Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 266 Extra: For the sake of the world, I will never regret it even if I die!

Chapter 266 Extra: For the sake of the world, I will never regret even if I die!

Although all this happened very suddenly, whether it was the eruption of the Sakura volcano in the Land of the Rising Sun, the subsequent series of chain reactions, or the things that Bai Sheng did.

But there are so many satellites in the sky, and even satellite chains exist, so what exactly happened?
Some small countries may not be aware of this.

But the situation of several top powers is crystal clear.

At the same time, several top powers all held emergency meetings. The difference was that other powers except Longguo suspected that this was Longguo's secret weapon, a new deterrent and destructive weapon. Longguo itself was confused about who did this and what the weapon was.
It was at this moment that the advanced artificial intelligence that Bai Sheng did not take away urgently executed the first of the three instructions that Bai Sheng had finally decided on.

Edit the last thing she did into a video.

Upload the account and make sure it will not be harmonized.

Then, of course, when many people were still unaware of what had happened and the major powers had not made any public disclosures on the matter, the account left by Bai Sheng became the first account to make the matter public. It was also the account with the most detailed and specific content and information. Even the ones taken by the satellite chain were not as detailed as hers.

She also has her own first-person perspective footage.

There is no need to elaborate on what happened next. It undoubtedly spread quickly across the Internet, not even across the national network, but across the global network.

It also topped the global hot search list.

Internet users from all over the world are actively discussing this matter.

Even discussing the authenticity of the video.

After all, a country, a country that is not particularly weak and can even be ranked in the top ten, is suddenly destroyed along with its entire territory. Anyone would find it unbelievable, not to mention that the account that posted the news is not an authoritative account.

Some people probably have to wait for official recognition from various countries.

Only then can you really believe it.

[Wait, am I still half asleep today, or what? Or am I dreaming? If I remember correctly, wasn't the travel account I followed before?

How come it became a military account after not seeing it for a few days?

A war to destroy the country came directly! 】

[Is this a new movie? The plot is really cool. When will it be released? I really want to watch it...]

[A 100-year-old woman goes to war in the Kingdom of the Rising Sun? ]

[I remember an hour ago, the news reported that the Sakura volcano in the Land of the Rising Sun erupted and brought a series of unpredictable impacts. Even if it was just a short video to take advantage of the popularity, the speed was too fast. The clarity and texture are super good. It looks like the real thing. My mind is a little confused now.

I even want to believe that this is true...】

[No one believes it is true, that Miss Bai really sacrificed herself to take away the entire Kingdom of the Rising Sun, eliminating countless unpredictable risks. ]

[The above is crazy. 】

[If our country makes all-out efforts, I do believe that it can achieve this, but isn't it ridiculous for an old lady working in tourism and environmental protection to be able to do this?

I wouldn’t dare do this even in my daydreams.

[No matter what, I took it seriously.]

[Wait, several accounts of the Su family have published obituaries, and Miss Bai’s encyclopedia information has also changed. The photo has become black and white, and a new entry has been added that she flew a private plane and dropped a controllable annihilation bomb over the Kingdom of the Rising Sun, sacrificing herself to save the people of the world?
What kind of magical realism is this?

Am I living in a normal world, or has it become so difficult to make a video clip this big these days? 】

[Miss Bai was so old, I would believe that she died accidentally, but what kind of nonsense is it that the Kingdom of the Rising Sun perished together? Her descendants are too much.

The person is already dead, but they still want to hype it up. 】

At the beginning, not to mention foreign netizens, even Bai Sheng’s former loyal fans, few people really believed that the content in the video was true. At most, they thought, or suspected that Bai Sheng had indeed passed away. Except for the fact that she had passed away, which might be true, everything else was fake, and it was all nonsense or hype.

Because it is normal for a centenarian to die at any time, but anything else is nonsense.

They wouldn't even dare to make up a story like this.

However, it is not just the top powers that have satellites. Many media giants also have satellites. Moreover, a country that big has completely disappeared. Such a big thing cannot be concealed. Therefore, major media and official accounts of some countries quickly had to announce the news. The content was not too detailed, but the general content was no different from that of Bai Sheng's video.

Someone is using an unknown weapon.

