Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 226 Don’t bully the old and the poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 226 Don’t bully the old and the poor (13) [-in-]

Kunlun Holy Land, inside Jiusheng Yuxu Palace.

The other two Holy Lands, together with dozens of Tribulation-Transcending Ancestors from the Kunlun Holy Land, were gathering together in a very rare event to discuss how to deal with the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique.

But what they were discussing was not banning this magical power.

But how to limit the implicit indulgence.

"I think you all know that the Heaven-Eating Demon Lord broke through the restrictions and broke through the realm of transcending tribulation. This is the first time in the past ten thousand years that someone has broken through among the human race, demon race, sea race, immortal cultivator, demon cultivator. Zuo still doesn't understand what's so magical about the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique, but since it can break the ten-thousand-year limit.

There should be a glimmer of hope that the shackles that have prevented anyone from overcoming the calamity and ascending for a hundred thousand years can be broken. "

Because everyone who came to participate in the meeting basically had the same views, Patriarch Jiujun did not deliberately conceal or express his thoughts in a roundabout way, but said bluntly:
"So what I want is to loosen the ban on this demonic skill a little bit, and at the same time, don't target the Sky-Devouring Demon Lord and temporarily indulge him in his actions, unless one day it is certain that he cannot break through the restrictions and cannot cause thunder disaster.

It is impossible to use the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Devil Technique to overcome the calamity and ascend.

After all, this is the greatest hope we have seen in the past ten thousand years. The long-lived demon clan and the sea clan's tribulation monks can survive for another few million years, but we, the human race, can't survive. In no more than 100,000 years at the latest, our group of human race tribulation-crossing monks will reach the end of their lives, while the demon race and sea race tribulation-crossing monks still have quite long lifespans.

If they take action against us humans then.

No matter how we humans resist, even if we risk the lives of all humans, we may not be able to do anything.

So we discussed many years ago that we have only two choices in the future, either to find a way to reopen the ascension channel, and to force all the monks from the demon clan and sea clan to transcend the tribulation realm to ascend with us.

Either we fight against the Monster Clan and the Sea Clan, and even if we die, we must take away most of their tribulation cultivators. Only in this way can our human race have a glimmer of hope in the future.

Otherwise, we, the human race, will sooner or later become flesh and blood livestock raised by those demon clan and sea clan. "

“So, although the widespread spread of the demonic secret technique, which is almost evil, is contrary to morality and our principles, for the sake of the human race, I still hope that everyone can put down their inner grudges.

Turn a blind eye to the matter. "

After saying that, Patriarch Jiujun stood up and bowed to everyone present. If the human race was prosperous, talented people emerged, and the future was secure, he would certainly be able to righteously judge the demonic path, and even go to war with the demonic path at any cost.

Completely destroy the evil way and set the record straight.

But it doesn't work now. Today's human race seems to be still very prosperous, and can even compete with the demon clan and sea clan on its own. But they, the ancestors of the Tribulation Realm, know very well that this is just the last afterglow of the human race.

When their group of tribulation ancestors died, there would be no new blood to replenish them, and the tribulation ancestors from the Sea Clan and Monster Clan would basically not die because of their long lifespans.

At that time, the human race will be in danger of destruction in an instant.

No matter how bad the Demon Way is, no matter how evil the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique is, at least the main practitioners are still human beings, when the external pressure and danger are great enough.

Some compromises can be made internally.

Moreover, no matter how evil the secret arts are, they cannot be compared with the rise and fall of the race. In the face of the rise and fall of the race, the ancestor of Jiujun is undoubtedly willing to bear the infamy.

"We can also understand what fellow Taoist said.

But if I just let it go, I'm afraid that the situation will get out of hand in the future. If I take too many shortcuts and get used to shortcuts, how many people will be willing to continue to practice slowly and step by step. When the time comes, won't we, the monks of the righteous sect, become weaker and weaker, and many disciples will not be able to keep up with those demonic monks, so how should we deal with ourselves?

It is very easy for the human heart to indulge and destroy.

But it’s difficult to tighten the constraints! "

Although there were many people present who were moved, some people also raised their own concerns. You can't just ignore it at all costs. You still have to consider the impact and harm if things get out of control.

I'd like to try to find a compromise.

Or at least make things controllable.

Ancestor Ziji thought so and said so.

The meeting fell into silence for an instant, and the ancestors began to think one after another. Those with the ability to deduce would try to deduce the possible results of different decisions. Those without the ability to deduce should estimate based on their own experience.

Then they all felt that they really shouldn’t be too indulgent.

"If the future world degenerates into a world of cannibals, killing and devouring each other, then I think it would be better for mankind to simply perish!"

