Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 243 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

Chapter 243 The buried Hunan noble concubine (1) [-in-]

As soon as he entered the new world and new body, Bai Sheng knew that the original body should be strangled to death.

The force was so great that he was no longer suffocated to death.

The whole neck was broken.

Although this kind of fatal injury is difficult to cure, the White Holy Turtle's Breathing and Nourishing Technique is not free of charge. Moreover, she also has mental power to assist, which can reset the dislocated bones.

As long as the head is not cut off directly, or the bones are bruised and ashes are scattered, or the body is rotten, and the death takes too long.

Basically, you can rely on the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to recover.

However, just when Bai Sheng was about to use his mental power to reset his broken neck bone, he was keenly aware of the presence of many living people nearby. In addition, the original body obviously died unexpectedly and was killed. At this time, suddenly It is difficult to predict the outcome of corpse fraud. Therefore, even if Bai Shengdang stopped resetting the bones, he would instead use the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to preserve a trace of life in the body and enter a state of suspended animation.

At the same time, he quickly sorted out his memory and understood the situation.

Soon, the original cause of death became basically clear.

His original surname was Guo, from the Guo family of Dingyuan Marquis Mansion. His grandfather Guo Ming was a founding warrior. He had several wives and concubines, and had nine sons and six daughters. Two of his sons became princesses, and three daughters married into the royal family. The emperor's thirteenth, seventeenth and twenty-first sons, all worthy of the founding honors and relatives of the emperor, are full of favors and honors.

Until the founding emperor Wu died and the new emperor succeeded to the throne.

When the founding Emperor Wu was still alive, they were both monarchs and ministers, as well as their sons and daughters. But as soon as the new emperor, the emperor's grandson, succeeded to the throne, his three princes and sons-in-law were not the emperor's sons, but vassals that the new emperor felt uneasy about. No, there is no direct marriage relationship with the new emperor.

At the same time, the new emperor favored and trusted civil servants more.

The relationship between monarch and minister is not as strong as before.

Therefore, the Guo family naturally began to decline.

Later, the new emperor cut off the vassal vassal, and the 27 vassal kings in the country suffered heavy casualties. King Yan raised an army to Qing Jun's side. Since there has been no successful case of vassal kings rebelling during the Taiping years, the Guo family at that time was naturally closely attached to the new emperor. Emperor, and was very active in dealing with Yan Ni.

I hope to regain my military exploits and improve my status.

But the result was that four years later, King Yan successfully invaded the capital, and the new emperor burned himself. Guo Ming was so frightened that he fell seriously ill that day and died of illness. The Guo family took this opportunity to observe filial piety.

And when King Yan ascended the throne, he submitted a memorial to the emperor.

However, Chengjue's memorial has not been approved for a long time.

Doesn’t their family have the title of Marquis of Dingyuan?

There is no rule in this dynasty about demotion. Generally speaking, as long as he does not make a big mistake, the eldest son can inherit the title of marquis normally. At this time, King Yan had just ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and changed his title to Jing'an because he was a rebel. A person who has ascended the throne should be kind and noble when he first ascends the throne, so they think Chengjue's hope is quite high.

As long as the title can be passed down normally.

Without divine grace, I can continue to think of ways in the future.

The title is the root of their nobility, and it is also the core foundation for their ability to thrive and rise again in the future.

But as Chengjue's memorial was not approved by Emperor Jing'an for a long time, and it remained stuck like this, the Guo family became more and more uneasy, and felt that Emperor Jing'an was deliberately targeting them, but even so, there was nothing they could do.

After all, the emperor and his courtiers, those generals and nobles who followed King Yan to conquer the world, are the most popular figures today. Those like the Guo family who are against King Yan are quite lucky that they are not liquidated. Who will Dare to mess around or complain about injustice.

In the end, they could only keep a low profile.

While working hard.

At the same time, because no one in their family has any real official position at this time, they have no choice but to go directly to the battlefield and rush to the front line if they want to make contributions. But obviously no one is willing, so they can only make an idea of ​​getting married.

Let the daughter at home try to participate in the draft.

As a result, the original second son of Dingyuan Marquis Guo Ming and the eldest daughter of Guo Kai was selected and became the prince's concubine. She was quite favored and gave birth to three sons in a few years.

But the prince did not dare to plead for his family at will.

So the title is still undecided.

It was not until the beginning of the 22nd year of Jingan that Emperor Jingan died of a serious illness and the prince succeeded to the throne. The original pillow style officially took effect. Not only did she become a noble concubine, she even got the title of Marquis of Dingyuan from them. One lineage.

