You can grow whatever you want, whether you make money or lose money, it is yours, but you only have to pay the total fee for renting the land, but even so, ordinary people are happy.

After the captain explained it to everyone, everyone was excited. This was a great thing. They were excited, talking enthusiastically, and imagining a bright future.

Zhang Chengyuan was also very excited. She went to rent some land with everyone and came back. She went to farm happily.

It was also this year that many major events happened in the village. Many people abandoned their wives and children, divorced and had no children, but there were also some who chose to stay.

After everything calmed down, time passed extremely quickly.

Zhang Chengyuan can bring out more and more things, and naturally her life is getting better and better, not only in terms of food and accommodation, but also in terms of clothing.

Everything was going well, but something unexpected happened that frightened her. Only then did she remember that a special period had begun.

At this time, she didn't dare to rely on others, so she immediately restrained herself and spent three years in an ordinary way.

At that time, not only she, but almost everyone was in danger.

After it was over, Zhang Chengyuan breathed a sigh of relief. He had been really tense all the time in the past three years.

She had seen this big event before and said yes, adhering to the principle that she would rather kill by mistake than let go.

Under such high pressure, who wouldn't be frightened? It's normal if they are accidentally killed.

After it was completely over, the social atmosphere was really good, and the peak period of small business was ushered in.

Perhaps it was too repressed. After the country allowed small traders and hawkers to do business, the whole country was filled with vitality and flourished.

Zhang Chengyuan occasionally takes advantage of the market to sell some things to add some fun to life.

Later, with the policy opening up a little, she opened a pig farm.

Apart from farming, she spent most of her time here. She remembered hearing that swine fever caused pig farmers to lose their entire fortune overnight, and she had to pay attention.

She diligently cleans the pig pen every day, bathes the pigs once every three days, and eats the food she grows herself. Year after year, she sells several pigs, and she is worried about swine fever. Still didn't show up.

But in order not to worry about this problem all the time, Zhang Chengyuan chose to face the difficulty. She went to another world to study medicine. In this world, she planned to solve the swine fever.

She has never paid attention to this aspect, but she knows that swine fever has been conquered, and she can do it if others can do it.

After making up her mind, Zhang Chengyuan began to research on what to do if there were no experimental subjects. She went to find out if any pigs had swine fever.

After finding the experimental subject, she began to conduct experiments.

First, extract the swine fever virus from pigs infected with swine fever and try to make serum to fight virus with virus.

After killing a few more pigs suffering from swine fever, we finally succeeded.

But she was not satisfied. She continued the experiment, and this time she planned to use Chinese medicine to treat it.

In the end, she made two prescriptions. One was using gypsum, astragalus, scrophulariaceae, rehmannia root, isatis root, paeonol bark, anemarrhena, forsythia, platycodon, safflower, rhubarb, mirabilite, licorice, fresh bamboo leaves, and red peony root. , peach kernels, and gardenias, boil them twice and continue to use them for 3 to 5 days.

The other is to boil Qingwen Decoction and take it by gavage. Glauber's salt, isatis root, Daqingye, Coptis chinensis, rhubarb, astragalus, forsythia, raw land, scrophulariaceae, licorice, decoct in water twice, remove the residue and add Glauber's salt while it is hot. and quicklime, place it at a suitable temperature and pour it.

She handed over her research results to the state free of charge, and then went back to raise her own pigs.

Suddenly one day, Tian Qing hurriedly sent a message to her and asked her to go over. She hurriedly told Gu Xiu to help keep an eye on it, and hurried to Tian Qing Realm. As a result, what I saw was not an anxious Tian Qing, but a very happy one. As soon as it saw Zhang Chengyuan, it excitedly shared the good news with her.

"I just got good news from Dao Dao about being promoted to the world. We don't have to wait so hard to cultivate our combat power.

Look at this, as long as we finish this plot, the world will become a middle world. "

After listening to her words, Zhang Chengyuan felt that his brain was shut down. The plot was actually given by Da Dao.

After quickly coming to her senses, she still took it, but she still asked: "Can't you just pass the plot directly into my mind?"

Tian Qing nodded, but didn't make any move. He just listened to it say: "It is better to read the novel yourself to have a sense of ritual."

Zhang Chengyuan looked at it without words. Seeing that it didn't compromise for a long time, he had to sit down and watch patiently by himself.

After a long time, she finished reading it. To put it simply, the plot is:

The heroine Mu Xinrui, who traveled through time, in order to complete the task of conquering the destiny of this world, but the system took the opportunity to steal the destiny of this world.

Zhang Chengyuan became more and more silent. She had to wonder if there was something wrong with Tianqing's brain. It had once said that the luck of each world was fixed.

If this luck is stolen, the world will collapse. What do you think?
Tian Qing is not stupid, so he naturally saw the meaning in her eyes, and said angrily: "Don't look at me like this, didn't I call you to help?
We can accompany her through the plot first, and then you can use the world authority of several other worlds to give her a fatal blow.

In this way, not only will our world be promoted, but even the luck stolen from that system will belong to us. This is not a matter of killing two birds with one stone. "

Zhang Chengyuan held a different opinion: "This is indeed an opportunity, but have you ever thought that everything is possible and you cannot be cautious.

You have read the novel in vain for so many years, so you can't superficially give her a plot, but in fact slowly erode the power of her system.

As long as the results and processes are correct, we have the final say on the details, right? Think carefully about whether this is true. Where is your brain? "

Tian Qing calmed down after she said it, and her thoughts suddenly opened up: "They have a system, can we also cheat?"

Zhang Chengyuan Ruzi said with satisfaction: "Why not?"

After discussing it, Tianqing used his power to speed up the movement of the world and reached the plot point.

A class of classmates left the city under the leadership of their teacher. Today is the time for their big exam. As long as they kill a beast, they can enter the university, no matter what method is used.

But it is not easy. If you are not careful, your life will be lost. You must be very careful. This is also a test that they must go through before they reach adulthood.

Tian Qing and Zhang Chengyuan watched the development of the matter intently, watching them enter the dense forest and chase the giant beast.

Some people choose to work together as a team, some choose to use traps, and some choose to fight alone...

A girl trapped a giant rabbit in a trap and was about to kill it when her foot suddenly slipped and hit the paw of the giant rabbit. She was knocked away by a paw and was taken away with her. The blood mist hit the giant tree, and the fallen leaves fell down, leaving the whole person motionless.

Tian Qing and Zhang Chengyuan looked at each other and continued to stare at the girl. The next second, a vortex in space suddenly appeared, as if a person had been vomited out, but the woman's figure was transparent, and there was a small golden figure floating next to her head. Photosphere.

"Is it her?"

The small ball of light flew to the girl's body and she paused for a moment before replying: "It's her."

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