Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 34 The Queen Mother is immortal

Chapter 34 The Queen Mother is immortal (34)

"Royal Grandma, don't be angry.

I just feel that the things you have done without telling me these years are too much, and you are too modest to say so. You have indeed never asked me for anything in these years, but the three armies left by my father Soldiers, now they have almost become your private soldiers, so what can you say? "

After thinking about it for a while, Emperor Jianyuan imitated Bai Sheng's straightforwardness and asked the questions he had prepared for a long time. In other words, he started questioning each other.

It was not that he had gained nothing these days. He knew all the details about Bai Sheng, but at least he was no longer a stranger. He had even made sufficient preparations before coming here. His imperial grandmother was suddenly so direct and rude, so there was no need for him to be too afraid. , which weakened his own confidence.

"Oh, then why didn't you say that you cut off the supply of the three armies five years ago. Now the three armies are completely supported by the Ai family. What's the problem with saying that they are private soldiers of the Ai family?"

Bai Sheng rolled his eyes at him, and then said more directly:

"Well, now that things have come to a point, the Ai family will tell you some things directly. The Ai family neither wants to be Empress Lu, nor does it want to change the emperor, or to further promote the Dou family and plot. Usurping the throne and so on.

But you, the Liu family, are too mean and ungrateful. You use your relatives and then throw them away after you achieve your own goals. Do you really think that our relatives are just tissue paper that can be used and thrown away?

From your grandfather, your father and you, the Ai family only saw four words, that is, they cannot be trusted.

Suspicion, suspicion, everything is good when you need it, but when you don’t need it, you can’t wait to be crushed and thrown into ashes. When you like it, it is very good. When it doesn’t suit you, it is an existence that needs to be eliminated. Aijia’s eyes are blind. , but I know very well in my heart, let alone those idiots of the Lu family who voluntarily gave up military power, thinking that they could preserve the family.

When Zhou Yafu had an army in his hands.

But no one dares to say that he hides a hedgehog secretly.

When Emperor Wen forced Bo Zhao to death, the Empress Dowager Bo was powerless to stop him. When Emperor Jing killed the youngest son of the Ai family, and even forced the entire family of Liu Rong, the eldest grandson of the Ai family, to death, the Ai family were powerless to stop it. But now if you want to kill my Dou family, But Aijia can stop it, what's the difference?
  The only difference is that the Ai family really has power and military power.

Over the years, the Ai family has seen very clearly that filial piety and unfilial piety are just empty words. Holding real power is the most important thing. No matter how many filial piety scriptures, children and grandchildren can be filial.

So even Aijia knows what you are afraid of.

It is absolutely impossible for the Ai family to delegate power! "

Bai Sheng said so straightforwardly, which undoubtedly meant that he was ready to completely break up with Emperor Jianyuan, and Emperor Jianyuan could hear it, and even looked around nervously, fearing that Bai Sheng would catch him in a urn.

Although he had made preparations in advance and there were many Yulin troops outside, if Bai Sheng took action directly in the inner hall of Changxin Palace, he would have no choice but to be captured.

For a moment, he almost wanted to call for an escort.

"Royal Grandma, don't be impulsive!" At this moment, he could only comfort her and buy herself some time.

"What can Aijia be impulsive about?
  No matter what, you are also the grandson of the Ai family. The Ai family can still kill you. The Ai family is not your father and cannot do such a thing of massacring their descendants. "

As he spoke, Bai Sheng had already stood up, and with the help of the female officer beside him, he walked to the leftmost window, then turned to greet Emperor Jianyuan:

"Do you feel that the Ai family is ready to completely break up with you, or even take action against you? You don't have to worry about that. If you really take action, the Ai family has many ways to make your death quiet and no one notices.   Come here Well, the Aijia invites you to watch the fireworks.

After reading this, you will know what the Aijia's confidence is, and you should also know what matters should be taken care of in the future.

It’s time to stop worrying about anything, come on! "

As he was speaking, the female official next to Bai Sheng had already taken out a firework and lit it when Emperor Jianyuan cautiously walked not far away from Bai Sheng.

As the roar of fireworks sounded, and the dim but still clear red fireworks streaked across the sky, Emperor Jianyuan was startled by the sound and at the same time a little confused, not understanding what Bai Sheng meant, and How can this be called confidence?

But before he could ask the question, a green mountain not far away that could be seen from the window collapsed after a roar. The sound was loud and the movement was loud, while Emperor Jianyuan's mouth The opening is bigger.

Obviously, Bai Sheng has developed relatively powerful gunpowder, which should be regarded as refined gunpowder. The fireworks set off first were flares. After the flares were set off, people watching near the green mountain saw that the fireworks buried under the green mountain were lit. The gunpowder fuse created the vision of Xiaoqingshan collapsing amidst the roar.

At this moment, everyone present, except Bai Sheng who was still calm, even the female officer who was in charge of setting off the fireworks was so frightened that she quickly fell to her knees and was at a loss what to do.

At the same time, she looked at the firework shell she was still holding in her hand with some horror. She might be a little confused at this moment, so she was a little suspicious that such a big movement could not be all because of the fireworks she had just set off.

The Empress Dowager also trusted her too much.

What if this thing is placed crookedly?
  "How's it going? These fireworks are pretty good...

Do you think a mountain can be easily destroyed, can Weiyang Palace be as strong as a mountain, or can you compare the hardness of your body with that mountain? "

Bai Sheng continued to threaten in a straightforward manner. In one sentence, she now has strong wings, a straight back, and is not afraid. After these years of struggling, she has accumulated enough strength to lift the table and reshape everything.

If we hadn't considered causing chaos and changing dynasties, it might have caused great casualties to the people.

There was no need for her to show off her strength in such a tactful way.

Emperor Jianyuan immediately understood that his imperial grandmother might not really have any thoughts of rebellion, because as his imperial grandmother had just said, it would be easy for these so-called fireworks to kill him. Once he died, his imperial grandmother would be qualified enough to directly Designating an heir, especially if he doesn't have any sons yet, is especially true.

Later, Emperor Jianyuan himself couldn't remember what he said. He only knew that he had to give in when it was time to give in. After bowing respectfully, he stepped down and left Changxin Palace. He spent the night in a daze until the morning of the next day. , then I remembered to send someone to Xiao Qingshan to have a look.

Immediately afterwards, of course, he was even more afraid of the Empress Dowager's trump card, and defined the sudden collapse of Xiaoqingshan as an earthquake, that is, as a natural disaster.

Then he hosted another sacrifice.

Only then can the impact be suppressed.

This kind of horror that ordinary people can't understand, not only made Emperor Jianyuan more peaceful, but also made him obsessed with all kinds of metaphysics and the art of seeking immortality, because he took it for granted that all of this was beyond the reach of mortals. It's something that happened, so naturally I have to ask gods and immortals.

(End of this chapter)

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