Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 32 The Queen Mother is immortal

Chapter 32 The Queen Mother is immortal (32)

There is no doubt that Bai Sheng's choice was to refuse directly and not intend to get involved in this matter.

She is too busy with her own affairs.

There is no time to care about this.

Moreover, the current Emperor Jianyuan is not in the same state as he was six or seven years ago. Although it is still difficult for him to do whatever he wants, he is by no means a being that some noble nobles can subvert. With the Yulin Army in his hands, As well as his close confidants such as servants who were promoted from good families, he can definitely suppress the situation and prevent any trouble.

So Bai Sheng naturally had no need to intervene.

You're just causing trouble for yourself.

The most important thing is that the current operations of Emperor Jianyuan are actually no problem in Bai Sheng's opinion. They can be summed up in two words. They are nothing more than reforms. The old forces occupy the vast majority of the country's resources and monopolize promotion channels. Classes Solidification, social contradictions have intensified, and at the same time it is a bit lifeless and lacks the spirit of forge ahead.

The young emperor was dissatisfied with the status quo and wanted to change the law.

It will inevitably harm the interests of conservative forces.

This can lead to resistance or even counterattack.

The original person in the past could barely be regarded as the spokesperson of the conservative forces, but the current Bai Sheng is not. Even those schools she has not yet built, the talents trained in the future may have to rely on Emperor Jianyuan's determined reforms to successfully obtain Opportunity to enter the court.

Various factors add up.

Bai Sheng is even less likely to interfere in this matter.

Bai Sheng didn't care about it, and the Queen Mother certainly couldn't care about it either. So in the end, those princes and nobles could only rely on themselves to either try to resist, please the Queen Mother Tian Fu and others to compromise appropriately, or stay away from the spotlight for the time being.

Emperor Jianyuan's Yulin army failed to be used.

But the current situation undoubtedly makes him more satisfied, because although he is sure to deal with it even if the Empress Dowager comes forward, once he breaks up with the Empress Dowager, he will definitely be accused of being unfilial. Now the Empress Dowager just ignores this matter. The results were clearly more favorable to him.

At the same time, it also means that as long as he does not deliberately target the imperial grandmother, the imperial grandmother will not embarrass him again, and he can take this opportunity to reach a tacit agreement.

After this incident, Emperor Jianyuan finally came to power. The influence of Bai Sheng, the Empress Dowager, was gradually fading in the court. At the same time, she was hindering some of Emperor Jianyuan's policies, or made him somewhat dissatisfied.

From a relative of the Empress Dowager, who has now completely disappeared in the court, to his mother-in-law.

The Queen Mother and relatives of Tian Fu's faction.

His originally close relationship with his mother.

Cracks began to appear.

However, Bai Sheng ignored these, and she stayed in Changxin Palace peacefully, directing her business through remote control. Part of the money she earned was used to continue to develop commercial trade, expand industrial scale, update and iterate, and the other part was used to build Schools, hire teachers, popularize education.

At the same time, due to limited funds and teachers, there is no way to implement the original plan of comprehensive universal education.

Priority can only be given to educating employees’ children.

In other words, the direct children of the soldiers of the three armies that Hu Fu can mobilize, and the children of relatives and clansmen in their families who work in major workshops, how to describe it, is the entire business model that Bai Sheng is currently engaged in, which is somewhat similar to a business model that revolves around the soldiers of the three armies. Series supporting state-owned enterprises.

While ensuring a stable income for their family, it also ensures the education of their children, and may also protect their medical and pension issues in the future.

Just this operation, this treatment.

It's hard to betray. At least for ordinary soldiers who do not have much ambition and are not prepared to be generals, once this series of operations is completely established, there is basically no possibility of betrayal.

Of course, there must be problems.

In the future, there may be various problems such as being too big and becoming a new stubborn interest group, but this kind of thing is unavoidable. The original intention of promoting children from poor families was good, but later on, new interest groups gradually formed, and the gentry colluded. Waiting for various questions.

Anyway, as long as it's not a bad thing at the moment.

And Bai Sheng is also confident that the interest group he plans to form with the three armed forces as the core will not get out of control while she is alive. If it doesn't work, he will split it up when she is about to die in the future.

Although there may still be no way to completely avoid problems, at least it will not make the situation too bad.

Anyway, it must not be because of being too far-sighted.

Just look forward and backward, and stop moving forward.

Therefore, Bai Sheng's overall plan is still advancing slowly as she planned. The most is to add some supervision and inspection mechanisms, audit mechanisms, etc., at least not to let her business system begin to corrupt prematurely.

It is better to have strict supervision than to cut off the arms of future warriors.

In the next five years, Emperor Jianyuan never dared to target Bai Sheng, and turned a blind eye to all of Bai Sheng's business activities. If he didn't see it, other officials and princes would naturally not dare to target Bai Sheng. She is the Queen Mother, so all her plans, including overall business development, are going quite smoothly.

Even building schools and providing free teaching.

They were all very low-key and didn't attract much attention.

After all, her teaching subjects are basically limited to the children of employees, who belong to her own family. In addition, she has a strict seal on papermaking and printing. She only sells a small amount of paper to outsiders every year, and not a single printed book is sold. However, at the same time, those students were strictly prohibited from spreading rumors.

Not many people know about it, and they don't tell anyone about it.

Naturally, it will be relatively low-key.

Only those industries that must rely on it to make a lot of money are the last resort and more eye-catching.


At the beginning of the twelfth year of Jianyuan, Emperor Jianyuan was completely disgusted with the Xiongnu's greed, and because after several years of development, he was consciously well prepared, so he immediately dispatched 40,000 cavalry, led by four men, to officially start a war with the Xiongnu.

Among them was Wei Qing.

However, Wei Qing had the lowest status. He was just a cavalry general, and he led relatively few people. Emperor Jianyuan did not expect him to achieve any great achievements. He just wanted him to follow him and be gilded, so that he could avoid being rewarded when he came back. It is said that it is all due to nepotism, and it is because of merit.

Take Dou Ying for example. When he put down the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion, although he made meritorious service, his merits were not enough to make him a marquis. However, because he was a relative, Emperor Jing would be able to relax a little, and he would be granted the title of a marquis.

Although Bai Sheng was a little regretful that the wool business would not be successful in the future, the war with the Xiongnu was unavoidable, so of course she would not stop it. Not only did she not stop it, she also specifically provided a lot of help before the war, saving all her savings in recent years. All black technologies have been contributed.

For example, sharper weapons, stronger and lighter armor, horseshoes, saddles, etc.

Accurate topographic maps of the Huns are also provided.

Although it is definitely not as accurate as satellite maps and the like, because Bai Sheng provides more accurate and effective mapping technology and surveying technology, the map is definitely much better than their existing crude maps.

It's definitely a trick for them.

(End of this chapter)

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