Chapter 138 Goal
As he spoke, he looked at Zhang Chengyuan and said, "Apprentice, although you don't have to learn anything, you still have to come. You have a lot of common sense about the world of immortality that is wrong. We just want to listen together."

Zhang Chengyuan heard what Changqing Taoist said and nodded in approval. Her common sense about the world of immortality came from novels, which were somewhat different from reality. She was quite willing to have a real understanding of it if she had the opportunity.

She readily agreed: "Okay, Master."

Taoist Changqing nodded happily, then looked at the three children he had brought back, and said with a serious face: "Tell me your names and future plans."

Hua Xiaocao subconsciously looked at Yu Douzi. She was very confused about her future. She was just taking it one step at a time without having any goals or plans. She was even more at a loss and nervous at this time.

Wu Xiaoer lowered his head and pondered after hearing this. He was seriously thinking about this issue.

Only Yu Douzi responded immediately when she heard the question. Although she was a little timid, she still stood up and unconsciously grabbed her clothes with her hands.

He was so nervous that he said incoherently: "Master Immortal, Yu name is Yu Douzi. I want to be your apprentice like Senior Sister Zhang."

Taoist Changqing did not blame her for her incoherence. He looked at her and said calmly: "You have a good talent. You have the dual spiritual roots of water and wood, but your temperament still needs to be tempered. Sit down."

After saying that, he looked at the other two.

Wu Xiaoer glanced at Hua Xiaocao, who was obviously not ready, then stood up and replied respectfully: "In reply to the immortal master, my disciple Wu Xiaoer is ten years old this year. He knows how to hunt and farm. In the future, he wants to become a cultivator like you. Or, be Senior Sister Zhang’s junior brother.”

Taoist Changqing looked at Wu Xiaoer with admiration. Not only did he know how to read people's words, but he also knew how to use his own advantages. In the end, he did not forget to please others.

Based on this character, even though this boy has five spiritual roots, he will definitely go further than the other two in the future.

"Yes, practice hard in the future. Although you have mixed spiritual roots of the Five Elements and it is difficult to practice, your practice does not entirely rely on spiritual roots."

Wu Xiaoer was overjoyed. It seemed that his words had gained the Immortal Master's favor: "Yes, disciple, please bear this in mind."

Hua Xiaocao was so nervous that her face turned pale, but she gritted her teeth and stood up, trembling all over, and stumbling: "To answer the question of Master Xian, my name is Hua Xiaocao... I am also 10 years old. I can cook and farm." ...I can also make clothes...In the future...I want to be your apprentice like Senior Sister Zhang."

Taoist Changqing patiently listened to Hua Xiaocao's words, nodded to show that he understood, and warned in a light tone: "If you want to become an immortal cultivator, you must have your own opinions and be submissive."

Hua Xiaocao's fearful head lowered further, and she said weakly: "Yes, I know my mistake."

Taoist Changqing shook his head slightly, glanced over it and said: "Since you all have ideas, then from today onwards, you must work hard and strengthen your heart. To become an immortal cultivator, you must not only cultivate your body but also your mind..."

Zhang Chengyuan listened very seriously to the common sense of cultivating immortality that Taoist Changqing preached, and he became fascinated without even realizing it.

Time flew by, and an hour passed just like that.

Taoist Changqing took a sip of tea and said, "That's it for today. We will continue tomorrow. For the rest of the time, you can follow Cheng Yuan to take care of the spiritual field and follow your senior sister's arrangements."

After saying that, Taoist Changqing stood up and left.

Zhang Chengyuan stood up and moved her hands and feet. It was really hard for her to sit cross-legged. For just an hour, her back ached and her legs were numb and extremely uncomfortable.

In the blink of an eye, I saw the three children. From the looks of them, they were no better than me.

After feeling better, she dusted herself off and stood up, calling to the three children: "Let's go, I will take you to the back to find the way. You will have to work from now on. Our Changqing Temple does not support idlers." ”

The three of them nodded to express their understanding and followed her back.

After bypassing Changqingju, Zhang Chengyuan pointed to the neat spiritual field and said: "For the time being, each of you will plant spiritual rice one by one. You can plant one crop in three months. You will hand over half of the harvested spiritual rice, and the remaining half will be harvested." It belongs to you. What you are eating now belongs to me. From tomorrow on, you have to cook and eat by yourself. As for the ingredients, senior sister will lend them to you first so that you can last until the harvest.

In addition, if you have more time, you can come to Senior Sister to divide some more spiritual fields for planting, but you will have to hand over half of the harvest.

Of course, you can also come to Senior Sister's place to work for Senior Sister and me and exchange your labor for anything. You can also try it at Master's place.

However, Senior Sister, I have to remind you that Master usually doesn’t have anything to arrange for you to do.

Also, look here, this is the spirit beast garden from now on, and this is the monster beast garden from now on. Don't go in casually in the future, or something will happen. "

Wu Xiaoer and the two girls looked at each other and said in unison: "Thank you, senior sister."

Zhang Chengyuan waved her hand to express that you were welcome, and then she shouted to Lingtian: "Spirit fish and spirit dragon~"

The next moment, I felt something jump out like lightning. When I saw clearly that it was two beasts, the childish voice of the spirit fish sounded: "Master, what's wrong?"

Zhang Chengyuan pointed to the three children next to him and said, "Give up three spiritual fields for them to plant. Don't bully them."

The spirit fish rubbed Zhang Chengyuan's face affectionately and agreed: "Well, Master, don't worry, we won't bully them. Let's just plant the three plots of land on the edge for them, spirit dragon."

The spirit dragon was very indifferent to outsiders, so it casually said "hmm" as an agreement.

Zhang Chengyuan took out the spiritual rice seeds and handed them to them, and warned: "Two seeds per nest will be enough, more will affect the growth."

After saying that, she turned to look at the two beasts and asked, "What do you want to eat later?"

The spirit fish circled around Zhang Chengyuan actively and shouted: "Master, master, I want to eat meat."

Ling Jiao also agreed and said: "I like to eat whatever the master does, but you can make more meat. I want to eat it too."

"Okay, then you go and play first. I'll call you when I'm done."

Zhang Chengyuan turned around and went back to cook. The three children could all go to the fields and start working. This was related to their food problem. There should be no delay. The earlier you plant, the earlier you can harvest.

It was getting dark in a blink of an eye. After dinner, Zhang Chengyuan gave each of the three children a pot, a small bag of spiritual rice, and some ordinary meat and vegetables.

Afterwards, each person was given another set of tableware and sent the three of them away. Turning around, she suggested to Taoist Changqing: "Master, why don't you build a breeding farm next to the disciple building tomorrow?

Raise some common poultry and animals, and grow some vegetables, so that they don't have to worry about being hungry before they become monks. "

Taoist Changqing nodded and thought it was feasible. Otherwise, it would not be an option to let his disciple suffer a lot: "Okay, master will go and build it tomorrow."

"Okay, then Master, I will go back to practice first."

Zhang Chengyuan said hello to Taoist Changqing and went back to rest.

In her sleep, Zhang Chengyuan quietly made a breakthrough. Now she has reached the third level of Qi training, but she didn't know it in her sleep.

She only found out about it when Taoist Changqing said she had a breakthrough during morning class the next day.

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