Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 239: Plan for survival [2 in 1]

Chapter 239: Trying every means to make a living (9) [-in-]

"Village Chief, I am really not trying to dampen your enthusiasm. If you want to get rich, build roads first. This is not a big problem, but how are you going to get rich? Is there anything in our village that needs a good road to transport it?

Dawang Village has a lot of sand and gravel mining, and you can make a lot of money just by selling sand. Shanghe Village raises tens of thousands of ducks, and sells many duck eggs and ducks for takeout.

The fish culture in Xiahe Village is also good.

Changlin Village has thousands of acres of pear orchards producing pears.

Are there any specialties in our village? Apart from the grain that secures a family's several acres of property, what else is available that needs a good road to transport it? "

Bai Sheng didn't refuse directly, but she didn't immediately agree to help. She wanted to hear if the village chief had any plans to get rich. What if this guy thought that building a road in the village would make the whole village rich, wouldn't he be fooling around?


Actually speaking, Liu Aimin didn't think too much at this time. He just felt that the road in the village was a symbol of the strength of their village. And when he was the village chief, if he presided over the road construction for the village, even if he could not get Recognition and promotion from above can at least leave a strong mark on one's own page of the family tree and gain some fame.

I don’t know how to answer.

After a long time, he said rather dissatisfiedly:

"Can't we build a road if we don't have anything to sell? Once the road is built, it will be easier for people in our village to come in and out!
With convenient transportation, you will naturally become rich! "

Speaking of this, Liu Aimin seemed to feel that his words were slightly inappropriate, and he quickly started playing the emotional card again:
"Daughter-in-law Dafei, if you really don't want to pay for it yourself, just be a middleman and help talk to the boss. Don't always make excuses to refuse. Repairing the roads in the village will also be good for your family.

When the time comes, no one in the village will miss your family.

Moreover, the village has been very kind to your family over the years. When we divided the fields, considering that your family was not prosperous, we specially gave you the fields near your homestead. You have to walk a lot less distance to work than others. .

Also, your family's homestead is larger than other families with the same population, including private land. The village does not take care of you, so you have to be conscientious! "

At this moment, Bai Sheng really wanted to roll his eyes:
"Village Chief, you are not very old, but why is your memory so bad? Didn't the heads of each family draw lots to divide the fields in our village? I am not dead yet. If you tell my son, they may not remember it. But you told me that you thought I had forgotten something due to my Alzheimer’s disease?

Moreover, when the lots were drawn to divide the land, my family had not yet been divided. We only had one homestead and one old house.

Behind the river is the current home of the old man.

The reason why the field is in front of our house now is because our family later split up and when we asked the village for a homestead, we specifically asked for the small mound next to the field.

The reason why the homestead is larger and the land for private use is larger.

It’s also because no one wants that mound!
There aren't even any neighbors nearby. "

The original person may not have a complete memory of what exactly happened in these years, but Bai Sheng's memory shouldn't be too good, after looking through the original person's past memories.

He remembers many things more clearly than the original person himself.

The specific circumstances of the village chief’s so-called preferential treatment.

Nature is also very clear.

Although everyone in the village basically has the same surname, there are also direct descendants, and there are differences between rich and poor. Even if they are equally poor, those with more males will have an advantage over those with fewer males.

The lineage of the original husband's family has been passed down for several generations. During the Emperor Gaozu's period, he had a little money, took a concubine, and gave birth to two sons. As a result, the two sons also had an extinct heir, and the last grandson was the father of two families.

Another single line passed down through several generations.

It was not until the original husband's generation that they had an older brother and a younger sister, but even so, their family was still not prosperous, or even at the bottom.

All I can say is that I won’t be bullied or eaten out.

But there is no hope of taking advantage of it.

There is absolutely no preferential treatment. If you are not bullied, it is because your original mother-in-law is fierce enough, and she has six younger brothers. If she really comes knocking, no one can handle it.

It would be most hurtful not to tell the truth. As soon as Bai Sheng said these words, the village chief didn't know how to respond. However, thinking that his family was not bullied anyway, Bai Sheng did not say anything. After thinking for a while, he continued:
“It’s definitely hopeless to build cement roads everywhere in the village, but some of the roads that are particularly bad and full of potholes can still be fine with a little repair.

Get me a budget sheet and planning sheet later.

If there is no problem, I will donate!

As for the large-scale road construction and cement road construction, I don’t want to overdo it. I’d better wait for the superiors. But at least you can let the superiors see some results and know that we must build roads for our village, otherwise it will affect the development. There are so many villages, why should we build roads in our village first?

