Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 255 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

Chapter 255 The buried Hunan noble concubine (13) [-in-]

The death of one or two people would certainly not have had a huge impact on the government and the public, but when people were dying in counties and prefectures across the country, and even a wave of panic was forming among the middle and lower-level gentry, it would have been difficult for the officials in the court not to be shocked.

The Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Personnel and the Cabinet are all reviewing the case files.

Prepare to investigate this matter thoroughly.

After all, the gentry are their foundation, and the mass killing of them is not the same as the killing of ordinary people.

It must be investigated thoroughly, strictly investigated, and dealt with severely!
What else can happen?
By the time they reported to Emperor Taikang and obtained his permission to begin a comprehensive investigation, Bai Sheng had already finished his work. He returned to the palace with the information he had collected previously, and directly entered his son's dream at night.

The father and son are still teaching one-on-one in there.

Alas, Bai Shengdu felt that her son's life was quite hard. He had to review memorials and worry about state affairs as an emperor during the day, and had to receive one-on-one tutoring at night. If it weren't for dream teaching, which neither affected the quality of sleep nor harmed the body, his body would have collapsed long ago with this intensity.

Listening carefully again, what a coincidence.

They were talking about what she had done!

"Father, this is roughly the situation. What kind of force do you think has such a large radiation range and operational capabilities? According to a rough statistics from all over the country, it is estimated that no less than 10,000 people have been harmed, and they are not concentrated.

It can be said that it is almost spread across all major counties.

At the same time, there is no clue. Such a force can attack the gentry today and the officials tomorrow. It is extremely terrifying. It is impossible for such a force to appear suddenly. There should be signs. Didn't you find anything when you were the regent?"

After all, his father died after being emperor for less than a year, and he spent half a year dealing with the funeral of Emperor Jing'an, so Emperor Taikang deliberately did not mention his father's reign, but only mentioned his previous regent period. Emperor Jing'an fought wars whenever he had nothing to do, and when there was a war, the regent task fell to Emperor Mingxuan, who was still the crown prince at the time. Emperor Jing'an reigned for 22 years, and the crown prince was the regent for 18 years, managing the government.

There is nothing wrong with saying that he is the permanent vice emperor.

If there really is some huge organization, it certainly couldn't have been created in a day or two. There should have been some clues in the years before.

At that time, Emperor Taikang was still young.

Who else can I ask if not Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty?
After listening to his son's description, Emperor Ming Xuan frowned and pondered for a long time before shaking his head and saying:
“I don’t know, I’ve never heard of it.

There are indeed some very powerful forces among the people, such as the White Lotus Sect, the Cao Gang, etc., but these forces are actually regional. Even a large sect like the White Lotus Sect, which rebels whenever there is troubled times, has dozens of branches within it.

They are not coordinated with each other and have equal status.

At most, when one branch rebels, the other branches will think the opportunity is good and take advantage of the chaos to rebel together.

As for killing gentry for fun.

No force has this habit!
Even if some knights were in power, they would at most enforce justice by killing local gentry who had committed many crimes, and they would basically not go to other places to cause trouble. Gentry were being killed all over the country, and with such a strong organizational ability, to put it bluntly, even if the imperial court issued an order, some places might still disobey it and not take action.

This shouldn't be the case. This is too weird.

Ever since your mother died.

There are more and more strange things in this world."

Hearing this, Bai Sheng rolled his eyes. It seemed that this fat guy often said bad things about him. If he didn't know, then he didn't know. Why did he still complain about him at the last minute?

It really needs to be cleaned up...

"Don't think about it, I did it!" The next second, Bai Sheng appeared in front of them and said:

"Didn't those officials mention the cause of the gentry's death?"

"Queen mother?"

"When did you come back?"

It was her son who called her "Mother", and the one who was so scared that he couldn't speak clearly was the fat Emperor Ming Xuan, the original dead old man.

However, after being surprised, they both quickly realized what Bai Sheng had just said, and then they started asking questions again without any tacit understanding.

"Did you kill those people?"

"How did you do that? Why did you kill them?"

Then the family of three had a detailed and in-depth conversation. Bai Sheng's guess was correct. Those officials did not mention the cause of death of the gentry. They only said that they were murdered. The blood letter left by Bai Sheng did not mention a word about it.

