Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 254 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

In anger, Bai Sheng immediately decided to give the person a taste of his own medicine. Those who died voluntarily out of pure love could be put aside for the time being, but those who died involuntarily and were forced to do so would never be tolerated.

So the next second, Bai Sheng marked some names in the summary report in red, drove his personal aircraft and turned on the aircraft's stealth function, and officially started working.


Yinan County, the gentry Wang family,

Early in the morning, the housekeeper Wang Yun went to see his master as usual. As soon as he pushed the door, he screamed, "Ah! Someone's dead, master, come quickly!"

Mr. Wang weighs nearly 200 kilograms.

At this moment, it was hanging on the beam of his bedroom.

Not only was the left wall covered with bloody words, but there were also two words carved on Mr. Wang’s face with a knife - Lie Nan!
However, Wang Yun was in a panic and did not pay much attention. After screaming, he hurriedly sealed off Mr. Wang's bedroom and sent someone to report to the police. At the same time, he notified his second wife, Wang Liu, and her son, Wang Hu.

Soon, Wang Liu burst into tears when she pushed the door open and saw Master Wang's body. Wang Hu was relatively calm. When he saw his father hanging from the beam, his first reaction was that his father could not have committed suicide. After seeing the blood words carved on his father's face and the blood book written on the wall next to him, he was even more certain that his father was murdered:
“Mom, don’t go in, just wait outside the door.

"Let's wait until the people from the yamen arrive. Dad definitely didn't hang himself. He must have been murdered. If you go in, it will easily destroy the clues. When you have time, think carefully about whether Dad has any enemies. The yamen runners will definitely ask you when they arrive!"

After crying for a few times, Wang Liu wanted to rush in and probably wanted to take Master Wang down from the beam, but she knew that her biological father was Wang Hu who was murdered by someone, and she was afraid that her mother would go in and destroy the evidence.

So I quickly reached out to stop him and started to explain.

Then, Wang Liu calmed down and muttered to herself how could this happen. The master had always been a good man and would basically give out porridge during years of disaster or famine.

Where did the enemy come from? How could I be harmed by someone?
Who is so cruel...

Wang Hu's attention had already shifted to the two words carved on his father's face and the blood writing on the wall: "Lie Nan, what do these two words mean?"

"You did not keep your chastity after your wife died, and you remarried. You were unfaithful and unfaithful. To protect your reputation as a chaste and heroic man, I will imitate your behavior towards your deceased son and daughter-in-law. You will hang yourself on the beam of the house and die for your deceased wife. You should be honored as a heroic man.

I will take your blood to record this event, so that your name will be passed down through the ages!"

"This...what is this? What kind of outrageous words are these? What on earth does the murderer want to do? Who is he? How can such a thing happen in the world? How can a husband commit suicide for a wife who died young? This is ridiculous! It's ridiculous! Who is this murderer?"

What Bai Sheng wrote was almost the same as vernacular Chinese, and anyone who could read could understand it. Wang Hu was a student after all, so it was impossible for him not to understand it. But it was precisely because he understood it that he felt extremely panicked and outrageous.

The bloody words on the wall are simply the opposite of what Tian Gang had said!

She actually accused his own father of not remaining faithful to his deceased wife who passed away 20 years ago and marrying a second wife. At the same time, he finally understood what the term "fierce man" meant. The corresponding term for love is "fierce woman", and it means that men like them should die for their deceased wives!
All of these things were simply unacceptable to him.

As for what was mentioned in the blood letter, which was an imitation of what Master Wang did to his deceased son and daughter-in-law, he simply ignored it. His father had been killed anyway.

Naturally, all previous things were written off.

What he was more afraid and worried about now was that the murderer in his father's case did not seem to have a very direct hatred with his father, and did not kill in revenge. Instead, it seemed that he was specifically targeting people like his father.

Just when he was worried, nervous and afraid.

The local yamen runners arrived quickly.

Mr. Wang is a local gentry after all. He often accepts levies and gives bribes. The importance of his family affairs is naturally far greater than those of ordinary civilians. It is normal that there are yamen runners nearby, so it is normal for them to come quickly.

The next step, of course, is to protect the scene and wait for the chief constable and the coroner to come and investigate the case.

After another stick of incense, all the relevant personnel arrived.

Two incense sticks later, the coroner finished the autopsy.

"Mr. Wang was first bled to death, then hanged, or perhaps strangled. But there was only one mark on his neck, and it looked like he was unconscious, strangled by a rope and hung directly from the beam. There was no fighting or secondary injury during the process."