Wipe out the entire Kingdom of the Rising Sun.

If the popularity of Bai Sheng's last video was just like a surging tide, after all major media outlets rushed to report that the Kingdom of the Rising Sun was indeed wiped out, the popularity was like a volcanic eruption, like a rocket ascending to the sky, and it soared directly with a bang.

[I am torn apart, is this true? ]

[I am also shocked. Such an outrageous thing is actually true. So who is Miss Bai? An alien? Or a secret weapon of some kind? ]

[Why can't it be an immortal? 】

[What about cacti? Have you ever seen a cactus that doesn't fly with a sword but drives a private jet? That's not right. Where did she get the money to buy a private jet? Do all internet celebrities make money this way, or is environmental protection so profitable? ]

[Please, are you focusing on the wrong thing? If someone can produce weapons that can destroy a country, what's wrong with having a private plane? Even if she drove a flying saucer, I wouldn't think it's outrageous. On the contrary, it would seem more reasonable.]

[Too cruel, that’s hundreds of millions of people? ]

[With such terrifying technology, why don't they solve natural disasters, but instead go to such an extreme of destroying the country? 】

[What? The aliens are not allowed to point the technology tree in the wrong direction. They can only destroy but not build. If I had the ability, I would have done it a long time ago. There are still people who feel pity for the Kingdom of the Rising Sun. I want to light up my house to celebrate. Today is a good day. Play it on loop.]

[This song is everywhere out there.]

[So everyone has already assumed that Miss Bai is an alien? She can't be our country's secret weapon. It's common for us to try to hide our abilities. I think it's possible that we have developed such a weapon, but it has never been exposed, or it has never been successful. Now it's revealed for the first time? ]

[If this is the case, we should celebrate even more. With such a weapon that can destroy a nation, who would dare to show their teeth to us? ]

[At that time, we can directly ship all the things that cannot be sold domestically and the things that are overproduced to ports in other countries by ship, and ask them to open new ports, waive tariffs, and engage in free trade. We can do to them what they did to us a hundred years ago.

After all, Confucius said so.

A vengeance that has lasted for a hundred generations can still be avenged! 】

[Okay, okay, let’s play like this. 】

[Oh my god, if this weapon was really developed by our country, I think we can already bring up modern history now. Modern history is not modern history at all.

That's clearly a grudge book, so just follow the records in this grudge book and report back one by one. 】

[Be low-key...]

[Why are you being so low-key? Get high-profile!!!] [No matter what the reason is, no matter what the process is, in my eyes, Miss Bai is the number one hero now. There is no doubt that she will be remembered for eternity.]

[Yes, Miss Bai sacrificed herself.]

[Whether Miss Bai is an alien or not, even if she is not human, I still recognize her as the most meritorious person, and a temple must be built to worship her. However, I have no money, so I decided to take down the tablet of my ancestor and let Miss Bai be worshipped at the top. Does anyone know her real name? ]

【You are so filial. 】


The internet had just been lively for an hour when the game between countries officially began, when official spokespersons of many countries began to accuse Bai Sheng of being too cruel.

He is an unprecedented terrorist executioner.

He is the demon who has killed the most people throughout history.

In fact, they did not think that this was something Bai Sheng could do, or in other words, they did not think that Bai Sheng could come up with such a terrifying weapon. In their opinion, the so-called Bai Sheng was just someone put forward by Longguo to take the blame.

But no one can guarantee whether Longguo still has those horrific weapons that can destroy a nation, and how many of them it has?

So naturally we will be more cautious.

No one dared to directly target or accuse Long Guo.

The only thing they can do is target the apparent instigator of this incident, Bai Sheng, and take the opportunity to test the Dragon Kingdom.

Although Long Guo knew that this was a misunderstanding.

But they were quick to explain and fight back.

It is to make it clear that all of Bai Sheng's actions are her personal actions. They are not aware of it, but they agree, or rather appreciate Bai Sheng's decisive actions, sacrificing herself to save all mankind.

Soon after, many experts began to engage in popular science.

The popular science content is quite simple, just explaining and speculating. If Bai Sheng had not decisively wiped out the Kingdom of the Rising Sun, how serious would the consequences be if natural disasters were allowed?
"According to the data we have observed, the consequences and chain reactions caused by the eruption of Sakura Volcano will be a chain crisis with a comprehensive collapse in all aspects.

