Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 249 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

Of course, the main reason why the two sides are in a stalemate is that Prince Teng has no power under his command, and the former prince's forces are now somewhat hesitant, not knowing whether they should support Prince Teng's succession to the throne, and not knowing whether Prince Teng will liquidate them after he ascends the throne?

If the forces supporting Prince Teng were strong enough, and since Prince Han has not yet returned to the capital, Prince Teng could be allowed to ascend the throne directly. By the time Prince Han returns, everything will have been settled. What can he do with his own ideas?

Unless there is a rebellion and the emperor forcibly abdicates.

But the rebellion must be successful!

But unfortunately, Prince Teng, who was just able to leave the palace and build his own palace this year, really has no power. He is not in the mood at the moment, and he does not realize that he should try to recruit people. The Guo family is now more active than Prince Teng himself.

That is his maternal uncle, the Dingyuan Marquis family.

We are actively contacting all the nobles at this time!
His house was surrounded by the imperial guards yesterday and he was scared to death. But early this morning, all the imperial guards outside withdrew, and they also figured out the whole story.

The next step, of course, is to actively seek support.

I hope to become a Duke of Cheng'en and the emperor's uncle.

It's just that most families are still hesitant, or are watching, or waiting for others to win them over. Compared to going to someone's door and saying I want to support you, it is of course better to wait for others to come and invite you, and you can also get more initiative and more benefits.

Don't talk about loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. Most families care more about their own interests. Why are there so many people flocking to the battle for succession when it is so dangerous and if you fail, you may lose your property and the whole family, why?

Isn’t it because the benefits of following the dragon are so great?

Big enough for them to gamble with the lives of their entire clan.

Now that the crown prince is seriously injured, the successor to the throne is still undecided. They don't mind being a fence-sitter and leaning towards the one who can offer more benefits.

As for the threat posed by the ghost of Concubine Xiang.

They firmly believed that even if the other party had killing power, it was limited. It might be able to deal with a few people, but it was impossible for them to deal with thousands of troops. It was even doubtful whether they could leave the palace. Naturally, there was no need to worry too much.

Moreover, even if they pushed for other princes besides Prince Teng to succeed to the throne, the first one who would have to face the ghost of Concubine Xiang would be the prince who was about to ascend the throne, not them.

Then there is even less need to be afraid.

If several princes do not die, until no prince dares to take over the hot potato of the throne, it is impossible for the officials and nobles to support Prince Teng to ascend the throne without any promise of benefits.

Therefore, the throne is not so easy to settle.

The private game of winning over is ongoing.


The funeral hall, in front of the coffin of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty.

The ghost of Emperor Ming Xuan collapsed to the ground in despair, looking at Bai Sheng, feeling depressed, and roaring in anger and despair:
"What on earth do you want to do? Stop it!"

"Are you satisfied only if you cause chaos in the world?"

"You know what? I hate those who preach to me and try to blackmail me. That's how my family forced me to participate in the talent show. They also said that if I couldn't ease the relationship with the royal family, my family title would be in jeopardy. They reminded me that I must not let them down for raising me for more than a decade. The prosperity and fate of the entire family depends on me.

Later I entered the Eastern Palace and tried my best to please you.

Have a baby with you!
Do you think I really like you?"

Bai Sheng first hid his true self in his heart and said the words he had never dared to speak out loudly. Every word he said was heart-piercing. Then he replied:

"What do I want? What I want is very simple, nothing more than killing someone to pay for his life. Is that too much?"

"She killed me, I killed her, and now she is not dead yet, how can it not be fair? She wants to kill my son, I treat her son with the same means, what is unfair! Just because she is the queen and her son is the prince, I am not the queen, and my son is not the prince.

My life is lower than theirs, so do I deserve to die?

If I am powerless, I will just accept this damn fate. But I have the ability to fight back, and you tell me that I want to cause chaos in the world. Is that appropriate?

I won't accept my fate, so I want revenge.

She refused to accept her fate and insisted on resisting.

Then it depends on your own means!"

How to say it, Bai Sheng’s first few words brought a much greater blow to Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty than the latter ones.

It was so loud that he had no mood to listen to what Bai Sheng said.