Her brother inherited the title.

Normal title succession should be inherited by the eldest son.

However, the title of their family has been vacant for twenty-two years. Both the eldest son Guo Xian and the second son Guo Kai are dead, that is, the original uncle and biological father are both dead. Although the title can be inherited by the uncle's son at this time, people are undoubtedly selfish. How can such a beneficial thing be given to others? Wouldn't it be nice to give the title to your younger brother?

Anyway, they are all the grandsons of their grandfather Guo Ming.

The Guo family, especially the direct lineage, must be very dissatisfied with this, but after all, the title of their family has been vacant for twenty-two years, and now the original person has been canonized as a noble concubine, and has three princes under her knees. .

There is great hope even for seizing the rightful son in the future.

They are unable to object even if they want to.

So I could only hold my nose and admit it.

Originally, in this situation, the original body should be the happiest. She is doted on by her husband, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty, who has just ascended the throne. She also has three biological sons. When the third son grows up, or if something happens to the prince, he will take over his legitimate son. There is great hope for a new prince.

After all, Queen Zhang now only has one son.

She has three, and she is still very competitive.

But if he had been so good, the original person would not have died. The reality is that less than half a year after Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty ascended the throne and changed the Yuan Dynasty, to be precise, it was the first year of Ming Xuan. At the end of May, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty suddenly fell ill and died suddenly. .

At this time, the position of the original imperial concubine was not yet occupied.

Logically speaking, the original person who gave birth to three sons should not be buried in the grave. Even the concubine Shu, whose natal family had a little background and had no children, was pardoned and allowed not to be buried. What's more, the original person had three sons.

But the truth is the truth, and the rules are the rules.

People don’t always follow the principles and follow the rules!
The extremely favored original person has always been a thorn in Empress Zhang's side and a thorn in the flesh. The original person who has three sons at the same time has the idea of ​​​​grabbing the attention of his direct descendants. Although it is not expressed particularly clearly, it is not obscure. At least he has the brains. You can basically see that the original person has this tendency.

So Queen Zhang naturally couldn't stand the original person.

In addition, the sudden death of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty did not leave any support for the original body. At the same time, the harem was completely under the control of Queen Zhang. The result was that as soon as Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty passed away, before he could see Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty for the last time, Empress Zhang sent his cronies to kill him.

Just break your neck and die.

Under normal circumstances, the burial process should not go like this, but when the original body was a concubine and had three sons, it was obviously impossible for Queen Zhang to kill the original body through the normal burial process.

Only the original body can be buried voluntarily. Only then can the original body be killed.

As for whether it was really voluntary, as long as the original person died early, when the officials and the original person's three sons went to the palace to mourn and mourn, could they still ask for an autopsy? No one would be so stupid, even if they knew there was a problem, Most people would never dare to question anything.

After all, what can you doubt?
Did the queen who was about to become the queen mother and the prince who was about to become the emperor kill Concubine Xiang?

The current situation is that the original body has been killed by people sent by Queen Zhang, and it has been announced that the original body was buried voluntarily. At this time, the people guarding the body are basically Queen Zhang's people. If nothing unexpected happens, the original person will not even have a funeral of his own. He can only get a little exposure to Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty and be buried in the imperial mausoleum with him.

At the same time, he got a pretty good posthumous title.

After all, she was buried "voluntarily". It would be unjustifiable if she was not given a superior posthumous title.

The original wish was actually very simple.

The first thing is that I hope to save the lives of my three children and not let them be killed.

I also knew that if Queen Zhang could kill her so decisively, it would not be impossible to find ways to kill her three sons in the future and let them die suddenly.

It can even be said that it is extremely possible.

Even if the three sons of the original body did nothing, they might be killed by Queen Zhang, not to mention that if they felt that there was something wrong with the death of the original body and tried to investigate or question it, they would just stay still and pretend to be dumbfounded. The original person really volunteered to be buried, and there was still hope of living.

If you have any doubts, send someone to investigate.

Basically, it can be said that there is no life or death.

At the same time, among the three sons, the original person is most worried about his eldest son, Prince Teng. After all, the eldest son is the oldest, already seventeen years old this year, because his grandfather and father died in less than a year, and there is no wedding yet. But at this age, he is already considered an adult.

He is most likely to be keenly aware of the problem with the original body's voluntary burial, and it is also most likely to expose his doubts about it, thus causing the disaster of death.

The second son and the youngest son, one thirteen and one eleven, are still young. As long as no one tells them specifically, they should not think of too much in a short time. It is only possible that they will feel there is a problem when they get older in a few years.