"Once the evil in people's hearts is completely released, it will be very difficult to rein it in in the future!"

"As far as I know, there are already some weak monks who dare not take action against the demon clan and have begun to take action against ordinary mortals who have no power to bind chickens. The number of these people is definitely not a small number, and their wanton devouring of mortals is undoubtedly destabilizing the cultivation. The foundation of the human race cannot be tolerated.”

"Some sacrifices are worth it."

"They'll understand."

"Can we issue a ban and require the demonic monks who practice the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demonic Art to only devour demons and sea people, but not human beings? Anyone who violates this rule is an enemy of our human race and must be killed with all our strength.

Then he killed the chickens to scare the monkeys and wiped out several families.

It should be enough to act as a bit of a deterrent. "

"I'm afraid the effect is limited and difficult to last. The most important thing is that the devouring effect of this magic skill is so powerful. As long as it is devoured, no one can tell whether the other party is devouring human race or demon race, even if this magic skill is not running. "

"Otherwise, we can directly negotiate with those old people on the demonic side. We will allow the Heaven-Devouring Demon Lord to continue to practice this demonic skill, but other people are not allowed to practice it. Anyway, if you want to try this demonic power, you can't break through 100,000. Year limit, reopen the ascension channel.

As long as one person succeeds in cultivation, it will be fine. "

"This is a good idea."

"This method is good, but it is too idealistic. It's not like you don't know the character of those old people from the Demonic Way. They don't care about the future of the human race, whether the world is in chaos or not. They only care about themselves, as long as they can make people If they ascend safely, even if they directly sacrifice one billion or ten billion human beings, or even sacrifice the entire world to evil spirits, they are probably willing to do so!"

"Well, it sounds like if we want to ban this magic skill, we can completely ban it. As long as the demonic side is unwilling to compromise and cooperate, we really have nothing to do with them. After all, we can't fight the demonic way to the death because of this.

In a real fight to the death, the human race will still suffer the consequences.

I only benefited from the Demon Clan and the Sea Clan in vain! "

When talking about this, the Tribulation Ancestors present became even more frustrated. They had too many aspects to consider, and they simply couldn't do whatever they wanted.

Nowadays, I really feel like my hands are tied.

In the end, they could only decide to try every means to reject the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demonic Art, while at the same time contacting some of the Tribulation Ancestors of the Demonic Path, hoping that they could consider the future of the human race, cooperate with each other, and not become sinners through the ages. Then, the development of the overall situation.

Almost all of them come up against their worst-case scenarios.

The demonic side doesn't care about the future of the human race at all, and even laughs at Jiujun Patriarch and their hypocrisy. At the same time, because the effect of the Heaven-Devouring and Earth-Devouring Demon Technique is so amazing, more and more righteous monks can't help but feel lust in their hearts. In the end, he became a demon and practiced this technique.

The Three Holy Lands and the righteous sects simply couldn't stop it, and even many people within them fell into corruption. The most frightening thing is that the Demon Clan and the Sea Clan soon joined in and made appropriate modifications to the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique to make it more suitable for them. Then the world was completely in chaos, and everything was shrouded in a bloody storm.

Hiding in the portable plane, Bai Sheng was completely at a loss when he saw that the city he had just stayed in for half a month was destroyed by a few demon cultivators who practiced the sky-devouring and earth-devouring demonic art. All the monks inside were killed and devoured. .

The situation in this world is changing too fast.

It was so fast that she was dazzled and at a loss.

"How could this happen? How could the world situation be so chaotic in an instant? And this matter should have nothing to do with me. The impact of the things I did would not be so great as to cause such a big turmoil!"

At first, Bai Sheng even doubted whether all this had something to do with herself. After all, it seemed that she was the only outsider at the moment. She still understood the butterfly effect, but no matter how she thought about it, she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong. Things can have such a big impact!
This is no longer an ordinary chaos, it is simply a great calamity at the end of the field, comparable to the kind of calamity.

"Wait, measure the calamity... measure the calamity..."

The word calamity that suddenly flashed in her mind seemed to instantly open up Bai Sheng's two channels of Ren and Du, and she suddenly realized, isn't it? The current situation is not like the various calamities that will occur in many worlds.

The sky sends murderous intentions, and the stars change places.

The earth emits murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the land.

Human beings are murderous, and heaven and earth are in turmoil.

During the calamity period, the calamity energy burst out and the heavenly secrets were in chaos. No matter how chaotic the world was, it was not surprising that several major races were even fighting to the death, and the world of cultivation completely declined.

It is also normal to directly enter the Age of Dharma Ending.

