Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 231: Planning just for survival

Chapter 231: Trying every possible means just to survive (1)

After returning, Bai Sheng chose to temporarily store all the world origins that she had gathered this time, and then use them all at once in the future after she has accumulated enough to transform into an innate creature.

Then of course it’s time to move on to new tasks.

Enter a new world.


As soon as he entered the new body, Bai Sheng knew that the original body should have died of illness this time. After all, the cancer cells in the body had spread completely. But fortunately, she was not in the morgue of the hospital at this time, so she didn't have to worry about the problem of fake corpses. The next second, Bai Sheng hurriedly merged with her original body and started to use the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique.

When cancer cells are temporarily controlled.

Bai Sheng also successfully learned the original memory.

The original person's past experience is very simple, he comes from a simple ordinary family. His father is a barefoot doctor and his mother is an ordinary farmer. She is the eldest, with two younger brothers and a younger sister. When she gets older, the matchmaker will help her look after her, and then she will marry according to her parents' orders and the matchmaker's advice. It's hard to say whether they were in love or not after marriage, but the two of them lived together, which was mostly the case at that time.

There is no love or no love, no affection.

When you are in extreme poverty, having enough to eat and drink is happiness.

After marriage, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was average, but not particularly bad. The relationship between the sisters-in-law was also just okay. It was just like that, neither good nor bad. On the surface, they look harmonious, but privately they are somewhat contradictory. After all, they are not separated, so living together will inevitably lead to some bumps and bruises.

How could there be no contradiction at all?

After they separated ten years later, their relationship became much better.

Yuan Shen gave birth to two sons and a daughter. When the policy was liberalized, the children happened to be of marriageable age and the family did not have much savings, so Yuan Shen and his wife gritted their teeth and started a small business selling breakfast, keeping up with the times.

They sell everything from alum fritters to saccharine cakes.

We can’t blame them, that’s what everyone did at that time. How much sugar does it cost to add sugar to that cake? The cost is too high. Saccharin is cheap, and it’s very sweet just by adding a little bit at a time. Alum fried dough sticks, on the other hand, only with the addition of that additive can the fried dough sticks become more fluffy, beautiful and delicious.

If you don't let it go, it can still explode.

But it’s too solid and small.

Besides, everyone was doing it at that time, and no one said it was not allowed or impossible, and no one said it was poisonous or anything like that.

Although the couple's craftsmanship was not very good and they didn't have any family secrets, there were very few people doing business at that time, so they got their first bite of dividends, so the business was okay, and they got married to their children in five years. .

The old house was repaired and a new house was built.

Just in time for two sons to get married.

The two sons married wives from Lijiazhuang and Zhoucun respectively, while the daughter married the Shi family in Shanghe Village.

It was less than a year after all three children were married.

His business plummeted.

Previously, everyone was a little afraid of doing business. In addition, the original couple always told people that it was not profitable to sell these things, so no one competed with them for business. But now they are building a new house and giving it to them. My son and his daughter held a wedding, and it was pretty good. Even a fool knows that they must have made money!

Those who think their skills are good and are willing to take risks can follow suit and start doing business.

Then, my craftsmanship is really good.

At least it's much better than the ordinary craftsmanship that the original couple can only say is not unpalatable, and there are many different styles. The original family only sold fried dough sticks and rice cakes, but in order to grab business, they specially developed more varieties. Or maybe they were well-informed and knew more cooking methods, so they introduced sweet sesame cakes, salty sesame cakes, and sesame cakes filled with New products include deep-fried meatballs, sesame dumplings and sesame pancakes. In addition, people selling sweet porridge, salty porridge, steamed buns, and carrot cakes are also setting up stalls one after another.

Directly from the original original net worth to thrive.

Become a hundred flowers blooming.

Of course, not all of the new stalls are good at their craftsmanship, and some of them are unpalatable, so the next step is mainly a new stage of competing with each other and competing on their craftsmanship.

In the past, there were only one or two selling things, and everyone had no choice but to make do with it. However, as the number of sellers increased and the number of people selling homogeneous and similar types of things increased, everyone naturally had the ability to compare. There are people comparing which one tastes better, which one is cheaper, and which one has larger quantities.

If you are greedy for cheap, go to a store that either has the same quantity but a cheaper price, or the same price but a larger quantity. If the taste is good, you will naturally buy it from a store with better taste. If you don't buy it, then I'm sorry. .

The original family is the kind of person who doesn't touch the three things.

No one is good at craftsmanship, and he is unwilling to release new products, and he is not willing to lower prices. He feels that his family has been in business for a few more years than others, so he still needs some old customers.

But the old customers are not stupid, and they are not philanthropic. Occasionally, old customers come to repurchase. Yuan She and her husband always ask people why they haven't come here often recently, trying to attract business.

But that's so embarrassing, right...

After asking this question, he immediately walked away. Soon, his family was living a life of eating fried dough sticks and home-made pancakes three times a day.

There's no way, we can't sell out and we don't have a refrigerator or anything.

You can't throw it away if you don't want to eat it at home.

The original family could only reduce the amount of production. Even so, the business continued to get worse and worse. In the end, it reached the point where it could not make ends meet, and every time it was opened, it was a loss.

After all, oil, carbon, etc. are all costs.

In addition, the original son and daughter were already married, and they felt that they had completed their mission, so in the end they simply sold the stall and returned to their families to farm and work part-time.

Otherwise, we always say that people have to have a little bit of land!

Even if things don't work out, the only way out is to go home and farm.

After returning to the family, the main part-time job was for the original husband. As for the original person, firstly, he took care of the family, took care of the land in front of the house and behind the house, and divided the several acres of land between households. Secondly, he urged his two sons to go out. Working part-time, the daughter-in-law quickly got pregnant. Only after she got pregnant could the two sons go work elsewhere and earn more.

Later life became even more sparse and ordinary.

It's just that the two daughters-in-law got pregnant one after another, and then the two sons went out to work. The original couple stayed at their hometown, taking care of the fields, taking care of the daughter-in-law, and helping out when something happened.

When the two daughters-in-law gave birth, their husbands did not come back in time, so the original couple took care of them during the confinement period.

At that time, this situation was not uncommon.

After all, in the 1980s and 1990s, both transportation and economic development were quite poor. Many people went out to work, basically going out after the Chinese New Year and coming back just before the Chinese New Year. Because the fare for a trip back may cost less than half a month's salary, and it's not particularly safe. Of course, we have to reduce the frequency of returning to our hometown.

Some even come back every three to five years, or find another partner directly outside, which is not too outrageous.

Of course, there are also couples who go out to work together.

Each situation is different and cannot be generalized.

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