Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 225 Don’t bully the old and the poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 225 Don’t bully the old and the poor (12) [-in-]

At the same time, in the portable plane.

Bai Sheng's mood is really complicated, because judging from the current situation, it is quite difficult to avenge the original family. There is definitely no need for revenge from the original enemies, the four major alchemy families. They have already Destroyed, even if there may be some tribesmen surviving.

There are only a few of them, so there is no need to go into details.

But the enemies that followed were not only numerous in number, but also quite complex in composition. The Jiaolong clan was definitely responsible. The overseas Immortal Alliance, which was forced to compromise, definitely had the blood of the Bai family on their hands. In addition, the major overseas cultivating forces also wanted to add insult to injury. , and kill them all.

But if these are all counted as targets of revenge.

She can be regarded as starting a war with the entire overseas cultivation world and one-tenth of the sea tribe. Moreover, the whole thing is actually not just a simple revenge grudge, but also involves a territorial dispute between two races.

The Bai family could only count it as a coincidence, and they happened to do something, which gave the Jiaolong clan an excuse to become cannon fodder.

"Alas, the situation becomes more and more complicated as we investigate.

We really want to take revenge on each other, and our descendants will be endless. Forget it, let’s put the revenge matter to an end for the time being, and I don’t have the ability to directly start a war with the Jiaolong clan or any force in the overseas cultivation world.

But I am not willing to end the mission like this.

By the way, when I went to Zhongzhou, I happened to hear that Zhongzhou is relatively chaotic now, and Zhongzhou is also the base camp of the top forces of the human race. The real foundation building is not as good as a dog, and the core is everywhere. Only the Nascent Soul realm can have some say.

Let’s see if we can take the opportunity to recruit more people.

Form a force! "

It is more convenient for a person to fight alone and go wherever he wants, but when facing some big forces or needing to do more complicated things, the restrictions and constraints are too great. After weighing the pros and cons, Bai Bai Sheng could only choose to go to Zhongzhou first, which was said to be in chaos now.

Take advantage of the chaos to take advantage of the opportunity to rise and build power.

After coming up with the plan, Bai Sheng quickly used secret techniques to restrain all his auras and disrupt his own destiny and cause and effect to ensure that no one would deduce it. Then he left the personal plane and moved towards Central Continent.

Because Bai Sheng had done enough preparations, even after the elders of the Overseas Immortal Alliance returned, they applied to use the semi-immortal weapon Celestial Compass to deduce Bai Sheng's whereabouts.

It can only be vaguely deduced that Bai Sheng has left.

The specific whereabouts are still unknown.

But even so, they were relieved. After all, as long as the remnants of the Bai family left overseas, they would be unlikely to make crazy moves against the Sea Clan.

For example, steal the dragon eggs again.

Or offend other ocean royal families.

In addition, they hurriedly began to strictly block clues, determined not to let the news that there were suspected remnants of the Bai family surviving and having appeared in their overseas Immortal Alliance territory spread out and be known to the Jiaolong clan.

Otherwise, even if the remnant of the Bai family didn't cause any trouble.

The Jiaolong clan will definitely take advantage of this opportunity.

To this end, the specific measures they took mainly include two points. First, all the insiders of the Overseas Immortal Alliance, that is, the elders, signed a confidentiality contract and imposed a seal on their souls to ensure that no matter how others ask, Even searching for souls and the like, I can't find any relevant information. I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case!
The second is to silence Shopkeeper Dong.

He is a member of an organization engaged in intelligence. Who knows whether the information will be sold, and the Feng Sheng Tower to which Shopkeeper Dong belongs is not a force under the Overseas Immortal League. The Overseas Immortal League naturally does not have that much trust in it. If the remnants of the Bai family are caught by them, It doesn't matter if you stay and silence yourself.

But now the remnants of the Bai family are still alive and have escaped.

Shopkeeper Dong is a hidden danger. If he doesn't die, whoever will die will die.

That afternoon, the island where Shopkeeper Dong was located was attacked by sea beasts, and he and the entire Feng Sheng Tower were destroyed.

The monks nearby also suffered heavy casualties.

Everything seemed so natural.

At this point, the elders of the Overseas Immortal Alliance finally felt at ease. At this time, Bai Sheng had already rushed to the nearest large city and borrowed the teleportation array of the large city.

The world is huge, very huge.

It is much larger than an ordinary living planet.

Any small island has millions or even tens of millions of square kilometers, and Zhongzhou is more than a billion kilometers away from overseas. Even if Bai Sheng's small void movement technique is fast, he still wants to cross such a long distance. It takes a long time, so naturally you have to use simpler and faster transportation methods.

However, ordinary small and medium-sized cities do not have the ability to use ultra-large teleportation arrays, and there is no need to use ultra-large teleportation arrays. Only large cities with Nascent Soul monks stationed there can have the teleportation arrays that Bai Sheng needs to use.

