Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 227 Don’t bully the old and the poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 227 Don’t bully the old and the poor (14) [-in-]

Although Bai Sheng had already had the idea of ​​communicating and cooperating with the consciousness of the world, she was reluctant to use the origin of the world to seduce him this time. After all, you don’t need to think about it to know that the world consciousness of this world must have encountered some problem, so it is so anxious. If the origin of the world is released, there is a high probability that it will be like a meat bun beating a dog, and there will be no return.

When crossing the tribulation, releasing the aura from another world will attract the attention of the world consciousness. Although it is a bit dangerous, it is cheap!
Then it was Bai Sheng's preparation time.

Not only must we prepare for overcoming the tribulation, but we must also prepare for a timely and safe escape from this world in the event that world consciousness is difficult to communicate and cooperation cannot be achieved.

After three days of this, Bai Shengcai hurriedly found a valley where there was no one around, so that ordinary mortals or other monks would not be affected, and he officially started to break through. While making the breakthrough, he did not forget to release some of the otherworldly aura in his soul, which was a very deliberate expression of his identity.

Originally, thunder tribulation was an external manifestation of the rules of the world. Bai Sheng also showed off the alien atmosphere in his soul. It was difficult for the world's consciousness not to notice it.

After paying attention, He naturally sent down the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, and adjusted the power of the Thunder Tribulation to the maximum level within the rules. Theoretically speaking, no monks should be able to survive it. Even if they did, the worst they could do was to go back and upgrade to another level. , which directly evolves from Thunder Tribulation into Divine Punishment.

Now is the critical juncture, and the consciousness of the world does not dare to relax at all, and can only kill the people from the other world.

Seeing the sudden increase in power in the sky, the thunder tribulation that had turned from gray to purple-black, the corners of Bai Sheng's mouth and eyes twitched, and then he hurriedly used his personal plane to protect his mental power, and penetrated into the terrifying thunder tribulation:

"World consciousness, I know that you should have discovered me and that my soul comes from another world. At the same time, I know very well what you are doing and your purpose.

I think our goals should be the same.

So do you want to cooperate?

Although it is very fast for you to promote calamity and promote the end of the Dharma Age as soon as possible, if you can have a monk to help, or be your spokesperson to help you do something directly, the speed will definitely be faster.

You must have encountered something now and are very anxious.

That's why they push forward the calamity so crazily.

I can help you! ! ! "

Bai Sheng has communicated with the world consciousness of other worlds before, and her soul essence already has some innate charm. The most important thing is that the world consciousness is indeed paying attention, so her words are quite smoothly received by this person. The square world world consciousness is received.

Then the purple-black thundercloud paused.

A vast consciousness connected with Bai Sheng's spiritual power: "Your aura is indeed a bit strange, not quite like those immortals, but who can guarantee that you are not a spy?"


Bai Sheng was a little confused, and at the same time his mind was spinning rapidly. Since the other party was worried that she was a spy of the so-called immortal clan, it naturally meant that the biggest crisis facing the world consciousness now should be the immortal clan.

As for the Immortal Clan, as the name suggests, they are most likely those who have become immortals, or those who have ascended.

Of course, it may also be the source of spiritual practice.

Legend has it that the cultivation techniques in this world were not created by the mortals in this world by inhaling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but were taught by immortals, immortal magic, demonic magic, etc., all of which were taught by immortals and immortal beasts.

According to legend, in line with the resistance attitude of today's world consciousness, the method of cultivation seems to be a bit foreign.

Now that the consciousness of the world is awakening or awakening, it is no longer willing to accept this foreign thing, so it has done these things, and even promoted the arrival of the Age of Ending the Dharma.

The most important thing now is to let the world's consciousness believe that she has nothing to do with the immortals he mentioned, and to express her goodwill and let the other party understand that she has no ill intentions towards her.

After thinking about it, Bai Sheng hurriedly showed some of the memories that she could reveal, including the tasks she was doing, the purpose of the tasks, and what tasks she had taken, etc. Even when she was gaining the power of time through these tasks, Tell the world consciousness truthfully.

And after some verification, world consciousness.

It is basically certain that what Bai Sheng said is true.

