After listening to Zhang Chengyuan's words, Gu Xiu understood that this meant agreeing to follow the plot: "Shall we start now?"

"Well, let's begin."

To put it simply, the script this time is the story of a social beast who inexplicably traveled to this ancient martial arts world, obtained a golden finger attribute panel, and became stronger as long as he continued to practice proficiency, and finally became the world's top combat powerhouse.

From the story point of view, this is to increase the top combat power in this world, but in fact, in this process, those who are slapped in the face, suppressed, and taken into his harem are all lucky ones, and their luck is slowly being affected by Golden Finger. Absorbed completely.

Therefore, what Zhang Chengyuan and Gu Xiu have to do is to snatch the luck, and finally leave the golden finger, so that it can become the nourishment for the advancement of the world.

Gu Xiu accelerated time, and the point where the male protagonist traveled through time arrived. Zhang Chengyuan and Gu Xiu noticed his golden finger. Fortunately, it was just an artifact without intelligence that was used to collect luck.

Gu Xiu continued to speed up time. After paying attention for a while, they came to the conclusion that the male protagonist was not a very smart person, so there was no need to worry about him turning the world upside down.

That would be easy. Zhang Chengyuan completely sealed off the ancient cultivator world and cut off the golden finger's connection with the outside world. Then she asked the ancient cultivator to destroy the golden finger's ability to absorb luck.

"Gu Xiu, now use all your strength to accelerate world time until the end of the plot."

There is no doubt that the ancient cultivator advanced and became the middle world.

Zhang Chengyuan asked Ancient Repair System to wholesale the proficiency panels and scatter them into the world before leaving.

As soon as he left Gu Xiu's place, Zhang Chengyuan became visibly older in just a matter of seconds.

As soon as she returned to the yard, she staggered before she could stand firmly. She felt that her vitality was rapidly draining away.

Before she could walk back into the house and lie down, she fell to the ground and died.

Then, the familiar settlement panel appeared, filling her heart with resentment. She died too hastily. She clearly had a dozen years left to waste, but her life came to an end in the blink of an eye.

It really confused her, but now that it was over, she could only check the settlement with some depression:
Survive to age 60 to earn: 42 points
Survive to age 70 to earn: 20 points
Survive to age 80 to earn: 40 points
Survive to age 90 to earn: 60 points
Survive to age 100 to earn: 80 points
Survive to age 160 to earn: 600 points
Total points earned: 842
Do you want to spend points to take away small world items?
Zhang Chengyuan skillfully chose "No", and then heard a familiar return question:

Coming back soon, please prepare, Master
Return immediately
Delayed Return (Free 3 times)
This time she did not choose immediately. She opened her panel and opened an item column again, and 50,000 points were instantly deducted.

She quickly equipped the storage basket, and then chose to return immediately. When she opened her eyes, she had returned to the main world. She sat up and moved her body, waiting for Zhinao's welcome.

Zhinao's voice sounded as expected: "Welcome back, master. Congratulations on your successful completion of the mission. Do you want to check the personal interface?"


Name: Zhang Chengyuan
Home: OHQ8-49 plane 76 planet (has been naturally destroyed)


Props: [Only] Collecting Illustrated Book, [Only] Coiled Sacred Tree, [Only] Making Illustrated Book, Animal Illustrated Book, Storage Basket (100000 points can unlock the next prop column) Points: 54340 (104340-50000)

Mission points: 4210 (3368+842)

Luck: 13 (12+1)

Zhang Chengyuan smiled with satisfaction as he looked at the gathering talent skills. He was considered to be at full level, so he couldn't slack off with the remaining nine.

I couldn't help but sigh when I saw the points getting less and less, but when I saw the task points increasing with the lifespan, I was still quite satisfied, but it was still too slow.

However, she does not regret spending 50,000 points to open an item slot and equip a storage basket. This thing can be used in any world. Overall, it is quite cost-effective.

Moreover, she has the talent of turning waste into treasure and synthesis. She can give birth to two children from one baby, which is definitely not a loss.

As usual, cook to fill your five internal organs first, and then decide what to do based on the situation.

After a good meal, Zhang Chengyuan sent a message to Qiao Qianyue and asked her if she wanted to go out for a walk. After waiting for a while and no response, she guessed that she was on a mission.

Simply, she stopped being lazy and lay back down to start the random mission world. She used to look at the talents and skills first, but now she doesn’t look at them anymore. The talents are all full. It’s useless to see what you want. Out of sight and out of mind. as well.

After waiting for a while, the mission world came out, which was the ancient immortal cultivation plane.

Zhang Chengyuan felt that there was nothing to prepare, so he entered the mission world directly.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the falling snowflakes. I was blown by the cold wind all over my body. I instantly felt cold. My whole body began to tremble, and my teeth chattered up and down because of the cold.

She endured the coldness and quickly glanced at the familiar light screen:


Mission points: 0
Tip: If you take away Small World items, corresponding points will be deducted
The subtitles change quickly:
Accept a false identity?
Naturally, I accepted it. This is the world of cultivating immortals. It can be useful for anything. Even if it is useless, it will be okay.

After she confirmed it, the identity information also came: Zhang Chengyuan, a wandering little beggar.

Zhang Chengyuan has become accustomed to this. She was planning to capture the world's Heavenly Dao first as before, when she heard a sound coming from afar.

She put her mind down for the time being, stood up and patted the snow on her body. After a while, her hands were so cold that she felt numb.

At this time, a middle-aged and handsome uncle with an immortal spirit walked not far away. He stopped and looked at the dirty woman in front of him.

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