Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 31 The Queen Mother is immortal

Chapter 31 The Queen Mother is immortal (31)

Any small matter will no longer be a trivial matter once it is expanded to a nationwide scale, let alone education and academic communication, which are not trivial in the first place.

Therefore, Bai Sheng and the others must be cautious.

They discussed continuously for half a month, and when Emperor Jianyuan was a little afraid that they wanted to stage a coup, and had begun to take precautions in advance, the general framework was basically set, and then Xuchang and others resigned at the court meeting.

Although Emperor Jianyuan suspected that they had a conspiracy or wanted to retreat in order to advance, such an opportunity was really rare.

In addition, the unusual way to break the situation last time also gave him some sweetness, so this time he was quite moved and directly agreed to the resignation of Prime Minister Xuchang and others without saying a word to stay.

This is obviously unreasonable.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor would have to hold back a few words.

Nowadays, Bai Bai gives people a sense of impatience, they can't wait to let Xuchang go and make room for his people.

However, Xuchang's blood was boiling with what Bai Sheng said now, and he didn't want to delay for a second, so although he was a little surprised at this time, he didn't think much about it, and he didn't regret it.

Dang even happily took off his crown and resigned.

Several other officials from the Huang Lao faction who were in the same faction as him and were persuaded by Bai Sheng also resigned smoothly.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and Emperor Jianyuan were quite surprised at this time, but after thinking about it for a while, Emperor Jianyuan felt that there should be no problem with this matter. They could not have made their own decisions. After all, they were at Changxin Palace before. I met the Empress Dowager for half a month in a row.

So it was most likely his royal grandmother's idea.

Maybe his royal grandmother figured it out.

Be prepared to completely delegate power.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jianyuan immediately began to arrange manpower to fill the gap. For example, he arranged for his uncle to be the prime minister, and promoted Han Anguo, the chief minister, to the imperial censor.

At this point, he finally expelled the people that the Empress Dowager had deployed from the court. Then he waited with some anxiety, waiting to see what the Empress Dowager's attitude would be if she called him over and scolded him.

Then I'll probably have to lay low for a while.

But if you don't care.

He could certainly be a little bolder.

Bai Sheng was already prepared to give up the court battle for the time being, so naturally he would not intervene in anything and just pretended that there was no such thing. Therefore, after half a month, he found that Emperor Jianyuan had made no move on the side of the Empress Dowager. , and of course I think this matter should be put to rest.

And officially began to do what he wanted to do more boldly, such as promoting more officials of the Confucian lineage and promoting more officials who were not relatives of the noble family.

For Emperor Jianyuan, relatives and nobles were actually shackles, whether they came from his imperial grandmother's relatives or from his mother's relatives, but now he had to rely on them. He had originally The purpose of the Jianyuan New Deal was actually to build a new official selection mechanism, to promote a group of officials who were not related to relatives and nobles, to help them control the court, and to get rid of the influence of their relatives, nobles, and even the princes and many clans.

I don’t want my descendants to be shackled by them for generations to come.

I want to get rid of them and find a new group of people to help me govern the country.

Choosing to support Confucianism was not actually about how much he liked Confucianism. The core reason was that Confucianism was willing to cater to the emperor's will. The ideas of divine right of kings and respecting kings and resisting barbarians met his needs for governing the country.

In addition, there are not many intellectuals nowadays, and Confucianism is a prominent school in the world. Among the wild intellectuals who are not officials, relatives, relatives, nobles, or nobles, Confucianism is the most numerous.

Undoubtedly, it is also an important factor.

If you want to promote talents, you must first have talents. Literacy and culture are the foundation. These days, Confucianism has the tradition of running private schools. Although there is a certain threshold, compared with other theories, the threshold is already very low.

It can be said that Confucianism at this time actually has all the foundations for leaping over the dragon's gate, but it lacks the dragon's gate.

To be more precise, there is a lack of policies. Lack of a stable promotion channel.

Emperor Jianyuan was undoubtedly the one given to Longmen.

As Emperor Jianyuan did more and more things, he offended more and more people. Many nobles, princes and clans whose interests had been harmed became dissatisfied again, but they did not dare to rebel openly, so they only They were able to repeat their old tricks and gathered outside Changxin Palace to ask the Empress Dowager to make the decision, hoping that Bai Sheng could help them make the decision.

It’s just like when the Jianyuan New Deal was abolished.

That's right, the original person didn't actually want to get involved in politics back then. The actual reason why he finally took action was that the Jianyuan New Deal affected the interests of too many nobles, princes and clan members. They joined forces to ask the original person to take the decision, and the scale even reached It was comparable to the extent of forcing the emperor to go to the palace, and then he had no choice but to personally come forward to abolish the Jianyuan New Deal.

To put it bluntly, if the original person had not come forward to abolish the Jianyuan New Deal and appease the nobles and nobles.

It is possible for them to unite to dethrone the emperor.

Don't doubt that they have this ability. They were able to join forces to bring down the entire Lu family, kill the young emperor quietly, and deny the legitimacy of his bloodline. When forced, they were naturally able to depose the new emperor who had just ascended the throne.

Don't underestimate their power. In the early days of the Daqian Dynasty, the country was basically in their hands. No one other than a prince could be the prime minister. Even relatives of relatives were able to take power because the emperor really had no one else available and could only Relying on the relatives with the closest blood relationship to hold power to check and balance the nobles.

As for why not use brothers who are closer by blood.

Just kidding, a relative is a relative after all. The Lu family was so awesome back then and was later destroyed. But if the same clan and the same clan were in power, usurping the throne would be a natural thing!

When members of the same clan cannot be trusted, they can only rely on their relatives. This is also the core reason why the Daqian Dynasty has always had relatives. The power is there. If it is not given to the relatives, it will be divided by the princes. After all, there is no literati group at this time. Or gentry. The core purpose of Emperor Jianyuan was actually to foster a new force in addition to the nobles and relatives, a force that was completely promoted by him and could be fully used by him.

It is represented by Confucianism.

The lower class of the people have no background of literati.

These people may seem weak now, but in the future they will grow into behemoths that are difficult to eradicate completely. In their primary form, they may be local tycoons, and then they will gradually grow up to be members of aristocratic families.

There are so many entrenched behemoths in the future.

All originated from Emperor Jianyuan.

In order to check and balance the nobility of the princes and their relatives, Confucianism set sail. Later, in order to check and balance the existence of the noble families, it began to promote the children of poor families and eunuchs.

A lot has changed, but it seems like it has never changed.

The reason is very simple. Power will not disappear for no reason, but will only transfer. If the rights of a certain group are suppressed, a new group will naturally replace that group and obtain the original rights. This matter is eternal.

Nowadays, Emperor Jianyuan's status and power are much more stable than they were six or seven years ago. These princes and nobles and clan members are repeating their old tactics. Not only are they looking forward to how the Empress Dowager will deal with it, Emperor Jianyuan is also looking forward to it, and they even have already Be prepared in advance to fall out with Bai Sheng.

He could no longer compromise.

If he compromises again, he will have no royal dignity at all.

And he is not without a chance of winning. Although he does not have the tiger talisman and it is difficult to directly mobilize the three armies, he has personally cultivated a group of Yulin troops outside the three armies.

The Yulin Army was completely in his hands.

It may be difficult to fight against the Huns, but there is still no problem in protecting the palace and suppressing internal rebellions.

Unless the Empress Dowager dares to directly mobilize the three armies.

Otherwise he will win.

(End of this chapter)

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