Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 250 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

Chapter 250 The buried Hunan noble concubine (8) [-in-]

Although it was Prince Teng who summoned them into the palace this time, there was no Queen Mother to preside over the affairs of the palace, the Queen and the Crown Prince were basically in a semi-disabled state, and the other older princes were frightened by the ghost of Concubine Xiang, so no one dared to object.

Therefore, even the officials and nobles who supported the Han Wang lineage were worried that something unexpected might happen.

After receiving the summons, they all obeyed and entered the palace.

About an hour later, civil and military officials and royal nobles arrived one after another. Among them, some of the more senior officials kept asking Prince Teng what he was going to do.
The King of Teng waited until most of the people had arrived before he spoke:

"My mother just appeared in my dream, saying that she can make my father appear in spirit. Everything before this will be decided by my father, including the successor. Everyone, hurry up and get ready to welcome my father's appearance in a moment!"

After saying this, Prince Teng didn't even give the civil and military officials, royal family members and nobles present time to react and understand. He immediately turned around, knelt down in front of the coffin and began to kowtow.

At the same time, he said some sacrificial words and summoned according to Bai Sheng's instructions.

At this time, the ghost of Emperor Ming Xuan was ready, and Bai Sheng's spiritual power was also ready. With the blessing of Bai Sheng's spiritual power, the ghost of Emperor Ming Xuan finally reached a level that was enough to interfere with reality and officially appeared.

After all, he had only been dead for three days, and everyone present had seen him, so there was no problem of not being able to recognize him.

However, only the civil and military officials, nobles and royal family members who had decided to firmly support Prince Teng, as well as a small number of people who were very loyal to Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty, immediately knelt down and saluted.

They shouted loudly, "Long live His Majesty!"

Although Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty had anticipated that after three days of turmoil, it would be unlikely that everyone would immediately submit and acknowledge him upon seeing him appear, when he saw that only half of the people were present, he knelt down without hesitation and shouted "Long live the emperor".

He still felt extremely angry and dissatisfied:
"What? I just passed away less than three days ago and you are already gone. What do you all mean now? Do you want to rebel or force the emperor to abdicate?"

"Your Majesty, what happened in the past few days has really overturned our understanding over the years. We don't even know now whether the you who have appeared now is really you or an illusion, or a disguise!
The ghost of Concubine Xiang has great magical powers..."

Prime Minister Yang Huaiyu was really conflicted at this time.

To be honest, he suspected that the Emperor Ming Xuan in front of him was an illusion created by the ghost of Concubine Xiang, which was just a suspicion he could easily express. He even suspected that if Emperor Ming Xuan was real, he might have been controlled or threatened by Concubine Xiang and became her puppet.

Everything I say and do at this moment is insincere.

It was purely out of necessity.

"You are doubting my sincerity. Twenty years ago, when you took the imperial examination, I was the chief examiner at the time and I selected you as the first place. Later, your father did not like your essay and wanted you to be the second place.

It was also because of my strong recommendation that you became the top scholar. The content of the article you wrote at that time should be..."

After his sudden death, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty felt that his memory seemed to have improved a lot. Memories that he had forgotten or had long been blurred in the past became clearer.

So that hour before.

He made a lot of preparations.

The next part was mainly the personal performance time of Emperor Xuan of Ming, or the personal speech time, where he kept saying some theories about things that only he, an official, or a royal family member knew. As he talked about more and more secrets, more and more people knelt down, because everything he said was true.

It is really difficult to say that Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty is a fake.

"Okay, everyone stand up.

I know it's normal for you to have doubts and worries. Actually, when I just died and after my death, when I saw that Concubine Xiang was able to do so many things, I was shocked and found it hard to accept.

But since it has happened.

That means it's too late to undo what's done.

Both the Queen and the Crown Prince are obviously no longer competent for their positions, so I have decided to depose the Queen and the Crown Prince, and establish, oh no, posthumously confer the title of Consort Xiang as Queen and Prince Teng as Crown Prince, and they will succeed to the throne immediately!"

Having said this, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty went a step further and said:

“I know that compared to the former crown prince, the current Prince Teng is obviously not qualified enough, and he has never even received an imperial education. Therefore, after consultation between me and Imperial Concubine Xiang, Imperial Concubine Xiang will help me stay in the human world for a few more years and teach Prince Teng in my dreams at night.

So you don't need to worry that he won't be able to do the job.

