Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 253 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

Chapter 253 The buried Hunan noble concubine (11) [-in-]

[Zhang Li, 15 years old, committed suicide by taking poison three days after her fiancé died of illness. She was included in the Zhang family tree as a heroic woman.]

[Xu Zhou, 20 years old, lost her husband and had no children, so she hanged herself. The local county government allowed her to build a memorial arch for a heroine.]

[Ms. Zhu Li, 21 years old, could not bear to see her husband die first when his was seriously ill, so she hanged herself to be a chaste martyr. Many local gentry wrote memorials to praise her chastity! ]

These are all recorded and written down, but it is not clear whether this is the true situation.

And whether they are voluntary.

Hard to say!
Even if it is voluntary, it is hard to say that there has been no teaching since childhood and guidance from elders. After all, the human desire to survive is an instinct. Without the deliberate guidance of people or even society, how could one commit suicide?

Of course, these are only recorded in the family tree and township annals. Some are recorded in the government's evidence files.

[Zhang Wangshi of Qidong died of chastity after her husband’s death. Her biological parents did not believe it and reported it to the official for a coroner to perform an autopsy. After the autopsy, it was found that she was strangled to death. The police intervened and finally found out that Zhang Wangshi was killed by her mother-in-law and the adulterer because she accidentally discovered her mother-in-law’s affair with an outsider. She pretended to have hanged herself and announced to the public that she died of chastity after her husband’s death.

Mother-in-law Zhang Liu and her adulterer Qi will be executed immediately! 】

[Pu An of Huaidong died of chastity after her husband’s death. Her brother An Xi was a local constable and did not believe it. He secretly eavesdropped and made a fuss many times, suspecting that her sister was forced to death by her husband’s family. He reported it to the officials, but the evidence was incomplete. He was convicted of treason and was sentenced to 50 strokes of the cane and exiled.]

It is just like discovering a cockroach. There may already be a nest of cockroaches in the house. The government has a file. Then there are at least ten or hundreds of similar situations. It’s just that there is not always someone to take charge of them and file a case, let alone close the case and summarize it into a file.

These situations are mainly concentrated in the middle and lower classes.

Not the lower and middle classes of the people in the world.

But the lower and middle class of the gentry.

Those high-ranking noble officials and members of the imperial family had no choice but to marry their daughters into the royal family and be buried alive with them. The rest, whether they married high or low, had no choice but to marry high or low.

Basically, they don't practice suicide.

Just kidding, their married daughters are basically the principal wife, or the mistress of the house. When the husband dies, the daughter, as the mistress of the house, is in charge of the other party's family assets and can bring some benefits and help to the family in any way she can.

What is important in a marriage is not whether the other man is dead or not, but the combination of the power of each family.

If they are all dead, what bond do they have with each other?

If you force him to death, we might even become enemies!
As for the ordinary people at the bottom of society, it is not easy to get married. How could they let their daughter-in-law die as a chastity just because her husband died, whether they let her marry their unmarried son or sell her?

It's impossible for her to commit suicide.

Therefore, those who do this are mainly merchants who are rich but not extremely rich, whose families don't have much reputation but who particularly hope to have a good reputation, or some poor children who pursue fame, or those from impoverished families.

To be more straightforward, one can even say.

They just want the chastity arch.

One thing is undeniable, that is, if there is such a thing, the reputation of the entire family will be slightly better, and even the daughters of the family will be more likely to marry into a wealthy family.

But what if there is some scandal of infidelity or loss of chastity.

The backlash is also more serious!

Therefore, the more chastity arches a family has, the stricter the supervision they will exercise on their married daughters and daughters-in-law, and they would rather find ways to kill them.

They will never be allowed to remarry or ruin their reputation!

This has created a situation where starving to death is a small matter, but losing one’s chastity is a big matter.

“You still have to take care of it!
Why should women commit suicide? I haven't seen many men hang themselves to follow the wives of those who died young.

Chastity Arch! Virtuous Woman Arch!
If the imperial court were to launch a memorial arch for heroic men, I wonder if anyone would be qualified to receive it. I guess even the one who proposed it would be drowned by the spit of all the officials, let alone launch it!"

Needless to say, some things make you angrier the more you look at them.

If you have the ability, you can try to change. If you don’t have the ability, you can only swallow your anger, and then slowly learn to be patient, get used to it and ignore it.

Bai Sheng obviously felt that he was capable.

The cancer of royal family sacrifice must be eliminated.

The poisonous tumor of folk martyrdom must also be eradicated.

However, this was not until his son, Emperor Taikang, issued an edict to ban this matter and required the court and government offices to never issue chastity arches or heroine arches again.

Bai Sheng still wanted to take revenge first.

Vent your inner anger. If you do nothing, you will always feel resentful and your mind will be unstable.