Fortunately, he is dead, and the physical illness cannot affect his soul, so he will not suffer another cerebral hemorrhage or sudden death. It's just that his emotions fluctuate greatly, his soul is a little unstable, and he looks weaker.


"What do you mean by 'I'? I get angry when I see you. I thought you and I are both dead, so we can at least share the same hatred for the enemy. But I didn't expect you to stand on the side of the bitch who hurt me. Do you still expect me to be nice to you?

Now I will ask my son if he wants to be emperor.

If he wants to be the emperor, that's fine. If he doesn't want to be the emperor, I will try to make the King of Han ascend the throne. Now you just pray that the King of Teng wants to be the emperor!"

Bai Sheng's attitude towards the ghost of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty did change step by step. He was quite gentle at the beginning, but later he got angry whenever he saw him, especially when he gradually stood against him.

So Bai Sheng had already decided at this time that if her original son did not want to be emperor, she would rather let the throne fall to Emperor Mingxuan's younger brother rather than let anyone else inherit it.

Just focus on one person, who made her unhappy.

She makes the other person feel so uncomfortable that he or she breaks down.

The heroic spirit of Emperor Ming Xuan wanted to stop and persuade him, but before he could move, Bai Sheng's spiritual power had already flown into Prince Teng's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness and detained his soul into the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness. He directly appeared and asked:
"My son, do you want to be the emperor?"

"Mother...Mother, where...are you?"

King Teng was undoubtedly confused at this time. He had no idea what was going on. There were too many questions in his mind, but because there were too many questions, he didn't know what to ask for a while. He looked around and asked where it was.
"This is deep in your soul. You can also regard it as you are dreaming and I am dreaming. Don't think about those messy things. I only ask you one question: Do you want to be an emperor? Do you have the confidence to be a good emperor?

If you want to and have confidence.

I will help you achieve it!"

By the day after tomorrow at the latest, the King of Han will surely rush back as fast as he can. Although when he comes back, Bai Sheng also has a way to kill him or help his son succeed to the throne.

But it will undoubtedly be more troublesome than it is now.

So she naturally didn't want to waste time. If her son wanted to be emperor, she would start preparing immediately. She had to make sure that he could ascend the throne smoothly before the King of Han returned and that things would be settled.

If the King of Han takes any action at that time.

It seemed much more natural for her to take action.

"This... Mother, I don't know..." Before this, although the original body had the ambition to let his son participate in the fight for the throne, after all, his son was older than him and he was still young. At the same time, he did not expect that Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty would die so early.

So she never mentioned it to her son. She only planned to wait until her son got married and had children, and then slowly test whether her son had ambitions. If he did, she would try her best to help him. If he really didn't have ambitions, she would not force him.

That’s right, although the original owner had the idea of ​​​​seizing the throne, he did not intend to force his son to do so. He was still prepared to let him decide on his own.

But because of this, Bai Sheng's question was equivalent to asking a question he had never thought about before. He was inevitably a little confused and began to think about this matter for the first time.

Bai Sheng did not urge him, but only reminded him:
"Think about it carefully, ask your heart, and do what you want. Don't consider other things. I will ask your two brothers later..."

Then, it’s time to wait.

After a long while, Prince Teng, who had been thinking with his head down and even paced back and forth for dozens of times, finally raised his head and said:

"Mother, I want to be the emperor!"

"I used to think that as long as I didn't fight or compete, I could be a peaceful prince, and then I could take you to my palace to spend your remaining years in peace. But what happened in the past two days made me realize that some peaceful days are not given to me just because I don't fight or compete."

"If I were the crown prince and you were the queen, how could you be forced to be buried alive with the emperor? Only when you are at the highest position and have the greatest power can you avoid being forced.

Waiting for others to give you safe and peaceful days.

It is far better to control your own destiny!"

Although Prince Teng's idea was still somewhat one-sided, it was obviously an improvement compared to before. Bai Sheng had not expected him to ascend to heaven overnight and become a qualified king. Although his belief in becoming an emperor at this time was not for the sake of the people of the world, but human nature was originally selfish.

Pure altruism is a saint.

But how many saints are there in this world?

"Okay, then I will help you, and you don't have to worry about your throne being illegitimate or unjust. Later, you can send someone to summon all the civil and military officials, royal family members and nobles to the palace.