So the original person is most worried.

Naturally, it was his eldest son, Prince Teng.

Bai Sheng really knew something about this. At this time, she could already make some predictions about the future situation based on the existing information and the Zhouyi gossip.

Especially the third son who was originally related by blood.

It’s easier to extrapolate!

After a while, without Bai Sheng, the future endings of the three sons of the original body were successfully calculated by Bai Sheng. It has to be said that the original body's hunch was right.

In the original fate path, the original person's eldest son, Prince Teng, who had just turned seventeen, should have immediately noticed something was wrong after learning that the original person volunteered to be buried, and quickly started investigating. The result was that the original person was buried at the end of May. He left in early July and died suddenly.

The second son, King Liang, actually felt that his mother's voluntary burial was strange. However, when his eldest brother, King Teng, suddenly died suddenly, he was immediately frightened and became seriously ill. The final result of Empress Dowager Zhang's spies was worry and fear, and he died of illness before he was thirty.

The younger son, King Wei, was not much better. He was already sick, and when he got a little older, he became acutely aware of the problem of his mother's voluntary burial.

Then he died suddenly at the age of twenty-three.

Moreover, the three sons of the original body should be childless in the future, which is truly a complete eradication!
In addition to protecting her three sons, another last wish of the original body is naturally revenge. She doesn't know how to avenge a queen who is about to become the queen mother, so her inner obsession is that even if she dies and turns into a ghost, Queen Zhang must also pay the price.

It would be best to take her away and bury her together.

Apart from these two points, the original person basically had no other wishes. She probably felt that she had done her best to her family and helped them win all the titles that had been vacant for the past twenty-two years. What else did she want to do.

After combing through his memory, Bai Sheng had a clear understanding of his current situation. Then, of course, he quickly took out some elixirs from the portable plane, secretly moved them directly into his mouth, and used the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to refine them. , while hurriedly using mental power to return his neck bones, and the two cooperated to repair his injuries.

Mainly the injury to the neck.

The fatal injury was recovered, and all that was left was to reconnect the meridians and blood in the body, allowing the internal organs to resume normal operation, thereby ensuring that he would survive.

After recovering from the injury, Bai Sheng continued to operate the Turtle Breath Chapter of the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique, which can also be called the suspended animation chapter, allowing his body to enter a state of hibernating suspended animation, with no breathing, no heartbeat, and no pulse.

At the same time, the body temperature decreases.

Almost equivalent to a corpse.

Unless one has extremely high medical skills, such as those of Hua Tuo, Zhang Zhongjing, or Sun Simiao, it is impossible for an ordinary imperial doctor to discover that Bai Sheng is still alive.

Bai Sheng hasn't decided yet whether to fake the corpse or what to do.

The most important thing is that the news of her voluntary burial has been spread by Queen Zhang. It doesn't feel good to fake her body now, so she plans to fake her death first to see what happens.

Of course, she wasn't just lying down and pretending to die.

Her body was not ready to move, but that didn't mean her mental power couldn't cause trouble. The next second, Bai Sheng released a ray of mental power and left her body to inquire about the situation.

For example, look at the current situation of the palace.

Look at what his three sons, the prince who is about to ascend the throne, and Queen Zhang and others are doing now.

Then Bai Sheng discovered Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty.

To be precise, it was his soul. The dead fat man was beside his own body, struggling hard to go back, and seemed unwilling to die like this. But it's normal. Anyone who has been a prince for more than 20 years and finally ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor only to die after being an experimental emperor for less than a year would find it difficult to reconcile.

However, what he did was destined to be useless, because he was already dead, not a fake death, nor a soul leaving the body, but a real death, just like the original body.

The soul has changed from a living soul to a ghost soul.

Anyway, others couldn't see him at this time, so Bai Sheng simply used that ray of spiritual power to manifest his original appearance, and then appeared directly behind the soul of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty.

He stepped forward and kicked his ass hard.

Kick him directly into the street and fall to the ground.

The revenge of his wife, Empress Zhang, will be settled later, but for this damn fat man who ate and drank so much that as soon as he became emperor, he let himself go and didn't pay attention to his health, which caused him to die suddenly due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular reasons less than a year after he ascended the throne.

She would not be killed by Queen Zhang.

Even if he didn't die so quickly, and stayed a little longer, left a will, and clearly stated who did not need to be buried, or clearly stated that he was not allowed to be buried, etc., the same mess would not happen now.

But he didn't...

Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty died too quickly.

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