Zhang Chengyuan looked at the time and saw that it was already half past six. She found a restaurant for a meal before getting ready to go home.

She still took a taxi home. When she arrived, she received a message from Han Yici. She went on a date with her boyfriend and was not sure when she would be back in the evening, so she didn't have to wait for her.

Zhang Chengyuan replied to her message and opened the door and went home. Han Yici had told her the password for her door yesterday, so she was not unable to get in.

After shopping for so long today, she was really tired. She just cleaned up a little. She had eaten and was not hungry now, so she was too lazy to cook anymore. Besides, Han Yici and the others were going on a date, so they couldn't go hungry. , naturally there is no need to leave food for them.

After washing up, Zhang Chengyuan went to bed.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening, while she was half asleep, she seemed to hear something moving. She quickly got up and went to take a look. It turned out that it was Han Yici and Qi Baiyi who had returned. She said hello to them and yawned. Go back to sleep.

Han Yici signaled Qi Baiyi to lower her voice, and they moved more carefully, trying not to make any noise so as not to disturb Zhang Chengyuan's rest.

After closing the door, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and laughed inexplicably as they looked at each other...

Zhang Chengyuan went back to sleep, not caring what happened to the two of them. He had a good night's sleep and got up early to clean up the next day.

She saw that there was no movement at home and the door was still closed. She knew that the two people were not awake yet. She went to simply stir-fry two vegetables, cooked porridge, and took six more from the storage bag. Serve the buns hot.

After the meal was cooked, Zhang Chengyuan checked the time before deciding to wake them up.

She knocked on the door, waited for some movement inside, and then knocked again. After hearing a sound, she said, "Xiao Ci, get up and eat."

After saying that, she left the door of their room, went to her own room to take out the dirty clothes, and threw them into the washing machine.

Zhang Chengyuan then went to serve the dishes and put them on the dining table. When he looked up, he saw Han Yici coming out of the bedroom. She said casually: "Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth so that you can come and have breakfast."

Han Yici stretched her body and heard the words, then ran over to see what she had done: "It's so rich to eat so early in the morning? There are also steamed buns, did you make them yesterday? What kind of fillings are they?"

Zhang Chengyuan only answered her last question: "Eggplant and lotus root."

"It's all my favorite food, wait for me."

After Han Yici said this, she quickly went to wash her face and brush her teeth. Qi Baiyi followed her and took a look at the food, then followed her back to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Yesterday, the two of them had a date to eat Western food. The main thing was to be exquisite and romantic but not filling. So the two of them were hungry at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning. They originally wanted to order takeout to relieve themselves.

It's just that they were afraid of waking up Zhang Chengyuan again, so they gave up after struggling. Fortunately, they didn't feel hungry when they fell asleep.

But now that I got up and smelled the aroma of food again, I felt even hungrier instantly.

The two of them hurriedly washed up and cleaned up. Zhang Chengyuan didn't eat first. She sat on the dining table and chair playing with her mobile phone and waited for them to finish cleaning up before eating together.

The two of them came out in less than ten minutes and sat on chairs waiting to start eating, but neither of them made the first move.

Zhang Chengyuan saw the two of them like this, so he greeted them: "Use chopsticks to eat, otherwise the food will be cold."

After she opened her mouth, Han Yici stopped being polite, picked up her chopsticks and started eating, and also took a bun to eat.

Zhang Chengyuan also started eating, and she was hungry too.

Han Yici saw Qi Baiyiguang eating vegetables from the corner of her eye, so she asked him to eat steamed buns: "You should also eat some steamed buns, they taste good."

Just when Qi Baiyi was about to refuse, Han Yici could no longer wait for his answer, so she directly put one into his hand and urged him: "Eat quickly."

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued to eat. Qi Baiyi looked at the bun in his hand. Putting it down would be rude, and it wasn't like he couldn't eat it, so he ate it himself.

Han Yici and Qi Baiyi were both busy people and had to go to work. They took care of the rest of the wedding photos, so there was no need for them to intervene.

Qi Baiyi's family shouldered the responsibility, but Zhang Chengyuan still wanted to prepare some dowry for Han Yici.

Not to mention the dowry quilts and furniture, these are not suitable now, and she feels that people who prepare these will look down on them.

In this case, she is going to prepare some gold, jade, cash, and fabrics for her. These are all dowries. If anything happens in the future, she can help her.

For gold, she planned to go to the bank to buy gold bars and make jewelry herself when she came back. This way she could also take advantage of the increase in her crafting talent and spend less money.

She planned to buy the rough jade by herself, which would save money. But don't forget that she has the treasure hunting talent skill. After level nine, the success rate is 100%, and there is a 30% chance of improving the quality.

She plans to prepare one million in cash, which is already most of her net worth. After excluding this one million, she will only have more than 180,000 left, which is her living expenses.

As for the fabric, she collected it. Apart from what she used to make clothes, quilts, shoes, etc., there was quite a lot left. She planned to prepare twenty pieces.

So, she still has a lot to do.

After the meal, Han Yici and Qi Baiyi went to wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen, while Zhang Chengyuan went to pack their luggage to buy rough stones first.

She came out with her suitcase, put it at the door, turned around and told Han Yici about her itinerary: "Xiao Ci, I'm going abroad, and the ticket has been bought."

Han Yici was surprised: "Why do you want to go abroad suddenly? What kind of ticket?"

"I can't say nothing about your marriage, just today's ticket."

Han Yici still frowned in confusion: "What does it mean that you should go to such trouble to run out of the country?"

Zhang Chengyuan smiled and said: "Secret, wait until I get back."

After saying that, he turned around and left. Han Yici quickly tried to stop him, but failed.

Zhang Chengyuan took a taxi to the airport and boarded the plane on time.

Three hours later, we arrived at our destination.

This is the place where the best jadeite is produced in the world. Her goal is to buy some good jadeite, not only for Han Yici, but also for herself. This thing is valuable at any time, and there is no Time limit.

From the moment she got off the plane, she began to use her treasure hunting skills. She knew exactly where there were treasures, and she went straight to the densest places.

After arriving, she saw that it was a simple market made up of large sheds. Each stall was filled with stones. She asked about the prices one by one, picked and picked all the stones she wanted, and collected most of the rough stones she wanted. In the bag.

However, there were seven or eight that were too expensive for her to afford, but her savings were almost used up, and she only had about a thousand yuan left.

She picked out a less precious piece from the rough stones she bought, and paid for it to be cut for her.

Someone saw someone cutting rough stones here and quickly gathered around.

Zhang Chengyuan felt that there were really many people here who liked to watch the excitement, because after a while, the place was full of people, and they were all whispering to their companions about whether they could get jadeite.

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