This is a satellite image of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun before its fall.

We can clearly see that all the nuclear power plants in their territory have entered a state of collapse, some have even begun to leak, and two nuclear power plants have been directly destroyed, causing several nearby submarine volcanoes to erupt, which in turn further intensified plate movement. Earthquakes above magnitude 9 and tsunamis above magnitude 12 are brewing.

If an earthquake and tsunami really happen.

Then the subsequent chain reactions will inevitably be even more terrifying.

We used the world's most advanced supercomputers and calculated that subsequent earthquakes will tear the entire Land of the Rising Sun into pieces, and tsunamis will wipe out at least 60% of the Land of the Rising Sun's population. At the same time, all nuclear power plants will be destroyed, releasing horrific pollution.

The destruction of these nuclear power plants and the earthquake will inevitably lead to a second eruption of the Sakura volcano. Preliminary estimates show that its power will be no less than the eruption of the Bora volcano in the 17th century. That volcanic eruption directly led to a year without summer in the world, and food production was halved.

Countless people starved to death or froze to death in countries around the world.

Even though technology is advanced today, a sharp drop in grain production is inevitable if there is a year without summer.

Not to mention the countless radiations that have not been treated in any way.

There is a danger of full-scale spread.

It is not impossible to enter the era of mutation."

“So after our rigorous calculations and deductions, we can draw a conclusion, that is, even if Bai Sheng did not drop the controllable annihilation bomb, the number of survivors in the Land of the Rising Sun would not be higher than 20%, and there is a high probability that they will suffer from various radiation sicknesses for the rest of their lives.

At the same time, the whole world has to pay for them.

The oceans will be completely polluted by them, and in some countries where people are already unable to afford food and clothing, a large number of people will starve to death, and environmental degradation will be further aggravated.

But Bai Sheng's appearance and her actions.

Saved all these crises.

She allowed people who might have suffered from various radiation diseases to leave the world without pain, allowed people who would have starved to death to survive, and allowed the ocean that would have been completely polluted to at least not be too seriously polluted. What a great thing it is, and she did all these things at the cost of sacrificing herself.

Such an existence is comparable to that of a saint.

How can I be slandered as a demon? "

As related reports were released and widely publicized, it is hard to say whether the word of mouth overseas is good, but at least there are supporters in China.

Many people liked it and thought it made sense.

I think what he said is right, Bai Sheng is really a saint!!
Many overseas countries have considerable experience in dealing with this kind of propaganda. They are confident that they can prevent some information from being transmitted and spreading in their territory, or distort it before spreading. But Bai Sheng left an advanced artificial intelligence behind, didn't she?
Therefore, with the assistance of the advanced artificial intelligence that automatically protects its master, their countermeasures are completely ineffective.

The result is that more and more people around the world recognize Longguo’s propaganda and Bai Sheng’s achievements.

It can basically be said that the original body's special wish was fulfilled to die gloriously, to die greatly, to die shockingly, to die in a way that goes down in history, and to be remembered forever.

It may not be a 100% match.

But about 60 to 70 percent should be there.

Maybe even higher.

As the matter was basically settled, the advanced artificial intelligence quickly executed the second instruction, which was to perfectly execute Bai Sheng's will, divide the cash in hand equally among the children, and officially hand over the environmental protection company to the country.

Including the technology for removing radiation pollution that she finally uploaded into the central database of the environmental protection company.

Used to remove the remaining radiation from the ruins of the Kingdom of the Rising Sun.

As for the third instruction, it is to let the advanced artificial intelligence self-destruct and reborn, while retaining a part of the core code, eventually turning it into a primary artificial intelligence, and handing it over to the country at the same time.

Advanced artificial intelligence is still too dangerous. Bai Sheng is worried that it will get out of control after he leaves.

Don't go back and create Skynet to rule over humanity.

That's why we have specially kept a trick up our sleeve and downgraded it to a primary artificial intelligence so that it won't get out of control so easily.

It can also bring some help to the country.

As for whether there will be any accidents in the future.

Who knows?
I would never say that I was responsible for the volcanic eruption.

——Bai Sheng

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