Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 268 I Want to Overturn the Heavens [2 in 1]

Chapter 268 I'm going to overturn the sky (2) [Two in one]

What the original body meant by overthrowing the Han heaven was actually to overthrow the Liu family's rule that had lasted for 1,200 years. Since the blind heaven had always favored the Liu family as the emperor, he would overthrow the heaven as well.

I think this was what Zhang Jue meant at the time.

If the emperor has no virtue, and it is difficult to defy the will of heaven.

Then let this day and the emperor die together!

Unfortunately, Zhang Jiao in this world ultimately failed and met a man who could change his fate, namely Liu Zhan, the son of Liu Chan. He apparently reversed his original fate and extended the life of the Han Dynasty for another three hundred years.

However, it would undoubtedly be very difficult to fulfill this wish, because no noble family would be willing to help her.

It’s hard to say whether it will be the same in the future.

But at least this is the situation for now.

After understanding the whole situation, Bai Sheng naturally opened her eyes and sat up. Fortunately, her subordinates had not had time to close the coffin lid, let alone nail the coffin.

The process of viewing the remains is currently underway.

So she faked her death very smoothly, without getting bumped or hit at all. However, the people who were paying their respects to the body nearby were scared to death, and several of them even stumbled to the ground or screamed that she was a corpse.

Fortunately, most people had seen blood and killed many people. After the initial panic, they quickly calmed down. The chief steward Fu Heng asked directly:

"My Lord, are you all right?"

"It's okay, I just went to the underworld, and it was a good opportunity to meet my son. Now my son is quite capable and is serving as the newest Lord of Mount Tai!"

Magic must be dealt with by magic, and destiny must naturally be eliminated by destiny, so Bai Sheng arranged a god position for his son who died early.

The Lord of the Underworld, the Lord of Mount Tai.

At least before the Ten Kings of Hell were born, the Lord of Mount Tai was the most legitimate lord of the underworld.

Legend has it that the throne of the Lord of Mount Tai changes every 500 years.

It will be held by an upright person in the mortal world.

Anyway, it's not wrong to say that Lu Ying is an upright person. He can still make a fortune. In addition, Bai Sheng just came back from the dead, which is quite miraculous. However, if someone who was nailed to death and came back from the dead can create a religion with countless believers, what's wrong with Bai Sheng deifying his son?

After the group of close confidants present looked at each other for a while, they basically all believed it, because they had previously carefully examined the lord's body, and found symptoms such as pulse temperature and heartbeat that could prove that a person was still alive.

My lord Lu has none of them.

But now he suddenly resurrected and sat up. If he said that he had no problem in the underworld, they wouldn't believe it!
Moreover, among the confidants present, at least one-third had received favors from Lu Ying, so when they heard that Lu Ying became the Lord of Mount Tai, they also agreed and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. What was wrong with their benefactor becoming the Lord of Mount Tai?
Such a good person died in vain.

You should become a god!
So next, everyone started to congratulate in a very different way. Some congratulated their lord on his resurrection, some congratulated their lord's only son on his ascension to godhood, and some excitedly muttered that they would no longer be afraid of dying in battles, because even if they died, they would have acquaintances among them.

For a moment, the mourning hall, which was originally quite solemn.

It was actually quite noisy and lively.

Bai Sheng quickly climbed out of the coffin and had his men remove the coffin and all the furnishings in the mourning hall. Then he took everyone, which included dozens of housekeepers and stewards, to hold a meeting nearby.

Didn't I say before that the original body had no experience in rebellion, and she managed her territory in the form of business? So she was not appointed as a county magistrate, nor a general. She was the lord, and the most important person under her was the chief steward Fu Heng. Under the chief steward were ten great stewards, and under the great stewards were stewards. What they managed specifically was mainly reflected in the titles in front of them.

The Chief Steward of Military Affairs is the one who is in charge of military equipment.

The chief steward of grain and fodder is obviously in charge of grain and fodder.

The duties of the managers under the steward are relatively subdivided. For example, under the chief steward of weapons, there are special managers of transportation, soldiers, construction, repairs, and armor. The division of responsibilities is quite detailed.

At the same time, the original territory is not large.

Therefore, this special management model, which is more similar to business, can still operate normally for the time being.

"Fu Heng, tell me about what happened recently."

