.

That was while explaining and informing the Overseas Immortal Alliance.

"But if the Bai family has the ability to steal the dragon eggs from the dragon guards, and also has the ability to escape for such a long time, his cultivation level shouldn't be that weak. Is this necessary to deal with several Danjie families?
Is it necessary to risk your own life?

Moreover, the Jiaolong Clan also has many ancestors who transformed themselves into gods..."

This is where Bai Sheng is confused. By searching the souls of the previously destroyed sea clans, Bai Sheng has some understanding of the power of the sea clan. The dragon clan ranks among the top three among the ten major marine royal clans, and the overall power is only The three major holy places in the spiritual world can rival it. There are more than a dozen god-forming ancestors in the clan, but secretly they don't know how many old monsters there are. After all, the lifespan of a dragon in the same realm is more than a hundred times that of a human being. Human god-forming monks can only live for ten thousand years. The clan can live for millions of years.

If you enter a deep sleep state.

Life span can be extended ten times further.

Therefore, the operation of the Bai family is actually equivalent to sneaking into one of the three holy places of mankind and kidnapping the holy son or saint in the holy place.

How could this be possible without any strength?

Isn't this powerful enough to destroy a few pill-forming monks?
"Well... there is an agreement between human beings and the Sea Clan that the god-forming monks must not act rashly, so the Dragon Clan can only dispatch a demon king comparable to the Nascent Soul Realm. However, the strength of the remnant of the Bai family should not be weak, otherwise even if he takes action It is difficult to find any top-level treasures in it.

We have some speculations about this...

We speculate that the remnants of the Bai family may not have thought about killing someone with a borrowed knife or dying together. It was only after stealing the dragon eggs that they discovered that the dragon eggs were a hot potato. In the end, they fell into despair because of the crazy pursuit of the dragon clan, and the idea of ​​​​was born in their minds. , the idea of ​​​​death together with his enemies by the hands of the dragon clan.

This led to the Huansha Islands Incident. "

Logically speaking, an intelligence agency like theirs should not tell customers some private speculations and unfounded speculations, but Shopkeeper Dong wants to delay time, so he can only deal with it like this for now.

At least we can't let the other party gain nothing.

Then he just rolled up his sleeves and left.

"This guess is a bit blunt, but things in the world are changing rapidly. It is estimated that only the person involved knows the real situation. By the way, you keep talking about the remnants of the Bai family, the remnants of the Bai family, do you know who the remnants of the Bai family are?
Also, if I remember correctly, there was no crime when the Bai family was destroyed. The affair with the Hai clan was just a slander. Wasn't the real reason the death of his ancestor? "

Bai Sheng knew very well that shopkeeper Dong had been talking about the remnants of the Bai family, and it would easily arouse suspicion if she used the term Bai family.

But she really couldn't use the word "remnants" to describe her family.

So I have always insisted that I have not changed my words.

At this time, I even directly asked the reason.

Bai Sheng asked so frankly that it actually made Shopkeeper Dong wonder if he had guessed wrong. The other person might not be a member of the Bai family, but someone who knew the specific situation very well and even sympathized with the Bai family.

However, the news had already spread and could not be withdrawn, so he still replied calmly:
"With his own selfishness, he killed nearly ten million people in the entire Huansha Islands. For such a crime, why not call it a remnant? What's more, do you think the Jiaolong clan will give up just by simply destroying the entire Huansha Islands?

After the destruction of the Huansha Islands, the Jiaolong clan launched a crazy revenge. Eighty percent of the human geniuses cultivated by the Overseas Immortal Alliance in recent years died, three island chains were destroyed, and tens of thousands of newly built islands were destroyed. The final statistics are: , nearly 300 million human monks were killed or injured.

Eight great monks of Nascent Soul have died.

In the end, the Overseas Immortal Alliance promised to fully assist the Jiaolong Clan and kill all the Bai clan. The Jiaolong Clan stopped fighting. But after this incident, all the efforts of the Overseas Immortal Alliance over the past hundred years were in vain. "

"So, why can't it be called a remnant?"

Bai Sheng was immediately speechless, although she knew very well that the Flood Dragon Clan was most likely just using the situation to make use of the situation. Even if it hadn't happened, the Flood Dragon Clan or the Sea Clan would definitely find opportunities to make excuses to curb the development of the human race.

