Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 244 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

Chapter 244 The buried Hunan noble concubine (2) [-in-]

Emperor Ming Xuan, who was kicked to the ground, didn't react at first. Before he could get up and turn his head, he wanted to get angry. But he soon realized that he was dead. He had just tried to contact the queen, the prince, and other living people around him, but he couldn't touch them.

But now he can be kicked down by others, which undoubtedly means that the person who kicked him is most likely not alive.

In an instant, he was frightened to death.

The lying hands and feet immediately curled up, and the head or neck did not dare to move at all, and lowered it even further.

He may not have reacted for a while, or he may not have been able to perfectly accept the fact that he was dead. When he thought that the person who kicked him might be Gui, he would naturally be frightened, and he would not dare to turn around and look at Gui's face.

This operation made Bai Sheng laugh.

The chubby little girl is pretty cute even if she doesn’t look at her face.

But the next second, Bai Sheng kicked Emperor Ming Xuan again: "Why, Your Majesty, do you want to pretend to be dead?"

As soon as he heard Bai Sheng's voice, and most importantly, when he heard Bai Sheng calling him Your Majesty, Emperor Ming Xuan's rationality came back to him, and he remembered that Concubine Xiang had just been killed by the queen.

There was a high probability that the person who kicked him was the newly deceased Xiang Guifei.

The panic in my heart finally dissipated.

Then, of course, he turned around quickly. He didn't feel at ease until he was sure that Bai Sheng, who was standing behind him and kicking him, was not scary. Then he got up immediately and looked at Bai Sheng up and down for a while. His face changed again and again, and he wanted to be angry and furious. Want to ask Bai Sheng why he kicked him just now?

But in the end he just sighed and said with relief:

"My dear concubine, you have suffered so much. I did not expect that the queen would be so vicious. I would attack you as soon as I died."

"When she dies, I will avenge you!"

Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty had never died before, and he didn't know what would happen after death. It was inevitable that he would be a little panicked when he died, especially when there were no other similar souls around him. When I see Bai Sheng now, I can't help but feel like meeting an old friend in a foreign land, and the intimacy of finding an acquaintance in a strange place.

At the same time, she also understood that Bai Sheng had just kicked her.

After all, the soul couldn't kick the queen, so she could only kick him to vent her inner anger and dissatisfaction.

That's why he specially comforted Bai Sheng.

Still sincere.

Yes, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty said that he would avenge Bai Sheng when Empress Zhang died, which was indeed sincere. Because not long after his death, his soul had woken up and left the body, but he didn't actually realize that he was dead at that time. It was not until Empress Zhang sent people to kill Concubine Xiang, and made it known to the public that Concubine Xiang voluntarily sacrificed herself for burial. .

At that time, he wanted to stop her, but he couldn't touch the queen or anyone else. Only then did he realize that he was dead, and all he could move now was his soul.

In the past, he had always felt that Empress Zhang was a virtuous empress, who never wanted to be strong, was jealous, and was a good assistant in the harem. But when he died, the first thing Empress Zhang did made him feel that the filter was broken. .

It made him feel that Queen Zhang's character had collapsed.

Of course, what he said in this situation was not entirely to comfort Bai Sheng. If he could fake a corpse now or get in touch with Queen Zhang, he would definitely scold her severely and even issue an order to severely punish her.

"No, I will avenge myself."

Bai Sheng rolled his eyes. Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty, who would probably be dissipated in reincarnation in less than seventy-nine days, didn't think he could do anything. With Empress Zhang's physical condition, it would be impossible to survive her own son's death. not a problem.

When Empress Zhang dies naturally, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty may have a second birth if his life is shorter in his next life.

However, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty obviously didn't know this. He had never died before and had no experience. At this time, he thought that Bai Sheng had less death experience than him and was ignorant of many things. After all, Concubine Xiang died nearly an hour later than him. , so he immediately explained enthusiastically:

"My dear concubine, I know that you are very angry, and you even want to tear her alive on the spot, but I have already tried it, and my soul cannot touch a living person at all. How can I take revenge? Let's wait until she dies and then settle the matter separately. ”

"I don't know if black and white impermanence exists..."

"If you can go back to live in the imperial mausoleum and no one comes to seduce the soul, there is still a way to take revenge. But if someone seduces the soul and then enters the underworld, there will be a trial like the Lord of Hell and reincarnation in the six realms of reincarnation.

