Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 230 Extra: Guide to Colonizing the Immortal World [2-in-1]

Chapter 230 Extra - Guide to Colonization of the Fairy World [-in-]

On a certain year and month in the Longhan era, in the Huaxu Heavenly Court within the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, the all-heavens and worlds guidance department used the department's artifact, the Haotian Mirror, as always, to search for a new ownerless world, and conducted traction after positioning it.

Drag it to the vicinity of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm for transformation.

The Nine Heavens Immortal World is very huge. It is not so much a fairy world as a group of fairy worlds. The core is nine huge worlds, stacked up and down, totaling nine levels. This is also the origin of the name of the Nine Heavens Immortal World.

There are countless middle thousand worlds attached to the edge of the nine great thousand worlds, and those middle thousand worlds are called small fairy worlds.

On the edge of each small fairy world are also attached to countless small thousand worlds. Some of the small thousand worlds are also attached to large planes and small worlds. These small thousand worlds, large planes and small worlds are collectively called mortal worlds. between.

The so-called ascension to the fairy world by monks in the small world and the large plane is actually ascension into the small thousand world, and the small thousand world can only be called the spiritual world. Similarly, the so-called ascension of the monks in the small thousand world The fairy world is just ascending into the middle thousand worlds.

Only when you enter the Great Thousand World one day can you truly become a member of the Nine Heavens Immortal World and be considered an immortal clan.

On this day, the staff of the All Worlds Reception Department, as always, found a small thousand world that had just taken shape, and hurriedly reported the news excitedly, and then after verification, they immediately led the small thousand world to the nearest Near a small fairyland.

Arrange a world transformation passage, and arrange for ten staff members to carry professional fairy weapons to carry out the world transformation task, and at the same time move some criminals in.

The so-called criminals are actually various relatives or descendants of some criminals in the fairy world and the small fairy world.

How to describe it?
Somewhat similar to Exile on the Frontier.

In ordinary mortal courts, when officials or some families commit crimes, if they are not worthy enough to punish the Nine Clan, they are usually exiled three to five thousand miles away, to a bitter and cold place, etc. In fact, they are exiled to the most remote territory.

The fairy world is just that the individual strength is stronger. In many other aspects, it is not much different from the mortal court.

Exiled to a newly discovered world, it was a bitter cold place on the frontier similar to the exile of the ancient imperial court. At most, all their cultivation levels were abolished, and their memories were appropriately deleted or blocked to prevent them from escaping.

It also prevents them from leaving their hatred to future generations.

After their cultivation is ruined, they basically have less than a few years to live. When their descendants reproduce for ten or twenty generations, even if they continue on the path of cultivation again, they will not hold grudges.

He won't even remember his original identity.

I just thought I was a local native.

Moreover, being able to be exiled to a world suitable for human survival is considered to be their good luck, or the result of the operation of some old friends. If no one operates, there will be many worlds that are not suitable for human survival.

After all, there are very few habitable planets in the universe, and there are obviously not many habitable worlds in the Sea of ​​Chaos, the Sea of ​​Void, or the Sea of ​​Worlds. There are many worlds where there is water and no land, or there is only yellow sand all over the field, or the ground is covered with magma. A world where the five elements are complete and the yin and yang are balanced, suitable for ordinary life to live.

That's really rare, very rare.

Once they are exiled to a world where the environment is too harsh, they can only passively adapt to the environment, and eventually become less human, more demon than demon, and become a new species.

There is no way, the cost of transforming a world with too harsh environment is too high, and it even requires a lot of innate resources to be invested in it. So it is better to let nature take its course, put some creatures in, let them adapt to the environment and become new species. Those who can still maintain their basic human form are treated as humanoids, and those who cannot maintain their human form are treated as monsters. It doesn't matter at all.

This time they were lucky enough to find a livable small world where life had not yet been born. The related immortals who knew about it quickly asked people to find connections, sent gifts and made friends, and brought a group of criminals with connections to come over.

The ten immortal tribes sent to work, after settling all the criminals in batches around the world, leaving them with some basic survival supplies and puppets to teach them self-reliance, they officially began the work of transforming the world, and The primitive world is transformed into the spiritual world.

The specific transformation work is simple to say the least.

At least if you have enough cultivation and sufficient resources, the whole work is basically a step-by-step operation and does not require any thinking.

First, the world transformation channel that previously served as a transportation channel is directly inserted into the origin of the world.

The next step is to drive the world transformation channel, extract the fairy energy from the small fairy world, integrate it into the newly discovered world origin of the small thousand worlds, continuously infect it, and let it gradually adapt to the fairy spirit. After about 10,000 years of this, the origin of the world began to derive spiritual energy on its own. At the same time, this also meant that their world transformation plan finally took the first step.