In addition, the power of time that White Sanctuary wants to obtain does not have much impact on the world, and it is not worth mentioning compared with the negative impact of the actions of the immortal clan on him. Of course, the most important thing is that He is really in a hurry right now, so it would be better to have a spokesperson to help.

So the next second, the calamity cloud that had not even descended from the thunder calamity completely dissipated, and the consciousness of the world directly pulled Bai Sheng's spiritual power into the void to communicate.

The main thing is to tell the specific situation.

And what Bai Sheng needs to do.

The whole thing is not complicated. To put it simply, countless years ago, before the world had a consciousness, this world was found by the immortals, and many humans and other species migrated into it.

Just explain it in a scientific worldview.

Found the immigrant planet and immigrated there.

But there was no aura in this world at that time, because it was a primitive world without any tendencies and with infinite possibilities in the future. If there is no human intervention, what kind of life will eventually be born in this world will determine the future trend of this world.

But with the intervention of the fairy clan.

Of course they wanted to change the world in the direction they wanted, and then they built an ascension channel. However, it couldn't be called an ascension channel at that time. To be precise, it should be regarded as a spiritual transformation channel.

It is to convert the fairy energy of the fairy world into spiritual energy and guide it, so that the world can adapt to the spiritual energy environment, so that spiritual energy can be born on its own, and indirectly promote the recovery of spiritual energy.

The process is very complicated. To put it simply, it is to transform this primitive world without any tendency into a spiritual world with rich spiritual energy. This process lasted for many years until the world origin of this world self-derived nine ancestral veins of spiritual energy.

It means the transformation is successful.

It means that this world has become a world of practice.

The next step, of course, is to spread the cultivation techniques among the human race, enlighten the demon tribe, and open up spiritual wisdom to those demon tribes. When the cultivation civilization is completely formed, those immortal tribes will withdraw from this world, leaving only a passage for ascension.

After that, the cultivation civilization became more and more prosperous.

And some people started to ascend.

Actually speaking, the birth of world consciousness is also related to those fairy clans. This does not mean that world consciousness was enlightened by those fairy clans. The main reason is that the birth of world consciousness relies on the development and prosperity of intelligent civilization.

Without those immortals who could quickly create a cultivation civilization, world consciousness would not be born so quickly.

When the world consciousness was first born, because a lot of its knowledge and even its consciousness originated from the cultivation civilization, it had no ill intentions towards the cultivation civilization, and did not regard the beings who migrated from the immortal clan as outsiders. He even worked hard to promote the development of spiritual civilization.

Created a golden age of spiritual civilization.

The main manifestation is that at that time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was very rich. It was very easy for monks to practice. There was no bottleneck spiritual root restriction at all. Not to mention the life with nine orifices, even plants and trees were very easy to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

Well, you can actually understand the result after just thinking about it.

Of course, a large number of lives ascended to the fairy world.

And what does ascension mean?

Ascension not only means the outflow of countless talents, but also means that they also take away a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth originates from the spiritual veins derived from the origin of the world, and is indirectly equivalent to the origin of the world. The world consciousness may be able to accept a small amount of loss, but no one can bear a large amount of loss, because it is related to the lifespan of the world, the power of the world, and even the life and death of the world consciousness.

When a person's life span ends, the stars will perish.

The world is no exception.

There are constantly beings in the world ascending to other worlds, taking away a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. In fact, it is basically equivalent to people getting sick, with their bodies riddled with holes, and constantly losing their vitality. Such people obviously cannot live for long, and such people In the world, it is also difficult to live long.

The world consciousness is not for anything else but to save itself. In order to live a few more years, it has to make changes.

So after the Golden Age, the entire practice world began to decline. This was not only related to the large number of tribulation-transmitting monks who ascended through tribulations, left this world, and took away a lot of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also related to the conscious restriction of world consciousness. Anyway, since then, practice has become more and more difficult, and differences in spiritual root qualifications have also emerged.

What matters in the golden age is understanding.

After the golden age, the spiritual roots of qualifications are most important.

A series of operations such as thunder tribulation and longevity limit are also methods gradually improved by world consciousness. The core purpose is to prevent the monks from ascending as much as possible.

As long as they don't ascend and eventually die in this world, their flesh will rot in the pot, their spiritual energy will still be in the world, there will be no leakage, and there will be no damage to the world or world consciousness. But once they ascend, it will be pure flesh-cutting.

