Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 229 Extra: Bai Yu’s Revenge of No Return [2 in 1]

Chapter 229 Extra—Bai Yu’s Revenge of No Return [-in-]

Tianyuan year 97865, at three quarters of the night on October 10th, in the underground spiritual vein secret room of the Bai family on Zhongsha Island.

Bai Juan, who failed to break through, is giving his final instructions:

"My breakthrough failed this time, and my demise has become a foregone conclusion. Although the family still has a few fake pills in charge, it is not enough to maintain its original status. If I are lucky, I may just be reduced to a second-class family.

If you have bad luck.

It is very likely that there will be a disaster.

After all, the other four major families have many conflicts with my Bai family. They are not particularly closely married to each other, so it is difficult to ensure safety. Therefore, we must be prepared for both sides and be prepared for the worst case scenario.

Before I tried to break through, I had already given away some unknown cultivation seedlings in my family.

At the same time, they were allowed to take away part of the family property.

Now that the breakthrough has failed, the remaining descendants with quite good qualifications have to find a way to send them away. If the other four major families don't kill them all, a few fake alchemy monks will be enough to cope with the situation. If they kill them all.

Leaving some good seedlings to build the foundation and even the realm of Qi refining in the family will be of no use at all, and will be lost in vain.

By the way, Bai Yu, you are the youngest fake alchemy monk in our family. It should be no problem for you to leave this time and lead a group of clan members to find a relatively remote place to re-establish a fake alchemy family.

A good family member also needs someone to protect him.

I also hope you can take more care of me. You, this group of people, are the last hope for my Bai family to make a comeback. "

Bai Juan didn't know exactly what would happen after his death, let alone what the other four major families thought, but no matter what, he prepared for the worst possibility and began to divide the Bai family's assets after giving instructions.

All things that were convenient to carry were given to Bai Yu and other tribesmen who needed to leave secretly.

Fixed assets were left to the clan members who stayed behind.

Such as spiritual veins ore veins, real estate, etc.

There were only jade slips related to knowledge and technology, all of which were copied several times, and each clan member who left had a copy.

Bai Juan not only arranged for the tribesmen to leave, but also didn't let them leave together. Instead, teams left one after another from different directions and at different times. Some left secretly, some left openly, some left without protection, and some left under strict protection.

After all, it is a matter involving the future success or failure of the family.

Of course you have to be cautious.

After the arrangement was completed, or not long after he finished his last words, Bai Juan died unwillingly.

The Bai clan members did not dare to leak the relevant information at all, and still pretended that Bai Juan was still alive, and hurriedly followed his instructions and began to arrange for the evacuation of some clan members.

The more important the person, the earlier the arrangements are made and the more secret they are.

But even so, on the seventh day after the death of their ancestor, the fourth group of clansmen who were evacuated openly had a problem. When they encountered the robbery cultivator who came from nowhere, all the clansmen in that batch were Fall.

Everything he carried with him was also taken away.

When the news reached the Bai clan, ordinary Bai clan members were just angry. Those elders of the Bai clan who were very clear about the relevant situation understood that the ones who attacked the group of evacuated clan members in their family were most likely not the real robbery cultivators, but others. Four major families. After all, ordinary calamity cultivators would not have the guts to take action against an Alchemy Aristocratic Family. The other four major aristocratic families may have realized that something was wrong with their ancestor.

This move is undoubtedly a test.

At the same time, this move also made the Bai family realize that the other four major Jiedan families were unkind. The previous idea of ​​taking a step back, giving some benefits, and still living in harmony with the remaining four major Jiedan families was probably not realistic.

In response, Bai chose to attack with thunder.

They sent all the fake alchemy monks out to chase down the murderer and frighten the foreign enemies, but they didn't know that their aggressive actions just let others see their guilt and fear. In addition, the Zhu family has become an in-law with the grandson of an elder from the Overseas Immortal Alliance who is at the Nascent Soul Realm. This gives them a source of support and they are not afraid of causing problems with the Bai family.

He was later held accountable by the Overseas Immortal Alliance.

So after going through several more trials, it was basically confirmed that the ancestor of the Bai family's Pill Formation had died.

The Zhu family took the lead in contacting the other three major families.

Start taking action.

It is an action to divide the Bai family.

The charge of Bai's liaison with the Hai Clan was decided through private communication between the Zhu family and the people in charge of the Overseas Immortal Alliance.

Then came the annihilation of the Bai family.

The four major families joined forces, and the four ancestors of the Pill Formation also took action one after another, encircling and suppressing, and setting up formations. Although the Bai family fought back desperately, the disparity in strength between them was too great, and in the end they relied on a few fake pills. The monk self-destructed, injuring the core-forming ancestors of the four major families, and destroying the family's underground spiritual veins. Only then did he manage to break through the encirclement and suppress the enemy and help some clan members escape.

