Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 240: Planning just for survival [2 in 1]

Chapter 240: Trying every means to make a living (End) [-in-]

Fortunately, Bai Sheng had no intention of sowing discord, and even explained many times to let them understand that their mothers were more concerned about the status of their newborns at this time, so that they could continue to maintain family harmony and ensure the physical and mental health of their children.

But I have to say that taking advantage of the opportunity is really useful.

Originally, neither the original body nor the White Sage paid much attention to their grandchildren. Although they were not too strange to each other, they were not too close either.

But when their parents gave birth to their second child, they ignored them.

Bai Sheng only showed a little kindness and concern, and successfully brought them closer to each other. Now everyone is so close to her that her parents have to stay behind.

However, their biological father and mother did not have much energy to care about them for the time being. Seeing that they had been surrounding Bai Sheng, they were even more relieved and devoted most of their energy and time to the second child.

But this is actually understandable.

Compared with children who are already in elementary school, newborns need more care and attention. When the first child is born, they enjoy no less care and attention than the second child now, or even more.

It's just that they were young and didn't know or remember.

Now that I remember it, all I see is that they were treated differently.

But even a bowl of water for twins is difficult to completely balance, let alone two babies born a few years apart.

But what Bai Sheng didn't expect was that Zhou Ping and Li Lihui were too trusting of Bai Sheng's mother-in-law. Later, they really didn't care about the first two children and devoted themselves to taking care of the newborns. At most, they asked a few questions about where they were. The situation at school was such that Bai Sheng had to talk to them after the newborn was weaned, so that they could devote some energy to caring for the older one.

Don't break your child's heart too much.

Then, they did listen to the advice and began to pay more attention to the two elders. For example, after they came back from school, they would watch them finish their homework quickly, and then help take care of the younger ones, and they would not hesitate to encourage and praise them in the process.

This is used to cultivate the relationship between siblings.

Within half a month of this, their relationship quickly picked up. As for children, innate aspects do have an impact, but more importantly, it is education and guidance.


Time flies by for six or seven years.

By the beginning of 1997, because last year there were several major cases caused by internal martial arts masters, which even resulted in the death of many people, the superiors finally realized that this aspect had gotten a little out of control, and issued a nationwide order to strictly clean up the situation.

Demand a strict investigation into internal fraud cases.

Deal with it severely.

At the same time, many authoritative newspapers and official newspapers also responded one after another and began to report some real cases, expert opinions, etc., directly criticizing internal strength as pseudoscience.

There are no internal masters.

Anyone who says they have inner strength is a liar!
Many well-known internal martial arts masters have also been imprisoned one after another. The lightest ones are life imprisonment, and the serious ones are long enough to be executed. Once it is found out, there are many true crimes.

However, when the relevant news, including the relevant requirements, were conveyed to Bai Sheng and his office, the staff of the local government office were a little confused. They even hurriedly held a small meeting to discuss what the above meant.
"You should have read the specific instructions above, including the information published in core newspapers and periodicals, just now. What do you think it means? Is it a falling out with those who know internal strength or something? Or is it just simple? Fight against the master liar?”

Magistrate Zhang has never retired or been promoted.

I'm really confused at this point.

Judging from the information currently known, it seems that the higher-ups believe that internal strength does not exist in this world, and that all internal strength masters are liars, which is why they have done this.

But they clearly have a master of internal energy.

It's still true!
This kind of contradiction and conflict, as well as the uncertainty of the specific meaning above, forced Magistrate Zhang to brainstorm ideas.

“It should just be a simple fight against the master liar!

I had always thought that the masters reported in the newspapers were all true, and I compared the masters reported in the newspapers with Master Bai. I even thought that Master Bai was not as good as others, but I didn't expect that they were all fake.

These guys are so deceitful.

Fortunately, we have a true master, Master Bai, and those fake masters have no chance of surviving here..."

Speaking of this, Dou Yong couldn't help but take a breath:
"Wait, if we say that we don't have any fake masters here, it's because we have the real master, Master Bai. But if I remember correctly, the few fake masters mentioned in the newspaper seem to be from the capital. These Why are there no real masters to fight against fakes? It shouldn’t be!”

At this moment, he already suspected that he might have thought wrong before. Maybe the superiors really had a falling out with those internal strength masters and wanted to get rid of those internal strength masters.

