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Character: Zhang Chengyuan
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (18~700) years old
Blood volume: 6600
Attack: 528
Occupation: Disciple of Evergreen Taoist (Tasker/Master of Heaven)

Personality: Calm, reserved, self-interested

Characteristics: Ambition and comfort coexist, working hard while enjoying life, and loving farming
Luck: 13
Destiny: Revival/Unknown
Introduction: He was once a resident of Planet 8 in the OHQ49-76 plane. He was sent to the chaotic world of stars as an eight-year-old child. He had the experience of being adopted. When he was ten years old, he served the main god of the world for eight years in order to offset the feelings of adoption.

Later, he joined the Quick Travel Bureau and became a formal employee, and now has four affiliated small worlds.

At this time, he was following his master, Taoist Changqing, to the town in Xuanqing Realm.

Psychology: I don’t know what my HP and attack are…

The HP and attack are actually higher than the cheap master, so isn't he more powerful than the master?

Zhang Chengyuan looked at Taoist Changqing several times, which made Taoist Changqing think that he had hurt his disciple's heart, and he was wondering whether to say soft words.

Zhang Chengyuan said at this moment: "Master, you will make me sad, my disciple."

Taoist Changqing didn't know how to react for a moment. In the world of cunning and deceitful cultivators, no one speaks directly without thinking carefully before speaking.

Zhang Chengyuan continued to identify Taoist Changqing's psychological activities, and a smile appeared on his lips unconsciously. His talent appraisal skill was better than mind reading, which was really good.

"Master, why don't you say anything? Do you dislike me as your disciple?"

Taoist Changqing was silent for a long time and then highlighted one sentence: "Jing Jing, since I have accepted you as my disciple, I won't dislike you, so don't worry about it."

However, Zhang Chengyuan identified Taoist Changqing's psychological words as follows: Are all female disciples so fragile? Female disciples in the world of immortality are not like this either...

Zhang Chengyuan looked at Taoist Changqing who was doubting his life. He suppressed a smile and decided to let the master go. "Since the master said so, I believe it."

She no longer peeked into Taoist Changqing's heart, nor did she make things difficult for him, and quietly followed him down the mountain.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, Taoist Changqing did not stop for a moment and continued walking quickly.

Zhang Chengyuan hurriedly followed, but the rush did not prevent her from talking: "Master, have you been here? How do you know there is a place selling things there?"

Taoist Changqing didn't dare not answer. He was afraid that if he didn't speak, his fragile disciple would misunderstand him, so he immediately said: "I will teach you the art of looking at Qi."

Zhang Chengyuan immediately became energetic when she heard about the art of looking for energy. She had seen it before when reading novels, and it was described as very powerful. Now that she encountered it, she had to learn from it.

She covered her mouth grandiosely and exclaimed: "Wow~ Master, you are so powerful. You can actually know the art of fortune-telling. Master, can you teach me too? I want to learn it."

Taoist Changqing nodded in agreement easily. Not to mention that this was a bad technique in the world of immortality. He just said that she was his disciple and he was willing to teach her if she wanted to learn it.

"After the placement is complete, I will teach you."

Zhang Chengyuan smiled and said, "Thank you, Master."

Half an hour later, there was finally a crowd, and there were only eight scattered households, which could be considered a small village.

Seeing that Taoist Changqing had no intention of stopping, Zhang Chengyuan grabbed his sleeve, forcing him to stop and said, "Master, why don't we have a meal here first? I'm hungry."

Taoist Changqing's eyes were calm. He had already accepted the fact that this apprentice was a loser. Based on the spiritual rice he had eaten, he would not have the slightest doubt.

Hearing this, he just frowned and agreed, without saying anything to her about how eating too much mundane food would affect her practice, not only because what he said was in vain, but also because he couldn't afford to support her.

In this case, I can only let her go, and I can't starve her. Taoist Changqing turned around and took Zhang Chengyuan to the village. He stopped at the entrance of the village. He raised his head and stared at the sky above the house. He was silent for a moment and then went straight to the village.

The way Zhang Chengyuan looked at Taoist Changqing, he obviously had a goal.

After passing four houses, Taoist Changqing stopped at the door of the fifth house. The fence gate of this family was only half a person high. It was clear what was going on inside, and the same was true for the people inside.

As soon as Taoist Changqing stood still, he attracted the attention of everyone in the courtyard. They looked at them warily and had no intention of welcoming them.

Zhang Chengyuan glanced at Taoist Changqing, stepped forward and said with a gentle smile: "We are Taoists practicing in Changqing Temple. We were a little hungry when we passed by. I wonder if we can have a meal here."

The people in the yard did not agree immediately. Their eyes all fell on the hunched old man. Presumably he was the head of the family.

He pondered for a moment, then slowly stood up and opened the courtyard door, while the others followed silently.

The old man opened the gate of the fence and said with a smile on his face: "Two immortal masters, come in quickly. I will let people cook. Please wait a moment, immortal master."

Taoist Changqing nodded slightly and said, "It's troublesome."

The old man waved his hands repeatedly to show that he did not dare, and arranged for his daughter-in-law and the old woman to cook. He also motioned for his sons to take the children back to the house, while he tremblingly waited for the next fate.

Zhang Chengyuan gave him an appraisal and soon understood why the old man was acting like this. It turned out that he had seen him when he was young, but that time the monks directly massacred a village, and he was the only one who survived.

Just because he was arranged by his father to watch his sister give birth, he escaped by accident.

Later, he refused his sister's offer to stay and wanted to seek immortality, but he didn't have the spiritual roots. In the end, he struggled for decades without any results, so he had no choice but to find a place to stay.

He married a wife and had children in this village and has survived to this day.

Zhang Chengyuan said to Taoist Changqing: "Master, I'm not used to being watched while eating, and the old man seems to be in poor health. Why don't we let him go to the house to rest?"

Taoist Changqing nodded casually.

Zhang Chengyuan smiled sweetly at the old man and said, "Old man, please pay attention. Don't worry about us. We will leave after dinner."

The old man raised his head and met Zhang Chengyuan's smiling face, feeling her kindness, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master Xian, for your understanding."

After saying that, he turned and went to the kitchen.

Taoist Changqing then spoke: "You are kind-hearted."

Zhang Chengyuan said with a smile: "Thank you, Master, for the compliment. It's all for your good teaching."

As soon as these words came out, both of them fell silent. It didn't really sound like a compliment.

The old man may be grateful, or he may have other thoughts, but the food served is quite rich. Although it is not a big fish or meat, it is indeed the best food in the house.

Zhang Chengyuan started eating. When she came to this world, she still didn't know the methods of the monks, so naturally she didn't dare to take out the good things and use them at will.

After she came to this world, she was always with Taoist Changqing, and she didn't even dare to take out food.

As for Taoist Changqing, she still makes porridge every meal with her little spiritual rice. Originally, part of the exercises she practiced relied on absorbing food to convert energy.

Naturally, her eyes were dazzled by hunger and her head was dizzy. However, she was unwilling to put all her confidence in Taoist Changqing. As a result, she became very good at eating and quickly ate Taoist Changqing's spiritual rice. It's over.

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