These operations continued for a long time.

Lasted until one hundred thousand years ago.

One hundred thousand years ago was a dividing ridge. Before that, although cultivation became more and more difficult and ascension became more and more difficult, some people still ascended. From then on, let alone ascension, they could not even trigger the thunder tribulation of ascension. arrive.

The core reason is that the consciousness of the world has sealed the ascension passage. Looking back further, the fairy world has discovered that there are fewer and fewer ascendants in their area over the years, so they sent two immortal tribes to see what was going on.

When the Immortal Tribe first came, the world consciousness had not yet been born, so it was naturally impossible to stop it. This time the Immortal Tribe came again, the World Consciousness was very clear. They wanted to cut flesh from themselves, and they were constantly absorbing the nutrients of this world to strengthen the Immortal World. . So when he decisively sealed them at the entrance of the ascension passage, he also sealed the ascension passage together.

And began to think about how to completely destroy the ascension channel, or at least get the world out of the ascension channel.

The best way is of course to destroy it by force, but his world consciousness cannot reach outside the world at all. At the same time, he does not believe in those who practice in the world, not to mention that the life in the world is not native life. It’s even harder for the world’s consciousness to trust.

So in the end He had no choice but to choose.

Try to find a way out of the Ascension Channel.

The method is actually very simple, that is, let his world enter the Age of Ending Dharma. As long as his world enters the Age of Ending Dharma, the spiritual energy will be completely cut off, and the ascension channel that relies on spiritual energy will be unstable. At this time, he must find it in the fairy world and find it in the fairy world. Before the ascension passage is stabilized at the other end of the fairy world, he quickly escapes from the ascension passage.

Then all he had to do was concentrate on resisting.

Even if the fairy world came again, it would not be able to forcibly set up an ascension passage into his world.

The main reason why the ascension channel could be easily built before was that there was no world consciousness born in this world in ancient times, and the world could not stop it instinctively. And the fairy world gave the Ascension Channel enough energy, that is, the support of fairy energy, to force the Ascension Channel to take root in the primitive world without spiritual energy, and continuously transform the original world. When the primitive world is transformed into a world of cultivation, the Ascension Channel It’s perfectly rooted here.

And after taking root completely.

The fairy world stopped transmitting energy.

The ascension channel is perfectly integrated with part of the world barrier in this world. According to the deduction of world consciousness, only by letting this world enter the apocalyptic era without spiritual energy can the connection point of the ascension channel become necrotic in the shortest possible time, thus achieving the two goals. Separation between them.

The prerequisite is that the fairy world cannot take action in time.

Conveys immortal energy and stabilizes the ascension channel.

However, World Consciousness believes that even if the Immortal Realm can detect it in time, it will be difficult to take action immediately. He only needs to seize the opportunity and interrupt the ascension channel for a second.

As long as he is interrupted for a second, he can immediately replace and repair the part of the world barrier that was originally connected to the ascension channel, and resist any external invasion with all his strength. By then, he can mobilize the power of the entire world and still be able to compete with those so-called immortals. At the same time protect your own.

Ten thousand years ago, the two immortals who had been trapped in the seal for 90,000 years blew themselves up and died. Not only did they break the seal, damage the ascension passage, but also sent the relevant news back. At this time, the world's consciousness immediately realized that something was wrong. , and hurriedly accelerated the process of the Dharma Ending Age.

More than half a year ago, several more immortal clans arrived.

Part of it is repairing the ascension channel.

There is also a part of the seal that was re-strengthened after attacking the world consciousness, and wants to come in again.

The immortals who came this time were stronger.

I'm afraid the seal won't last long.

The most important thing is that the ascension channel is closely connected with the world barrier. They were originally connected to each other, but the world consciousness forcibly imposed a seal and blocked it. In this case, He couldn't mobilize the power of the entire world to seal it. He could only mobilize some of his own instincts to seal it. The power of such a seal was naturally limited.

Once those immortals break the seal and come in, he doesn't know if the immortals will have any weird means to deal with him. After all, the history of the immortals is too long.

The world of origin is also too powerful.

Therefore, the world consciousness is not in a hurry, and hastened to promote the development of the calamity at all costs.

I just hope that the world will enter the age of Dharma-ending as soon as possible.

Get rid of the state of being sucked blood all the time.

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