After reading the appraisal results of one person, Zhang Chengyuan fell into a long silence. It took her a long time to collect her thoughts. At this time, she really wanted to call the good guy.

This relationship is complicated. The smuggling system treats Mu Xinrui as a slave, while Mu Xinrui treats the smuggling system as a plaything that can be exploited.

The smuggling system wants to steal luck and become enlightened, but Mu Xinrui obviously knows that the guide is just an excuse. She knows the true purpose of the smuggling system, but she chooses to cooperate just because she thinks it is fun to destroy the world.

Is this the world of genius?
It's crazy, so scary.

No matter what Zhang Chengyuan has in mind, the plot over there is still going on in an orderly manner.

Mu Xinrui still looked cold and calm. She stood in front of Zhou Mu, but her eyebrows showed joy. It was obvious that she was in a good mood.

Zhou Mu was called over by Mu Xinrui. Seeing her in a good mood, his anxious heart finally calmed down. He didn't hear the conversation between her and the system, and the smile finally reached his eyes.

But before he could be happy for a long time, he heard Mu Xinrui say to the system: "You can take action."


At that moment, his heart sank to the bottom completely. Was he the one who was being sentimental all along?

But she clearly told the system that she liked him more and more...

The system took action, and Zhang Chengyuan also said urgently: "Tianqing takes action."

Tian Qing took action unequivocally the moment she spoke out. Zhang Chengyuan was not idle even after she finished shouting. She used the power of the world's authority to be ready at all times, just in case.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Tian Qing told Zhang Chengyuan the result of her work with a smile: "It's done."

And below, the system said suspiciously: "Hey~ Why do you only have a little luck value?"

After saying that, it immediately checked Zhou Mu's luck value again, and the result showed zero.

In an instant, it didn't say anything, and directly enveloped the whole world with its power. It didn't believe it was a mistake, so if such a weird thing happened, someone must be causing trouble.

This mischievous thing didn't do what he thought. The first object of suspicion was the way of heaven in this world. It said that it didn't encounter any obstacles when entering this small world. It turned out to be waiting for it here.

It seems that this is the way to advance into the world through plot, so let's see who is better.

Clearly, the smuggling system has a lot of experience with this.

Zhang Chengyuan and Tian Qing also calmed down, but this exposure is not without its disadvantages. For example, now, Tian Qing can no longer interfere.

If it intervenes again, the system can use its own power to fight back.

Tian Qing looked at Zhang Chengyuan with some embarrassment, shrugged innocently and said: "Chengyuan, I have to rely on you from now on. It is guarding me. I can't make any more moves, otherwise the two parties will end up fighting each other."

"You can't beat him?"

Tian Qing did not answer this question and said: "The rules of the great road, when following the plot, neither the system nor the consciousness of heaven can use their own power and can only rely on themselves.

If either party violates it, they will be punished, or if both parties violate it, they can take matters into their own hands, and then the world will be destroyed. "

Zhang Chengyuan asked hesitantly: "Does this mean my fate?"

Tian Qing nodded, and Zhang Chengyuan nodded after being silent for a minute. It might be a good choice for her to end.

Not to mention her own innate skills, another thing is that she has the authority of the world. She can do whatever she wants. She is also a living being, isn't she?
Before leaving, Zhang Chengyuan warned with some worry: "I will take away the plot, and you can grasp every node by yourself." Tian Qing promised: "Don't worry, I will never allow mistakes when it comes to promotion in the small world."

Zhang Chengyuan just left. She also chose to borrow the bodies of others who had just died. If she didn't put a shell on her, she was afraid that Dao Dao would tacitly regard her as a part of Heaven.

This is the body of an orphan, and her soul has already gone to the reincarnation well, so she has no burden to use it.

She got used to her new body and found a deserted place to check out the heroine's next target.

Because the smuggling system had its eye on Tianqing, it told Mu Xinrui that she no longer had to worry and could do it boldly.

Tian Qing immediately sent a message to Zhang Chengyuan: "Chengyuan, Mu Xinrui's team is speeding up. They are going to find the next target."

Zhang Chengyuan immediately found the corresponding plot and studied it carefully. They had encountered this lucky man before, and this time they could directly deprive him of his luck. When she saw this, she immediately got up and took action.

After finding the person, take one step ahead to deprive her of most of her luck, and then disappear quickly.

After Mu Xinrui found the person, the smuggling system seemed to be late and could only urge Mu Xinrui to speed up and capture the other three people.

However, it didn't waste the remaining luck from this person, it took it away.

Tianqing continued to tip off the news, and Zhang Chengyuan went to find them in advance, but these three people surprised her. Their luck was very solid, and it was not easy to take it away.

So, she chose to wait until Mu Xinrui and the others arrived, and she wanted to trick them.

Of course, she knew that she couldn't compete with geniuses, so she didn't plan to show up.

Unexpectedly, Mu Xinrui did not come here to deprive her of luck;

"Since you're here, come out and meet us. The system and the way of heaven are playing games, why don't we also have a game?"

After Zhang Chengyuan heard this, he put on several layers of protection for himself and even hid even more tightly.

She doesn't want to face a genius head-on. She is just a lucky ordinary person with a not very smart mind. She can't gain much advantage even if she hides. She still goes out to confront people head-on, because she might think she doesn't die quickly enough.

While Zhang Chengyuan was constantly testing her talent appraisal skills to understand her psychology, he was also preparing with the power of authority from other worlds, finding the right moment to hit with one blow, and forcefully depriving her of all her luck.

The moment he succeeded, he disappeared immediately. After a dozen times, he cleanly abandoned this body and returned to Tian Qing.

Mu Xinrui is indeed a genius. At that moment, she still chased her, but she was lost for a moment due to the chaotic position she kept teleporting. When she caught up again, there was only one A corpse.

There was no trace of the peeping man anymore, and the murderous intent in Mu Xinrui's eyes was frightening.

Zhang Chengyuan, who returned to Tian Qing, covered his chest in fear. It was so thrilling just now and he almost got caught.

Her heart was still pounding, and she swallowed. This was the first time in her life that she had encountered such a strong sense of oppression, to the point where all the hairs on her body were trembling.

Zhang Chengyuan took a breath, and then continued to chase Mu Xinrui with his eyes. At the same time, he conducted another appraisal, and the result was that he could see her current state of mind:
Haha... It's so interesting. This world is so fun...

Zhang Chengyuan touched the standing hairs and felt chilly. The genius was simply inhuman. It was too scary. I must stay away from him in the future. It was too crazy.

Tian Qing was also nervous and had lingering fears: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay. I'll take a rest and take it slow. I feel like my heart can't handle the high pressure."

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