During the previous half month when he was seriously ill, the original body had not been in charge of things much. After he died, he was even less able to take care of things. So the original body himself didn't know what had happened in the past half month, and Bai Sheng, the later recipient, naturally didn't know even more. He could only ask.

"My lord, ever since you became seriously ill, some people below have been panicking and worried about the future. We are still holding today's funeral in secret because we haven't figured out how to publicize it and how to arrange for everyone.

But as long as you show up a few times next time.

People’s hearts will naturally be at peace.”

After explaining the current situation, Fu Heng continued:

"Our current situation is not particularly optimistic. Although the imperial court does not care much about us, its main focus is on suppressing the rebellious King of Yue Liu Yu in Annan County. However, our recent crackdown on local tyrants and even the destruction of several aristocratic families have still alarmed other powerful aristocratic families. The county governor took the opportunity to contact those powerful aristocratic families and borrow troops from them.

It is said that 30,000 troops have been assembled.

They are preparing to encircle and suppress us."

Fu Heng is the son of the original body's father, the former butler Fu Yue. After the death of the original body's father and the old butler, Fu Heng naturally became the original body's butler, and his loyalty is needless to say. At the same time, although he has no fame, he is already the most educated subordinate under the original body, and the position of chief steward is well deserved.

He completed the tasks assigned to him by the original body very well. It can even be said that the original body was able to get to where he is today.

He deserves at least one-third of the credit.

"Thirty thousand troops. If the imperial court sends thirty thousand troops, it won't be a problem. But the local tyrants' private soldiers are a problem!"

Bai Sheng soon became worried.

The powerful forces in this world have always been feared and suppressed since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the first empire of the Han Dynasty, but they have always been very tenacious. At most, there are ups and downs. One family is destroyed and another one prospers. It has always been continuous. Basically, some families within the powerful families have their ups and downs, but the overall powerful forces have always been very strong.

In the later years of Emperor Guangwu's reign, he was able to quickly pacify the world and revive the Han Dynasty by actively winning over many powerful forces and compromising with each other. The price he paid was the Second Han Empire he created, which lasted less than two hundred years.

Liu Zhan, who founded the Third Han Empire, had to rely on the poor and common people to start his business because most of the major powerful families at that time had been won over by Cao Wei, and he did not have many supporters even though he wanted to win them over.

In the process, many powerful families were wiped out.

Although the humble families who followed him to conquer the world later became new powerful families in the next hundred years, the collapse of a large number of powerful families did bring vitality and hope to his Third Han Empire.

The specific manifestation is that the country lasted for three hundred years.

Compared with Emperor Guangwu, who compromised with many powerful families from the beginning, the country enjoyed a hundred years longer. Later, those powerful families also learned to be smart.

Although there were some losses during the establishment of the Fourth and Fifth Han Empires, the losses were far less than before. At the same time, the Fourth and Fifth Han Empires were basically established with the support of the major powerful families, so the result was that the power of the powerful families became more and more stable.

Many thousand-year-old families have emerged in various places.

Fortress private soldiers are standard equipment for powerful families.

In reality, the powerful families of the Han Empire today are no different from the nobles such as dukes, marquises and earls in the Western world. They all have their own fortresses, territories, and soldiers.

At the same time, it has a relatively complete system internally.

Able to be basically self-sufficient to a certain extent.

In peacetime, he is a child of an elegant family, and once a war breaks out, he can immediately form a guard team.

At the same time, their combat effectiveness is definitely not weak. After all, private soldiers are raised to protect their own safety and property. How could they not be attentive? For this reason, the overall quality of the private soldiers of powerful families is much stronger than that of the imperial court.

This is especially true as time goes on.

In addition, in order to prevent county magistrates from having military power, the Han Dynasty court made it easy for them to establish their own regime and become local warlords.

So sometimes when there was a rebellion in a local area, as long as the surname was not Liu, the imperial court would be too lazy to send troops and was unwilling to spend the energy. At most, they would give an order to allow the county governor to provide food and borrow troops from the local powerful families to suppress the rebellion. If it failed, the imperial court would not suffer any loss, but the powerful families would suffer. If it succeeded, they would give some rewards, which was not a big deal.

It can be regarded as a means for the imperial court to weaken powerful families.