Speaking of this, the coroner actually found it quite strange:
“And it seems that whether he was bleeding or being hung, Master Wang did not resist or make any noise, and everything in the house was fine.

Not to mention anything else, just the weight of the prince.

If someone hangs him up with a rope and he struggles, his strength must be extraordinary!"

Seeing that the coroner could not provide more clues, Captain Xie could only follow the usual procedure and begin questioning people in the mansion and investigating Mr. Wang's network of relationships. He also copied a copy of the blood writing on the wall and brought it back to the yamen along with Mr. Wang's body for further anatomical analysis.

You may also need to consult the legal advisor, county lieutenant and others.

If the county magistrate asks about it, he must report it in detail.

The death of a gentry with some social status is completely different from the death of an unregistered person, or the death of an ordinary farmer who has a registered household but it is not important and no one cares whether he is dead or alive. No one cares whether the latter two have specific results or not, and you can make up anything you want.

But in the former case, if a local gentry died, other gentry would definitely pay attention to it, as if he was murdered.

They hope to catch the murderer as soon as possible.

This is just one death. If several local gentry died in succession, all the gentry would panic, and the result would be to put pressure on the county magistrate, hoping that he would solve the case as soon as possible.

If an ordinary county magistrate wants to govern the place well, he must get the recognition and help of the gentry. At least the gentry class cannot make trouble. Otherwise, don’t even think about making any achievements, let alone getting any praise, and even accidental death is normal.

But generally they don't fall out to that extent.

In the end, most of them took a step back and compromised.

Not long after Mr. Wang's body was moved to the government office, the news spread throughout the area. At the same time, many people sent their housekeepers and servants to the government office with money to inquire about the news. Some were curious about how Mr. Wang died, and some wanted to confirm the news of Mr. Wang's death and take the opportunity to see if they could get some benefits from the Wang family.

The good assets in many places have been divided up by the local gentry. If one wants to get more property, one can only take risks and try to get it from ordinary civilians.

Or wait for something to happen to a certain family.

The death of an important figure of a family is naturally the weakest time for that family. How could the other gentry, who are already eyeing the family covetously, let go of this great opportunity?
Obviously, many people did not realize the seriousness of the matter, but as the yamen runners who received the silver told the general situation, they even copied the contents of the blood letter to the housekeepers. Some people who had done similar things to Master Wang, especially those whose original wives had died, suddenly felt a chill on their backs and panicked.

At the same time, he prayed secretly in his heart that the murderer must be someone who had a grudge against Master Wang, and must not be an organization or force specifically targeting people like Master Wang.

But apparently, their prayers were of little use.

The next morning, several more people came to the local government office to report the case. The manner of death was similar, either hanging or taking medicine. The contents of the blood letters were also similar, basically saying that they were not chaste and that they had used the same method to make others commit suicide.

Even the county magistrate, who originally didn't want to get involved in the matter, was alarmed and had to take care of it. Many gentry who had not been involved for the time being hurried to the yamen to see the county magistrate and ask him to solve the case quickly, otherwise everyone would be in a panic.

The county magistrate had a hard time sending those gentry away.

He immediately began to inquire about the case.

"Sir, this is probably an organized and premeditated crime, and the target is very clear. Here are a few bloodwritten letters we collected from the scene. Please take a look!" Captain Xie quickly handed over the corresponding physical evidence and continued:
"Mr. Wang had an eldest son who died of illness at the age of nineteen, and had no offspring. His daughter-in-law committed suicide on the same night his eldest son died. But according to what was written in the blood letter, his daughter-in-law must have been strangled to death by him or someone he sent to pretend she was a suicide.

Zhu Huaigu's family was already impoverished, but he had an unmarried daughter who committed suicide for the sake of chastity. It was said that her fiancé died in a fall from a horse, and she committed suicide voluntarily. However, what was written on the blood letter was that her daughter was hanged by her biological father Zhu Huaigu, who did not want to return the betrothal gift to her husband's family.

At the same time, having many heroic women in the family also helps to build a good reputation.


After a while, Captain Xie told the local county magistrate everything he had investigated, and then the local county magistrate also had a headache because this was definitely not a simple homicide case.

Without a certain organizational power, it would not only be difficult to investigate these situations, but it would also be unlikely to kill so many people.

Although today's gentry are far inferior to the aristocratic families hundreds of years ago, they still have some security forces. To sneak in silently, kill people silently, and then write a blood oath silently is not something that ordinary people can do.