The reason is very simple. Their small place already has a master who can truly cultivate internal strength. There is no reason why there are not many big cities in the capital. Those big cities have outstanding people and theoretically there will only be more people who can cultivate internal strength.

Therefore, Dou Yong seriously suspected that those fake masters might be real masters, but they had a falling out with their superiors for some unknown reason, so they were defined as fake masters.

And they must be eradicated.

Therefore, the instructions above are most likely to fight the real and fake internal energy masters together, and eliminate all the real and fake internal energy masters.

Everyone present was very smart, and they understood what Dou Yong meant instantly. Those who didn't understand immediately understood after being reminded by the people around them, and couldn't help but take a breath, and then asked worriedly road:
"If this is really what you mean, is it possible that we should also take action against Master Bai and arrest him?
Although Master Bai has made a lot of money in recent years.

But there are also many ways to treat illnesses and save lives!
Many of them are diseases that cannot be cured by hospitals, or cannot be cured at all, or have serious sequelae. My mother's old rheumatism was cured by Master Bai. We can't be too ungrateful, we still have to protect Master Bai.

And everyone is very healthy now. We go to Master Bai's place for maintenance every year, and our health is in a mess. But if there is no maintenance, who can guarantee that we will not get sick in the future, right? So Master Bai can't have an accident. Do we want to inform you? Meet Master Bai.

Let her close the nursing home and keep a low profile for a few years! "

When Bai Sheng revealed his abilities, apart from Wang Laohu and his wife, the first people to benefit were actually the government staff and retirees in nursing homes.

They have experienced it themselves.

Therefore, there is no doubt about Bai Sheng's ability.

Even if they felt at this time that the higher-ups might want to take action against the real masters of internal energy, there were still people who were actively looking for reasons and excuses to save Master Bai.

Is such a master who can cure all diseases gone?

Who will I call when I get sick in the future?
Immediately afterwards, everyone agreed, and they all believed that Master Bai must not be attacked. They could use some gods, goddesses, and men to make up for it, but Master Bai must not be touched.

Just out of concern that the person targeted this time was not a liar but a real master of internal energy, so Magistrate Zhang and others hurriedly sent someone to notify Bai Sheng after consultation. He said that the current situation was not very good and asked her to keep a low profile. It would be better for Nei Gong Sanatorium to close down first, or change it to an ordinary nursing home, or a nursing home or something like that. Bai Sheng actually didn't understand this.

Because they have information gaps with each other.

Bai Sheng knew very well that she was the only one in the world who really had internal power. The so-called internal power masters outside were all liars, but the local county magistrate and others didn't know that. They thought that there were people in their small place who had developed internal power. There are more than a billion people in the world, and there must be many masters who can develop internal strength. This information gap directly causes them to have different understandings of the above policies.

Fortunately, Bai Sheng asked a few more insidious questions.

Only then did we understand the difference in mutual understanding.

Bai Sheng, out of consideration, decided that it would not be a good idea for her to jump out at this time. Once she, a true master of internal strength, appeared, she might be able to save the lives of the other fake masters of internal strength, and let the superiors have some confidence in facing those fake masters of internal strength. Hopefully, current policies will be changed or relaxed.

But those fake internal strength masters are damned to begin with.

If Bai Sheng didn't want to be too ostentatious.

I have long had the idea of ​​cracking down on counterfeiting.

So now we are taking this opportunity to make them deserve what they deserve, which is something that should be applauded and cheered!

Therefore, Bai Sheng quickly expressed that he understood, and then closed the Neigong Sanatorium, renovated it, expanded the specific area, and incorporated all the previously purchased but unused land into the scope of the Sanatorium.

The current area of ​​this sanatorium is definitely enough to accommodate locals, but it is undoubtedly lacking if it is to accommodate a larger range of patients. Moreover, Bai Sheng actually doesn't like the overall style of this sanatorium very much. It's just that he didn't have the time or money to renovate or expand it before, so this time it was done in one go.

Labor costs and materials will only become more expensive in the future.

At the same time, the local swindlers and deceivers were unlucky. They were caught one after another and all their scams were exposed.

It was a great time to popularize science among the people of the county.

There is no way, there are instructions from above, they can't just pretend they didn't see it and do nothing. They don't want to move the real Bai Sheng, and they are unwilling to move, and it is not easy to catch the other fake ones. .