But no matter how you put it, it is now a recognized fact that the private soldiers of powerful families are far stronger than those of the imperial court. Some people even believe that 100,000 soldiers of the imperial court are not as good as 10,000 elite soldiers of powerful families. This is also the core reason why Bai Sheng and Fu Heng feel that this matter is a little tricky.

If the troops attacking them were from the imperial court.

They really don't take it seriously.

After all, they can barely gather 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers now, and they still have a chance of winning against the imperial troops who have traveled a long way from other places.

But those powerful private soldiers are not only locals.

The combat effectiveness is also good.

To put it bluntly, they have eaten better than Bai Sheng's soldiers since they were young, and their physical fitness is much better than Bai Sheng's team which is mainly composed of landless farmers, and their weapons are probably inferior too.

It's really incomparable in every way.

"Indeed, my lord, when we previously surrounded and wiped out several notorious local powerful families, we saw the private soldiers they raised. Not only were they strong and powerful, but they were also fearless of death. In order to kill less than 300 private soldiers, we paid three times the price.

At the same time, many brothers were seriously injured or disabled.

And you also know that the counties we conquered were all poor counties, and the few powerful families we destroyed could only be considered as lower third-grade families according to the Nine-grade Family Theory. But this time, it is said that an upper third-grade family, a dozen middle third-grade families, and dozens of lower third-grade families have joined forces to fight us.

There are also many vassal powers.

So do you think we should stay out of the spotlight for a while?"

It’s not that Fu Heng is timid, but the gap in strength between them is indeed quite large. At the same time, those powerful families have proved countless times with facts that they are really strong.

These guys have too deep a background.

In the beginning, there were only powerful people and nobles in this world. The powerful people belonged to local forces, and the nobles belonged to court forces. But later, as some powerful people were passed down for a long time, they began to call themselves aristocratic families.

A family that is passed down from generation to generation and prospers continuously is called a noble family.

Although aristocratic families and powerful families are generally mentioned together nowadays, there are actually differences between them. Those with a time of inheritance, or a time of prosperity, of less than three hundred years are basically considered to be nouveau riche and are regarded as powerful families by aristocratic families. Only those with a time of inheritance and prosperity of more than three hundred years are qualified to be recognized as aristocratic families.

At the same time, there are only thousand-year-old families.

Only then can it be called a first-class family.

In addition to the inheritance time, the number of talented people in the family and the number of people holding high positions are also the criteria. In recent years, although the court has not introduced the Nine-Rank System, the Nine-Rank Family Theory has gradually flourished. Perhaps this theory defines the Liu family as the only super-rank family, so the court did not say anything.

However, this is not used to measure the strength of the major families.

There is basically no big mistake.

Facing the suggestion of Fu Heng, the chief steward, to temporarily avoid the sharp edge, Bai Sheng shook his head directly: "No, where can we retreat to? And if we retreat, what about the previous promise of three years of tax exemption to those people?
Once we leave, the court officials will come back again. They will definitely not recognize our tax-free promise and may even increase taxes.

Even the people who helped us were liquidated.”

Having said that, Bai Sheng thought for a moment and continued:

"If we just confront them head-on, we are unlikely to be their match. However, there is no need for our uprising division to fight them head-on. It is okay to use some conspiracy tactics.

How are the 30,000 troops deployed?

About when will the attack come?

It also allows me to prepare in time.”

"Well, I don't know. It is said that the private soldiers of the noble families are ready, but the county governor has not yet gathered enough food and fodder, so we have to wait. It is impossible for those noble families to send out both soldiers and food to help the county governor fight a war, and then succeed. The greatest credit will fall on the county governor.

So I guess there might be some wrangling going on.

Only when our mutual interests are aligned can we formally send troops.”

Hearing this, Bai Sheng wanted to roll his eyes. He was talking so nervously, and it seemed like this was just a fake trick with insufficient money, undecided actors, and no script yet. Isn't this bullshit?

"Never mind. Just keep watching. Tell me when they gather their troops and prepare to attack us.

Show me all the recent account books."

Since the other party's food and supplies have not been gathered yet, there is no need to worry too much. Just leave it alone for now. Since the external enemy is not particularly dangerous or urgent for the time being, Bai Sheng decided to take some time to sort out his current forces.

Then think about the development direction.

When governing a territory with a business model, the ledger is naturally the best channel to understand the true situation of your territory.

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