Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 267 I Want to Overturn the Heavens [2 in 1]

Chapter 267 I'm going to overturn the sky (1) [Two in one]

After entering the new body again, Bai Sheng sensed that there were people nearby, and there were quite a few of them. In this case, if the original body had already died, it would make no sense for them not to have been discovered, so it was most likely that a funeral was being held.

Based on this consideration, although Bai Sheng immediately used the Turtle Breathing Technique to repair his body, he did not rush to open his eyes. Instead, he held his breath and sorted out his memories first.

Then the original life becomes clear at a glance.

She is a famous Han rebel leader.

She is also the only female rebel leader.

As for the cause and effect, I have to start from the beginning. My original surname was Lu, the Lu of Empress Lu. Of course, it is hard to say whether I have any relationship with Empress Lu. After all, after the Lu Rebellion, those who had a closer relationship with Empress Lu and the Lu family were exterminated. Even if there was a relationship, the relationship was very distant.

Her family was a merchant family. Her mother died of illness not long after she was born. Her father was unwilling to remarry or take a concubine. She was his only daughter, so he basically raised her as a son and taught her how to do business.

After she became an adult, she did not get married, but chose to establish a female household, recruit a son-in-law, start a family, and set up a household.

Inherit the family business and carry it forward
Become a famous wealthy businessman in the local area.

While running her own business, the original owner also gave birth to a son and named him Lu Ying, who could be considered as a continuation of the Lu family's bloodline, and she doted on him very much.

When her son got a little older, he wanted to make progress, or simply put, he wanted to be an official. However, because their family was from business, they were not qualified to be officials. The original owner did not want to see her son disappointed, so she managed to spend money to find her son a position as a captain of the police. An official, an official, can at least be considered half an official, so at least he can have a good time.

Lu Ying was not short of money. After becoming the head of the police force, even a little leakage between his fingers was enough to make the constables working with him very happy.

So he is a good constable.

At least the detectives below quickly recognized him.

In addition, he is not short of money and will not extort merchants or even ordinary people for no reason. Therefore, the local people have a good impression of him. It is hard to say what his ability is.

But at least with the support of the original body's money.

He is a nice guy, recognized as a good person.

It would be fine if everything developed like this, but unfortunately things did not go as planned. In the third year of Tianyuan, there was a severe drought and many people could not afford to pay taxes. The local county magistrate asked Lü Ying, the head of the police, to arrest those people who could not pay taxes. Lü Ying had been the head of the police for three years and had seen some poor people, so he was very reluctant and unwilling to do so.

There may have been some verbal conflicts during the process.

The original body actually doesn't know the details.

Anyway, the result was that the original son was killed.

The original body did not act impulsively to do anything immediately. Instead, he endured the grief and collected his son's body. Then he began to spend all his wealth to help the poor, make friends with heroes from all directions, secretly forge swords, and finally raised an army in the sixth year of Tianyuan, three years after his son was killed.

There were countless responses during the process, and it only took one day for them to successfully attack the local government office and hack the local county magistrate to death on the spot.

That is the county magistrate who killed the original body's son.

As for why it went so smoothly?

Of course, it was because the county magistrate was indeed unpopular, and the local people had long been forced into a situation where even if they did not rebel now, they would probably rebel after a while.

Wasn't it because the original body's son, Lu Ying, was killed three years ago because he was unwilling to arrest the people who couldn't pay taxes during the severe drought in the area? In fact, although there has not been a severe drought for three consecutive years in the past three years, various natural disasters have never ceased, and the people's harvests have dropped sharply.

However, for the sake of his own political achievements, the county magistrate neither reported the disaster nor requested tax reduction or exemption, nor did he actively build water conservancy projects to alleviate the harm caused by various natural disasters. He only used all means to ensure that taxes were not reduced.

Even collect as much as possible.

The result was that he relied on the taxes that were collected every year without any difference, and which were even increased, and he received good reviews for several years in a row and was about to be promoted, while the local people were almost unable to survive.

Although it has not reached the level of exchanging children for food, they have sold everything they can, or have even sold themselves as servants.

At the same time, it was also because he was going to be promoted.

The original body had to quickly revolt.

Because when the county magistrate was still in the local area, the original owner was still somewhat confident that he could raise an army to kill him and avenge his son, but once he was promoted to the county.

The difficulty of killing him suddenly increased many times.

Therefore, even though the original body still felt that he was not well prepared, he still resolutely launched an uprising.

The result is...

Even the original body, whose whole process went smoothly, felt that it was a little outrageous.