I will have your father appear in person, depose the Queen and the Crown Prince, and designate you as the new Crown Prince.

Ascend the throne immediately without waiting.

Then you will be justified.”

Although Bai Sheng kicked the ghost of Emperor Xuan of Ming Dynasty many times in the past few days, he never killed him because he thought that he might be of use to others. If he accidentally hit him too hard and kicked his soul to pieces, the loss would be great.

In addition, she also injected a trace of vitality into the core of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty's body, and kept his body well preserved so that she could revive him at the appropriate time.

Practically speaking, if Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty had been standing firmly on Bai Sheng's side these days, speaking for Bai Sheng, flattering Bai Sheng, and making Bai Sheng feel comfortable, it would be no problem for him to be resurrected and live another ten or twenty years. Bai Sheng could do it.

Unfortunately, he failed to seize the opportunity.

Now I can only be Bai Sheng’s puppet once.

"Mother, are you sure?" Needless to say, Prince Teng looked surprised and a little bit unbelievable at this moment.

Bai Sheng raised his lips slightly and chuckled:

"I'm here, so why isn't he here? He just died half an hour earlier than me. And your father is no match for me now. He died early, but he died of illness. He's just an ordinary ghost. If nothing unexpected happens, he should disappear completely in a few dozen days.

Specifically, it is the soul being scattered or entering reincarnation.

I am not sure either and don’t understand these.

Don't be afraid that he won't agree. If he doesn't agree, I will make the entire royal family uneasy.

Let the King of Han ascend the throne, or let you succeed to the throne.

I think he still knows how to choose!

Okay, if you have anything to say, please burn a stick of incense for me later, and I will continue it in my dreams at night. Now go and call all the people who need to be called, and I will go and discuss it with your father. When everyone is here, you go to your father’s coffin and burn a stick of incense. Call him, and he will appear.

If turning back doesn't work.

I let him fake his death, and just like that, he left..."

After saying what he wanted to say and giving a few more instructions, Bai Sheng withdrew from Teng Wang's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

Then he landed beside the ghost of Emperor Xuan of Ming and said:
"You are lucky. My son is still willing to be the emperor. However, I don't want my son to inherit the throne in an illegitimate way, so I will call all the civil and military officials, royal family members and nobles here. You will show up when the time comes.

Depose Empress Zhang and your Crown Prince.

Directly announce the succession to my son.

Besides, I am reluctant to be a queen mother."

"I hope you will know what to say and what not to say, otherwise I don't mind asking all your other sons to accompany you.

After all, if your son is the only one left, Prince Teng and others.

It is also legitimate for him to succeed the throne!"

"You...how can you be so vicious?" Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty looked at Bai Sheng in disbelief, probably wondering how could she say that she wanted to kill his other sons.

"Because the kind-hearted me is dead, killed by your queen herself. Now I am a vengeful evil ghost. Originally, if I could be the noble concubine, I would be willing to do so, but she didn't give me this opportunity!
Stop talking nonsense and just tell me whether you agree or not."

Bai Sheng continued to sneer and threatened.

"How can I not agree?" Indeed, if Prince Teng succeeded to the throne, at least the throne would still be in his lineage and inherited by his son, which would be better than being snatched away by Prince Han. And even if he disagreed, so what? With Concubine Xiang's terrifying means at the moment, what could stump her?
If he really refuses, or if he is deliberately doing something wrong.

By then, the only one who will be in trouble is his son.

The illegitimate succession to the throne, or the instability of the throne, really affects the interests of his lineage.

Therefore, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty had no choice but to agree.

He even began to recall some little secrets that only he and a certain important minister knew, or some little secrets that only he and a member of the royal family knew, and some small things they had done together, for fear that those ministers and nobles would not believe that he was him, or would deny his identity due to vested interests.

Suspecting that it was an illusion created by Concubine Xiang.

Although he was emperor for only less than a year, he had served as regent for more than ten years when he was the crown prince. Therefore, he was not lacking in experience as an emperor. He also knew those ministers and nobles well, and he knew very well that they would do anything for the benefit of the group or the family.

So naturally, more preparation is required.

To ensure that one's identity cannot be questioned. (End of this chapter)

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