Zhang Chengyuan glanced casually, silently sizing up the crowd, looking for possible buyers.

Time passed by, and suddenly a startled breath caught her attention. She looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and it turned out that it was coming from Master Jie Shi.

Immediately afterwards, the onlookers also whispered in surprise, and they also saw Izuku.

Master Jie Shi asked her, "Madam, do you still want to cut it?"

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes."

She had never solved stones, nor did she have clairvoyance, so she naturally let the master follow his own ideas.

The stone, which is the size of an adult's head, was cut and ground by the old master, and was rinsed with water from time to time. Under the light, the jadeite with a light purple smoothness inside was gradually revealed.

It was as big as an adult's fist, and before Zhang Chengyuan could say anything, the crowd of onlookers were already bidding.

It rose rapidly from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Although she didn't know much about the price of jade, she knew that since someone could pay this price, it proved that it could sell more, and she only needed to sell it to the highest bidder. Just fine.

When the price stagnated at more than half a million yuan and stopped rising, she knew that it was almost the lowest price. Ignoring the noise of people around her, she set her sights on the highest bidder.

She said aloud: "This beauty, I will sell it to you at the price you mentioned."

Although the capable short-haired beauty was pleasantly surprised, she quickly took out her mobile phone to transfer money to her.

Zhang Chengyuan handed the jadeite wool from Master Jie Shi to her and accepted her transfer.

After completing the transaction, she quickly returned to China with the raw stone she bought. When she returned to Han Yici's house, she bought some stone-breaking tools and asked the merchant to send them to her. She was going to break the stone herself.

No, she just found some videos on the Internet to learn how to remove stones, and then started doing it herself.

Doing it yourself counts as collecting, and in the end she obtained fifty-five jadeite pieces of various sizes, including pink, yellow, purple, green, and transparent jadeites of various textures.

Han Yici didn't know anything about all this. Because Zhang Chengyuan was away from home abroad, she went to live at Qi Baiyi's house during this period, so she missed the opportunity to see this scene.

After Zhang Chengyuan got all the jadeite out, he went back to buy various tools for making jadeite and made it himself.

She doesn't know how to do anything that is too difficult, and she doesn't plan to make anything too difficult. She plans to make some bracelets. She just needs to cut them out with a machine when the flowers are round, and then smooth them with a machine and it will be successful.

She just started practicing with jade that looked very much like marble, but it was not as difficult as she thought, and she succeeded in one try.

So, she started making it boldly.

Her and Han Yici's wrists were about the same thickness, so she made it as close to the ring as she could fit.

A total of twenty-eight bracelets of various colors were made, but she finally got one hundred and twelve, which made exactly fifty-six pairs.

She left fourteen pairs for Han Yici and used the rest for her own inventory.

There are glass-grown imperial greens here, and if you buy them, it's a huge sum of money.

As for the remaining materials, Zhang Chengyuan plans to wait until he has free time to make them slowly.

After putting all her things away and cleaning up the house, she went out to buy gold. She bought one kilogram directly and spent more than 47.

After she came back, she used tools to melt it and forge it again. She had made gold jewelry in several previous worlds, so she was naturally familiar with it.

The reason why this world still buys it is because she cannot create things out of thin air. If Han Yici sells gold, they will need the source of the gold.

A gold phoenix crown was made for her, and the remaining gold was made into earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings.

At the same time, she also received three more sets.

At this point, Zhang Chengyuan has collected the dowry for Han Yici, and there are only five days left before their wedding. Han Yici went to take wedding leave after work and came back to prepare. When she opened the door, she saw Zhang Chengyuan eating in the room, and she was extremely surprised.

"Yuanyuan, when did you come back? I almost thought you would be late for my wedding."

Zhang Chengyuan said vaguely: "It's been a few days. Are you hungry? Come and eat."

Han Yici washed her hands and sat across from her and started eating. While eating, she asked, "Have you finished what you were going to do?"

"You're done, when are you going to take leave to prepare for the wedding, or do you have to wait until two days before the wedding?"

Han Yici: "I'm asking for leave today, for ten days."

Zhang Chengyuan stopped eating, looked at her and said, "Aren't you planning to spend your honeymoon? Are you in such a hurry to go to work?"

Han Yici said indifferently: "But, he and I are both busy, and I still want to be the director. There is no need to waste time on this."

Zhang Chengyuan saw that she didn't take it seriously, so he didn't say much more: "After dinner, I'll show you something."

Han Yici raised her head curiously: "What? Can't we see it now?"

"Have a meal."

Han Yici curled her lips and lowered her head and continued to eat, just for a while, not less than this moment.

After eating, she hurried to wash the dishes, and Zhang Chengyuan followed her to help.

After cleaning up, Han Yici couldn't wait to ask: "Show me now, you can't be stingy when I get married."

Zhang Chengyuan raised his eyebrows and saw that she was silent. He turned around and took her to the bedroom where he lived. She had packed her things and put them in there.

There were three huanghuali wooden boxes in the bedroom. Han Yici ran over and wanted to open them curiously to see what was inside: "Did I open it?"

Zhang Chengyuan sat beside the bed, looked at her and said casually: "Open it, I didn't let you open it."

Seeing that she agreed, Han Yici no longer hesitated, and opened the nearest box. What she saw was a variety of solid-colored fabrics. They were very soft, silky, and cold to the touch. They were made of good materials at first glance.

She couldn't put it down and touched it again and again: "Where do these fabrics come from? They must be quite expensive, right?"

"That's for sure. This box is made of silk, and the box next to you is made of pure cotton."

Han Yici took the opportunity to open the second box, looked at it, and asked, "What's in the third box?"

Zhang Chengyuan did not answer directly: "You can see for yourself."

"Just see for yourself."

As Han Yici spoke, she opened it casually and saw pairs of jade bracelets of various colors and gold jewelry. She had no doubt that they were genuine or fake.

Based on their relationship, it was impossible for Zhang Chengyuan to give her fake things when she got married.

"Tell me where you made your fortune? You didn't even take me with you."

Han Yici suddenly turned her head and stared at Zhang Chengyuan suspiciously, feeling very uneasy. She was afraid that she had done something illegal.

Zhang Chengyuan came to her side, squatted with her and comforted her: "Okay, this is all my savings, I haven't made a fortune."

Han Yici still didn't quite believe it. In addition to the gold jewelry and jade bracelets on the front, there was half a box of cash underneath. How could these be six to seven million? The total of these zeros and zeros was probably less than two or three million. Can't get off.

Han Yici stared at Zhang Chengyuan stubbornly and asked, "Honestly, have you borrowed any other money?"

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