Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 228: Don’t Bully the Old and the Poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 228: Don’t Bully the Old and the Poor (End) [-in-]

At this moment, the world's consciousness has a very simple request for Bai Sheng. It is to hope that she can help him and promote the development of the calamity, so that this world will enter the Age of End of Dharma as soon as possible and completely cut off the path of cultivation and the source of spiritual energy.

Bai Sheng had no objection to this.

Soon they cooperated with the world consciousness to cause trouble.

As for the specific operations, there are too many.

For example, when it comes to destroying spiritual veins, the destruction here does not mean destroying it in the traditional sense, but using White Saint and White Saint's portable plane as a transit to absorb the spiritual vein into her portable plane and transform it into the origin of the world.

Then it is returned to world consciousness.

The world consciousness has actually done similar things before. For example, before the Bai Sheng transcended the tribulation, the destruction of the five spiritual energy ancestral veins was caused by the world consciousness. It's just that the world consciousness cannot directly restore the spiritual energy ancestral veins to the origin of the world. It can only indirectly promote the five spiritual energy ancestral veins to open their spiritual wisdom, induce them to try to transform, and then let them fail to transform and die, indirectly destroying the ancestral veins.

As the ancestral veins are destroyed, the consciousness of the world needs to appropriately modify the rules around the ancestral veins, so that the original breath in the ancestral veins can be absorbed and digested subtly.

Recover the world origin consumed by the derived ancestral line.

Yes, it's that troublesome.

Although world consciousness is the consciousness born from the world, it cannot perfectly control the world. At most, it can only indirectly affect changes in the world through some operations.

This is actually the same as for people.

The human soul is the consciousness born from the physical body, but normal people are not able to perfectly control their physical bodies. People can keep their bodies relatively healthy through healthy eating and rest, but they can also prevent their bodies from getting sick and keep certain cells in their bodies. It's impossible to do something and return to childhood!

Unless you practice and reach an extremely high level!
Although the world consciousness at this time has been born for millions of years, it is still in its infancy, and it is still the kind that was forcibly spawned by the cultivation civilization of the immortals.

Obviously not very capable.

It’s normal to have restrictions on how you behave and do things.

But now with the help of Bai Sheng, many things are much easier and more convenient to operate. For example, the spiritual veins can be extracted completely and included in her portable plane, and then she can use the power of her portable plane. , absorbing and transforming spiritual veins into the origin of the world.

Bai Sheng's portable plane has been perfectly refined by her.

The degree of control far exceeds the control of world consciousness over the world, which is why it is so easy and convenient to refine spiritual veins.

The process loss is less than 3%.

Just within the acceptable range of world consciousness.

It's a win-win situation.

World consciousness uses the help of White Saint to speed up the advent of the Age of Ending Law. White Saint also takes the opportunity to gather some wool. Three percent of the origin of the world is not much, but a little can add up to a lot!

As for the karma of extracting spiritual veins, she is working for the consciousness of the world, and of course she has immunity privileges.

If there is karma, Bai Sheng is out of his mind.

Only then would you do such a thankless thing.

In addition, Bai Sheng also continued to sow discord and expand the radiation range of the calamity.

Anyway, there is world consciousness and portable plane protection.

Her life-saving skills are absolutely top-notch.

The result of this operation is that the spiritual veins of the entire world, large and small, are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the concentration of spiritual energy is falling again and again.

The origin of the world is growing.

The awareness of the world is also getting stronger and stronger.

However, in three years, the concentration of spiritual energy in Central Continent has dropped a hundred times. The originally remote place has almost become an spiritual energy desert. The spread of the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique has become even crazier, and no one can stop it.

Because many monks already need to rely on the Heaven-Devouring Demon-Devouring Earth Technique to maintain their cultivation from regression.

Spiritual veins are the source of spiritual energy. With the spiritual veins basically disappearing, the remaining spiritual energy can be said to be used less and less. Various spiritual roots and spiritual plants that rely on spiritual energy are dying in large areas. After all, their growth environment has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is impossible for them to evolve to adapt to the environment in a short period of time. Naturally, they can only die.