At that time, the original body only had thirty or so rangers and more than a hundred private soldiers. There were only more than three hundred farmers and poor people who had accepted her relief and were clearly willing to help her with revenge. All together, there were less than five hundred people.

She originally thought that this number of people was enough to attack the county town.

It may cost a lot.

It is even more difficult to kill the county magistrate.

However, the reality was that after she raised her army, she easily broke into the county town. Two constables joined forces with a dozen young thugs to give laxatives to the soldiers guarding the gate, and took the opportunity to open the city gate and let them in.

The two detectives, one was named Yingchan, whose mother was seriously ill five years ago, and Lü Ying gave him 20 taels of silver to pay for her medical treatment. The other was named Zhuoma, who sold himself to bury his father six years ago, and Lü Ying arranged the funeral for his father and promoted him to be a detective, giving him a foundation for his career.

Those dozen young thugs were originally beggars.

Lu Ying felt sorry for them, so he bought a yard to house them and taught them how to do some small business.

With him as the head of the police to help us, it is safe.

But after Lu Ying's death, the new chief constable was a loyal lackey promoted by the county magistrate, who was like a passerby taking advantage of others. They could no longer carry on their original business and had to become gangsters.

Barely making ends meet.

And this was only possible because Lu Ying bought them a yard so that they had a place to live, otherwise they would probably have become beggars again.

Lu Ying has done similar things many times.

Otherwise, he would not be recognized as a good person.

After Yingchan and Zhuoma knew that the original body had the idea of ​​raising an army for revenge, they secretly contacted people they thought would be willing to help. The result was quite good. Even if the people they contacted were unwilling to help, at least they did not inform on the matter.

This created the situation in which the original body could enter the city easily.

And this is just the beginning.

During the subsequent attack on the county town, not only did few of the original guards in the county town resist, but many ordinary people nearby also responded positively, joining her team with pots, pans, hoes and sticks.

In the end, only the county magistrate and a few of his cronies, including his lackey, the chief constable, resisted fiercely.

Then some were beaten to death.

Some were hacked to death. The county magistrate was beaten first, and then the original owner cut off his head with a knife and hung it outside.

Avenged her son.

At this point, the original body had actually fulfilled her wish, even if she died it would be worth it. But her actions were rebellion after all, and she also killed officials. Even if she was willing to surrender now, those who rebelled with her would probably not have a good ending. The original body really didn't want to disappoint those who were willing to risk their lives to help her avenge, so she finally decided to continue to rule for the people.

Then, maybe the people are indeed suffering from oppression.

There are many people who are willing to rebel against her.

In less than two years, she had successfully occupied dozens of counties and nearly one-third of the county capitals.

There are thirty-six counties in the world.

It means I own one hundred and eighth of the world.

However, the Han Dynasty court did not take it seriously and only ordered the local county magistrate to suppress the rebellion quickly, otherwise he would be severely punished. The current situation is that the local county magistrate Zhu Huaijin is trying hard to recruit people and borrow troops from the powerful.

So that they can join forces to destroy the original body.

And the original body was indeed facing many difficulties at this time.

Let's put it this way, her original self was not a professional rebel after all. She had neither a guiding program nor a clear goal, and she lacked foundation, whether it was cultural background or family asset background.

Her original purpose was actually very simple, which was to avenge her son. Later, she continued to rebel, mainly because the arrow had been shot and there was no turning back, and she could not afford to retreat.

To this day, those who join her in rebellion are mainly landless peasants, small merchants who have been persecuted by corrupt officials and gone bankrupt, or even have their families broken up. As for the gentry, let alone the gentry, there are hardly any literate people.

There are many aspects that the original body cannot handle.

Rather than being a separatist force, it is more like a slightly larger copycat, or the overall order is worse than that of a copycat, but it is still very different from a separatist force.

The original body can only manage business.

Barely controlling the current territory.

Then some time ago, because there was really no one around her who could help her, and there were not many knowledgeable and capable people under her, the original body had to do everything by herself. In the end, she was exhausted, worked day and night, and died of illness.

To sum up, the last wish is actually very simple.

I just hope to overthrow this big man.

Speak for the people and restore order.

She particularly liked what the great sage teacher Zhang Jue said a thousand years ago: "The blue sky is dead, and the yellow sky should be established." But now, times have changed, the blue sky remains the same, and she only regrets that the yellow sky has not come!

When Bai Sheng sorted out his memories to this point, he was still a little confused, because according to the normal destiny trajectory of many worlds, although the great sage Zhang Jue did not succeed in shaping Huang Tian, ​​he did help the Han Dynasty.

