Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 35 The Queen Mother is immortal

Chapter 35 The Queen Mother is immortal (35)

After this incident, Bai Sheng no longer kept a low profile as before. Many mature technologies and even industrial products gradually moved from hiding to being made public. Of course, it was not a public technology, but a public sale.

And many things are publicly sold in unlimited quantities.

It is undoubtedly enough to shock the entire Daqian.

For example, pen, ink, paper, inkstone and printed books.

Compared with the fact that it will not achieve much in the short term, and it is difficult to promote it comprehensively, items such as curved shaft plows and high-yielding varieties, pens, inks, paper and inkstones, and large-scale printed books that are accepted by ordinary farmers undoubtedly represent the spread of knowledge and culture. and acquisition, which represented the prosperous era of civilized rule and the prosperous future of various university sects. It was also the thing that was most likely to attract the attention of high-level literati in the Daqian Empire.

So the first thing to cause a stir was naturally the unlimited sale of pens, inks, paper, inkstones and printed books.

Especially printed books.

Once sold, it caused a rush to buy.

The reason is very simple. Pens, inks, paper and inkstones are not irreplaceable, and in this era, there is no particular emphasis on calligraphy paper. Writing on wooden boards and bamboo slips is the mainstream. Without pens, inks, paper and inkstones, writing on stone slabs with your hands dipped in water is the same. It is meaningless to pay attention to these without acquiring knowledge.

But those printed books are different. They represent culture itself and knowledge.

And knowledge is quite precious and difficult to obtain.

Even if you look at it thousands of years later, it seems that there is free knowledge everywhere, but that is only because of the extremely prosperous development of science and technology culture. Too much backward knowledge has been eliminated. Real cutting-edge knowledge still has to be purchased with money, even if you want to spend money. You can't buy it, they won't sell it at all.

In today's era when more than 99% of the country is illiterate, any bit of knowledge is precious. Even a certain pattern that an illiterate person has unintentionally discovered is quite precious to them. It needs to be kept secret and can only be passed down to descendants.

Some are unique or rare ancient books.

People may only keep it in their own homes and never spread it to others.

Where did the adjective "xuefuwuche" come from? It is because people who have read the Five Carts of Bamboo Slips in this era can be regarded as literate people among educated people, and the total number of characters in the Five Carts of Bamboo Slips may only be around 200,000 words.

A slightly thicker paper book can be written.

No need to divide it into upper and lower volumes.

Therefore, knowledge is definitely a relatively precious and difficult-to-obtain thing in this era. Nowadays, when cheap and abundant printed books are released, who can not be tempted.

Not to mention people who have never had the chance to get in touch with knowledge, even people who have a lot of bamboo slips at home are buying them in large quantities. After all, this thing is definitely something that can be passed down from family to family, so there is no need to be stingy for it.

The most important thing is that they don't know the specific cost of these books, and whether there will be another batch after selling this batch, so they have been treating these books that Bai Sheng can supply in unlimited quantities as rare items with limited supply. I'm buying it, so can I not go crazy buying it?
  After half a month, these books were still able to be shipped stably, and many people calmed down a little.

At the same time, the Confucian side has already noticed that there is something wrong with these printed books and is fully aware of its seriousness. It is rare that the several major factions are not at war with each other as before, but are united for the first time. The leaders of each faction Gather for a meeting and discuss.

Discuss how to deal with the evil intentions of the Queen Mother.

There are many factions within Confucianism, and the Warring States Period was divided into eight branches: Confucianism of Zi Zhang, Confucianism of Zisi, Confucianism of Yan family, Confucianism of Meng family, Confucianism of Qidiao family, Confucianism of Zhongliang family, Confucianism of Sun family, Confucianism of Le family. Later, some of the Confucianism of the Zheng family declined, some flourished, and some continued to divide. In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, because Confucianism had been suppressed in the previous dynasty, few classics were circulated. There were many contradictions between the classics written by some old Confucian scholars based on their memories and those later excavated from some historical sites. Eventually, the opposition between modern texts and ancient texts arose, and they continued to argue with each other.

Nowadays, there are five major factions focusing on the book Spring and Autumn, namely Zuozhuan, Gongyang, Guliang, Zou and Jia, and each of them believes that they are the orthodox.

After all, they are fighting for it.

In fact, it is the right to interpret the classics.

As well as various indirect benefits obtained by obtaining the right to interpret, such as being listed as official official school orthodoxy, thereby gaining the qualifications to be promoted to officials, and for example, being able to receive more students and continue to increase the strength of one's own faction.

If there were no benefits, everyone would have avoided it.

Who has nothing to fight for?

But this time, they sensed the crisis of their entire Confucianism from the printed books sold by Bai Sheng, so naturally they had to quickly put aside their past grudges, contact people, and gather to discuss how to deal with it.


As soon as the meeting began, Gongsun Hong from the Gongyang faction took out the books he had recently purchased and said:

"These are all books I bought from Dou's Bookstore, covering almost all the categories they sell, but you should know it by looking at the names.

None of these books are from our Confucian school.

There are even books on the declining Mohist farmers, as well as on famous scholars and miscellaneous scholars, but there are no books on our Confucianism. At most, we can only see one or two excerpts and quotes from Confucian sages in these books, which seems too The Empress Dowager is indeed very dissatisfied with us. She hates us to the point of being dissatisfied to the core of her heart. She even promotes hundreds of other schools of thought at all costs and clearly shows her displeasure and suppression of us. "

“It’s all because some people were too hasty and wanted to help His Majesty truly take charge of the government early on. In the end, they stole the chicken but lost the rice. Not only did His Majesty’s new policy get scrapped, but it also made the Queen Mother completely disgusted with us, to the point of hostility.

Although the Empress Dowager didn't like us in the past, at least she didn't take it personally, and at most she didn't like us.

Now do this.

But he kind of wants to fight to the death with us! "

Even now, there are still people who are still worried about what happened a few years ago. They feel that some people were too anxious, which made them offend a very difficult opponent while suffering heavy losses.

That is to say, the Empress Dowager who lived a long life.

"Enough. What's the use of arguing about this now, arguing about who is right and who is wrong. It's a foregone conclusion. I only know that if this continues, the current advantages of our Confucianism will be gone. If more than 80% of the world's literati All we have learned are the theories of Huang Lao. Even if we have doctors from Taixue and the Five Classics, I am afraid we will still be suppressed by those who learn from Huang Lao due to their absolute numerical superiority.

Now we either have to get the Empress Dowager’s understanding, or we can try to produce our Confucian classics on a large scale like the Empress Dowager and sell them out at low prices. "

Shen Gong, a member of the Lu Shi lineage who specializes in the Book of Songs, was very anxious to clarify their core problem.

(End of this chapter)

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