Only a few sects with abundant spiritual stone stocks can barely keep some spiritual plants by forcibly extracting the spiritual energy from the spiritual stones, but this is just a desperate struggle.

Moreover, these are not the most important things.

Even the spiritual plants are all dead.

The worst thing is that there will be no elixir available in the future.

What's even more terrible is that as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth becomes increasingly thinner, it will take an extra long time for many monks to recover after the spiritual energy in their bodies is consumed. It is better to have spiritual stones. Without spiritual stones, even if a foundation-building monk stays in Zhongzhou, It also takes two or three days.

Only then can the mana in one's body be restored.

It takes a week for the monk to recover.

For the ancestor of the God Transformation, it would take at least two or three months to recover just by relying on the spiritual energy that still exists between heaven and earth.

This is still in Zhongzhou!
If you go to places like Xianyun City, let alone consume and recover your mana, you need to do your best to keep your cultivation level from falling back without taking action. After all, practicing this kind of thing is actually not easy. Advancing leads to retreat, and maintaining one's cultivation requires consuming spiritual energy.

Therefore, in the spiritual desert area, if there is no spiritual stone elixir as a supplement, the monks will easily regress in cultivation.

In order to survive and not regress in their cultivation, many monks can only practice the Heaven-Swallowing Earth-Devouring Demon Technique. By devouring the energy and blood of others, they can maintain their own cultivation and not regress.

And this is still not the end!

As all the large and small spiritual veins in the world were extracted by the White Saint, transformed into the origin of the world and returned to the world consciousness, the world consciousness finally has the ability, or the authority to modify the rules of the entire world.

Wait until the world rules are modified.

The real disaster has arrived.

Compared to fundamentally modifying the rule system of the entire world, measuring calamity is really just a small effort.

As the rules were revised, the concept of aura was completely erased from the world's consciousness. The result was that the aura contained within all people and objects with aura rapidly dissipated and disappeared. The spiritual stones and elixirs that were originally able to extend their lives quickly degenerated into ordinary jade and ordinary herbal mud, and magic weapon storage rings and the like also completely collapsed.

The magic energy, golden elixir, Yuanying, etc. in the monks' bodies are all rapidly dissipating. Ordinary Qi refining monks are fine, but most of them are getting older. Those monks with higher foundations are disintegrating as their cultivation base is disintegrating, and they quickly die of old age.

The demon clan and sea clan are also degenerating.

Degenerated into ordinary beasts and aquatic animals.

The foundation of the existence of the world of cultivation and cultivation civilization lies in spiritual energy, and the root of spiritual energy lies in spiritual veins. Spiritual veins evolved from the origin of the world under the influence of the ascension passage of the immortal clan before the world consciousness was born. Now the world consciousness cooperates with Bai Sheng to All spiritual veins are transformed back into the origin of the world, completely cutting off the source of spiritual energy.

Naturally, the concept of aura can be erased.

Changes in the rules of the world cannot be reversed by ordinary monks, so no matter how hard they try, they cannot prevent the spiritual energy from disappearing completely. Even those monks who were previously hiding in the Cave Heaven Paradise and trying to survive through the Cave Heaven Paradise have all died. .

Because Dongtian Paradise also relies on spiritual energy, before the spiritual veins disappeared, there was still spiritual energy between heaven and earth, but with the complete disappearance of spiritual energy, Dongtian Paradise naturally collapsed.

In just three days, all the monks in this world who were over a hundred years old were basically dead. Only some younger monks were still alive, such as those who were over sixty and had broken through to the realm of foundation building or the realm of forming pills.

Of course, just living.

All his cultivation was definitely gone and he instantly became a mortal.

Only the body-refining ones are slightly better, but because the body-refining monks mainly rely on spiritual energy to refining the body, rather than purely refining the body with energy and blood, they are only stronger, but their strength is limited, similar to those of the horizontal refining warriors.

