Although it was a straight stare, there was nothing uncomfortable about it. It felt more like his mind was empty and his eyes were unfocused.

At first glance, he was looking at other people through her. Apart from making Zhang Chengyuan a little impatient, he had no other thoughts.

But she didn't mean to remind him, who knew what he was looking at, so as not to be too sentimental.

She turned around and was about to leave. She had to seize the heaven of this world. She couldn't do it in vain.

Seeing her leave, the man immediately calmed down and spoke carefully. It was obvious that this idea had been running in his mind for a long time.

"Are you willing to become your teacher?"

Zhang Chengyuan paused as he took a step forward, and looked back at him with a look of surprise on his face. How lucky was he? Did you meet a cultivator as soon as you arrived?
When the man saw her turning back, he introduced himself with a gentle smile: "My surname is Tao, my name is Wenxian, and my name is Changqing. You can call me Taoist Changqing."

Are you really a cultivator? It is not impossible to become a disciple.

Zhang Chengyuan turned around and clasped his fists in salute, then asked: "May I ask why you want to accept me as your disciple?"

Changqing Taoist looked at her eyes that were as deep as a deep pool and seemed to be spotless, and he felt that he could not deceive her for some reason. Moreover, he had a hunch that the chance for him to achieve the golden elixir would lie in her body.

Taoist Changqing was silent for a moment, and then he spoke the truth sincerely: "As a monk, I am always very sensitive to personal matters.

I, Tao Wenxian, have been practicing for one hundred and fifty years, but I can only build the third level of the foundation. I am about to look for opportunities to extend my life or make another breakthrough.

Suddenly my heart is filled with happiness, and I feel that this opportunity is here. After thinking for a long time, I decided to accept you as my disciple, placing my hope in you and hoping for the opportunity. "

Understand, this means that there is no hope for him to break through, and his life span is not long. He sensed a glimmer of hope, and then looked for it, not understanding where this glimmer of hope was.

Out of careful consideration, I decided to accept her as my disciple and put my hope in her.

Zhang Chengyuan thought about it and decided to become his apprentice. She was alone and had no choice but to go. She had no other place to go anyway.

Although this person has his own agenda, as long as there is hope until the end, this person will never be bad to him.

In addition, she just remembered something. Qiao Qianyue once told herself that if there are more than five attached worlds, you will have to pay taxes.

She now has four affiliated worlds, and there are still activities in the Quick Travel Bureau, so the last spot must be reserved. In other words, this world must wait and see, or let it become a world under the affiliated world domain.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to pay the taxes alone. She was promoted to these subordinate worlds by chance and opportunism. If she paid taxes according to the world level, she wouldn't have to develop her world.

It was also at this time that she figured out why Qiao Qianyue said that becoming the Lord of Heaven was not easy and that it required spending resources or time to grind.

To put it simply, it means relying on time to slowly accumulate the world's heritage, or relying on resources to accumulate.

It was obvious that she had neither, so she had to find a way to get through the loopholes.

However, it should be said that being promoted to the world is not without its benefits. First of all, resources are abundant, development will not be stretched, and the development speed is fast.

But there are also disadvantages, and it is easy to be missed.

But now that the matter has come to this, she can only hope that nothing unexpected happens, or that people don't dare to touch her because she has the quick-travel bureau behind her.

However, if you think about it from another perspective, maybe people look down on her affiliated worlds. The potential of her four affiliated worlds is not very good.

Pulling back his thoughts of running away, Zhang Chengyuan quickly changed his words: "Master."

Taoist Changqing frowned and looked at her displeased. He just changed his perfunctory attitude of calling Master. He was very unhappy in his heart, but because he had the opportunity to achieve the golden elixir, he could only endure it. He suppressed all the emotions in his heart and said calmly: "This is the apprenticeship ceremony."

As he spoke, Taoist Changqing handed over a green bamboo-patterned purse.

Zhang Chengyuan reached out and took it, opened it and looked at it. It turned out to be a storage bag, but the capacity was too small, only one cubic meter in size.

She couldn't help but wonder if there were skills such as weapon refining and alchemy formations in this world. If so, she would have to learn it.

"Thank you, Master. Master, where will we go next?"

Taoist Changqing counted with his fingers, sighed helplessly, and said quietly: "Follow me, find a place with spiritual energy, and start a sect."

Taoist Changqing's calculation just now made him anxious and helpless. He only had this opportunity. It seemed that he had to treat her well, but the worry in his heart did not disappear.

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking and walked silently.

Zhang Chengyuan stared at his back for a while, then followed him. It would be better to see people's hearts over time, and it would be useless to talk more.

She could see Taoist Changqing's displeasure with her, but she didn't plan to say anything more. Although people can't just act and don't say anything, they can't just say everything.

Taoist Changqing walked in front, and Zhang Chengyuan followed quietly. The first thing he did was to collect the Pangen Sacred Tree, receive the New World's "Newbie Gift Pack", and see what he could get.

After ten collections, the answer is revealed:

Zhang Chengyuan only felt that this time her "real mother" gave her all the elixirs she could use, but what surprised her the most was the weapon refining collection.

She was just thinking about learning how to make alchemy and weapons, and here she is.

But she won't take it out for the time being. After all, money touches people's hearts, not to mention that it's a normal world like the world of immortality, where predators of the weak and the strong kill and seize treasures.

She used the appraisals one by one. Although she had seen many of them in novels and could tell what they were used for as soon as she heard the names, she still wanted to authenticate them.

Identification successful!

Item: Bigu Pill*1000
Grade: lower grade

Erysipelas: None
Effect: Taking this pill can help you avoid eating for a short period of time. One pill can keep you from being hungry for three days.

Value: 45 gold coins

Identification successful!

Item: Qi Lian Powder*1000
Grade: top quality

Erysipelas: 0
Function: It can assist mortals in their cultivation, strengthen their bodies and increase their cultivation.

Value: 20 low-grade spiritual stones

In general, the foundation building pill is used to break through the bottleneck of foundation building and increase the success of foundation building. One pill is worth two mid-grade spiritual stones, which is really not much to say.

But after the appraisal just now, she roughly understood that the exchange ratio is that 100 copper coins are equal to 1 silver coin, 100 silver coins are equal to 1 gold coin, 100 gold coins are equal to 1 spirit bead, and 100 spirit beads are equal to 1 low-grade spirit stone. You can imagine two pieces. How valuable is the mid-grade spiritual stone?

In addition, the Beauty Pill is used to maintain the appearance and is the most popular among women, the Spirit-Feeding Pill is used to feed spirit animals, the Spirit-Gathering Pill is a pill taken by monks in the foundation-building period, and the Dust-falling Pill is a gold-forming pill that increases the elixir. very high.

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