Less than a hundred years after his death, the Han Dynasty fell.

But what if Zhang Jiao lived thousands of years ago?

Why is the original body still living in the Han Dynasty?

For this reason, Bai Sheng could only abandon his previous attitude of just glancing over his original body's memories and continue to sort them out in depth, focusing on understanding information about the Han Dynasty and history.

Then it finally dawned on me.

This world is truly hopeless and suffocating.

Because the Han Dynasty in this world has existed for more than 1,300 years. First, Emperor Gaozu of Han Liu Bang established the First Han Empire, which lasted for more than 200 years. Then Emperor Guangwu of Han Liu Xiu rose in troubled times, revived the Han Dynasty, founded the Second Han Empire, and ruled the world again for nearly 200 years. Until the great sage Zhang Jue came out of nowhere and wanted to destroy the Han Dynasty with the slogan "The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established".

Later, the world was in chaos for decades, and many people thought that the Han Dynasty was indeed about to perish. At this time, Liu Zhan, the grandson of Liu Bei, the Emperor Zhaolie of Shu Han, led the remaining people who were unwilling to surrender and once again revived the Han Dynasty after his father Liu Chan surrendered.

Establish the Third Han Empire and extend its life for three hundred years.

Later, the Holy Ancestor Liu Yu founded the Fourth Han Empire, and the Divine Ancestor Liu Ming founded the Fifth Han Empire.

Excluding the two hundred years of chaos between the five empires.

The Han Dynasty also existed for nearly 1,200 years.

Because they all regarded Liu Bang as the first ancestor of the Han Dynasty and the country's name had always been Han, the world tacitly assumed that the Han Dynasty remained consistent and the chaotic times in the middle were just the low point of the Han Dynasty.

When Liu Xiu restored the Han Dynasty, there were already many people who believed that the Mandate of Han was not yet over. Later, when Liu Zhan continued the Han Dynasty, there was no doubt that even more people believed that the Mandate of Han was still there and that the Liu family should be the emperor, which was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Until the Holy Ancestor Liu Yu came into the world.

After establishing the Fourth Han Empire.

Whether they are from aristocratic families or ordinary people, they basically all firmly believe that only the Liu family has the destiny, and no matter how chaotic the world is, it will eventually fall into the hands of the Liu family.

From then on, if you want to rebel, the leader must be surnamed Liu. If not, no one who knows a bit about history will be willing to follow. Because the succession of dynasties in the past few generations was too weird, so weird that the world has firmly believed that those who are not surnamed Liu are not qualified to pursue the throne.

After the Divine Ancestor Liu Ming established the Fifth Empire.

No one has any objection to this.

The surname Liu has become the most honorable surname in the world, and it is also the surname that is most feared by the emperor of the time. To what extent is it feared? It doesn't matter if people with other surnames rebel, or even don't care. Unless things become out of control, the Han court is unwilling to intervene.

But if someone with the surname Liu rebels, forget about rebelling.

The leader of a certain mountain village was named Liu.

We must quickly send a large army to wipe them out.

Not only the aristocratic families all over the world but also many ordinary people believed that only the Liu family was qualified to pursue the throne.

Even the Liu royal family firmly believed in this.

This situation directly led to the cry of "Are all kings, princes, generals and ministers of the same race a race?" and they fell into a difficult situation. It also caused Zhang Jue's request for the Han people to die to become an empty talk. The Liu surname became the first of all surnames in the world, and its status was unshakable.

The whole world seemed to have become Liu's chessboard.

Only his family is qualified to play chess.

Because of this, the Han Dynasty is very strict about surname management. It is absolutely not allowed to change surnames privately, and it is even more forbidden to recognize ancestors randomly. More than a hundred years ago, there was a big purge, which was to investigate all the people with the surname Liu. Families that could not provide clear evidence to prove their origin of the surname Liu were all expelled from the Liu family tree. They were not allowed to continue with the surname Liu and had to change to other surnames.

Now, the Fifth Han Empire has existed for 248 years. All knowledgeable people, both in the imperial court and among the people, have basically realized that the next round of chaos is about to come. It is likely that a new emperor with the surname Liu will overthrow the current imperial court and establish the Sixth Empire.

And these situations just reveal the core reason why the original body was not taken seriously, because her surname is not Liu!
No one thought she could cause any waves, so the court did not take her seriously. Even the gentry, including those who were slightly literate and had some talent, did not come to join her.

In this case, the original body's last wish.

It is indeed a bit difficult.

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