After Bai Sheng finished talking about what he had done and the stories behind it, Emperor Mingxuan and Emperor Taikang fell silent, especially Emperor Taikang. After all, Emperor Mingxuan was in his early fifties and knew a little about some things, but he didn't know that the impact was so great, and there were so many bones behind it, and so many innocent women were killed.

Emperor Taikang really couldn't stand it.

The cruelest thing he had ever seen since he was a child was that his mother was buried alive. It was inevitable that he would be shocked when he suddenly saw so many bloody real cases.

Not to mention that Bai Shengke can do more than just verbally describe it, she can use nanorobots to read other people's memories. Now that she is in Tai Kangdi's dream, it is easy for her to directly play the read memories.

Compared with ordinary language descriptions, it is still a language description without much emotion and artistic quality.

The impact of the replay is undoubtedly greater.

After a long while, the father and son finally recovered. Emperor Taikang was indignant and said that his mother had done a good job and that it was the right way to do it. It would be against the will of heaven if these people who deserved to be put to death did not die.

Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty said with some worry and embarrassment:

"But even so, it's not a good idea for you to carry out lynchings across the country on such a large scale. It's bound to disregard the dignity of the court and easily cause panic among the gentry. Isn't this just adding to the chaos?"

"Maintaining stability is the most important thing when governing a country!"

As soon as Emperor Jing'an died, even before his body had cooled down, Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty could not wait to cancel a series of policies set by his father, changing the original aggressive and outward-expanding policy to one of maintaining stability and seeking peace.

However, he thinks he is ruling by doing nothing.

To restore life to the people.

The reason he said this now was because he was extremely afraid of Bai Sheng, and he had been turning the words over in his mind for several times, trying every possible way to come up with them as tactfully as possible.

"I just want to ask you a question!
So many people, so many cases, so many innocent souls behind them, when will the truth be revealed? When will they be convicted, and what will they be convicted of?

Wait for the court to investigate and deal with it.

Some of the old ones are probably dead.”

Bai Sheng was too lazy to say too much. After saying a few words, he turned around and continued to speak to his son:
"I have sorted out the information. I have clearly recorded the evil deeds of each dead gentleman in different categories. I will leave a copy by your bed later. You can take a look at it and find someone to print hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of copies for me. I will distribute them for free and let the storytellers promote them.

In addition, your policies must also be coordinated. From now on, the court should no longer issue chastity archways or heroine archways. If similar incidents occur again in any family, they will all be investigated as homicides.

It is imperative to change customs and habits.”

"Mother, I will do it!" After all, Emperor Taikang was still young and passionate, and he was too lazy to consider the risks of doing so and what obstacles he might encounter.

I even think this is a great good deed.

So I agreed excitedly right away.

But Emperor Xuan of Ming Dynasty obviously didn't want to see the mother and son fooling around, so he couldn't help but stand up and pour cold water on them:
"Can you mother and son please stop doing whatever you want without any scruples? Do you know how many words there are in the files of tens of thousands of gentry and the stories behind them, how long it takes to print tens of thousands of copies, and how much money it costs? You really don't know anything, but you just say whatever you want!

Also, if you stop issuing chastity and heroine arches, how many gentry will be dissatisfied, and how many women who are keeping their chastity will despair. Not to mention that once these actions are carried out, you are really afraid that those officials will not know that it was you who did it.

God knows how much trouble will be caused by then!"

Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty felt like he was going crazy. How could he be so lucky to have such a crazy woman? She just did whatever she wanted without caring about the consequences. She really thought she was so powerful!
If the civil service group could find out who is behind this.

It's definitely a fight to the death.

After all, Bai Sheng dared to take action against those gentry and sentenced them to death today without going through any government offices. In the future, he will dare to kill them directly without going through any imperial edict or other operations.

This uncertainty is uncontrollable.

Which official would not be afraid?
Once they were afraid, they would of course try their best to completely eliminate Bai Sheng, the hidden danger, just in case.

If the process is really chaotic.

Even his son might not be able to hold on to the throne.

The civil service group alone is not actually that scary, but if the civil service group is combined with all the local gentry, it would be really terrifying. It would be even more terrifying than the alliance of aristocratic families that was difficult to eradicate hundreds of years ago.