The overseas Immortal Alliance who had suffered a loss of blood, as well as the relatives and friends of the 300 million death monks obviously did not dare or had the ability to condemn the Jiaolong clan who took action. They could only blame all the resentment and all the responsibility on the remnants of the Bai family. He also believes that if the remnants of the Bai family had not stolen the dragon eggs, these incidents and casualties would not have happened.

Together with the remaining members of the Bai family, the Nine Clans were wiped out by the Overseas Immortal Alliance without the Jiaolong Clan taking action.

It also seems much more natural.

After a long time, Bai Sheng couldn't help but hold back a sentence:
"Even if there was no matter of stealing the dragon eggs, the dragon clan or other sea clans would probably take action.

After all, they couldn't just watch as humans continued to build new islands and island chains, gradually posing a threat to the sea tribe, and it was only a matter of time before they started to contain them. "

"Maybe, but who cares?
The Overseas Immortal Alliance is weak and can only compromise. If the Overseas Immortal Alliance is strong enough, as powerful as the heaven in human legends, even if they fry rice with dragon eggs every day, the dragon clan will not dare to say a single nonsense.

It's a pity that these only exist in fantasy. "

Manager Dong, who runs an intelligence agency, obviously cannot be too stupid, let alone not be able to see the deeper meaning of some superficial battles, but even if he knows, there is nothing he can do.

We must truly understand the real situation and its deep meaning.

Telling everything to the world will undoubtedly make them more embarrassed and appear even more weak.

After saying that, Shopkeeper Dong specially explained: "A few years ago, the three holy places in Zhongzhou were at war with the Demon Cult and the demon clan. Now Zhongzhou is also in chaos. We have no time to take care of our overseas fairy alliance and the loss of the three holy places in Zhongzhou. The strength gap between us and the Hai Clan is really too big, so we can only compromise. "

The strength of the Overseas Immortal Alliance has always been inferior to that of the Shanghai Clan. The reason why they seem to be fighting back and forth with the Sea Clan is mainly because there are too many races within the Sea Clan. There are ten royal clans alone. They are not convinced by each other, and There are three major holy places, combined with the strong support of the ten major families.

But once it loses the support of the three major holy places and the ten major families, the Overseas Immortal Alliance will immediately show its weaknesses.

He simply didn’t dare to completely break up with the Sea Clan.

It is also difficult to negotiate forcefully with the Sea Tribe.

"I see. No wonder I saw a lot of sea people cannibalizing people openly. If I guessed correctly, the sea people must have become more and more excessive in recent years. It seems that the situation of the entire human race is not good now."

Xianyun City, where he originally lived, was not only located in a remote area, but was also at the bottom of the cultivation world. He was basically the same as ordinary people in the ordinary world. He only knew about his own one-third of an acre of land, and even news about nearby villages and towns, as well as national events. The world structure is difficult to know.

So Bai Sheng was real until this time.

Only then do we roughly know the specific situation of the human race.

"My human race is really in a bad situation right now, so I think you should be able to understand me next..."

Before he finished speaking, Shopkeeper Dong instantly activated the formation of Feng Sheng Tower, trapping Bai Sheng. He himself successfully escaped through the small teleportation array built under his buttocks.

And hurriedly reported to the elders of the Overseas Immortal Alliance who had arrived, basically telling what Bai Sheng came to do, what he asked, and his guesses.

The premise of the Jiaolong Clan's initial stoppage was to ask the Overseas Immortal Alliance to hand over to them all the nine tribes that had blood ties with the remnants of the Bai family. To this end, the Overseas Immortal Alliance even used some bloodline secrets and also mobilized many people. Without the power of the masses, the more than 300 million monks, relatives and friends who died are all the power of the masses that can be mobilized.

And so far, the matter has not been resolved.

Once someone is found to be related to the remnants of the Bai family, the Overseas Immortal Alliance still needs to be notified, and the Overseas Immortal Alliance will kill them, or capture them and send them to the Jiaolong Clan.

The general operation of overseas fairy alliances is to kill.

Because they feel that it is a bit embarrassing to arrest people and send them to the Dragon Clan. They might as well try their best to wipe out the remnants of the Black and White Clan and define them as human traitors and culprits of the Overseas Immortal Alliance. In this way, they will be killed directly. It's excusable, and it's not too ugly in terms of face.

