Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 241 Extra: Exploration of Changshou County [1 in ]

Chapter 241 Extra - Exploration of Changshou County (Part ) [-in-]

In 2035, as the latest round of population census was completed and announced, less than hours later, Anyang County had the highest average life expectancy and the most centenarians, becoming a hot search topic and causing a sensation across the country.

# the longest-lived county! #
# Twenty Thousand Centenarians? Suggest a strict investigation! ! #
[Let me go, the average life expectancy of residents is as high as ninety-five years old. If I remember correctly, the average life span of residents nationwide is only over seventy years old, not even eighty years old.

Do they have the Everlasting Fountain of Youth? 】

[No, there must be something wrong with the statistics of their county. The average life expectancy in several cities with the highest living standards and medical standards in the country has not reached ninety years. This is a small city that they have never heard of. Why is the average life span so high?

This kind of data is all fake. Is their local government office mentally ill? Or do they think everyone is a fool? 】

[Is it possible that statistical data would not be published in such detail before, down to a county...]

[Um, that seems to be the case! 】

[In the past, public announcements were basically made in thirty-six counties. This year, it is announced at the county level. This is the first attempt. It is said that if the public recognition is high, it may be further detailed to each village and community in the future.

But it's just hearsay, not true. 】

[In fact, the data that there are 20,000 centenarians in that county is even more outrageous. People who don’t pay much attention to this aspect may not know that the total number of centenarians in the world today is less than 700,000. The total number of centenarians in the country is There are less than 120,000, so the more than 20,000 centenarians already account for one-sixth of the country's total.

This data is so false! 】

[Let’s put it this way, the number of centenarians in most ordinary small counties is basically single digits. If it reaches double digits, it is already considered very good, while three digits can be described as extremely rare and rare.

Chances are the local environment is actually quite nice.

As for the four-digit and five-digit numbers, I have never heard of them before, and this is the first time I know about them. 】

[Are there so few centenarians? 】

[Of course less. Let’s not mention the ordinary people, but the upper-class rich and officials who can enjoy the best medical treatment. How many of you can live to be a hundred years old? There are only a handful of them, okay? Most of them are in their nineties. This is already the limit, and many people in their 70s or 80s will die. 】

[Thinking about it carefully, it seems true that in our community there are old men and women over 70 years old everywhere, but there are fewer people over 80 years old, there seem to be only a few people over 90 years old, and those over 100 years old have not been heard of yet. Said. 】

[Our family is considered a large one locally. Counting all branches, we must have a population of over 10,000. But as far as I know, the longest-lived person only lived to be ninety-eight years old. Even if you look up the family tree, you can’t find anyone who is over a hundred years old. Therefore, it is very difficult to get over the hurdle of being 100 years old. Statistics show that the total number of people over 90 years old has dropped off a cliff compared with those over 80 years old. This is especially true for people over 100 years old. 】

[I just checked and found that the total population of Anyang County is only over 200,000. This means that there is one centenarian for every ten people. It is really outrageous. 】

[It is recommended to strictly investigate fraud! 】

[The Anyang County Government Office is probably dying of panic. Maybe they didn’t expect this matter to become such a big deal. 】

[But are there any benefits to doing this? I haven't heard that if there are many centenarians in a certain place, they can get more subsidies or something. Is it possible that they are falsely reporting their age so that they can get their pension earlier, or that they can get a few more decades of pension? 】

[It’s not necessary...]

[Without investigation, you have no right to speak. You are not locals and have never been to us. Why do you say that we are committing fraud? There are many centenarians like us. My great-grandfather and great-grandmother are now building buildings, one by one. One hundred and one, one hundred and two.

Most people of the same generation as them are still alive.

Anyway, I know about twenty or thirty of them.

By the way, in the Dawang Village next door to us, there is an old lady there. She is 110 years old this year, and she can still dance in the square. Her husband is three years younger than her, and he is 107 years old this year. His name was Wang Laohu. He had a special name. I remember it quite clearly.

In addition, the county held a 100th anniversary banquet last year!