I will not leave until I feel that he is a qualified emperor. It just so happens that the construction of my imperial mausoleum has not started yet, and the corpse cannot be sent into the mausoleum for the time being. There is no need to rush to build the mausoleum. Take your time, there is no need to rush.

When the King of Han comes back, I will talk to him in person.

Is there anything else you don't understand? If you understand, then hurry up and do it, and let the King of Teng ascend the throne as emperor as soon as possible.

After all, a country cannot be without a ruler for a day! "

At this point Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty stopped talking and began to look at all the civil and military officials, royal family nobles, and the dozen or so with the highest status looked at each other for a while. Considering that some questions were difficult to ask, and that Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty had basically answered all the questions that could be asked, there was no need to ask any more. So they could only say that they understood, and would obey the order, and shouted "Farewell, Your Majesty!"
Then Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty disappeared with satisfaction.

Or it can be said that Bai Sheng took back the spiritual power bestowed on him, making it impossible for him to continue to manifest.

Next, all the officials and nobles became busy.

Bai Sheng and Emperor Xuan of Ming watched from the sidelines.

Although Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty said that Prince Teng would succeed to the throne immediately, it was obviously impossible for him to do so without any preparation.

Wearing the dragon robe means ascending the throne.

At least there must be a coronation ceremony.

No matter how simple it is, it has to exist.

So all the officials quickly got busy. Of course, the real high-ranking officials didn't have to worry about these things. They just needed to go back first and then come to attend the coronation ceremony tomorrow. Because of this, after they went back, they soon gathered in groups of three or five to discuss the affairs of the palace.


As soon as Yang Huaiyu came back, two deputy assistants and three cabinet ministers arrived one after another. The six of them soon sat down in the backyard room of Yang's mansion to drink tea and discuss today's affairs.

"Does Mr. Yang think that person is real?"

Seeing that everyone was just drinking tea and no one was willing to speak first, the second assistant Zhang Tingyuan, who had the most impatient temper, asked first.

From the sudden death of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty to everything that has happened so far, none of them were expected. Even though he was in a high position, he felt that his brain was not enough and he really needed others to enlighten him. "Whether it is true or not, what does it matter?"

"Besides, now that all the civil and military officials in the court have acknowledged him, who can doubt it? Compared to waiting for the King of Han to come back and cause trouble, it is indeed better for the King of Teng to ascend the throne as soon as possible!"

Although he said this, Yang Huaiyu couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and he was obviously feeling a little depressed.

The assistant Li Xiang beside him did not notice and said with a smile:

"I think the situation is better now. Both Emperor Mingxuan and the former crown prince are not easy to deal with. The King of Han is even more of a mess. If he were to take the throne, those nobles and generals would be so arrogant!

Now, Prince Teng is not only young, but he has never learned the art of being an emperor. This is extremely good for civil officials like me.

The Holy Emperor is ruling the country, and it is just around the corner!"

Most emperors wanted to hold all the power and make decisions on their own, but ministers, especially the civil service group, wanted the Holy Son of Heaven to rule the country. It sounds wonderful, right? The word "holy" is added before the Son of Heaven, which means a holy monarch, a wise monarch. In fact, they hoped that the Son of Heaven would not take care of things and leave the affairs of the world to these Confucian disciples.

It can be said that there is a certain trend of a figurehead.

This is where the contradiction between the monarch and his subjects lies. If one encounters a strong and capable emperor, the subjects can only compromise. However, if one encounters an incompetent and weak emperor, the subjects can naturally achieve a situation where the holy emperor rules the country without any effort.

“But didn’t the late emperor say that he would remain in the world forever and teach the prince of Teng in his dreams every night?
In this case, what is the difference between Prince Teng's succession to the throne and the late emperor being alive? Prince Teng is just a puppet of the late emperor. In reality, it is still the late emperor who is ruling the country. I'm afraid your idea, Mr. Li, is a bit naive and impossible to achieve.

Alas, the situation is too complicated nowadays.

I don’t even know how much of what I know now is true and how much is false!”

Lord Liu couldn't help but pour a basin of cold water on him, and at the same time he fell into self-doubt. As ghosts and other things appeared one by one, he felt that it was really difficult for him to judge whether Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty was true or false, and how much truth and falsehood there were in what Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty said. These were all unknown areas and difficult to judge.

"The late emperor couldn't possibly teach Prince Teng in his dreams every night. This is too absurd. I would rather believe that the late emperor was threatening Prince Teng because he was afraid that we would bully him.

After all, the late emperor couldn't even reveal his true form.