At the same time, Bai Sheng is no exception.

After all, her current body originated from this world and is naturally affected by the rules of this world.

Fortunately, Bai Shengyou quickly switched to Qi and Blood Martial Arts. This way you can save your life and avoid dying of old age.

But no matter what, most of the original wish can be regarded as fulfilled, whether it is the four major alchemy families that surrounded and destroyed the Bai family, or the Jiaolong family that later attacked the Bai family, or even the overseas immortal alliance, etc. , now undoubtedly all destroyed.

As for hoping that there will be order in the spiritual practice world.

If the spiritual world is gone, how can there be no order?

In the end, Bai Sheng, who was staying in the personal plane, decided to leave this world after finishing the last thing and end her mission in this world.

That is to find tribesmen other than the original nine tribes.

Give them some benefits, help them reestablish their clan, and most importantly, let them worship their original parents and younger brothers, so that they can alleviate some regrets.

Based on this idea, after Bai Sheng raised his Qi and Blood Martial Arts to a certain level, he quickly took out a personal aircraft that could reach half the speed of light, and used the soul to run the bloodline family-seeking technique to find relatives outside the nine races.

During the flight, Bai Sheng discovered that the reality seemed a little different from what she imagined. The world did not become peaceful because the spiritual energy dissipated and the monks disappeared.

There are still many people fighting bloody battles everywhere.

It's just that the scale of the bloody battle is relatively small, and the scope of the impact is not wide, so it will not cause the destruction of a certain city casually. If you look closely, the situation will be basically clear. It is the warriors who are counterattacking the cultivating family.

Before the aura of heaven and earth completely disappears, mortal warriors can only obtain a certain status in mortal countries.

Or serve as a slave in the spiritual world.

But as the spiritual energy disappears, the originally aloof cultivator instantly becomes a slightly stronger mortal, while the warrior is still a warrior. At least the disappearance of the spiritual energy has little impact on the innate and warriors below the innate realm.

After all, warriors mainly focus on internal training. Before the Xiantian realm, spiritual energy was not involved at all. The Xiantian realm could only reluctantly use spiritual energy. The disappearance of the spiritual energy would have no impact on warriors below the Xiantian realm. For warriors in the Xiantian realm, it would only be slightly less. some means.

They may not dare to do anything at first.

But as someone discovered that those practitioners had become mortals, any acquired warrior could easily kill a large number of originally aloof Qi-refining cultivators.

Revenge and greed instantly set off a bloody battle.

Think about it, those warriors who were originally treated like dogs suddenly had a status reversal with those of practitioners.

How many people can be so kind and ignore past grudges?
In addition, the foundation accumulated by those practicing families over the years is undoubtedly quite rich, not to mention that there are various ways to practice immortality. Although those warriors knew that something big might have happened that caused those practitioners to instantly become mortals, even if they knew it, it would not affect their desire to see and practice the method of immortality, and they even had hope for it.

Do you think they might be able to practice?

As countless cultivating families were jointly destroyed by those warriors, everything including the secrets of skills and techniques were scrambled and divided. Many secular dynasties that were more remote and had slower news circulation also gradually participated in this carnival and directly mobilized The army conquered and plundered.

The world was in chaos and bloody disputes began.

It is estimated that it will continue until all the sects of the aristocratic cultivating families are divided up, and they find that any immortality cultivation method cannot be practiced, there is no more spiritual energy in the world, and the road to immortality cultivation is completely cut off.

Only then will they restrain themselves and gradually restore peace.

Bai Sheng had no choice but to speed up the personal aircraft, and he was not in the mood to stop it.

Don't look down, just be out of sight.

Then, of course, they successfully found relatives outside the original nine tribes, and selected a few who felt good to teach them Qi, blood and martial arts, helping them quickly reach the innate realm and at the same time accumulate a certain amount of power, leaving only a few Let them enshrine the memorial tablet as the ancestor of the family, and then leave directly.