More than 10,000 centenarians were entertained. 】

[I am also from Anyang County. My grandfather is ninety-eight years old this year and is in good health. He will also be a centenarian in two years. If my grandma had not died in a car accident two years ago, she would be over a hundred years old now. She was in very good health before her death. If you are healthy and have no car accidents, you will definitely live to be a hundred years old. 】

[Is it so hard to clean up now? 】

[It’s too fake, no pictures and no evidence! ! 】

[No, you haven’t considered that it is difficult to falsify statistical data, especially age statistics. Nowadays, big data is connected to the Internet. The census only checks whether there are illegal households, so if Anyang County falsifies it, it can only falsify the identity information when registering it. The centenarian’s ID card data, date of birth, etc. There is a problem.

The possibility of direct fraud is very low. 】

[I also think there may be a problem with their identity information registration. There may be a group of people whose birth dates are written more than ten or twenty years earlier. For example, they were born in the fourth year of their birth, but they were written in the third or second year. A few years, so the actual age is only seventy or eighty years old.

The identity card shows that he is over 100 years old.

I remember that there was a village known as the longevity village more than ten years ago. There were many centenarians in the village, which attracted many rich people to buy fruits, vegetables and local specialties from their village. Some people even went to their village to build villas and the like, thinking that the Feng Shui there was good for people.

Later, after detailed investigation, it was discovered that the registration information of their village was not accurate at all. Many people reported their age as twenty or thirty years older. Later, they discovered that the longevity village gimmick could help their village obtain more benefits. The date of birth was drastically changed again, and dozens of centenarians were artificially created again.

Later, the relevant departments sent people to their village to conduct physical examinations and bone ages of all the people in their village. Only then did they find out their true ages and apply for new ID cards.

Those who changed their identity information were also given heavy sentences. 】

[I heard my grandma say this. It seems that in the 1980s and 1990s, the registration of identity information, especially the date of birth, was not rigorous at all. I had an uncle who not only registered the wrong date of birth, but also the gender. If the registration is wrong, it doesn't matter if the date of birth is a few months apart, but the gender cannot be corrected.

Later, I went to the village several times to find the village chief.

Just changed the gender. 】

[I also heard my mother say that her date of birth was clearly January, but the person in charge of registration in the village didn't even bother to ask, and just made it up to December, causing her to retire nearly a year late. 】

[My dad said he registered his name wrongly. 】

[The staff are too unprofessional...]

[What’s wrong with this? In the past, supply and marketing cooperatives even specifically stated that customers were not allowed to be beaten without reason. The salesperson’s tone was so bad that she almost regarded herself as God. 】

[Actually, we can’t completely blame those who registered. At least we can’t blame those who registered. We have a custom of not telling people their birth dates casually, so when registering, many people reported fake birth dates. The birth date on their ID card is Of course the date is not correct.

The local government office also criticized this matter and asked them to make corrections in time, but not many people made corrections. 】

[I remember that in the early 2000s, we allowed everyone to report changes. Some people made changes, and some did not. Most of the erroneous information that was beneficial to them was not changed, and the harmful information was changed back. However, the wrong name was registered, so there was not much to change. After all, once the name was changed, there were too many other things that needed to be changed. Most people are too lazy to change things for fear of trouble. 】

[No, why don’t you believe it? Although our personally identifiable information may not be 100% accurate, it is generally OK. There is no such speculation as you mentioned, okay...]

【I'm so speechless! 】

[Oops, fellow countryman, it’s normal for people who have never met you to be suspicious. Before I left our county, I always thought that the situation in our county was normal. It wasn’t until I went to other cities later that I discovered that our county is really full of outstanding people and good Feng Shui. That’s why the lifespan can be long! 】


Because the online questioning was so loud that it alerted relevant departments, the statistics department quickly contacted the people's livelihood department to form an imperial envoy team.

At the same time, he brought along a certain science column program team.

Go to Anyang County together to investigate.

When Ben arrived at the place, they were a little worried that the local government would send someone to stop them. However, they received a warm welcome and only sent one person to show them the way. There were no other arrangements or constraints.

Investigate as much as you want.

Anyone who wants to be interviewed can be interviewed as long as they agree.

Of course, it would be better if no one stopped him, so the imperial team and the program team quickly began to visit the villages and towns in Anyang County. They not only investigated the real situation, but also interviewed some centenarians. They even brought a medical team here to provide medical services. Those old people have their bone age measured.

