Chapter 126 Storage Ring
All the necessary things were taken out and used. Of course, the longevity elixir for Taoist Changqing was also put in jade bottles and put away.

Zhang Chengyuan estimated the time, and on the fourth day of letting himself go, he began to restrain himself and put away all the items that should not exist.

In addition, a storage ring was also refined based on the Weapon Refining Encyclopedia, which was one thousand square meters in size. As for the materials used, they were all collected from the Pangen Divine Tree.

She is not a genius. Even if she has a talent for production, she still scrapped several materials before she succeeded once.

After refining it, she damaged the storage ring, and then used the talent skill of turning waste into treasure to restore it. At the same time, she triggered a double chance of obtaining the storage ring.

After repeating this, she got a bunch of storage rings. She took out the storage basket from the equipment slot, followed the same method, and started to synthesize the basket and storage rings.

After a day of synthesis, she got a magical basket with two forms, three times the grid, and the ability to farm and raise living animals.

Zhang Chengyuan naturally did not forget to identify:
Identification successful!

Item: Strange Treasure Basket (only)

Grade: top quality

Features: Never damaged, stored for hundreds of years and can be integrated into the soul
Potential: Can grow
Function: It has 150 cells and a thousand square meters of living space for planting. It can be changed into two forms: ring and basket.

Value: priceless treasure
Zhang Chengyuan couldn't believe such an awesome appraisal result. She couldn't even imagine that it was so wonderful.

150 grids. Isn't this equivalent to 150 thousand square meters of space that can be used for farming and planting? But it's a pity that it is unique. She doesn't dare to take risks. What if it is damaged and cannot be restored?
A person must be content. She should be satisfied with a treasure like this, but she can't be too greedy.

Moreover, its appearance also fundamentally solved a problem, that is, if she was trapped, without food or water, and her "mother", the Pangan Divine Tree, was not enough, it would be another way out.

After the excitement completely subsided, she took the opportunity to leave this world and went to the four affiliated worlds one by one.

The first person to go was the Tianqing Realm, but in the end, even the Tianqing people didn’t see it, so they just said: “It’s okay, what are you doing here? I don’t have time to entertain you, you can go on your own.”

After saying that, there was no response, and Zhang Chengyuan didn't care. She went to get a pair of all the species in the world, except humans, and put them in the second grid space, so that they could survive and reproduce inside. .

Although the current area may not be able to support the growth of all species in the future, don't forget that the grid space can grow.

In the third grid, Zhang Chengyuan naturally went to the Chixin Realm to "purchase goods". The little girl Chixin received her, but she was in a hurry, so she didn't stay long. She left immediately after finishing the work.

In the fourth grid space, there are creatures from the ink world, who still did not stay too long.

The fifth one was in the ancient cultivator world in the previous world. The ancient cultivators were also very busy when she went there, but they still found time to accompany her.

Through Tian Qing, Zhang Chengyuan knew how busy she would be after being promoted to the middle world, so naturally she would not waste Gu Xiu's time. She used the power of the world's authority to get it done almost in a few breaths.

She said hello to Gu Xiu and left quickly. She was really embarrassed that Gu Xiu, who looked like an old man, was so respectful to her.

She plans to fill the sixth grid space with creatures from the world of cultivation, but there is no rush now. She will live in this world for at least a hundred years.

As for the first free space, she plans to keep it as a portable space. The first one will always be more convenient to use.

Furthermore, she considered that in the future, she would do more and more tasks and experience more and more worlds. Based on the current grid space of each world, she might not be able to tell the difference between each world in the future. So she kept the first one and used it in each world, and then vacated it and continued to use it in the new world. This not only solved the storage problem, but also prevented other problems.

She looked at the strange treasure basket with satisfaction and let it switch forms several times. After getting familiar with it, she put it back into the toolbar and went to rest.

On the sixth day that Taoist Changqing left, Zhang Chengyuan got up in the morning and began to practice seriously. She was sure that Taoist Changqing would come back as soon as possible. Although she was not sure of the specific time, she would never go wrong preparing half the time in advance.

In order to make the longevity pill appear more reasonable, she took out a storage ring and put not only the longevity pill in it, but also some other elixirs and a lot of spiritual rice and spirit stones.

But something still felt wrong, so she went to the top of the mountain to see if there was any sign of Taoist Changqing.

Looking around, there was no sign of him. Zhang Chengyuan took the time to enter the grid space and planned to refine some weapons and armor.

With the blessing of production talents and skills, although there are more failures than successes, it is enough.

After leaving the grid space, Zhang Chengyuan put part of the refined weapons and armor into the storage ring, and also put some of the weapon refining materials into it.

Then he looked at the other things he had collected, and put in another batch of miscellaneous things, and then he was satisfied.

In the next time, she would just wait peacefully for Taoist Changqing to come back.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Taoist Changqing finally returned.

Zhang Chengyuan checked Taoist Changqing and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him, then he greeted him with a smile: "Master, you are back. Did you have a smooth journey? Disciple, I have good news to tell you."

Taoist Changqing nodded slightly, and his tone seemed to be more gentle because he was in a good mood: "Oh?"

Zhang Chengyuan showed a little excitement and said: "Master, you must have never thought that your disciple and I would have great opportunities just sitting at home."

Taoist Changqing saw his disciple's excitement but couldn't help but show off, so he was willing to cooperate: "What a great opportunity? Tell me."

Pretending to be mysterious, Zhang Chengyuan clenched his fist in front of Taoist Changqing and said, "Hey, Master, look."

As she said that, she opened her palms in cooperation so that Taoist Changqing could clearly see what was in her palms. At the same time, she raised her head triumphantly, looking very proud of herself.

But Changqing Taoist had no time to look at her. His eyes were glued to the ring. If it were an ordinary ring, he wouldn't be like this. But this is a storage ring and it is an ownerless thing. How could he not be excited? .

For monks, it is actually very simple to judge whether it is a storage ring. The storage ring will have a special spiritual power fluctuation, and any monk can identify it at a glance.

But there are also some special storage rings that cannot be recognized as long as they are not used.

Taoist Changqing restrained his excitement and tried to calm down. He looked at Zhang Chengyuan with subtle eyes and a heavy expression.

When Zhang Chengyuan planned to do this, she was already prepared, and she also had some intention of testing it.

If Taoist Changqing is moved, but has no intention of killing people and seizing treasures, then she will completely recognize this master.

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