My beloved, I’m afraid you won’t be able to take revenge! "

After knowing that he was not an exception, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty naturally began to fantasize about the afterlife. He didn't know if there would be black and white impermanence or a bull-headed horse face to pick him up. He didn't know if he would be able to see his deceased father and others. Know what reincarnation is like.

Especially since there was no human soul nearby that could be seen who died earlier, it made him feel a little bad.

I seriously doubt that the soul can stay in the human world for much longer.

They may be taken away or reincarnated.

In this case, the probability that his beloved concubine would successfully seek revenge was undoubtedly very slim. Rather than expecting her to seek revenge on her own, it would be better to expect to file a complaint to the Palace of Hell.

But he was afraid of irritating Bai Sheng.

I didn't dare to tell all my guesses.

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that I can't do it. You died of illness on your own, but I didn't. I will kill her even if I become a lonely ghost or even lose my soul."

After saying that, Bai Sheng's spiritual power pounced on Queen Zhang and entered her Lingtai Sea of ​​Consciousness to take up residence.

Emperor Xuan of Ming Dynasty was stunned by this operation.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he hurriedly rushed to Queen Zhang's side and shouted loudly: "My beloved concubine, my beloved concubine, how did you do this? What are you going to do?"

"Is it possible to take revenge if someone is killed?"

Combined with what Bai Sheng said, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty could only suspect that the murdered Xiang Guifei might be different from a normal death of illness like him. Just like the horror stories of folk revenge, it could cause harm to living people.

"My beloved, don't be impulsive!
Although the Queen is at fault, she still needs her help as the Assistant to the Harem. With her here, she can better help my son secure the throne. You must not be impulsive and put the overall situation first. You have always been kind-hearted, and you probably can’t bear to let the prince lose his father and mother in one day..."

Bai Sheng was originally in a good mood, and even thought about whether to help Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty and let him fake his body.

At the same time, it is also convenient for you to fake the corpse and come back to life.

Then the two teamed up to kill Queen Zhang.

But now, haha, let's let this damn fat man die. He will die completely. In addition to the change in his inner plan, Bai Sheng has not lost any effort in his words:

"Haha, I can't bear for the prince to lose his father and mother in one day, but has your Majesty ever thought that my three children have already lost their father and mother in one day. If you say one more thing, I won't let you The queen will be buried with me, and I will take your prince as well. Don’t you like to be buried with them? It would be nice to let them, the queen and the prince, be buried with me.”

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty immediately fell silent.

He didn't know what Bai Sheng's ability was at this time, let alone whether the people from Qin Tianjian and Tianshi Mansion were capable of dealing with it. The most important thing is that two emperors have died within a year. If his son dies again, it will mean that three emperors have died within a year. One can only imagine how much turmoil it will cause if the emperor is changed so frequently.

It’s not just civil unrest.

Foreign enemies might also take action. Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty did not dare to gamble!

After a long time, Emperor Xuan of Ming Dynasty finally managed to sort out his complicated mood, and then said hesitantly:

"Xian'er, you know that's not what I meant.

I'm just a little worried about you. There are Tianshi Mansion and Qintian Prison in the capital, and there are many capable people there. In addition, there are also Taoist monks in the Daolu Department. If there are one or two who are really talented, you will be in danger. Yes!

Moreover, it has never been heard from ancient times to the present that several queen mothers were killed by Li Wei, but I am afraid that there are not a few people killed by the queen mother, so you must think twice!

Even if it’s for your own sake, think twice! "


Compared with Emperor Ming Xuan's sincere words, Bai Sheng's answer was much simpler and clearer. Then Emperor Ming Xuan opened his mouth, but after all, he stopped persuading him and returned to his body to continue trying to go back.


After a few sticks of incense.

The core important ministers and nobles, as well as many princes, came one after another. As soon as the original eldest son, Prince Teng, came in, he said in a very anxious tone:

"Mother, I want to see my mother and concubine!"

Although Empress Zhang spread the news that Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty died of a sudden illness and that Concubine Xiang volunteered to be buried, she did not say that Concubine Xiang had died. Moreover, according to normal procedures, there was no need to be so anxious for concubines to be buried and the emperor's coffin was sent to the imperial mausoleum. It's too late to be buried again.

Therefore, Prince Teng naturally felt that his mother-in-law was not dead yet, and he wanted to see his mother-in-law and give her some advice.

It can be said that he just felt strange at this time.

But soon that was no longer the case.

"After Concubine Xiang heard that His Majesty had passed away, she was immediately devastated and impatiently committed suicide by hanging herself from the beam.

