Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 232: Planning just for survival

Chapter 232: Trying every possible means just to survive (2)

At that time, the elder's family gave birth to a son, and the second's family gave birth to a daughter. At the same time, due to the strict family planning control, neither family planned to have a second child, at least not at that time. Therefore, the original couple is naturally a little partial to the elder family, and at the same time they are still urging, or hoping that the second family will have another child.

They can help find people and build relationships.

However, the second daughter-in-law is unwilling to go back to being pregnant and hiding like a criminal. The key is that they don't think the original couple can have any hard relationship.

If you really have a strong connection, can you still farm at home?

So since then, there have been some conflicts between the original couple and the second daughter-in-law. Although there was no big fight on the surface, privately they both knew that their relationship was not harmonious.

In 1987, the original husband was seriously ill, and he had no other last wishes before his death. He just hoped that the second daughter-in-law would have a second child. The second son promised well at that time, and finally let the original husband close his eyes and leave. But wait He regretted it after the funeral, or his wife was unwilling.

Unless you pay five thousand yuan, absolutely not.

Because they had a second child at that time.

The fine will probably be this much.

The second daughter-in-law is not willing to destitute her family for the sake of a second child, and is still frightened. She wants so much, and she doesn't really expect to get it. The main reason is that she hopes to make the original mother quit and stop messing around.

After the funeral, the original person really couldn't afford so much money, and felt that the second son was really unfilial and the second daughter-in-law was not a good person. He didn't even try to fulfill his own father's last wish before he died, and it was still... He promised it himself. Is this true?
From then on, the relationship between the original person and the second son's family became even worse. At the same time, because the old man's family had a son, the original person didn't care much about it. In the end, he moved directly from the old man's family to the second son's house and died with his wife. knock.

In addition, she also worked hard to save money.

Letting the second child have a second child is her husband's last wish anyway. The son is not filial and does not want to fulfill it. If she, the wife, does not help.

I always feel that I have no face to face the dead old man after death.

Therefore, the main job of the original body is to save money while trying to persuade the second brother and his family as much as possible.

Two years later, I had not saved much money and I was still sick. A check-up at the hospital revealed that I had gallstones and was suffering from advanced gastric cancer. The cost of treatment, even for conservative treatment, made me tremble. , just gave up and prescribed some painkillers like her husband.

Considering that neither her sons nor her daughter's family were very wealthy, and she didn't have much money, she naturally chose to give up treatment and resign herself to fate.

However, the original person was unwilling to give in after all.

He was unwilling to leave without seeing the birth of his second son.

So she just didn't go to the hospital for treatment. In private, she had been trying to collect some folk remedies, secret techniques and the like. Anyway, she just tried whatever she heard was useful and cheap. Recently, she became even more crazy and obsessed with following the master of internal energy. Practice health-preserving internal skills for treatment.

In recent years, not only martial arts novels have become popular.

Neigong masters are also quite popular.

Special effects such as superpowers, healing diseases, strengthening the body without illness, maintaining health and prolonging life, etc. are all based on internal strength. It seems that as long as you practice internal strength, you don't have to worry about anything, and there is no need to open a hospital.

The original person definitely had no money and no ability to go directly to the internal skills master and ask him to help her cure her illness or teach her internal skills, so she could only buy some secret books, buy some relevant newspaper reports, and even try to listen to it on the radio Self-study on related radio stations. Occasionally I would go to the town to talk to people.

But this world is just a very ordinary soulless world, an era of Dharma Ending, so how can it have any internal strength?
So in reality, this operation can only be regarded as allowing the original body to find some spiritual sustenance, and it will not help her condition at all. If she only suffers from some minor illnesses, or simple psychological comfort is helpful to her condition, then Maybe it does have an effect.

But what she had was no minor illness.

So it was natural that he died of illness in the end.

I had two major regrets before my death, which can also be summarized as two last wishes. The first one is very simple, that is, I hope that my second daughter-in-law can have a second child. If it is a son, even better. If it is not a son, at least she has tried hard.

After his death, he should at least have an explanation for his husband.

I can only say that my second son did not have that fate.

The last wish was quite troublesome. I don’t know whether she was confused because of her illness or because she was in a dying state. Before she died, she actually imagined that the internal energy she cultivated was real and that she was a genius. Not only did she cure her illness , and also became a master of internal strength.

He helped many people cure their illnesses and was admired by thousands of people.

It may be that he is in a dying state and is confused because of his illness. He may have fantasies before his death. It may also be due to the fact that he has been reading reports from relevant masters recently.

Bai Sheng felt that the first last wish was actually quite easy to handle. As long as she managed to make some money so that the second child's family, especially the second child's daughter-in-law, would have no worries from now on, she would naturally choose to have a second child.

In fact, it's not that the couple doesn't want to have a second child. The key is that for them, maintaining their current living standards is far more important than having a second child who doesn't know whether they are a boy or a girl. Nowadays, their living standard is only slightly better than maintaining food and clothing, far from being well-off. They all see the consequences of having second children in nearby villages or in this village.

Naturally, there will be concerns and worries in my heart.

As for the second last wish, it is actually not difficult to say that it is difficult. The key lies in the specific choice of one person to do it alone.

Still preaching to the world.

The one-person method means that she is the only one who can practice it. She is the only true master of internal energy, but there may be a risk of being forced to question or even study it.

Preaching to the world, as the name suggests, is to spread the inner strength skills that are real and can be practiced in this world, and the hidden dangers are actually very obvious. After all, a hero breaks the law with force, and with a sharp knife in his heart and a murderous intention, it will inevitably cause certain unrest , which is not conducive to order stability.

Bai Sheng knew very well that she had to take responsibility for her own choices. If the result was good, that would be okay, it would have no impact, or even be beneficial. But if the result was bad, she would definitely have to bear the responsibility.

Even if you say it at least, you will be burdened with karma, which is very troublesome.

After some thinking, Bai Sheng still couldn't make up his mind, so he decided to put aside his second last wish for the time being, preparing to make money first and improve his own life while also fulfilling his first last wish.

But before that, she still had to get treatment.

The next second, Bai Sheng took out some elixirs from his personal plane, and while taking them, he used the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to digest the medicine, and tried his best to treat the cancer in the stomach, and also treat the cancer cells that had spread.

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