Isn’t it clear enough what the villages I mentioned to you mean? The roads in those villages have been repaired and made smooth to facilitate the entry and exit of vehicles.

It is convenient for them to put sand, duck eggs and duck eggs.

And fish and the like are shipped out.

If people have something to sell, they can make money and increase their fiscal revenue. There is nothing wrong with them helping to build roads. There is nothing, just a total loss to build the road. No matter what, we have to wait until the finances are rich, and there is no place to spend the money before we can build it! "

Nowadays, not only do the people have little income and savings, but the various government agencies, including the country, are not particularly wealthy. Except for the particularly brainless local officials, anyone who is motivated and does good for the local people has to find a way to use the small amount of fiscal revenue. Spend on the blade.

The first priority is to make money and increase local fiscal revenue, and the second one is related to people's livelihood.

The rest have to stand back.

After finishing speaking, Bai Sheng, regardless of whether the village chief Liu Aimin understood it or not, served tea and got up to see off the guests. After all, Liu Aimin was too embarrassed to force him to stay. The most important thing is that Bai Sheng finally agreed to help him repair the dirt road in the village.

Nothing is gained by any means.

After the village chief left, Bai Sheng also considered whether to come to revitalize the village and help the whole village become prosperous, but in the end she gave up the idea. After all, she was not the village chief, so her name was not legitimate, and her words were inconsistent.

Secondly, the original person’s last wish did not mention any of this.

Why bother yourself and look for trouble when you have nothing to do.

After the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, she went back to work in the nursing home, still using her energy to help people treat their illnesses.

Although their place is not big, the population is really large. Considering that she can only treat thirty people a month, she can't cure them at all. There is no need to worry at all. She has cured all those who can afford it. Will be unemployed.

Her job is very secure, and as long as she is secure, her children don't have to worry about losing their jobs.

At the same time, because Bai Sheng himself keeps a low profile, the local government office has also sealed it to prevent others from spreading it. In addition, the speed of information circulation is not very fast now, so even the people receiving treatment have a tacit understanding and do not make any publicity. At most, they contact their friends who are sick. Let them come for treatment.

So Bai Sheng is somewhat famous locally.

No one knows him outside the local area.

There is no comparison with those masters who are famous in a county or even the whole country and have been published in authoritative newspapers. However, Bai Sheng is not in a hurry, because after careful analysis of the original wish, she actually did not ask for herself to be famous in the world, she just hopes to be able to treat more people and be respected by thousands of people. If interpreted directly from the literal meaning, Bai Sheng actually does not need to work hard to make himself famous all over the world. As long as he treats more patients locally, he can basically reach the level of admiration by thousands of people.

This was the core reason why Bai Sheng lay down peacefully.

Since you can get your last wish by lying down, why take the risk to defeat those fake internal strength masters, and then try to make yourself famous all over the world, just pretend to be a local miracle doctor.


Half a month later, Bai Sheng donated 30,000 yuan to the village, specifically to repair the roads in the village. However, the reality was a little different from what the village chief imagined. He thought the villagers would be grateful and actively contribute.

After all, it will be good for them if the road is repaired.

But the reality is that many people are wondering if the money can be divided among them. The roads in the village are not easy to walk. If there are holes, just fill them with rocks and soil.

Why spend 30,000 yuan to renovate it? If the 30,000 yuan is divided equally among the whole village, each person can get dozens of yuan.

If there are many people in the family.

It’s almost as much as I’ve earned in a few months.

Some people think that Bai Shengcai can spend so much money in less than a year after possessing the inner strength. It is so profitable that the dirt roads in the village should be repaired once a year.

After all, dirt roads are not as strong as cement roads.

All in all, there were very few people who really wanted to build roads, but there were many who wanted money. The village chief, Liu Aimin, was almost mad at them. He got mad on the spot and cursed them. At the same time, he said that the money was The funds are earmarked for special use and supervised, and no one can misappropriate them privately.

And every family must contribute their own efforts.

In the past, before the land was divided, when work points were still calculated, no one would have any objections to his request, and even if there were objections, they would not object loudly. But now, times have obviously changed. Everyone does their own thing, and there are no work points. , naturally unwilling to provide labor for free.

So I soon started asking about salary.

This was something Liu Aimin did not expect, because his road construction plan actually meant that each family was responsible for the section of road in front of and behind their own house. The village provided materials and villagers contributed their efforts to repair the road in front of and behind their own house.

No one can rely on the rest and hire people to repair it.