I still need the help of Concubine Xiang!"

"You also mentioned that there is Imperial Concubine Xiang. Perhaps the late emperor does not have the ability to do so, but if Imperial Concubine Xiang is willing to help, then the late emperor should have the ability to do so. In order for her son to secure the throne, I think Imperial Concubine Xiang will definitely be willing to help. Therefore, if we really want the Holy Son of Heaven to rule the country after Prince Teng ascends the throne, the first thing we need to deal with is the ghost of Imperial Concubine Xiang."

"It's very difficult. Empress Zhang and the Crown Prince tried their best but failed to eliminate Concubine Xiang. Instead, they got themselves into trouble. We can't make the same mistake again."

"How about letting Queen Zhang die quickly?"

"What do you mean?"

"According to the current information, the reason why Concubine Xiang has these abilities is probably because she died a violent death and was filled with resentment and hatred. And the person she hated the most was probably Empress Zhang. According to some folk stories and legends, the resentment and hatred of the ghosts will dissipate as long as they can successfully take revenge.

Become an ordinary soul and be able to reincarnate.

So if the folk legend is true, as soon as Empress Zhang died, even if Concubine Xiang didn’t reincarnate immediately, her abilities would have been greatly weakened.”

"That's the truth..."

"Maybe we can give it a try, but we can't do this. I think the King of Han will definitely not accept this and will definitely cause trouble. We can send someone to tell them..."

"This is a brilliant plan! A brilliant plan!"

Just as the three cabinet elders and Li Ci Fu were discussing fiercely, Yang Shou Fu also reacted and interrupted:
"What you said does make some sense. The reason why I was a little sad before was because I was worried about Concubine Xiang. To be honest, I even doubted whether Concubine Xiang was still alive and that everything was planned by her.

If everything was really planned by her.

That would be horrible!"

"My thought is that there are two possibilities for the current situation. One possibility is that ghosts and gods do exist, and Concubine Xiang really turned into a ghost after her death. If this is the case, then I would feel a little more relieved.

What I fear most is the second possibility, that is, Concubine Xiang is not dead and everything was planned by Concubine Xiang.

All strange events are man-made.

This also applies to the apparition of the former emperor.

The purpose is to seize the throne, and perhaps her real intention is even more terrifying than seizing the throne. Think about it, if Concubine Xiang is not dead, and the appearance of the late emperor is also faked by her, and the so-called late emperor is actually her, then the late emperor comes into her dreams every night to teach her, can we also think that Prince Teng is just a puppet, and she is the real decision maker?"

"I know this conjecture is a bit far-fetched, but it is not impossible. The most important thing is that Concubine Xiang's body is missing. There is no reason for a body to disappear inexplicably. If it really disappeared, then there is a high probability that there may be some secret on her body.

Or the body isn’t a body at all.”

I have to say that Yang Shoufu's imagination is indeed quite big, but in fact, Bai Sheng brought her body into the portable dimension just because she didn't want to lie down and pretend to be dead all the time, and she really couldn't think of any good reason to pretend to be dead, so she simply disappeared and left.

However, he never expected that he would be misunderstood by Prime Minister Yang because of this.

After hearing his guess, everyone present couldn't help but gasp. This guess was indeed quite bold, but if it was true, it would be too scary.

"So what do you mean, Mr. Yang?"

"If my guess is correct, then Imperial Concubine Xiang's power in the palace is definitely terrifying. We still have some connections outside the palace, but we are out of reach inside the palace. We can only hold our ground for now.

Another thing is, you can try to encourage the King of Han.

We boldly told the King of Han and his men some of our guesses. It would be best if the King of Han led the army to force the emperor to abdicate. No matter how capable Concubine Xiang is, she is just a woman after all. Facing the sweeping army, no matter how many conspiracies and calculations she has, they are just paper tigers and will eventually be crushed.

However, the King of Han cannot really be allowed to ascend the throne. He still has to contact the nobles. If Concubine Xiang is really not dead and is found and suppressed by the King of Han, then the nobles can take action immediately to suppress the King of Han's lineage.

Then we can choose a younger prince to ascend the throne."

At this point, Yang Huaiyu slowly stood up, put his hands behind his back, and defended his plan to steal power:
"I am doing this all for the late emperor. He would definitely not want to see power fall into the hands of a woman and his own son become a puppet. We are loyal to the country. Even if the means are not very fair and we may even be cursed, we have to do it for the sake of the people!"

"Mr. Yang is truly a great sage!"

"I can't wait any longer..."

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