Nowadays, science and technology are advanced, and it is no longer an era when you can say that you have lived for more than a hundred years without being able to prove it.

I didn’t look at it after the phone’s resolution was raised.

Are all the UFOs gone?

After the advent of bone age measurement and other related technologies, there are no more people who say they have lived for 150 and 180 years.

Someone abroad said that she had lived for 140 years, but was later found to have falsified the identity of her own mother, just to get more pensions and so on.

Originally, the imperial team and the program team thought that many fakers would be found this time, but the result shocked their jaws. There is basically no fraud, and there may be an error of one or two years at most, but to the extreme, that is, the error is between ninety-eight and one hundred years old. There is no such thing as a seventy or eighty-year-old pretending to be a centenarian.

They were quite shocked by this.

More inquiring thoughts.

However, what I want to explore is not the falsification of data, but why there are so many centenarians in the local area, and there are so many long-lived elderly people. Is there any special scientific basis, or is it just local Feng Shui?
So the next step was to conduct in-depth interviews with those centenarians and ask them about their secrets of longevity and so on.

"Hahaha, there's no secret. I smoke and drink, and two of the doctors who advised me to quit smoking and drinking have died. A good mentality is still a good mentality!"

"I don't know, I'm just living blindly."

"The medical skills of Bai's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital are very good. I almost died from illness several times. It was only thanks to the help of the traditional Chinese medicine doctors at Bai's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital that I came back. If it weren't for Bai's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, I would have died long ago." "

"It all depends on the Bai's health exercises taught by Master Bai. Since I was cured by Master Bai thirty years ago, I have insisted on doing this Bai's health exercises every day.

There are so many people practicing this in our county! "

"I think it has something to do with Master Bai. Master Bai used to treat me with internal energy. After the treatment, he gave me some conditioning. Miss reporter, let me tell you quietly, I am older now. Most of those who are over 100 years old have been treated by Master Bai.

Or at least received conditioning, so I guess our ability to live so long has something to do with Master Bai. "

Hearing this, Tian Jiahui couldn't help but ask:

"I have heard many people mention this Master Bai. Who is this Master Bai? Can I interview him?"

"Hahahaha, you can't interview me. Master Bai has been dead for more than ten years. Alas, Master Bai died young and only lived to be eighty-eight years old.

And she predicted her lifespan before she died.

Not only did he make a will, but he also arranged all the funeral procedures for himself two days in advance, and paid in advance, without any effort from his children! "

Speaking of this, Wang Laohu was still a little sad.

But at this moment, Tian Jiahui was filled with questions:

"Uncle, if your longevity is really related to Master Bai, why did she only live to be eighty-eight years old? If she can help you extend your life, I should only live longer.

Just ask, is this true? "

"Oh, little girl, you don't understand. Master Bai's departure so early may have something to do with her treatment for us. She sacrificed herself for others, sacrificing her life to help us prolong our lives. How selfless!"

"Yes, Master Bai has left anyway, and we are not afraid to tell you, Master Bai, she is a master of internal strength, and she really has internal strength. She relied solely on internal strength to help us treat diseases and regulate the body. Internal strength should be quite strong Precious, related to the origin of the body.

So she has been using her inner strength to help us treat our illnesses.

It will definitely hurt your body!

If it weren't for this, she would have been like those internal martial arts masters in martial arts novels, easily living over a hundred years old, or even longer, as long as one hundred and fifty years old. This is what we all guessed. "

"Uh..." Tian Jiahui was undoubtedly even more speechless at this time. What the hell, interviewing several centenarians, how could they find a master of internal energy?

I don’t know who Master Bai is. He is so good at deceiving. He only lived eighty-eight years old. He deceived all these centenarians. They trust her so much that they still treat her after more than ten years of death. Have faith.

After a long time, Tian Jiahui considered that they were a popular science program, a program that combated feudal superstition and pseudo-science, so she quickly calmed down her emotions and began to seriously educate the centenarians present about their internal skills. Don't believe it in science.

That Master Bai is also a liar and so on.

Then she was baptized by the love of many crutches.

Fortunately, everyone knew the rules and had some points on hand, so they wouldn't really kill her. Otherwise, she could be beaten to death on the spot. Then of course, the interview would not be able to go on, and the entire program team would be expelled. .

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