The next step is to take out the nine exhausted top spiritual veins that were prepared earlier, and put these nine exhausted top spiritual veins into the origin of the world for breeding.

As time went by, the nine depleted top spiritual veins not only recovered quickly, but also began to evolve under the nourishment of the world's origin. However, because the nature of this world is only a small world, it is not enough to breed immortal energy.

Therefore, the nine top spiritual veins did not transform in the direction of the immortal veins, but in the direction of the spiritual energy ancestral veins.

Another hundred thousand years passed like this.

The nine top spiritual veins were officially transformed into the ancestral spiritual veins, and were taken out from the origin of the world by Donghua Immortal who was responsible for this matter. According to the original plan, seven of them were penetrated into Zhongzhou, using the pattern of the innate Yin-Yang and Five Elements array. Buried underground in Zhongzhou, the remaining two were driven into the ocean and arranged into a four-sea circulation formation.

The core purpose of arranging these two formations based on the ancestral veins of spiritual energy is not to fill the world with spiritual energy as quickly as possible, but to promote the ancestral veins to generate more spiritual veins.

If the ancestral veins are spread too widely, although the whole world can be filled with spiritual energy as quickly as possible and the spiritual energy of the world is distributed more evenly, it will undoubtedly be detrimental to those ancestral veins deriving other low-level spiritual veins. If it were not for the fact that there must be ancestors in the ocean, Otherwise, it would easily cause the entire world to become unbalanced. They even wanted to bury all nine ancestral veins in Zhongzhou and arrange a nine-gong formation.

Fortunately, even if it is not that extreme.

The results are pretty good too.

In the next three hundred thousand years, with the help of those two formations, the nine spiritual energy ancestral veins derived countless top-level spiritual veins, high-grade spiritual veins, middle-grade spiritual veins and low-grade spiritual veins. Those responsible for this matter Immortals constantly migrate their newly derived spiritual veins outwards.

It took nearly three hundred thousand years to finally bury spiritual veins in most of the world's earth, water, and mineral fire veins, prompting a complete spiritual recovery in this world.

It can also be called the complete transformation of this world from the original primitive world into a cultivation world.

At this point, the world origin of this world has been completely finalized. The energy absorbed from the void sea is first transformed into the world origin, and then nourishes the spiritual veins of heaven and earth everywhere, and finally derives into spiritual energy.

Next, those immortals hurriedly stopped the world transformation channel and continued to instill immortal energy into the world's origin, and pulled out the world transformation channel from the world's origin.

Move to the world barrier.

At this point, the World Transformation Channel has completely completed the first half of its mission and has officially transformed into an Ascension Channel. However, those immortals were still not in a hurry to leave through the ascension passage, because although this world has transformed from a primitive world to a cultivation world, if they were allowed to evolve and grow on their own, it would not take tens of millions of years to derive a cultivation civilization.

It's been so long and they obviously don't want to wait. So it’s natural to start to push back the growth.

There are too many specific operations.

The first is to spread species. Previously, they just moved people here. Other species in this world are still native species. A large part of them have perished due to the revival of spiritual energy. Some of the remaining native species are still adaptable to the spiritual environment. Some are not adapted and are half-dead, and their number is quite small.

Within tens of millions of years, there were several species explosions.

It is difficult to derive enough spiritual plant monsters.

Therefore, the operations of those immortals are also very simple. They directly sow and release the various spiritual seeds and monster cubs they obtained from other worlds in an orderly manner according to their suitable environment, living environment and other factors. It was like this for tens of thousands of years before the world became prosperous, and the descendants of those sinners gradually figured out some cultivation methods without being taught by anyone, but they were relatively rough and at a low level.

However, those immortals were still in a hurry and did not give them a chance to develop themselves. They directly divided the work and cooperated. Some went to the demon clan to spread the skills and enlighten the monsters, some went to the sea clan to spread the skills and open up spiritual intelligence, and some Establishing a holy place in the human race to recruit disciples and teach them opened the door to convenience.

Thanks to such efforts, it only took a thousand years for the entire prototype of the cultivation civilization to be born.

The original ten holy places were thus formed.

There are six holy lands for the human race, two holy lands for the sea race, two great holy lands for the demon race, and one holy land each built by the ten immortals.

