The ancient cultivator showed a rare expression of joy and excitedly clasped his fists and said, "Yes."

Zhang Chengyuan looked at the sky, washed briefly, then lay on the bed and fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, she stretched and went out.

Looking at the clear sky, I counted how many years it has been since I came to this world. I felt so surprised when I counted.

It has actually been 31 years, which means she is 49 years old now.

She originally thought she would come back to relax and have a sweet relationship, but it turned out that she was already over fifty, so it was just a joke.

Anyone who can talk to an old man like her must be a little bit perverted, or else he is just trying to figure her out.

She simply gave up the idea and just opened her pig farm.

After another busy year, Zhang Chengyuan sometimes felt bored, but she was too lazy to move. Suddenly one day she had an idea.

She has been cooking for decades, but she has not yet studied her cooking skills. She should work hard on her cooking skills in this life.

Once you make a decision, your life will be more promising.

Having been cooking for several lifetimes, she has quite a lot of experience. She has her own opinions on how to choose the ingredients, and the control of the heat and taste all depends on her mood, but without exception, they are all delicious.

But she still didn't know how to cook many dishes, and this was what she wanted to learn. She didn't want to travel far, so she bought those cooking books and learned them by herself.

Moreover, she had copied a lot of them, and now that she was using them, she really learned a lot.

When she was sixty years old, Zhang Chengyuan sold her pig farm to someone else and she wanted to start caring for her old age.

A few years ago, when the land was divided per capita, she was allocated several acres of land. Now that the pig farm is sold, she can just farm the land.

If the grain she grows is not used up, she can sell it to pig farms, so she still makes a profit.

After studying cooking for several years, Zhang Chengyuan decided to give it up. When mobile phones were released, she immediately bought them and even applied for a mobile phone card.

Although the game is not that fun, it is enough to pass the time.

After four or five years of laziness, Zhang Chengyuan finally wanted to get active and do something.

She ran to the Chixin Realm to find the little girl Chixin, told her her thoughts, and got a collection stone.

The main function of this collection stone is to collect things, such as novels and games. As long as they are included, they can be read and played at any time without spending any energy.

After having this thing, Zhang Chengyuan finally let go of his worries.

The days became calm again, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day of her eightieth birthday. When she was making longevity noodles for herself as a habit, she heard a movement outside the door.

She put down what she was doing and went to check, and saw two men suddenly appearing in her yard.

They were fighting over the eaves and walls, but something in their yard suffered a disaster. The rolling pin in Zhang Cheng's energetic hand was thrown directly at the two of them.

She used her skill wisely, and she threw a rolling pin with a sharp sound that broke through the air, immediately attracting the attention of the two fighting men.

They were not vegetarians. They obviously had two brushes, and they each used their own methods to hit the rolling pin. Unfortunately, they didn't do what they wanted. The rolling pin continued to attack the two of them without losing its force.

Seeing this, the two people's expressions changed, and they quickly got out of the way. Their eyes fell on the displeased old woman, and both of them had concerns.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't bother to care about them, and said in a bad tone: "Do you have any morals? Come to my old lady's house to fight, and see what my yard is like? Hurry up and pay me."

The two people's eyes were in contact with each other, but their movements were surprisingly consistent, and they were trying to leave the yard on tiptoe.

How could Zhang Chengyuan allow them to walk so easily? He picked up two pieces of firewood and threw them over, hitting their calves and leaving them alone.

Both of them were a little frightened. The older one calmed down and apologized respectfully, cupping his fists and saying, "I've offended you by being rude. Please be kind and let me go." One person did this, but the other person didn't either. The fool immediately followed: "I am willing to pay, please show your kindness."

Zhang Chengyuan was now a little satisfied. She approached the two of them, reached out to them, and raised her chin to signal.

The two of them were not stupid people, so they immediately took out the things from their bodies.

With the advancement of the times, people rarely take anything with them when they go out. All they bring are mobile phones and bank cards, so the two of them only took out their bank cards and put them in Zhang Chengyuan's hands, and obediently reported the password and the amount in the card.

Zhang Chengyuan put the card away, glanced at the two of them, turned around and said calmly: "Take care of the yard for me. If anyone dares to be disobedient, don't blame me for being rude."

The two originally thought they could leave after paying compensation, but they didn't expect to have to clean up the yard. They didn't dare to fall out, so they could only do it reluctantly.

At the same time, they complained to each other with their eyes, feeling that it was the other person's fault that led to the current ending.

Zhang Chengyuan entered the kitchen and remembered that he had forgotten the rolling pin, so he turned around to find the rolling pin. When he came out, he saw the two of them clumsy and rolled his eyes and ignored them.

After picking up the rolling pin, Zhang Chengyuan went back, wiped it clean and put it down, and continued making longevity noodles.

The reason why she didn't let the two people outside leave was that she hadn't calmed down yet, and the other reason was that she wanted to know about Gu Wu's situation.

She was already eighty years old, and this was the first time she saw the appearance of Gu Wu. She had heard from Gu Xiu before that the world was following the path of Gu Wu, but she had not seen it yet, and she was still puzzled.

Now there happen to be two of them bumping into each other. It would be a mistake not to take advantage of them.

Zhang Chengyuan cooked two more vegetables and cooked the noodles before calling to the two of them: "Okay, come over and wash your hands and eat."

The two looked at each other in shock when they heard this, and no one dared to make a move first.

Zhang Chengyuan urged silently: "Hurry up, don't let me say it a second time."

The two of them immediately became excited and stood obediently like primary school students.

Zhang Chengyuan pointed to the wooden basin next to the door and said, "Fetch water and wash your hands yourself."

The two of them immediately followed the instructions and moved quickly.

Seeing that both of them had washed their hands, Zhang Chengyuan continued: "Come in and serve your own food."

After saying that, she went in first, took her longevity noodles to the main room and sat down to eat. After some hesitation, the two of them went to fill up the rice and walked to the main room.

"Sit anywhere."

After saying that, Zhang Chengyuan ignored them and ate longevity noodles quietly. She even made two braised eggs and two braised hams for herself.

After eating slowly, the two of them had finished eating long ago.

She put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth, then looked at them and asked, "When will your ancient martial arts come out?"

The two shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know.

Zhang Chengyuan had no choice but to change the subject: "Why did you two suddenly come here and fight at my place?"

The older one was the first to speak: "The two of us came out to practice. We had a quarrel and started fighting. The more we fought, the more angry we became and we lost control."

Zhang Chengyuan chose not to ask. If she had the time, she might as well ask the ancient cultivator. These two stupid young men should stay here for now.

"You two go and wash the dishes for me."

The younger one didn't want to. He had never washed dishes before and he didn't know how. He was about to speak, but the older one covered his mouth: "Okay."

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