However, although the Bai family members escaped at that time, their cultivation level was relatively average after all. In addition, other families on Zhongsha Island were not able to provide help in times of trouble, but they were very good at adding insult to injury. They also actively participated at this time and helped capture the remnants of the Bai family, so in the end Those Bai family members who tried to escape from Zhongsha Island were all captured and perished.

This is the case with my original parents and younger brothers.

They didn't escape at all.

The original person was killed while pretending to be dead.

On the contrary, most of those who pretended to be dead, or found a random place on Zhongsha Island to hide in disguise, and whose identities of the Bai clan were basically unknown, survived. After all, there were tens of millions of people in Zhongsha Island, and there was no household registration at that time. Even the four major families could not investigate each one one by one. They could kill all the suspected people without being reviled by the whole world.

So they can only go so far.

After checking and dividing the Bai family's assets, they instantly understood that the Bai family had been prepared. Many of the family's core treasures and core personnel had been transferred long ago, so they quickly focused their energy on chasing and leaving Zhongsha Island long ago. They didn't bother to check the remaining members of the Bai family on Zhongsha Island.

Because they knew very well that the remaining Bai clan members on Zhongsha Island were all useless trash. Those who were truly useful and talented had long been secretly transferred away by the Bai clan.

This is the fundamental reason why the original body can survive.

If the Bai family encountered a normal situation at that time, a normal fight between two families, then most of the clan members they transferred and escaped in advance should have survived. After all, an ordinary Danjie family, There is no ability to search everywhere for people.

However, the Zhu family did not follow common sense. They used their contacts in the Overseas Immortal Alliance to directly accuse the Bai family of colluding with the Hai Clan. So the final result was that the Overseas Immortal Alliance also pursued the Bai family.

Even if you don't use a lot of force.

Just issued a wanted warrant.

The impact was also huge, at least for the surviving members of the Bai family, it was a disaster.

The unknowing Bai clan suffered heavy casualties.

Bai Yu, who left with the core seeds of the Bai family and had just settled down again, was discovered and reported by non-staff members of the Overseas Immortal Alliance before he had time to figure out the specific situation. Immediately afterwards, he was brutally pursued.

All the core seedlings of the family died.

Even he himself was seriously injured and fell into the abyss. It was a kind of forbidden place in the ocean, bottomless. I only saw people going in and never coming out. He could only escape into it, and those who were chasing him would not dare to follow him, so he had a chance of survival.

But Bai Yu, who entered the abyss, did not die.

He even encountered many adventures in the abyss, such as the source of Beiming, which is one of the origins between heaven and earth. By merging with it, one can obtain the Divine Body of Beiming.

It was precisely because of this unexpected encounter that he was able to recover quickly from a seriously injured and dying state. Relying on the return of the Beiming Divine Body to the ruins and his ability to tolerate nothing, he quickly transformed his fake elixir into a The true elixir eventually turned into the Nine Turns Beiming Golden elixir.

At this time, he not only regarded the four major alchemy families in Zhongsha Island as his enemies, but also the entire overseas immortal alliance. In addition, he also regarded those who made trouble in the Huansha Islands as his family's enemies.

Because there are too many enemies and the overall strength is too strong.

So he did not act rashly for revenge.

Instead, he is preparing to continue to improve his strength.

In order to enhance his strength and make some preliminary preparations for revenge for his family, what Bai Yu did after that was indeed not upright, and could even be described as sinister and cunning, but the specific operations were too many.

For example, you can use the characteristics of your own Beiming Divine Body to devour a certain Sea Clan, and then use the Sea Clan's essence and blood to directly disguise yourself as that Sea Clan, or become that Sea Clan.

Attack and destroy some families who had a grudge against him.

A family that once killed people from the Bai clan.

Of course, the premise is that he can fight it.

The Beiming Divine Body is a special divine body bred from the origin of the ocean. It has a certain suppressive effect on all sea clans. At the same time, by devouring the sea clan, it can acquire the magical powers of that sea clan and become that sea clan, etc.

If you can devour all the sea tribes.

It can even transform into the body of Poseidon.

The true god of the ocean, the god of the sea who has ruled the world since then and can mobilize a large part of the ocean's power.

It's just that there are too many marine races, and some races are hidden very deep. It is really difficult to devour all the marine races in the four sea areas.

Bai Yu just regarded it as a long-term goal.

His current goal is to disguise himself as the Sea Clan, attack and destroy certain human families, and at the same time attack some Sea Clan as humans, hoping to single-handedly start a war between the Sea Clan and the overseas fairy alliance. He has too many enemies. , can only try to find ways to kill people with a borrowed knife.

Anyway, all his immediate family members were killed.

The only thing that keeps him alive is revenge.

