Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 251 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

Chapter 251 The buried Hunan noble concubine (9) [-in-]

At the same time, in Tangshan Villa in Beijing.

Officials of the Han King's lineage also gathered here. Although there was a Han King's Palace in the capital, the Han King had already gone to his fiefdom, so it would be too conspicuous for them to go to the Han King's Palace for a meeting and consultation. Tangshan Villa was the property of the Han King, and few people knew about it, so it was just right for a gathering.

"what to do?
Even if the King of Han rode at full speed and rushed day and night, it would still take at least a day and a night to reach the capital. However, the former crown prince has just been deposed, and the decree to appoint Prince Teng as the crown prince has been issued, and Prince Teng will succeed to the throne tomorrow.

The King of Han can't possibly come back in time!"

"What can we do?"

"I should have advised the King of Han to stay in the capital for a few more months, but he insisted on going back to accumulate strength so that he could launch another Jingnan Rebellion to seize the throne.

If the King of Han had listened to the advice, he would have stayed for another half a year.

Then we can wait for this great opportunity."

"We can't blame the King of Han entirely. Who among us could have imagined that the Crown Prince would die less than a year after ascending the throne?"

"Alas, what's the point of saying all this? If Emperor Jing'an had lived one more year, it would have been better. The current Emperor Mingxuan would not have lived longer than Emperor Jing'an, and could not have become emperor. In addition, Emperor Jing'an took the throne from his nephew. The core reason was that Emperor Wu, the founding emperor, did not pass the throne to his son, but directly to his eldest grandson. Based on these considerations.

Emperor Jing'an might not necessarily pass the throne to his eldest grandson.

There is a high possibility that the King of Han will directly succeed to the throne!"

“Forget it. The Prince of Han has not been favored since the fourteenth year of Jing’an. On the contrary, the deposed Crown Prince is very favored. Even if Emperor Jing’an lives another year or two and outlasts Crown Prince Mingxuan, it is highly unlikely that he will pass the throne to the Prince of Han. He may even worry that the eldest grandson of the Emperor will repeat the same mistake and fail to suppress the Prince of Han, which will eventually lead to chaos.

It is even possible that he could directly sentence the King of Han to death before his death."

Otherwise, the Han Wang lineage would never achieve anything. After just a few words, the topic went off track and turned to assumptions.

The topic had been off topic for a long time until Guo Changqi spoke up: "That's enough, let's talk about business. The most important thing now is to prevent the coronation ceremony from going on normally tomorrow."

Who is Guo Changqi?

As the second son of his uncle's family, according to the rule of primogeniture, the title of Marquis Dingyuan of the Guo family should have been inherited by his father. At the same time, because his father and elder brother had passed away, he was the first heir.

But because her original body gained power and became a royal concubine, she was naturally more willing to support her younger brother who was closer to her.

He was the one who was most unwilling to accept this.

In fact, their lineage had also worked hard for the succession of the title. For example, during the selection more than 20 years ago, their family had their daughter participate and was successfully selected. However, their daughter, Guo Changqi's sister, married the King of Han and became his concubine. Even though the King of Han's wife had passed away, she was not promoted to the position of the legitimate wife and remained a concubine.

A prince's concubine is certainly not as powerful as an emperor's imperial concubine, so it is self-evident who will eventually receive the title of Marquis Dingyuan.

Originally, his sister married the King of Han, which actually meant that they stood on the side of the King of Han. Now, with the hatred of having their title taken away from them, they were naturally more willing to support the King of Han.

Apart from the merit of following the dragon, he really couldn't think of any other chance to regain the title that belonged to their lineage.

So he was considered an active supporter of King Han.

"How can we stop it? We don't have any connections in the palace, and we can't just start a rebellion. The King of Han is not here, so we can't start a rebellion just because it's not legitimate."

"Should we set a fire? Sending someone to set a fire secretly would probably have a very good effect. When we ascend the throne, we must offer sacrifices to the heavens. If we burn down the Temple of Heaven, it will be difficult to postpone it even if we want to."

"Are you crazy? Why don't you burn down the Imperial Ancestral Temple?"

"I dare not. If the ghost of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty is still here, then it is possible that the ghost of Emperor Jing'an or even the ghost of Emperor Wu of the founding dynasty is also here, perhaps staying in the Imperial Ancestral Temple."

"The Temple of Heaven is used to worship the Five Heavenly Emperors!"

"Alas, it's a pity that we don't have many assassins, otherwise it would be much easier if we could just kill the King of Teng."

"Do you think Imperial Concubine Xiang can help but protect her?"