At the same time, there is also an explanation for the above!
At this time, similar operations were being carried out almost all over the country. Later, it may be because there were too many scammers caught and there were too many superstitious operations. The official TV station also launched a scientific exploration program to expose the scams. , eliminate superstitious activities.

It has the effect of opening up people’s wisdom and popularizing science.

Based on this, Bai Sheng specially applied for a Chinese medicine qualification certificate for himself, and renamed the original Neigong Sanatorium to Bai's Traditional Chinese Medicine Sanatorium, and announced it to the outside world as a traditional Chinese medicine health treatment. Of course, even though she changed like this, people familiar with the matter still knew very well that she was using internal power to heal, but in order to avoid Bai Sheng's accident.

Everyone is very cooperative.

Originally, she was praised as a master and her internal power was particularly effective in treating diseases, but she was now praised as a local miracle doctor with superb medical skills.

At this point, the matter of internal strength has been settled.

And as time goes by, not to mention those outsiders, even some local young people don’t know the details of Bai’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Sanatorium. They only know that their Master Bai is a miracle doctor, and there are almost no diseases that she can’t cure. , apart from the higher price, there is nothing wrong with it.

Because he could cure diseases and save people in a traditional Chinese medicine sanatorium, and be admired by thousands of people, Bai Sheng was too lazy to bother with it, and only concentrated on running his own traditional Chinese medicine sanatorium, and started to train traditional Chinese medicine doctors.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Sanatorium, Traditional Chinese Medicine Sanatorium...

There can't be a Chinese doctor who doesn't have any Chinese medicine, and this sanatorium can't be all about her in the future and not accept ordinary patients, so Bai Sheng's operation can be regarded as preparing for the subsequent inheritance.

So as not to look back once she leaves this world.

The entire sanatorium was immediately abandoned.

However, cultivating Chinese medicine practitioners is ultimately more difficult and slower, so it was not until ten years later that the first group of Chinese medicine practitioners that Bai Sheng began to teach officially started training.

At the same time, her Baisheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Sanatorium.

It was also officially renamed Baishi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Previously, there were not enough manpower and there were not enough residents, so there was really no way to take over the work of a normal hospital. Now that there are Chinese medicine doctors who have been personally trained by Bai Sheng and approved by her, the Chinese medicine nursing center can naturally be upgraded to a formal Chinese medicine hospital. The hospital.

This year is already 2007.

It was from this year that Bai's Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic was finally able to spread its reputation openly and locally. Because they already have a group of doctors who can treat most non-terminal diseases, they can also suppress and treat terminal diseases to a certain extent, as long as they are not particularly urgent and can lead to sudden death and death in minutes.

No longer do you need to rely solely on Bai Sheng to use his vital energy to heal.

Of course, the effect is definitely not as good as Bai Sheng's vitality treatment, but compared to other traditional Chinese medicine and Western hospitals, it is definitely very good.

In addition, there is nothing difficult to promote about traditional Chinese medicine.

So their hospital naturally became famous quickly.

People come here every day, and the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, which has been expanded, is soon overcrowded again.

We had to continue to buy land for expansion.

Fortunately, Bai Sheng had anticipated this situation in advance. The training of the second, third, and fourth batches of Chinese medicine practitioners had begun a long time ago, and the enrollment has been expanded several times. Every year, dozens of newly trained Chinese medicine practitioners join Bai's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. , and at the same time, there is still a lot of clinical learning that has not yet been completed.

So even though they are very busy, they are still holding on.

Coupled with the restriction of registration, priority will be given to treating patients with serious illnesses, and patients with mild symptoms, such as common cold, wind, heat and cold, will be diverted to other hospitals.

Bai's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is generally stable.

Bai Sheng, on the other hand, rarely takes action unless she has acquaintances. After all, her reputation as a miracle doctor has long been unquestionable. Her disciples must take credit for treating illnesses and saving lives, not to mention someone who is admired by thousands of people.

In recent years, she has personally cured 98,000 or less patients. No one who has been cured would be grateful.

Therefore, Bai Sheng has long stopped pursuing numbers, and firmly believes that before he leaves, he will definitely be able to achieve the goal of curing 10,000 people, or even more, and being respected by ten thousand people.


Several decades later, Bai Sheng was eighty-eight. Although she had no problem living for another thirty to fifty years as long as she wanted to live, she felt that she had fulfilled her original wish and had no bigger goal, so she set a After the will.

Then he pulled away and left this world.

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