The Sea Clan and the Monster Clan, including the four holy lands of the Sea Clan and the Monster Clan, were all created by the ten immortals after negotiation for the sake of balance. Because they know human nature very well, internal fighting is likely to occur even if there are external enemies, let alone if there are no external enemies. Therefore, in order to prevent the evil people in the world from fighting among themselves too much, they can only choose to create some foreign races to check and balance one or two.

It can be regarded as providing some raw materials to the human race.

After all, many elixir recipes, weapon refining secrets, and even formations and talismans require the use of the blood corpses of the demon clan and sea clan, and even their soul inner elixirs.

When the preaching was completed, the ten immortals had completely completed their tasks and immediately ascended through the ascension channel. At the same time, they left all the other monks with a message, that is, if you practice hard, you can ascend to immortality. The ultimate goal of practice.

As the ten immortals ascended and left.

Relevant news quickly spread throughout the world, and the legend that they were originally immortals who only came to teach the Dharma to the lower world was created at this time.

In the millions of years that followed the development of the spiritual world.

There are constant disputes in the spiritual world.

There are constant battles between the human race, the demon race, and the sea race.

The three major holy places of the human race, one each of the demon tribe and the sea tribe were destroyed one after another. Along with these holy lands, the four major spiritual energy ancestral lines were destroyed. Some other sects and families derived from the disciples of these holy lands gradually showed a hundred flowers blooming. With the original holy places as the core, it is spreading and developing. Although the war brought a large number of casualties, it also indirectly promoted the entire spiritual world to enter a true golden age, and countless people ascended to immortality.

But what those ascended people don’t know is that before entering the small fairy world, all ascended people must take a look at the merit mirror to see how much merit and karma they have. Those whose merits are greater than their karma can directly arrange their household registration. Both If it is basically the same, temporary household registration can be arranged, and it can be converted into a regular household without any problems after three years.

Those whose karma is greater than their merits need to be reviewed.

In the end, they will probably be sentenced, such as ten years of mining slavery, a hundred years of mining slavery, etc., or other punishments.

Those with monstrous karma will be put to death directly.

The spiritual energy is returned to the world. Of course, it is not returned to the original small world, but returned to the small fairy world. This can also be regarded as an alternative way of seizing the origin of the world.

It's still a pretty mild kind of capture.

As for the ascension of the demon clan and the sea clan, this little fairy world is the territory of the human race after all, so after the demon clan and the sea clan ascend, they are directly brought to the kitchen of the heaven in the little fairy world. The meat is fresh and tender or tastes good, and it can also be used as food. Enter the mouths of some high-level immortal kings.

The ones that are not delicious can only be used as raw materials for alchemy and weapon refining. If they are not even used as raw materials for alchemy and weapon refining, it will be a disaster. There is always a shortage of test medicines for the newly developed elixirs. Monsters and sea creatures who can transform The family is quite suitable.

After all, they are all low-level sea monster bloodlines.

Huaxu Heavenly Court even has dragon liver, phoenix and gallbladder, but the Little Heavenly Court below has some dragons to eat, who can say anything?
Later, I didn’t know if there was any special communication method among the ascended ones of the Sea Clan Monster Clan, or there was some special induction. Anyway, many senior officials of the two clans felt that the situation after ascension might not be very good.

So they began to suppress their own cultivation.

If you work hard, you won't survive the calamity, and you won't ascend.

Unless life is coming to an end.

Therefore, the reason why there are so many immortals in the Tribulation Realm between the Sea Clan and the Monster Clan is not only because they have longer lifespans, but also because they feel the heaven is dangerous and do not dare to ascend. This is also an important factor.

Just because no one can come back from the fairy world.

So it can't be confirmed.

Logically speaking, this set of procedures in the Xiaoxian world is actually very good. They even have the rule of returning every ten million years to eliminate the consciousness of the world inside the Xiaoqian world. However, this time they encountered an accident.

Even within a normal small world, civilization is born.

It basically takes about 10 million years to give birth to world consciousness, so a return visit every 10 million years has never had any problems in the past.

However, this world captured the core of a incomplete world millions of years ago, and by devouring the remaining world consciousness inside the core of that incomplete world, it gave birth to self-awareness millions of years in advance. At the same time, it also deeply hated the blood-sucking of the fairy world. , and began to plan.

When there was a problem with the ascension channel, the people in the fairy world didn't even think that the world was born with world consciousness in advance, and they didn't pay much attention to it until the dispatcher died, and then they paid a little attention to it.

But still no special attention was paid to it.

However, with the subsequent destruction of the ascension passage and the successful escape of Na Fang Xiaoqian World, Immortal Realm Na had to sum up its experience and lessons and revised the Immortal Realm Colonization Guide.

It's not too late to make amends.

Got a patch.

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