With the help of those teleportation arrays, Bai Sheng only transferred nine large cities before reaching the border of Zhongzhou.

Then he still went to the intelligence agency first.

Spend money on information.

Although Bai Sheng's sense of Feng Sheng Lou is not very good, the capabilities of other intelligence agencies, as well as the accuracy and richness of intelligence, are indeed far inferior to Feng Sheng Lou.

So Bai Sheng could only hold back his dissatisfaction, disguised himself, and walked into the nearby Feng Sheng Building again to buy information.

Buy the major events in the spiritual practice world in the past hundred years.

It is not strange for many monks with higher cultivation levels to stay in seclusion for tens or hundreds of years at a time, especially those monks who have transformed themselves into gods. Therefore, the sale of historical information about the cultivation world is quite hot.

Although it is not as detailed and accurate as the mortal history books.

But it’s okay to get a general idea.

It's a bit like a brief history, only recording major events.

Then Bai Shengcai had a more detailed understanding of the entire practice world and the general situation in Zhongzhou.

There is nothing much to say in the world of spiritual practice. Ancient history has long been difficult to trace. The only important point worth mentioning is that since one hundred thousand years ago, no one has been able to become an immortal. In the past ten thousand years, even surviving tribulation has become a luxury.

The state of transformation into gods is already the end of cultivation in this world.

Of course, there are still many old monsters who have broken through ten thousand years ago. Some of them are sleeping, waiting for the road to ascension to reopen in the future, and some are constantly trying to open up the road to ascension and ascend.

But no one has succeeded yet.

Because of this, the top monks who are more active in the practice world today are those ancestors who transformed themselves into gods. No matter how high their realm is, they generally do not take action unless there is a disaster of annihilation or there is news that they are suspected of becoming immortals.

Zhongzhou is the central area of ​​the entire world. Today, of the five surviving spiritual energy ancestral veins, four are in Zhongzhou, one is occupied by each of the three holy places, one is occupied by the demon clan, and the last ancestral vein is in the ocean.

The core strength of the entire spiritual world.

Basically concentrated here in Zhongzhou.

Outside of Zhongzhou, it is considered a wild and remote place. The concentration of spiritual energy here is a hundred times that of the Xianyun City where the original body stayed before. The concentration of spiritual energy in the cave that the original body rented when breaking through the foundation was only mediocre. Reaching ten times the spiritual energy concentration of Xianyun City. In other words, in Zhongzhou, there is no need to specifically find a place with strong spiritual energy to break through the foundation building. You can break through anywhere.

One hundred times the spiritual energy concentration.

There is no need to look for a cave to form elixirs.

It’s true – the gap between rich and poor is ridiculously large.

In Zhongzhou, those who cannot break through the foundation building at the age of thirty are basically useless, and the same is true if they cannot break through the core formation at the age of sixty. Even if they have the same Five Elements spiritual roots as the original body, here, they can basically break through the foundation building before forty.

A little effort, or a little capital.

It is normal to break through foundation building before the age of thirty.

This unique environment has created an extremely prosperous cultivation civilization in Central Continent. Even ordinary people without any spiritual roots can easily break through the innate realm before the age of sixty by practicing martial arts. There are countless monks.

But even so, it is still difficult for monks who are not talented enough or have weak spiritual roots to form a golden elixir, let alone break through the Nascent Soul. How can those people be willing to do so.

So the devil was naturally born.

The origin of the birth of the demonic path is unknown. It is only known that it is related to monks with poor spiritual qualifications who want to change their own talents and break through various innate limitations.

But don’t mention it, many magic secrets can indeed change the innate qualifications of monks. For example, the secret technique of stealing souls can take away other people’s spiritual roots and transplant them to yourself, but there will be a certain rejection reaction. But if you take away the spiritual roots of your own blood descendants, The rejection reaction will be very small, and the captured spiritual roots can be superimposed to further enhance the qualifications.

Once this technique is used, something will happen.

Needless to say, you should be able to relate to it.

Another example is blood transplantation, which can transplant the blood of some monsters into humans without spiritual roots.

Although there are great hidden dangers, and there is even the possibility of losing control and becoming a half-demon, as long as you succeed, you can have half the lifespan of the demon clan, and at the same time, you can also have the talent to practice. Today, many human-like half-demon clans are mostly derived from Due to this secret art of magic, some human races with special bloodlines are also derived from this secret art of magic.

There are also cruder esoteric arts.

For example, they could kill a large number of monks to extract the spirituality from their blood and improve their own qualifications, or they could devour the souls of monks and forcibly improve their own soul qualifications.