In his opinion, the village had already taken responsibility for providing materials, and the roads in front of and behind their houses were being built.

Is there any reason to pay wages?

Then, of course, they continued to quarrel and make trouble. Although they reluctantly reached an agreement and finally settled on repairing the road in the village, no one was happy.

The villagers were dissatisfied with the village chief's decision. They wanted to divide the 30,000 yuan directly. Some even thought that the village chief must be greedy, otherwise why didn't he pay them wages in the first place. In the past, work points were paid when building canals and the like. Work points were equivalent to wages!

Why don't we pay wages for road construction now?
Even if they are building the road in front of and behind their house, they still have to pay wages. After all, it is not their job to build it.

Of course, the village chief Liu Aimin was also dissatisfied. He felt that the villagers were too selfish and greedy. They were obviously doing things for the good of the collective, but in the end they all had their own ideas. It was quite embarrassing to do the same thing. They didn't pay wages, so they should have some money left over. Repair the grain drying field and his office.

It seems hopeless now.

Bai Sheng was also not very satisfied. She paid 30,000 yuan without even a word of thanks. The most outrageous thing was that when she went back half a year later, she found that her second son's house was just down the road from that small mound. The road has not been repaired at all and is still a muddy path.

It wasn't until Bai Sheng asked that Liu Aimin remembered.

I quickly found someone to help me repair it.

The only good thing is that the roads in the village are indeed much easier to walk than before. Although they are not up to the level of cement roads, at least there are not so many potholes, easy falls, or muddy places.

Both small bridges were reinforced incidentally.

But after that, Liu Aimin simply withdrew, and no longer mentioned asking Bai Sheng to continue donating money, or asking Bai Sheng to help matchmaking with the superiors.

Bai Shengze was not happy to return to the village.

He immediately took over the nursing home and refused to leave.

After more than a year of her continuous treatment, the retirees who were originally recuperating in the nursing home have basically been cured. Those without children may still be willing to stay in the nursing home as a pension, but those with children definitely still want to Go back to reunite with your children and enjoy your grandchildren.

So, a month ago…

There are actually very few retirees in nursing homes.

The staff in the government offices basically do not stay here when they come for treatment. They just come for treatment and then go back to their homes after treatment, including their relatives and the like.

In addition, at this time, Bai Shengshou had already saved a lot of money, but it was useless to save it, and it would continue to depreciate in value, so she simply negotiated directly with the relevant departments to transfer the entire sanatorium, including the land of the sanatorium and the surrounding areas. All the land was taken.

Able to be the master of one's own affairs.

Of course, it is better to be the master of your own affairs.

Those staff at the original nursing home who are willing to stay will continue to stay, and their salary will remain unchanged.

At this point, Bai Sheng has successfully transformed from the master of internal energy in the sanatorium to the owner of the sanatorium. However, she is still the one mainly responsible for treatment. After all, she is the only one in the entire sanatorium with internal energy. Who else can do it if she doesn't do it!

By July, August, and September.

Her two daughters-in-law and a daughter went into labor one after another, and gave birth to two sons and one daughter respectively without any danger.

The eldest daughter-in-law Li Lihui got her wish and gave birth to a daughter, and the second daughter-in-law Zhou Ping also got her wish and gave birth to a son. Only the daughter-in-law was unlucky and gave birth to another son.

But her mother-in-law was quite happy.

No need to ask, just volunteer to help take care of the confinement child.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng, of course, gave one of them a thousand yuan for confinement as promised, and then she stopped attending to the confinement, and only occasionally went to visit when she was free.

Zhou Ping spent 100 yuan a month to invite her biological mother to help take care of her. Li Lihui was worried about her biological mother and hired an employee in the nursing home to help take care of her. The employee with a medical background was even more professional!

Bai Sheng specially set aside some time to spend more time with his eldest grandson, eldest grandson and eldest granddaughter, the first born of the three of them. The birth of a second child will definitely distract the parents' energy, and the first child will inevitably be neglected. Even relatives who come to give gifts will only focus on the newborn second child.

The third child will definitely feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course Bai Sheng needs to take more care of him.

And although these three children are not very old, most of them are already in elementary school or about to enter elementary school. They are much easier to take care of than babies. It is easy to take care of them if they are given some delicious food or something fun to do.

Taking advantage of this critical opportunity, in just half a month, Bai Sheng successfully reconciled his relationship with his eldest grandson, eldest granddaughter and eldest grandson, who were not particularly close to each other at first, and his own mother was temporarily forgotten. .

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