Not to mention there are no traces left.

Whether it is the county magistrate, Captain Xie, or the local county lieutenant, they all feel extremely troubled, and even have a vague premonition that their positions are in danger. After all, so many gentry have died, and if the case cannot be solved, the murderer cannot be caught.

No one will benefit.

However, three days later, they breathed a sigh of relief as similar cases occurred in several nearby counties.

How to describe it?
It’s like being late for school, but when you arrive at the school gate, you find that everyone in your class is already at the gate but hasn’t entered yet. Even the most timid person will instantly feel a lot more relaxed and won’t be so worried about being punished.

Why? The law does not punish everyone!

When one person gets into trouble, he is terrified and feels like the sky is falling; when a group of people get into trouble, they just laugh and don't care.

This is probably how Captain Xie and his gang feel.

However, as the number of victims increased, the relevant news would naturally no longer be limited to one county, but would spread rapidly and soon became a sensation. County magistrates and even county governors in various places, while suffering from pressure from all sides, also felt somewhat fortunate that the incident was not just on their side, but also in many nearby places.

It undoubtedly relieved them of the pressure.

But they did not become lazy and did not stop investigating. They still tried to track down the case. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not find any useful information. No matter how famous the detectives and coroners were, they were still helpless.

So all kinds of rumors and folk legends began to spread.

Then it began to wreak havoc.

"If you ask me, it's just that the women who were killed were too resentful and came back for revenge. It's quite interesting to say that they even brought out a fierce man to satirize it."

“How can men and women be compared?”

"Why can't they be compared? Master Zhang in our village never remarried after his wife died. He raised his daughter by himself, and his daughter lived a lonely life after getting married. Can't this be considered as keeping his chastity?"

"Bullshit, how can that be considered chastity? What's the difference between someone like Master Zhang who goes out to make money to support his daughter and a widow who goes out to sell tofu or work to make money to support her son? Have you ever seen a widow who goes out to make money to support her family get a chastity arch?"

"If he doesn't make money, what does he eat and drink?"

"What does the widow eat and drink if she doesn't make money?"


"The chastity arch is not something that ordinary people can get. You have to stay out of the spotlight and not have any contact with men. Just for this reason, if your family doesn't have enough capital and the elders' help, it's impossible to do it.

Without capital and land, he would have starved to death long ago.

Without the help of elders, the whole family will definitely be wiped out.

How can she be awarded the chastity archway?"

"What's the point of saying this? What we should be most concerned about now is who killed those people?"

"It's hard to say. I have no idea."

“I think that if we were the only one without any clues, we could still blame the police chief and the county magistrate for being rubbish and incompetent, but similar things have happened in so many counties, even so many prefectures, and there is still no clue.

It doesn't feel artificial.

Or rather, it doesn’t seem like something a human could do.”

"I also think that there must be ghosts and gods behind this matter. Maybe there are some powerful ghosts and gods who can organize or help those heroic women who voluntarily died for their chastity to avenge their hatred..."

"Can't this be organized revenge?"

"How big of an organization is it? The White Lotus Sect? Apart from the White Lotus Sect, I really can't think of any other hidden organization in the world that is so powerful?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't hear you!"

"Impossible. Hasn't the White Lotus Sect always been committed to rebellion? What good will they get from doing this? Or can they help the rebellion? They might as well just start an uprising with all that energy!"

"Is it possible that she is related to Concubine Xiang?"

"Who is Concubine Xiang?"

"I also heard it from someone, I don't know if it's true or not, don't spread it, Xiang Guifei is actually the current Xiang Empress, she has passed away. It is said that she was killed by the previous Empress Zhang, and was willing to be buried alive with her. Later, because of her heavy resentment, she turned into a ghost and took crazy revenge. She killed Empress Zhang and the former crown prince directly, and also made the dead Emperor Xuan of Ming appear and put her own son on the throne.

Such existence even compared with other ghosts.

He must be a big boss among big bosses!

She was willing to be buried alive, which is quite similar to those who were willing to be buried alive. Maybe she helped those heroic women who shared the same fate as her to commit these crimes. Doesn't my guess make sense?"

"Hiss~~It seems a bit twisted..."

"Don't dare to talk nonsense."

"Fortunately, my family has never done such terrible things. Even when my daughter-in-law wanted to remain a widow, I did not let her do so. Instead, I treated her as my daughter and married her off in style.

This matter should not affect our family."

"I feel like the wind may change in the future..." (End of this chapter)

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