Tianqing had no objection, and it was also frightened.

After his heart returned to normal beating, Zhang Chengyuan could concentrate and continue to review the script, while Tianqing was paying close attention to the next moves of Mu Xinrui and the smuggling system.

The smuggling system said angrily: "Let's change the host."

Mu Xinrui had no objection. She smiled inexplicably, used the rewards from the previous world unhurriedly, and disappeared here.

Tianqing didn't dare to relax at all, and immediately started searching, and soon found Mu Xinrui, who appeared thousands of miles away, looking for Qiyunzi and launching a strategy.

The previous routine might not work this time. Zhang Chengyuan was also afraid that he would fall into a trap if he went there again, so he couldn't think of any good solution.

Simply give up and continue to embarrass yourself, and leave everything to the choice of talent skills. This skill is always better than her brain, and it depends on it to break the game.

After using the choice, Zhang Chengyuan had a clear understanding. To put it bluntly, this is a battle of luck. Using this small world as a chessboard, both Mu Xinrui and the luck pieces are chess pieces. The purpose is to compete for luck. Whose luck will be at the end? Whoever has more luck wins.

Everything else is trivial, so there’s no need to pay too much attention to it.

Now the beginning of the heroine's time travel is there, the process of the strategy is there, all she needs is an ending.

Zhang Chengyuan immediately started reading to see what the ending of the plot was:
In order to save Luck's son Long Qi, the heroine was penetrated by the plant ghost vine. Only at this moment did Long Qi fully understand his love for her. He attacked the ghost vine like crazy and killed the ghost vine at the cost of death. , holding on for a breath and trying hard to crawl towards Mu Xinrui.

Mu Xinrui, who was watching all this, curled up the corner of her mouth in a happy arc one second before she died. She was about to start a new journey.

Zhang Chengyuan smiled evilly and ordered Tian Qing: "Send the luck son Long Qi not far from Mu Xinrui, and get a high-level plant ghost vine to be ready at all times. We are going to give them the end."

Tian Qing asked hesitantly: "Is this possible?"

"Believe me."

Tian Qing felt uneasy, but still did as he was told. Zhang Chengyuan continued to order: "Accelerate the time to the point where Long Qi and Mu Xinrui go to the abyss cave, and throw the ghost vine into it."

Success or failure depended on this. Zhang Chengyuan and Tian Qing were both very nervous and stared intently.

Mu Xinrui and Long Qi led the team to the abyss cave to complete the mission. As they gradually went deeper, the team members fell one after another. In the end, only Mu Xinrui and Long Qi were left. They were cautious explorers and gradually approached. Near Ghost Vine.

The ghost vine that had been lying in wait for a long time silently stretched out its canes, trying to surround them. Mu Xinrui seemed to have accidentally glanced in the direction of the ghost vine and continued to be cautious.

Suddenly there was a sound breaking through the air, and Long Qi subconsciously blocked it. Although he blocked it, he still took several steps back, almost hitting the wall, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

After the ghost vine was discovered, it immediately turned on the violent mode. In an instant, densely packed poisonous and thorny vines shot over like javelins, making bursts of sound and terrifying momentum.

Mu Xinrui and Long Qi resisted desperately, and within a short time both of them were covered with scars. Long Qi accidentally revealed a flaw. Mu Xinrui saw the opportunity and flew to block Long Qi's fatal blow.

The rattan pierced his chest, causing him to vomit blood instantly, and his body was quickly stained red with blood.

Long Qi caught the limp Mu Xinrui in a daze. The heartbreaking pain in his heart came to mind. Tears welled up. He stared at Gui Teng with hatred and looked at Mu Xinrui lovingly. , put her down gently and went to fight with Gui Teng.

It was just a waste of life, because he knew clearly that Mu Xinrui had no chance of living. He wanted to avenge her, and life and death no longer mattered.

In the end, Gui Teng died, and Long Qi also took in more air than out. He didn't have any good meat on his body, and was covered in pits and blood. He tried hard to hold on for the last breath and crawled to Mu Xinrui's side.

But Mu Xinrui was instructing the system to take away her luck. She calmly stood up and stuffed the elixir into her mouth in an attempt to recover.

Just to disappoint her, the system did not respond to her, because the system sensed the fatal danger and was desperately trying to break through the world's barriers to escape. It had no time to control her.

At this time, Zhang Chengyuan reminded: "Tianqing, get ready." The two of them stood ready, waiting for Dao Dao's reaction.

The two of them were not disappointed. The system was suppressed by the avenue and could not even break through the world barrier.

Tian Qing and Zhang Chengyuan would not be soft-hearted and polite. They would take action without hesitation when they saw the opportunity. Their huge power instantly shattered the system's defense.

A system without defense is just a tempting cake that anyone can take a bite of. Naturally, Zhang Chengyuan and Tian Qing would not let it go. They immediately gathered all the power of the system and erased its consciousness.

Only then did the smuggling system completely disappear.

At the same time, Mu Xinrui, who was bound to a slave contract, also vomited blood and died instantly.

Mu Xinrui probably never thought until his death that he would be dragged down by the stolen transport system to death.

Her soul was directly transformed into the nourishment of heaven and earth, but the treasures carried by the system were left behind by Zhang Chengyuan. She felt that they might not be useful in the future.

The moment the energy of the smuggling system was completely absorbed by Zhang Chengyuan and Tian Qing, the world promotion began.

The great avenue bestowed upon them the majestic world origin and destiny. Zhang Chengyuan and Tian Qing looked at each other and immediately began to absorb it. Until they were completely absorbed, the world was finally promoted to the middle world.

The world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only has it expanded a thousand times, the world also contains majestic power, the rules have been further improved, and the power of the world's authorities has also been greatly enhanced.

The most important thing is the strengthening of the world's barriers. Compared with the past, the world's barriers today are simply a sky.

After everything settled down, Zhang Chengyuan and Tian Qing both breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no danger, and their bright smiles showed how happy they were.

Things have settled here, and it's time for Zhang Chengyuan to go back to his old age, but before leaving, she still has something to explain to Tian Qing.

"Tianqing, you are my only middle world now. My other three small worlds are waiting for your help. You need to step up your efforts to cultivate your combat power."

Tian Qing nodded and had no other thoughts. They were one, and it would be better if she was good. If she helped them now, they might be able to help it in the future, so she didn't mind.

Tian Qing promised: "Don't worry, they will definitely be promoted within a hundred years."

"Okay, I'll leave that to you. Let me know when you can."

After saying that, Zhang Chengyuan waved his hands and left, returning to the ancient cultivation world.

Gu Xiu noticed it immediately and appeared: "Master, you are back."

"Um... Gu Xiu, you should call me Zhang Chengyuan. Calling me master makes me uncomfortable."

Especially an old man like this, who looks older.

Zhang Chengyuan added silently in his heart.

Gu Xiu changed his name in a good manner and asked, "Can I call you Chengyuan?"


Zhang Chengyuan said to the ancient monk: "Go and do your own business. Oh, by the way, you should pay close attention to cultivating the world's combat power. It is estimated that within a hundred years, it can help you raise the world level again."

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