After all, any calamity seems to mean the end of an old era and the beginning of a new era.

"The outbreak of calamity must have a purpose. It is either driven by the consciousness of heaven or the consciousness of the world, or there is a big force planning behind it. No, the calamity with such a wide radiation range should not be planned by a big force, or that Even if it is planned by big forces.

There must also be deliberate promotion of world consciousness.

It is not that there have never been swallowing techniques similar to the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique in this world before, but they are very restrictive and have serious side effects. This skill is so special, it's as if someone has deliberately opened a backdoor for this skill, so the side effects will be much less during practice.

Only world consciousness has such authority. "

After combing his thoughts to this point, Bai Sheng finally had some guesses about the truth of this world, that is, the world consciousness of this world is consciously promoting the outbreak of calamity.

The purpose is either to suppress the entire spiritual world.

Or he just wants to destroy the world of practice.

Let this world enter the end of the Dharma era.

It does not mean that the world has entered the Age of Ending Dharma, which means the decline of the entire world. It just means that the world consciousness is disgusted with the cultivation civilization and wants to change its track.

A place where water and soil support its people will lead to civilization.

When the development of this civilization is beneficial to the world itself, the world may consciously make the environment in the entire world more suitable for this civilization.

In the world of spiritual practice, it is an explosion of spiritual energy.

A prosperous age of spiritual practice was born.

But once the development of civilization goes astray, or it begins to harm the world itself, the world has not yet developed consciousness, and there may not be much that can be done. But if consciousness is born in the world, when self-interest or even life is threatened, something will naturally be done.

Change the environment and trigger calamity.

The core reason should be that the world consciousness believes that the development of this civilization has taken the wrong path, or that it is harmful and useless if this civilization continues to develop.

They have all been regarded as pests by the world consciousness.

It is natural to be purged.

Although he understood the situation, Bai Sheng undoubtedly became more distressed because there were too many dangers during the calamity period. The most important thing is that the world consciousness should be awake at this time, and is even controlling the changes in the entire calamity behind the scenes. As long as she, an outsider, tries to overcome the calamity, she will probably be discovered by the world consciousness immediately. At that time, whether she is alive or not Death is hard to say.

But if she didn't overcome the tribulation, she wouldn't be able to break through at all.

No matter how strong the Nine Transformation Golden Core Realm is, it is still only the Golden Core Realm. Even if it fights to the death with ordinary Nascent Soul Realm monks, it is still incomparable with the God Transformation monks.

This kind of cultivation can be achieved in a small place.

But in Zhongzhou, they are just bigger cannon fodder.

Not to mention that there are monks practicing the Heaven-Devouring and Earth-Devouring Demonic Art everywhere now. It is estimated that before long, these righteous monks will become the prey of the vast number of demonic cultivators.

As a result, the original person's other last wishes could not be fulfilled at all. How could this not make Bai Sheng feel frustrated?

Just when Bai Sheng was struggling with whether to leave this world immediately and complete the mission, five whining sounds suddenly came from her ears, and then she felt that the spiritual energy of the nearby heaven and earth began to decline sharply. After thinking about it for a moment, Bai Sheng understood that it should be Something happened to the five spiritual energy ancestral veins:
"No, that's weird. Logically speaking, even if the consciousness of the world wants to push for the end of the Dharma Age, it won't be in such a hurry. Normally, there is a buffer. From being unable to ascend a hundred thousand years ago to being unable to break through the tribulation realm ten thousand years ago, It is the normal buffering stage of the Dharma Ending Era.

But what happened recently?
Why do I feel that the consciousness of the world is particularly anxious, and everyone who has the ability seems to want the world to enter the age of the end of the Dharma immediately.

Yes, I just said that something feels wrong. The consciousness of this world is really too anxious. If it is so anxious, wait, if the entire practice world is destroyed, it will naturally be regarded as fulfilling the original body's last wish of revenge.

Then the world of cultivation disappeared. Although the order of the ordinary mortal court and country may not be very good, compared to the world of cultivation, there is still a certain degree of order.

Seen this way, the purpose of world consciousness.

Barely enough, it can be considered as fulfilling the original wish.

Since the purpose is the same, there is actually the possibility of cooperation. There are many things that world consciousness cannot do directly and can only be promoted indirectly. But if there is a helper and I feel that I can get a head start, maybe I can give it a try...

However, you still have to be a little cautious.

I will try to overcome the tribulation later, and at the same time be prepared to leave this world. If the consciousness of the world can communicate and is willing to talk, then stay and cooperate with it.

If we can't reach an agreement, we have no choice but to withdraw! "

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