To this end, Bai Sheng specifically suspended the nanorobots from continuing their in-depth search for various types of information across the country, and instead issued temporary instructions to have them specifically collect information related to martyred women. If necessary, they would even be allowed to invade some people's brains and read their memories.

To ensure that the information collected is comprehensive and accurate.

In the end, many civilizations actually focus on the same goal. The spiritual civilization has ways to obtain other people's memories, such as soul searching. Technological civilization naturally also has ways to directly capture weak souls and read memories. This may be a little difficult for technological civilization, at least it requires a relatively high level of civilization.

But extracting memories from living people's brains.

The difficulty has undoubtedly been reduced by several levels.

Human memory exists in both the soul and the body. When alive, the soul and the brain share memory. After death, the memory of the ordinary soul will easily dissipate, and only some obsessions and important memories will be retained. As long as the brain is well preserved, the memory in the brain can be basically perfectly preserved.

Some memories that you may have forgotten.

It can also be read from the brain.
This is the case after death. Memories when alive are naturally easier to read. People can deceive others when they are awake, but the memories in their brains will not.

When a person's will is strong enough, he or she can hypnotize himself or herself and make himself or herself regard false memories as real memories. At the same time, people's selfishness will also beautify some memories that are unfavorable to themselves. The opposing parties in the same event may tell different stories, but it does not necessarily mean that they are lying.

But in their memory, in their cognition, their experience, that is how it is.

If we use nanorobots to directly read the memories in their brains, we won’t have these problems. However, false memories also exist in the brain, but the information waves of false memories and real memories in the brain are different.

Nanorobots can tell the difference instantly.

Only real memory is read.

Naturally, the absolute authenticity of the information can be guaranteed.

The reason why Bai Sheng activated this function of the nanorobot was mainly because she felt that many family trees, village chronicles, and even files were not necessarily absolutely true. The general direction and major events might be fine, but some minor events, including records of heroic women, were difficult to say.

Who knows what information is hidden behind it.

Or maybe the real murderer is hiding.

Although Bai Sheng wanted to do something, he didn't want to kill innocent people, so he naturally had to ensure the authenticity of the information.


While Bai Sheng was collecting information, Emperor Taikang only did two things and successfully dispelled the doubts of the civil service group headed by Prime Minister Yang, making them believe that the ghost of Concubine Xiang was dead, the kind of death that her soul was scattered.

First, a coffin was made, a coffin of the same specifications as the empress's, and it was placed next to the coffin of Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, a tablet for Empress Xiaoxiangxian was erected.

It was a posthumous title given to Concubine Xiang.

Secondly, they secretly dispatched some monks and Taoists to enter the palace to deal with the bodies of the deposed empress Zhang and the deposed crown prince, and announced to the public that both the deposed empress Zhang and the deposed crown prince were seriously injured and died.

Because he was busy with too many things before, and Bai Sheng was often haunted by ghost, even Emperor Taikang ignored the fact that his mother was dead. In addition, the body was missing, so there was no funeral for her.

They didn't even prepare a coffin or a tablet for her.

After all, who can always remember the dead person whom you can meet and communicate in dreams every night? If the body is still there, you can probably remember it, but the body is gone, so it is normal that you can't remember it for a while. Tai Kangdi didn't remember it.

No one else dared to remind me.

Also because of this incident, Prime Minister Yang always insisted on suspecting that Concubine Xiang was not dead and was the mastermind behind the incident.

At this time, Emperor Taikang filled in these missing links.

This will naturally greatly eliminate the doubts of the civil service group.

Secretly mobilizing monks and Taoists to enter the palace to deal with the bodies of the deposed Empress Zhang and the deposed crown prince could, to a certain extent, make Prime Minister Yang's people feel that their plan had worked. After all, if the deposed Empress Zhang and the deposed crown prince had not turned into resentful ghosts and died together with the ghost of Concubine Xiang, there would be no need to ask monks and Taoists to deal with it.

After doing these two things.

The civil service group was temporarily quiet.

Emperor Taikang is growing and improving rapidly under the evening guidance of his father, Emperor Mingxuan. Now that he has just ascended the throne and the national mourning period has not yet ended, it is not easy for him to promote a large number of people, but he can first paint a rosy picture for them!
His promise as an emperor is still very valuable.

The minister was not afraid that the pie he had drawn would not come true.

So before long, he successfully won over a large number of middle-level officials and a large number of nobles and royal families who were related to him by blood and relatives, such as the Guo family, by using the art of making promises he learned from his father.

Why relatives by marriage have been guarded against for many years.

Yet he has always been valued?

Compared with ministers who have no relationship with each other, relatives with close family ties are indeed more trustworthy when there are not enough confidants available. After all, ministers are equivalent to hired employees. It doesn't matter who is the boss to them. Changing bosses or companies will generally have no impact unless they are confidants of the previous boss. They can still do what they should do.

But it’s different for relatives by marriage.