In addition, there are some demonic techniques that can break through the impossible, allowing some demonic monks to break through the Nascent Soul with fake elixir realms. Even though there are many hidden dangers, many fake elixir monks still flock to become members of the demonic way.
After all, there are few geniuses and many mediocre people in the world.

Some mediocre people voluntarily accept being ordinary and are unwilling to break the bottom line and do things that break the moral bottom line and even the sect's rules. Naturally, there are also people who are unwilling to be ordinary and have a short lifespan. They want to go further at all costs and want to Live dozens or hundreds of years longer.

Therefore, it is natural for magic to flourish.

When it was at its most powerful, even the three holy places were attacked and many people died. Although it was encircled and suppressed and declined for a period of time, it finally kept a low profile because of the intervention of the demon tribe and the alliance with the devil. Some, continue to accumulate strength secretly.

Thirty years ago, a Demon Lord from the Demon Dao developed a Heaven-Devouring and Earth-Devouring Demonic Technique and spread it widely. The principle of the Heaven-Devouring and Earth-Devouring Demonic Technique is actually very simple, basically similar to that of Beiming. The magical skill is stronger and more evil than the Beiming magical skill. It can drain a person's energy and energy and turn it into nutrients for his own cultivation.

Moreover, this magic skill can also ignore qualifications.

No matter what kind of spiritual root it is, even mortals without spiritual roots can practice it. There is no bottleneck in the cultivation process. At most, inner demons may be born, but as long as your heart is firm enough and you don’t feel that what you do is wrong, you can just Devil, it doesn't matter at all.

Theoretically speaking, as long as enough monks are devoured.

It is also easy to become the Ancestor of Transformation God.

The only problem is that it will be more dangerous when going through the Nascent Soul Tribulation and the Divine Transformation Tribulation, as the thunder tribulation is relatively powerful.

However, this flaw is really insignificant compared to the other benefits of this technique. In addition, the demon king doesn't care about the secrets of the technique at all, and for a period of time, he distributed it almost everywhere for free, so the entire demonic power , rapidly expanded under the terrifying blessing of the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique, and became out of control.

Then Zhongzhou was completely in chaos and out of control.

Those who have practiced the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demonic Art secretly hide the fact of their practice while hunting other monks to improve their cultivation. Those who have not practiced it are always worried and suspicious, fearing that one day they will die.

As more and more monks who practice the demon-devouring skill successfully break through the realm of golden elixir, Nascent Soul realm, and even the realm of god transformation through this demon skill, many righteous golden elixir monks and Nascent Soul monks whose longevity is approaching, also I couldn't help but feel a little moved, and secretly fell into the devil's path.

Immediately afterwards, the three holy places joined forces to slay the demons.

I want to completely ban this practice.

It's a pity that it has an effect, but the effect is not great. First of all, people's greed determines that it is difficult to completely ban this technique, let alone that there are still demonic monks spreading it.

The only good thing is that the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique basically only spreads within the territory of Zhongzhou. A small amount may have flowed out of Zhongzhou, but at least it has not radiated to the world, so other areas are basically stable at present.

Only Zhongzhou is becoming more and more chaotic.

Ten years ago, many demon clans learned the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demonic Technique, and those demon clans had the habit of devouring monks.

This habit became even more out of control.

So what Zhongzhou is facing at this time is not just demonic chaos.

To be precise, it should be regarded as a chaos of demons.

The city where Bai Sheng is located is relatively peaceful because it is located on the border of Zhongzhou. Now it is becoming more and more chaotic as you go inside. According to the latest news from Feng Sheng Tower, the three major holy places are in chaos, and the fundamental reason is , the god-transformation realm demon king who created the sky-devouring and earth-devouring demonic skill successfully broke through to the realm of transcending tribulation.

It is the first breakthrough in nearly ten thousand years.

As soon as this news came out, who could not be moved by those monks in the realm of gods whose life span was approaching, and those who had already despaired of the future? Not to mention those monks who have been unable to go further, even some ancient tribulation monks have woken up to investigate.

He also wondered whether this Heaven-Devouring and Earth-Devouring Demon Technique could possibly break through the restrictions and once again trigger the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation.

Thereby reopening the ascension channel.

At this time, Zhongzhou had become even more crazy because of the news. A few families who were unwilling to get involved began to move out secretly.

After learning this, Bai Sheng's face was as wrinkled as a bitter gourd, because she felt that her plan might have to change again. Compared with just devouring others, or even not devouring people, devouring monsters can also go all the way. The heaven-devouring and earth-devouring demonic skill that successfully broke through the realm of transcending tribulation.

The secret technique she created to help the fake elixir and real elixir monks transform their fake elixirs and real elixirs into golden elixirs is really not worth mentioning and has no appeal.

Not attractive, how to attract people!
How to build your own power?
Nothing is going well lately...

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