"This won't work, and that won't work. If you are afraid of death and timid, how can you expect to succeed?"

"Isn't it a bit presumptuous of us to discuss this now? Even if we want to start a rebellion, we should listen to the King of Han. Why don't we just hold back for now?

Wait until the King of Han arrives, and then follow his orders!"

"By the time the King of Han comes, the daylily will be cold."

“When Emperor Jing’an passed away, the King of Han was one day late, allowing the Crown Prince to ascend the throne first and take control of the imperial guards. He could not even stage the Xuanwu Gate Incident, so he had no choice but to compromise and accept the reward from Emperor Mingxuan.

Now I finally have this good opportunity. If I miss it, I'm afraid I won't have another chance in the future."

"I think the most important thing for us now is not to make decisions for the King of Han, but to contact more people and soldiers for the King of Han. The King of Han must have come here at full speed this time, and at most he will bring a few personal followers with him. It is impossible for him to bring all the soldiers in the fiefdom, so the manpower is limited.

We have limited manpower, and none of the people in charge of the Imperial Guards, including those in the inner court, are ours. It is definitely impossible to inherit the throne legitimately and openly now. The only way to survive is to imitate Emperor Taizong's Xuanwu Gate Incident.

So we need enough manpower support.

Especially the best soldiers and generals."

"What Wan Qubo said makes sense."

After a discussion that was devoid of any substance, strategy or imagination, they basically decided on the next plan, which was to try their best to contact people, especially officials and nobles who held certain military powers.

All kinds of empty promises and stuff like that.

In order to get their help and support as much as possible.

In addition to this, Yang Shoufu and his colleagues secretly told those who supported the King of Han their speculations, successfully making those people feel that there was nothing wrong with their actions. They even thought of what banner to use to force the emperor to abdicate, and were just waiting for the King of Han to arrive and make the final decision.

These operations are actually not secret.

It can even be described as ridiculous.

But because of the support of the civil servants and their help in covering up, no matter how ridiculous it was, it was not spread to the palace. The reason why those civil servants did this was not because they did not approve of Prince Teng's accession to the throne. Under the realistic situation that the crown prince had been basically abolished, it would not make much difference whether any of Emperor Xuandi's sons became emperor, and the younger the better. It was good for them.

They are afraid of Concubine Xiang. No, now she has been promoted to Queen and can be called Queen Xiang.

They had no choice but to be on guard against such a being whose life or death was unknown and whose abilities were bizarre and varied. So the best outcome they hoped for was to eliminate the unstable factor of Xiang Guifei's ghost, and then let Prince Teng or any other king ascend the throne.

The worst outcome is that we have to at least find out the truth about the ghost of Concubine Xiang so that we are not completely in the dark.

For the civil service group, they are not afraid of a strong opponent, but they are afraid of a mysterious opponent. No matter how powerful the opponent is, they are numerous and powerful, and they can grind out the opponent's weaknesses over time and eventually give them a fatal blow.

But if it's too mysterious.

How can we win the battle if we don’t know ourselves or the enemy?
But no matter what, there was one thing that was in Bai Sheng and King Teng's favor, and that was that all the major forces decided not to make trouble, so the next day, although King Teng's coronation ceremony and the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven were rather simple, at least nothing unexpected happened, and everything went smoothly.

The next thing to do was to move the seriously injured deposed empress and deposed crown prince out of their original palaces, while the newly enthroned Emperor Taikang moved out of Prince Teng's Mansion and moved into the palace.

Of course, although the reign title has been decided.

But the official change of era name will have to wait until next year.

A series of other matters were also carried out according to the regular process, but they were all very low-key. After all, the most important thing now was the national mourning. Many things could not be officially carried out until the mourning for the late emperor was over. Things like the beauty pageant and the wedding could not be held until at least the change of the reign.

But this is the situation on the surface.

Secretly, on the night before the coronation ceremony, Emperor Mingxuan, with the help of Bai Sheng, entered the dream of Emperor Taikang, who was then Prince of Teng, and told Emperor Taikang all about his various hidden forces, important tokens, etc., in order to prevent him from being without manpower.

He had originally intended to leave these forces and manpower to his eldest son, but he did not expect that he would die so early and so suddenly that he did not even have time to say a few last words, let alone hand over these things.

If I couldn’t send you a dream now.

These hidden forces may disappear in the future, or even if they still exist, no one knows about them and no one can mobilize them.

It's basically the same as not having it.

