Changqing Taoist could only use spiritual energy to keep himself from being hungry, and he also had to catch wild animals for Zhang Chengyuan to eat.

After Zhang Chengyuan finished eating, Taoist Changqing stood up, put down a gold coin, and left first.

Zhang Chengyuan wiped his mouth and quickly followed.

Zhang Chengyuan, who had eaten and drank enough, was obviously more active and talked non-stop along the way.

She even thought twice about identifying the shortcomings of talents and skills, such as not being able to see the skills that others knew, the techniques they practiced, etc.

After finally reaching the town, Zhang Chengyuan followed the footsteps of Taoist Changqing and entered the city.

The bustling crowds and noisy scenes gave Zhang Chengyuan the first impression of prosperity, but it was not overwhelming. There were so many worlds, and she had seen the lively modern and ancient times, so it was not unusual.

Taoist Changqing stopped in front of a teahouse and said to Zhang Chengyuan: "If you need anything, just go and buy it. I will wait for you here."

Taoist Changqing was unwilling to go shopping with her, so Zhang Chengyuan had no objection and readily agreed: "Okay, Master, I will definitely go and come back early."

After watching Taoist Changqing enter the teahouse, she slowly started shopping, from the street to the end of the street. She not only filled the storage bag with food, seasonings and meat for snacks, bedding, pillows, fabrics, needlework, etc. , and I was carrying a small mountain of debris on my back.

Although she was carrying so many things, it was not difficult at all. She even ate snacks while walking.

When she arrived at the teahouse, she tried to find that she had too many things on her to enter the teahouse door, and attracted people who would otherwise have watched the excitement.

Zhang Chengyuan had no choice but to raise his voice and shout: "Master, let's go back."

Taoist Changqing heard his disciple's voice and stopped practicing. He opened his eyes and stood up. When he opened the window, he saw a small building.

Zhang Chengyuan immediately saw Taoist Changqing and waved to him: "Master, I'm here. Let's just leave the city. I'll carry the things back."

Taoist Changqing jumped down from the window, waved at the thing Zhang Chengyuan was carrying, and put it into his storage bag. His storage bag was much bigger than the one he gave out, so he could naturally put it in it.

After doing all this, he said: "Let's go."

The two of them returned to the Taoist temple before dark. After Changqing Taoist took out the things, he told Zhang Chengyuan and returned to Changqing Residence: "Have a good rest today, and I will start teaching you practice tomorrow."

Zhang Chengyuan responded, moved her things back to the disciple building, picked a room and started decorating it. This was where she would live in the future.

After setting it up, she lit the candles, found the steamed buns she had brought back, and ate them. At this moment, she had no choice but to take care of the sacred tree. Without its things, she was really uncomfortable.

You still have to think of a way to take things out in a reasonable way.

As long as her cultivation level is higher than that of her master, wouldn't it be an excuse for her to go out on her own for ten days and a half?
After filling his stomach, Zhang Chengyuan hurriedly lay down and went to sleep. Tomorrow he would officially start practicing.

After a good night's sleep, I woke up early the next morning. As soon as I finished packing, Taoist Changqing appeared.

He dictated the exercises he practiced and asked Zhang Chengyuan to practice them in front of him to ensure that she practiced them correctly.

Then he taught her the qi-gaining technique he promised.

After learning it, she immediately checked herself to see if she had entered the first level of Qi training and whether her blood volume and attack had increased:
Identification successful!

Character: Zhang Chengyuan
Gender: Female
Age: 18 (18~700) years old
HP: 6600/6600
Attack: 528~1000
Skills: Gathering, hunting, crafting...

Kung Fu: "Longevity Technique", "Giant Power Technique", "Rejuvenation Technique", "Shaking Mountain Moon", "Hardness and Softness", "Refining God Technique", "Holy Soul Technique" and "Eternal Spring Technique"

Realm: Mortal Lifespan: 18/170
Occupation: Disciple of Evergreen Taoist (Tasker/Master of Heaven)

Personality: Calm, reserved, out-of-the-box

Characteristics: Ambition and comfort coexist, working hard while enjoying life, and loving farming
Luck: 13
Destiny: Revival/Unknown
Introduction: Once upon a time...

Psychology: I don’t know…

Zhang Chengyuan blinked and thought she had made a mistake. After another appraisal, the result was still the same. This made her realize that there was still potential for development of her innate skills.

She took advantage of Taoist Changqing not paying attention and gave him an appraisal:
Identification successful!

Character: Tao Wenxian (Taoist Changqing)
Sex: Male
Age: 152 years old

HP: 1560/1560
Attack: 180~360
Skills: Planting, Breeding Animals

Skills: "Changchun Gong", "Qi Watching Technique", "Basic Technique of Five Elements", "Low Level Beast Breeding Technique", "Low Level Formation Technique", "Low Level Talisman"

Realm: third level of foundation building

Lifespan: 152/158
Occupation: Ling Zhifu/immortal cultivator (Master of Changqing Temple)
Personality: Cold-faced and warm-hearted

Characteristics: cold appearance, changing mood
Luck: 4
Fate: End of life/Unknown (changed)
Introduction: Once one of the three major he builds the temple alone and is the master of Changqing Temple.

Psychology: She is quite talented. It would be great if she wasn’t so good at eating. Hey~ I wonder if it would be okay to leave her alone in the audience? I also need to buy some spiritual rice...

Looking at the appraisal results, Zhang Chengyuan couldn't help but take another look at Taoist Changqing. He didn't expect that the master could not only plant but also cultivate spiritual beasts.

In addition, she has practiced many techniques, which she wants to learn, but she doesn't know if her "real mother" can help them. She also wants to make alchemy formations, talismans, and other techniques exclusive to the world of immortality.

However, the master actually only had less than six years left to live. She thought that his life might be short, but looking at his appearance, she didn't feel too anxious. She thought that he would still have a few more decades anyway.

Although he is a cheap master, he is very kind to her. It seems that he has to find an opportunity to take out the longevity pill.

Her mood, luck, and introduction all changed. Then when she saw Taoist Changqing's psychology, she felt embarrassed instantly.

It's really embarrassing and funny. Who can do what he does? Worry about his disciples and go hungry.

Zhang Chengyuan saw that Taoist Changqing had no intention of speaking, so he thoughtfully suggested: "Master, you haven't eaten in the past few days. Now that the place has been sorted out, you might as well go and do some shopping."

Taoist Changqing looked at her in surprise, hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll leave you some formation disks and talismans for self-defense. You stay here honestly and don't run around. I'll be gone for at least half a month."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment and added: "If you encounter a monk, don't worry about anything. Preserving your life is the most important."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded in agreement with a smile on his face. It seemed that his cold-faced and warm-hearted personality was not just talk. It was clear that they both wanted to get what they needed when they became master and disciple, but now Taoist Changqing already regarded her as one of his own.

"Master, don't worry, I'm smart, go ahead."

Taoist Changqing frowned and said patiently, "Don't leave the Taoist temple unless you have something to do. The food you bought before is probably enough for you to eat for a month. Don't worry about other things you need. I'll buy them when I come back..." …”

Taoist Changqing obviously regarded Zhang Chengyuan as a child, and warned him like an old father or mother, fearing that something would happen to the child if he was not at home.

After seeing off Taoist Changqing, Zhang Chengyuan behaved well for the first two days, eating on time and practicing Kung Fu, but on the third day he started to let himself go.

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