She is currently in her Xiangzhu Palace..."

As soon as Queen Zhang said these words, Prince Teng's face instantly turned pale, and he immediately realized that there was something wrong with his mother's voluntary burial. Originally, he thought it was strange that his mother, who was still thinking about hosting his wedding and having grandchildren, volunteered to be buried. Now, without even seeing them for the last time, she just hanged herself from the beam. This undoubtedly confirmed his guess that his mother-in-law's Death, there must be something wrong.

No matter how deep the relationship between his mother-in-law and his father is.

It is also impossible for his mother and concubine to directly abandon their three biological sons without even seeing them for the last time.

Of course, at this moment, not only him, but also the ministers and nobles and other princes present, except for the very young ones, the remaining ones who were a little more sensible could basically see that there was something wrong with this matter, but no one dared to question it directly.

Only King Teng immediately lost his mind in anger:

"It's impossible. No matter how willingly my mother-in-law is to die for my father, she can't hang herself without seeing the three of us for the last time. There must be something wrong with this matter!"

He did not directly say that Queen Zhang harmed his mother and concubine.

He had tried his best to restrain himself.

"Bold, what do you mean? Do you doubt me, or your mother-in-law's affection for His Majesty?"

Queen Zhang also didn't expect Prince Teng to be so bold.

His face was quite ugly at this time.

But no matter what, the fact that Concubine Xiang voluntarily died for burial must be established as an ironclad case, and no doubt will be allowed.

At this moment, no one else in the room dared to speak. This is sometimes the case. When faced with power and it does not harm one's own interests, who dares to tell the truth? Most people will only fight back when they are forced into a desperate situation.

"Queen Mother, Prince Teng just couldn't accept it for a while. He shouldn't be questioning you for anything!"

Naturally, the only person who dared to come out to smooth things over at this time was the current prince and Empress Zhang's biological son. By the time he knew that his mother wanted to kill Concubine Xiang, it was already too late.

But it was obviously impossible for him to not help his own mother and turn around to help his concubine, so he could only cooperate and help cover it up. At this time, he just didn't want to make the matter a big deal, and hoped that the matter could be reduced to a minor matter. , must not be spread out. The news that Concubine Xiang was buried voluntarily and that Concubine Xiang was killed by the empress were absolutely completely different.

After saying that, the prince turned around and grabbed King Teng, saying that filial piety to the country was the most important thing, etc., with a gun and a stick, moral kidnapping and threats, and then he temporarily suppressed King Teng.

But King Teng's operation was already a recipe for death.

No accident, he probably won't live long.

Next, of course, everyone knows that they don't know, and starts the process of national mourning according to etiquette and rules, such as choosing a posthumous name for Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty, such as mourning and keeping vigil, and preparing for the enthronement ceremony.

All in all, there's quite a lot to do.

They will be very busy next.

Of course, the most important thing is that they must seize the time to build the imperial mausoleum for Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty. The construction of the imperial mausoleum usually begins when the emperor first ascends the throne, but Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty did not just change his reign name. In less than half a year, Did he die? He took the throne for less than a year in total.

At present, even the location of the imperial mausoleum has not been selected.

Not to mention construction.

So even though he is dead, the imperial mausoleum has not been built at all, and the foundation has not been laid. He cannot be buried with his father. Therefore, the most important construction project of this dynasty next is to help him build the imperial mausoleum. .

Only when the imperial mausoleum is built can he be sent in.

But these are all follow-up matters. In any case, the son must not build the imperial tomb of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty too shabby. Even if it is not as good as those imperial tombs that have been built for decades, it will still take seven or eight years to build. .

Therefore, the matter of repairing the imperial mausoleum was directly postponed.

We will wait until the national mourning is over.

At that time, it will be built together with the new emperor's imperial tomb.

The most important thing at the moment was to finish the national funeral. In order to show their filial piety and womanliness, Empress Zhang and the prince abided by the rules, wearing sackcloth and mourning, and kept vigil at night.

Until a scream broke the silence in the middle of the night.

Empress Zhang, who was originally keeping vigil with her eyes open, couldn't hold on any longer because of the late night and dozed off.

But not long after, she let out a scream.

Then she rolled around on the ground with her eyes closed in panic, muttering things like don't come here, get out of here, you deserve to die, etc. She was obviously frightened in her sleep, but she never woke up.

There is no doubt that this was done by Bai Sheng.

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