One glory and one glory.

During the fight for the throne, if any prince fails, can his uncle's family escape unscathed? If not, even if their family is not exterminated, their power will definitely be greatly damaged.

If they succeed in winning the throne, they must also hold on to the emperor tightly in order to gain more benefits and interests.

The biggest trouble with the relatives by marriage is that they always want to send their daughters to the palace to maintain their status as relatives by marriage. They want the mothers of every future generation of emperors to be from their family and truly share the same destiny with the country.

But these are too troublesome and will not appear, or become bigger, until at least ten or twenty years later. By then, the emperor himself will be powerful enough and have enough majesty. If the trouble becomes too big, he will just have to get rid of the relatives.

There shouldn't be too many such things in all dynasties.

Compared to the hero who was abandoned after his work was done.

There are quite a few in-laws who are abandoned after they have done their job!

When they were young and weak, they had to rely on their relatives by marriage to help them gain real power. Once they had power, they would get rid of their relatives by marriage. This cycle continued throughout the Han Dynasty until the end of the dynasty when the cycle collapsed and they began to rely on eunuchs.

Although Emperor Taikang may not necessarily have the idea of ​​getting rid of his uncle at this time, he gradually gained real power by promoting his maternal uncle's family and cultivating his own people.

Definitely part of his initial plan.

And the overall plan was executed very well.

The next step is to wait for the national mourning to be over, start the preliminary layout, and wait until the new era is next year before officially taking drastic actions. There is no other way, this is the rule at this time, and even he is a little hasty to do so.

It is possible to be criticized by all officials.

After all, the Confucian officials believed that a wise ruler should not change his policies for three years after his father's death.

So it can be said that Emperor Taikang is working hard in secret.

Waiting for a blockbuster next year.


Another half a month later, hundreds of thousands of nanorobots collected and summarized all the information in the direction specified by Bai Sheng, and sorted and classified it according to Bai Sheng's requirements.

What followed was that Bai Sheng used his mental power to read quickly, scanning through it and getting a rough understanding of it.

And the more you read, the greater your emotions become.

It's shocking, with piles of bones and so much resentment!

No wonder there are so many female ghost stories in the world, but it is hard to hear any male ghost stories. At most, they will become zombies. The reason is probably just like the person who wronged you knows how wronged you are better than you do.

Those who kill others know better than the deceased.

The dead have so much resentment, hatred and despair.

Those who lack the psychological endurance will probably be haunted by nightmares from then on, and horror stories will also spread as a result.

At least half of the heroic women died unnatural deaths.

Involuntary suicide by hanging or other means.

A merchant in a certain place knew that his son was seriously ill and was about to die, so he spent money to buy a girl from a farmer's family to marry his son. When buying the girl, he gave some extra silver and marked that they had nothing to do with each other from then on, whether she was alive or dead.

As soon as his son died, he would arrange for his daughter-in-law to commit suicide by suicide, and then publicize it to the outside world so that his family would have an extra chaste woman.

Even the farmer whose daughter had died was happy.

Not only did he get some money, but his daughter also became a heroine.

The other daughters in the family are better looking.

It can be said that except for the women who were hanged in the middle of the night and those who were sacrificed to become martyrs, everyone else benefited.

This is what is called cannibalism!

A local gentry locked his daughter-in-law behind a high wall after his son died and did not allow her to go out for thirty years. After his death, he even did not allow any man to touch his coffin. A woman carried the coffin and successfully earned a chastity arch for his family and won the identity of the son of a chaste woman and all kinds of praise for his grandson.

The girl's family also gained a lot of reputation because of this.

Many people came to ask to marry their other daughters.

Of course, everyone told the outside world that everything was voluntary on the part of his daughter-in-law, but in fact, in the past few years his daughter-in-law was not voluntary.

It wasn't until a few years later that he started to have mental problems.

I often feel dazed and confused before I become willing.

Living alone behind high walls, with no contact with anyone except for three meals a day, clothes and fabrics, medicine and other supplies delivered through a small hole, and occasionally seeing his own son, this life is more painful than being in prison.

Isn't it normal to have mental problems?

If he had not been able to see his son, he might not have lived a normal life with mental problems, but would have died early.

The most terrifying thing is that her parents-in-law knew about this. It was her parents-in-law who did it. Her parents also knew about it, but they did not save her. Her biological son also knew about it after he became an adult and took the imperial examination, but still did nothing.

After all, the identity of a son of a chaste woman is always more beneficial to his imperial examinations than having no identity at all.

It would only make his mother suffer more.

There are too many similar situations. Those who are lucky can live out their lives alone and become chaste women, while those who are unlucky will die immediately after their husbands' death and become heroic women.

There were even heroic women who died before their husbands.

One living woman after another was buried artificially and turned into nutrients to nourish their so-called loved ones.

Sad, lamentable, ridiculous...

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