Because of this, on the night after the coronation ceremony, Emperor Taikang successfully obtained all the tokens, summoned the leaders of those hidden forces, successfully contacted them, and quickly learned about the situation in the outside world through them, and then met Emperor Mingxuan again in his dream at night.

He asked for advice on this matter, and the next day, he began to make plans based on the guidance of his father, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty, the night before.

Set up a plan against the King of Han!

At this time, both the civil service group and Emperor Taikang were hiding well. Only the King of Han and his fools were rebelling, which was basically Sima Zhao's intention, and everyone knew it. Especially after the King of Han himself rode his horse at full speed, exhausted several horses, and finally arrived in the capital, he was just short of directly announcing his rebellion.

After arriving in Beijing, he neither went to pay homage to the previous emperor nor to meet the new emperor. Instead, he moved directly into his own Palace of the Prince of Han and summoned all his former trusted generals.

What happens next is simple.

It was nothing more than that the King of Han had indeed gathered a lot of people and officially launched an army to besiege the capital. Oh, no, to be precise, he besieged the imperial palace. The banner he raised was to kill the evil queen, abolish the puppet emperor, and avenge the late emperor.

In their propaganda, Bai Sheng, or Concubine Xiang, is a monster, on the same level as the nine-tailed fox Su Daji, or even worse than Su Daji. Not only did she kill Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty, she also subsequently killed the empress and the crown prince. She supported her puppet son, Prince Teng, to ascend the throne and became the behind-the-scenes ruler of the empire.

Such a monster cannot be appeased unless it is killed.

Not killing is not enough to redress the injustice of the late emperor.

Therefore, the King of Han's uprising was just, it was for the benefit of the people of the world and for the legitimacy of the royal family, and it was by no means for personal gain.

As for how many people believe it, it doesn’t matter. As long as they succeed, they can slowly spread the word and even those who don’t believe it will have to believe it. After all, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Political losers have no say at all.

Unfortunately, although the Prince of Han raised his flag very loudly and even made quite a lot of noise, the brains of him and his useless men were really not enough. Not long after they entered the palace, they were surrounded by people sent by Emperor Taikang. They used the people left behind by Emperor Mingxuan. Of course, Bai Sheng also used her mental power to assist them.

For example, using mental power to stimulate a few fierce ones.

Make them lose their attack power or something like that.

In less than two hours, the group of rebels headed by the King of Han were all arrested and taken to the Heavenly Prison. Then, of course, a temporary court meeting was held to deal with the matter and discuss which tribes should be exterminated and which should be exiled...

However, many important officials were not very enthusiastic about this court meeting, because the situation at this time was still beyond their expectations. In their script, the newly enthroned Emperor Taikang should have no power, and would certainly have no ability to resist the sudden attack of the King of Han. Then, matters such as the fake death of Concubine Xiang were all exposed.

At the same time, given the King of Han's character, the probability of him being hanged on the spot or beheading Concubine Xiang was quite high.

At this time, they joined forces with the nobles to destroy the King of Han. Not only would they be able to gain credit for saving the emperor, but they would also be able to successfully eliminate the influence of Concubine Xiang. Then, the young Emperor Taikang would be able to rule the country with ease.

Isn't it wonderful!!!

Unfortunately, the plan went wrong. The King of Han was even more useless than they had imagined. In addition, Emperor Taikang had a lot of forces and people at his disposal that they didn't know about. These undoubtedly made them feel that things were out of control.

What I want to do at this time is to investigate the cause and effect.

Instead of discussing how to deal with the King of Han.

They don't care whether the princes live or die.

Regarding this, although Emperor Taikang knew that some of the civil and military officials in the court were not innocent and were directly or indirectly involved in the matter, or at least knew about it but did not report it, he had just come to power at this time and had not promoted any of his confidants. It was difficult for him to do anything drastic.
So I can only pretend I don’t know.

The case was hastily handed over to the three courts for trial, and they were asked to judge according to the law without favoritism or excessive harshness.

Then he announced his retirement!

After the court was dismissed, all the ministers and nobles naturally gathered in groups again to form cliques and discuss matters for personal gain. The original plan had failed, and many subsequent ideas could not be carried forward, so they naturally had to discuss quickly how to modify them.

At the same time, we must try to explore and summarize the reasons for failure.

Emperor Taikang was actually in a similar situation, except that he did not consult with his living confidants. Instead, he quickly went back to burn some incense, then closed his eyes and communicated and learned with his biological father in his dream, asking him what to do next.
Bai Sheng also helped.

Help the father and son to get in touch with each other. Without her help, the father and son would not be able to communicate.

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