"Don't pay attention to your father, he doesn't understand anything.

My son, I tell you, I have many ghosts willing to work for me. If they didn't help me collect information and cry out for injustice, I wouldn't be able to easily determine that those gentry were guilty. So you don't have to worry about printing. You prepare the paper and ink, I'll send some ghosts, and it will be printed in a few days.

As for the opposition or dissatisfaction of officials, you don't have to worry at all. Few of those officials are clean. Even if they are clean, their relatives and friends may not be clean. I have also collected their situations clearly through the ghosts, and I am sorting them out now.

Even if you want to know how many drops of water someone drank or how many grains of rice someone ate on that day, I can find out for you. It will be very easy to deal with them."

It is obviously difficult to use nanorobots to explain how he collects information and how he does those things, so Bai Sheng simply changed the way of expression.

Use ghosts to replace the description of nanorobots.

It's simply not too reasonable.

There is basically no difference between nanorobots that are invisible to the naked eye and ghosts that are invisible to normal people!

With Bai Sheng's support and the solution provided, Tai Kangdi soon put his father aside and excitedly discussed with Bai Sheng, raising questions from time to time. Bai Sheng was not impatient and quickly changed the operation of the nanorobots she sent out to the operation of her ghosts, building an illusory world for her son where ghosts lived.

At the end of the discussion, Emperor Taikang even suggested that Bai Sheng should be made the King of Hell, and that the impartial ghosts under his command be sent out to build the City God system:

"Mother, if you can send all the ghosts under your command to serve as local gods or even ghost messengers, then you can build a small court in the underworld in addition to the court in the world of the living.

The two sides supervise and complement each other.

The most important things are the land gods and city gods in the underworld court, who can specifically supervise local gentry and officials.

If ordinary people encounter problems and have nowhere to turn to, cannot enter the government office, or dare not go to the government office, they can also go to the land temple or the city god temple to appeal for justice, and then the land god or city god will understand the situation, investigate it, and then report to me.

Mother, if this is accomplished.

It is much more useful than the so-called performance evaluation method. "

"Well, it seems that there is really no problem..."

Although the intelligence level of nanorobots is not particularly high, they can certainly exchange information and determine the truth of testimony. So if they really act as local gods and exercise supervision, at least there is no need to worry about corruption.

They are absolutely honest and upright.

"Of course there will be no problem. By the way, you can also use the City God system to barely justify your previous lynching and killing of those gentry. Just say that the City God system has just been revived, and before you have time to report to me, the emperor of the world, and accept my rule, you have received many unjustly killed women beating drums to complain, and the City Gods of various places are furious and are judging you.

This led to the deaths of those gentry.

In other words, the death of those gentry was defined as being sentenced to death because their sins were discovered by the local city god.

Those city gods have now recognized me as the emperor of the world. If there are any cases in the future, they will be submitted through layers of referrals and eventually sent to me. I will be punished according to the laws of the world, and after death I will go to the city god temple to be punished.

There will be no more out-of-bounds penalties.

Unless I grant you special permission!"

It has to be said that young people have more flexible minds. Emperor Taikang not only constructed the general outline of the City God system he imagined through Bai Sheng’s previous description.

He also brought up what Bai Sheng had done before.

It also became round.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, it sounds quite reasonable. Moreover, if the deaths of those gentry were caused by someone complaining to the City God and then the City God punished them and killed them, no one can say that it is wrong.

Because the City God is the government system of the underworld.

They are qualified to sentence.

Hearing this, Bai Sheng was also quite interested and was persuaded. He immediately continued to discuss with his son how to set up the City God system. Then even Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty was moved after listening to it and joined the discussion. Finally, he carefully asked if he could be the King of Hell.

He is in charge of the City Gods and the Great City Gods.

He finally became the emperor, but he died in less than a year. He definitely couldn't be the emperor while alive, so being the emperor of the underworld was not bad at all.

At least I can have fun.

And help his son share some of the work!
Bai Sheng had no intention of becoming the King of Hell, so he readily agreed. Thus, the Yin Court, which would be powerful enough to shock all officials in the world, was officially decided in less than one night of discussion among the three of them. At the same time, the first Yin Court Emperor was also officially confirmed to be Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty.

The emperor has passed away and is now back in office.

It's quite inspiring!

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