Aunt Cuihua wanted to refuse, but she couldn't bear it, so she accepted it shamelessly. She became even more enthusiastic towards Zhang Chengyuan, and said to her with a smile on her face: "If you say that, then Auntie has to thank you for your price and supply and sales." It's the same as a club, no tickets are required, but my aunt and I can take advantage of it.

Have you collected enough money? How many more aunties are left to lend you? "

Zhang Chengyuan shook his head and said: "No need, Auntie, you have changed a lot of things, so I can't make much difference in one go. If I exchange more with others in the next few days, I can make up for it."

Aunt Cuihua didn't bother too much about this. She loaded the things while counting.

The basket was filled to the brim in no time. Aunt Cuihua turned her back and took out the money from the pocket inside her pants to count.

Zhang Chengyuan had no intention of peeking. She was thinking about who else she could trade with. She could get Aunt Cuihua's order for 131 yuan. The previous exchange was 34 yuan and 2 cents, which meant that she was still short of 73 yuan and 2 cents. hair.

Aunt Cuihua counted it four times to make sure it was neither too much nor too little. Then she smiled and handed the money to Zhang Chengyuan and said, "131 yuan, can you see if it's enough?"

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and said, "Don't look any further. I believe Auntie won't trick me. Auntie, if you want anything, you can tell me. Maybe I can get it for you."

Hearing what she said, Aunt Cuihua was obviously moved. Her old man was the captain of the brigade and was paid. She was also hard-working. The next generation in the family was not lazy, and they had some savings.

Now that the children are older and the grandchildren are still young, there is no urgent need for money, so it is not impossible to improve their lives.

Moreover, the clothes of the two grandsons were worn out. If there was cloth, she would like to make some clothes for the two grandsons. And the old man has not had new clothes for many years...

Finally, Aunt Cuihua chose to speak out: "Xiao Yuan, can you get some fabric?"

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and asked, "Yes, Auntie, please wait for my news."

Aunt Cuihua was surprised at Zhang Chengyuan's ability, but she couldn't control her joy: "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

As she said that, she looked at the flour and noodles and said, "Xiao Yuan, why don't you wait for Auntie to send the things back and come back again?"

Zhang Chengyuan smiled and said: "Auntie, don't bother me. You go back first, and I will send the rest to you later."

Aunt Cuihua thought that this was fine, so she nodded and said, "Okay, Xiao Yuan, I'll trouble you then."

After seeing off Aunt Cuihua, Zhang Chengyuan took out his basket and loaded it with noodles, holding the flour in his hand, and headed to Aunt Cuihua's house.

On the way, she thought about going to the Chixin Realm if she had time today and getting a storage basket so that she would not be out of place at any time.

When the things arrived, Aunt Cuihua had just put them down. Zhang Chengyuan handed the things to her and left.

She wandered around the village twice and bought out a hundred kilograms of white noodles and dried noodles. After all, everyone has one or two treasured noodles.

Now that she had collected enough money, she no longer planned to exchange things, and went home in a happy mood.

Using the power of the world to come to the Chixin Realm shocked the little girl Chixin. She smiled reassuringly and said: "You are busy, I will come over and lend you the rules to make something."

Upon hearing this, the little girl with pure heart immediately obediently did not disturb her and continued to do her own thing.

Zhang Chengyuan also brought the basket. She damaged the basket first and then restored it using Turn Waste into Treasure. After more than a thousand times, it still didn't mutate. She changed her talent skill and continued.

More than 900 of the more than 1,000 times resulted in an extra double gain, so she was ready to use synthesis, but she was still not optimistic. She synthesized it a full 3,561 times before combining the savings basket:

Name: Small Storage Basket (Legend)
Durability: 1000/1000
Function: store supplies

Introduction: Contains 50 storage spaces, with a limit of 999 stacking.

Zhang Chengyuan was satisfied. She said hello to the little girl Chixin and left the Chixin Realm. Returning to the thatched shed, she put down an ordinary basket. She wanted to take this one with her to avoid being discovered by others.

Early the next morning, Zhang Chengyuan went to the brigade leader's house before the gong sounded. She was going to approve the homestead today. She ran excitedly and happened to meet the captain walking out of the door. She greeted him with a smile: "Uncle, I'll pay."

"What do you need to pay for...oh, homestead, right?"

The captain asked subconsciously, suddenly remembering what she said about the homestead last time, and immediately reacted, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Did you get it all together so quickly?"

"Well, uncle, this is 238 yuan and 4 cents."

The captain took it and counted it: "Just right, let's go to the brigade headquarters."

After getting the piece of paper for the homestead, Zhang Chengyuan was finally able to build a house. The thatched hut was enough for her to live in.

In the days that followed, there were occasionally people who wanted to exchange things with her, but she considered that the crackdown would only be a few years away, so she didn't do many exchanges, and gradually there were fewer people.

But she didn't forget the promise she made to Aunt Cuihua about the fabric. She brought the fabric to her and got another income.

As the days passed, she hid in the crowd and followed the crowd, which was quite peaceful.

In her occasional free time, she built her house brick by brick, and when she came back in the evening, she concentrated on practicing. She lived quite a leisurely life like this.

In this small place, she didn't see any supernormal people as she expected, except herself.

In the midst of the busy work, the fluttering snowflakes fell quietly, winter is coming.

By this time, Zhang Chengyuan's earthen house had been built.

She hesitated but decided to move into the new house quietly. She had all the furniture and quickly decorated the house.

But she had no choice but to inform the villagers, so she boiled 350 eggs, and after adding them, she got eggs. She gave them door to door and informed them that she had moved to a new home.

After a round, she still had 81 eggs left. After thinking about it, she decided to give the rest to the educated youth who went to the countryside.

When she thought of the educated youth, she remembered that the educated youth would finish going to the countryside next year, but they should all return to the city in 1980.

But it had little to do with her. After she distributed the eggs to them, she left.

What she is most looking forward to now is that the big pot of rice and earning work points will be over, and then she will be responsible for the profits and losses of contracting the land.

It was getting colder and colder, and Zhang Chengyuan entered Maodong. The kang was burning all day long, so it was okay that she didn't go out.

The Chinese New Year is here in a blink of an eye. The spirit of the New Year is quite strong at this time, and even Zhang Chengyuan is busy.

It was 1979 after the New Year, but the household contract system still hadn't been introduced, and they were still eating from a big pot to earn work points.

There are no more educated youths going to the countryside this year, and the old educated youths are also becoming impetuous, as if they know they can return to the city.

Zhang Chengyuan is still an inconspicuous person in the village, living step by step every day.

Before the cat winter of 1979, the team leader finally announced the end of the big pot meal, and the end of earning work points.

This year, she is looking forward to celebrating the New Year.

Before the spring plowing in 1980, the brigade leader called the whole village to a meeting and informed them of the news passed down from above. In the future, the household contract responsibility system would be implemented. He told everyone in an easy-to-understand way that the family could sign a contract with the collective to contract the land. Farming.

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