Stealing the dragon eggs is also one of his plans. He wants to devour all the major races in the ocean and transform his own body of the North Ming God. To devour the major races in the ocean, he must devour the entire body. What needs to be done is not to cut off some flesh and drink some blood.

He was definitely no match for the adult dragon, so in the end he could only focus on the young dragon and its eggs. However, the young dragon was not that easy to steal. On the contrary, the dragon eggs were not raised by the dragon clan themselves, but by them. The affiliated Jade Clan takes care of it.

This gave Bai Yu an opportunity. He found an opportunity to devour a Jade Clam clan, and relied on his own efforts to successfully be selected and enter the incubation base of the Jiaolong clan.

In fact, some of the dragon eggs are innately defective and difficult to hatch successfully. In the end, there is a high probability that they can be taken away quietly, but Bai Yu wants to get something good for himself, and at the same time, he also wants to take the opportunity to let the Sea Clan and the Overseas Immortal Alliance A war broke out completely. Some ordinary sea people and ordinary people died before, so they have been holding back and not breaking out.

If some important people died.

If we don't fight, it won't be justified.

Out of these thoughts, Bai Yu finally stole the colorful dragon egg that was the most closely guarded and carefully protected. What happened next is very famous. It is basically consistent with the rumors from the outside world. He escaped all the way and the dragon clan chased him all the way. He fled to Zhongsha Island to hide.

And when the four major families on Zhongsha Island compromised.

Quickly swallow the dragon eggs.

Then he split into a clone and stayed in suspended animation, while the main body turned into an ordinary sea creature and sneaked away from the bottom of the sea.

That's right, when the entire Zhongsha Island and the Huansha Islands were completely destroyed, and everyone, including the Hai Clan, thought that all the people inside were dead, and Bai Yu was also dead, Bai Yu was not actually dead, he was just hiding.

He originally thought that there would be a war between the Sea Clan and the Overseas Immortal Alliance in the future, but what he didn't expect was that the Overseas Immortal Alliance was too cowardly and compromised directly. In the end, it was the remaining members of their Bai clan who suffered the disaster.

This made Bai Yu angry and regretful.

But there is absolutely nothing he can do to stop it!

In order to save his life and avoid being traced using bloodline techniques, he quickly removed the Bai family bloodline from his body while leaving overseas.

The reason why Bai Sheng couldn't find him was because he had the Bai family blood removed from his body many years ago.

After leaving the ocean, his Beiming Divine Body obviously could not continue to transform into the Poseidon Divine Body. He went completely crazy for revenge and lost his mind. He finally chose to join the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Sect, which is the fastest in cultivation.

And accidentally discovered the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Sect’s Heaven-Swallowing Demon Skill.

It perfectly matches his physique.

Although the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique can also devour other people's cultivation and improve their qi and blood, the swallowing efficiency is very poor. In the end, only about 30% can be transformed into one's own cultivation.

At the same time, if the attributes of the swallowing are incompatible with itself or are too complicated, it is easy to go crazy.

Therefore, you must have a choice when devouring. It is best to focus on the group of monks who practice a certain skill or a certain attribute. Otherwise, only devouring ordinary mortals can avoid side effects to a certain extent.

But in this case, the speed will naturally be slower.

Bai Yu unexpectedly discovered that his Beiming Divine Body was not affected by those side effects. The end result was that his cultivation level increased rapidly, and within a few years he successfully broke through to the realm of god transformation and became the famous Sky-Eating Demon Lord.

And according to his own physique, he made appropriate modifications to the original Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique and changed it into the Heaven-Devouring Earth-Devouring Demon Technique.

Then he spread this magic power.

In addition to being crazy and wanting to take revenge on society, directly devouring monks who practice the Heaven-Devouring and Earth-Devouring Demon Technique will improve him even more and make it easier to digest, which is also an important factor. After all, if he wanted to destroy the Dragon Clan and the Overseas Immortal Alliance, the state of becoming a god was not enough, he had to go one step further. But it had been ten thousand years since anyone had broken through from the realm of becoming gods to the realm of overcoming tribulations, so he could only continue to take shortcuts, hoping that quantitative changes would lead to qualitative changes.

And not to mention, he really did it and successfully became the first tribulation-transcending monk in ten thousand years to achieve a new breakthrough.

But before he could reach the perfection of transcending the tribulation.

Take action against the Dragon Clan and the Overseas Immortal Alliance.

Bai Sheng took the lead and united with the world consciousness to directly destroy the entire cultivation world. As the spiritual energy disappeared, Bai Yu, while aging rapidly, already understood what happened, and even more clearly understood that the monks of the Dragon Clan and the Overseas Immortal Alliance were absolutely It's the same situation as him.

So when he died of old age, he was not in despair.

Instead, he laughed a few times and closed his eyes happily!

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