Just when Bai Sheng was about to leave.

The consciousness of the world suddenly took action and stopped her.

It has to be said that Bai Sheng was really frightened by the consciousness of the world. He even doubted that this guy wanted to kill the donkey. Not only did he want to take back her, but also the three percent of the world's origin that he had harvested, and even her personal belongings. We all have to take the planes together as our own.

"Don't panic, I don't want to attack you.

I just have something else to ask you for help with. "

The world consciousness obviously also sensed Bai Sheng's caution and panic, so it quickly comforted and said immediately:
“My plan went slightly wrong.

The ascension channel was not disconnected. Those damn immortals used the immortal weapons in their hands and the immortal essence in their bodies to forcibly maintain the ascension channel, which resulted in the ascension channel not being disconnected for a while as I planned.

And they seemed to have asked for help from the fairy world.

If we can't quickly disconnect the ascension channel, I'm afraid things will be even more troublesome when more immortals arrive.

So I hope you can help me.

Help me destroy the ascension passage!

It's very simple. I use the origin of the world to transform your body into a particularly powerful physical explosive. Then you can enter the ascension passage and explode yourself. You have a portable plane. As long as the soul escapes into the portable plane in time and returns, it should be It won't have much impact on you.

If you agree, I can give you a little more of the origin of the world, or you can ask for other requirements. "

Bai Sheng knew very well that the world consciousness said it was asking for help, but she actually had no room to refuse. If she refused, the world consciousness might go crazy. But if she agreed, she would not be afraid of the world consciousness going back on her word.

In other words, killing the donkey is the best way to kill the donkey.

Because self-destruction requires entering the ascension passage, entering the ascension passage is actually leaving the world, so naturally she no longer has to worry about the consciousness of the world preventing her from leaving.

However, it is estimated that the consciousness of the world will use some means to ensure that Bai Sheng will definitely self-destruct when entering the ascension channel.

Avoid plans that go wrong again.

After considering these factors, Bai Sheng readily agreed. At the same time, he did not ask for the origin of the world, but asked:

"Although there is no reincarnation in this world, true spirits can still reincarnate after death. You should be able to find the clansmen whose original bodies died. I hope you can arrange a good family background for them. If possible, It would be better to let them reincarnate into the newly created Bai family, that would be even better.

what do you think? It shouldn't be difficult, right? "

The most regrettable thing about this mission is that all nine of the original tribes have died. Now that he can make demands on the consciousness of the world, Bai Sheng thought for a while and realized that he still did not strive for the origin of the world, but wanted to make up for the regrets of his original body.

"By the way, the original true spirit is still there.

Please help her to have a lifelong relationship with her parents and younger brother, so that they can be mother, daughter and brother again. "


This matter is only slightly troublesome to the world consciousness, not difficult, so there is no need to refuse.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng and the world consciousness signed a rule contract on this matter, and then the world consciousness injected the world essence into Bai Sheng's body until the amount was large enough to destroy the ascension channel.

Then it stopped.

And quickly sent Bai Sheng into the ascension channel.

Bai Sheng kept his promise and hurriedly self-destructed as soon as he entered the ascension passage. At the same time, his soul escaped into his personal plane at the moment of self-destruction and chose to return.

The roar suddenly sounded.

The several immortal clans who were breaking the seal on the Ascension Passage and maintaining the Ascension Passage, as well as the area of ​​the Ascension Passage near the lower realm, were instantly destroyed by the self-destruction of Bai Sheng's terrifying body. The world consciousness hurriedly took advantage of the moment when the ascension channel was broken to repair the world barrier and prevent any external energy from invading.

Finally succeeded in getting rid of the blood-sucking fairy world.

And quickly escaped along the void sea.

Take the world with you and escape like a drift.

When the Immortal World discovered this situation and sent people over, it was already too late. The next step is probably to go back and summarize the experience and lessons. In the future, other worlds below the Immortal World may not be able to escape so easily.

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