At the same time, I would rather kill someone by mistake than let anyone go.

He was afraid that he would be picked on by the Dragon Clan again.

Although Bai Sheng didn't know much about these specific situations, it was obviously impossible for her not to notice some of Shopkeeper Dong's small actions, so she was not surprised at this time, and she was not ready to go on a killing spree. After thinking about it, she didn't take action after all, but Leave directly with the small void movement technique.

Previously, she had been under the Mountain of Fuze, and with the help of the Mountain of Zede, she had improved her skills in various arts, and formations were no exception. At this time, it could not be easier to isolate the influence of the formations and use the Void Movement Technique.

The next moment, Bai Sheng disappeared.

The elder of the Overseas Immortal Alliance who came over noticed the spatial fluctuations, but he did not have the ability to directly stop it, so he could only secretly say that something was wrong and hurriedly gave instructions:

"Move the formation quickly and see if there is anyone else in the formation. I just noticed a spatial fluctuation."

"No way, our Feng Sheng Tower formation is quite powerful. Even if she has the Void Moving Talisman, she probably won't be able to use it..." Even so, Shopkeeper Dong quickly mobilized his talisman and checked the formation.

Then his face darkened and he said helplessly:
"It seems like she really ran away!"

"I just said that my perception cannot be wrong. It seems that the remnant of the Bai family either has a treasure in her hand, or... wait, she can move away through the formation so quietly. This operation and method If it's not similar to the remnant of the Bai family who stole the dragon's egg earlier, could it be that this is their clan's bloodline magical power?
It seems that she is a remnant of the Bai family...

No, oh no, if this guy steals dragon eggs again, it will be a disaster. We must find this guy quickly, otherwise it will always be a disaster if we keep it! "

Bai Sheng disappeared silently, instantly reminding the elders of the Overseas Immortal Alliance that the dragon eggs were stolen.

If Bai has supernatural powers, or magical weapons, or the ability to leave the formation silently, he will naturally have the ability to enter the formation silently, and even enter some secret rooms and treasury to steal.

Therefore, the elders of the Overseas Immortal Alliance immediately felt that the identity of the remnant of the Bai Sheng Bai clan was unmistakable, and at the same time they were a little worried that she would break the jar and steal the dragon egg again.

After all, once a person is forced into a desperate situation, or a person bears a blood feud, all nine tribes will be wiped out.

It's not surprising that he does anything outrageous.

Therefore, the next second, the elders of the Overseas Immortal Alliance hurriedly summoned the Overseas Immortal Alliance, informed them of the general situation here, and asked them to send more people to help.

You must also bring a magic weapon specially used to find people.

About half a stick of incense later, nine elders from the Overseas Immortal Alliance arrived. Some of them were proficient in tracing people, proficient in divination, and some proficient in bloodline deduction. After muttering to each other, they hurriedly entered the Feng Sheng Tower and gathered together. Bai Sheng carefully inspected the place where he had been sitting. In addition, shopkeeper Dong also hurriedly took out the spiritual stones that Bai Sheng had brought out for trading and gave them to the elders to detect and trace them.

However, Bai Sheng had already entered his personal plane to think about life, so they naturally gained nothing.

After all, the strongest among them is only at the Nascent Soul realm.

How is it possible to break through the world barrier and find someone?

"No, how could there not be..."

"I can't find any traces. Oh no, the traces suddenly disappeared after reaching a certain place."

"How is it possible? This shouldn't be possible!"

"Is it possible that there is some kind of attached small cave nearby? The remnants of the Bai family have already hid in the small cave, so they suddenly lost all traces?"

"Impossible, the Cave Heaven Paradise must rely on top-level spiritual veins to open up. We only have a few top-level spiritual veins overseas. The surrounding area is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and it is an area with poor spiritual energy, let alone top-level spiritual veins.

Not even high-grade spiritual veins.

There is no basis for the existence of Cave Heaven Paradise. "

"But this is the most likely possibility, otherwise there is no way to explain why her traces suddenly disappeared and her breath disappeared, as if she had never appeared.

It's impossible to just ascend and leave. "

"The remnants of the Bai family are really too sinful. Can't they die for the sake of humanity? Really!"

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