Chapter 139 Three Years
After the morning class, Zhang Chengyuan went to Taoist Changqing and said, "Master, I plan to go out and buy some monster cubs, as well as some spiritual material seeds."

Taoist Changqing was a little worried, but because Zhang Chengyuan said: "Master, I am going to let the spirit fish carry me. I should be back soon. I won't waste much time. I asked the spirit fish and the spirit dragon, and they said they can carry me." Fly with me."

He swallowed the words silently. The disciple should be fine with the spiritual fish protecting him: "Okay, please be careful and proceed with caution."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and took Lingyu with him to the nearest town.

She actually did it on purpose. If Taoist Changqing followed her, she would have no reason to smuggle out the things obtained from collecting the Pangen Sacred Tree.

Arriving above the town, she looked at the lively crowd and wanted to take a walk, so she asked the spirit fish to take her down outside the city.

After getting down to earth, she let the spirit fish shrink and stay on her head, and went shopping in the city.

Most of the people in the town are mortals, but occasionally one or two monks with swords will be seen. However, the cultivation level is generally not high, and almost all are monks at the second or third level of Qi training.

Perhaps because of her relatively high level of cultivation, or perhaps because she is an ordinary person, nothing happened until dark.

She bought some miscellaneous small things and asked the spirit fish to take her back.

Before she reached the place, she saw a figure standing at the stone gate from a distance.

After getting closer, she could see clearly who it was. It turned out to be Taoist Changqing. She immediately raised a bright smile, waved vigorously at Taoist Changqing, and shouted: "Master~ I'm back!"

Taoist Changqing nodded with a smile: "I'm back. I've left some food for you, so you can eat a little. You can cook it yourself tomorrow."

Zhang Chengyuan jumped off Lingyu's back, ran over and shook Taoist Changqing's sleeves, revealing his little daughter's attitude: "Master, you are too kind, you still leave some food."

Taoist Changqing pulled back his sleeves uncomfortably, pretending to be serious and scolding: "You are so old, how can you pull and pull in such a decent manner? Go and eat quickly."

Zhang Chengyuan didn't take his words seriously. To be honest, if his voice wasn't so gentle, she would still believe him.

She continued to act coquettishly and cutely: "Master, you are truly the best master in the world..."

Taoist Changqing couldn't suppress the crazily raised corners of his mouth. He nodded helplessly on her forehead and said, "You are so sweet. Go eat. You are tired after a day out. Don't practice at night and have a good rest."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded obediently: "Okay Master, it's so late, you should go and have a rest. I'm not tired at all today, and I even brought you a gift."

As she spoke, she took out a jade pendant and placed it in front of Taoist Changqing and said, "Master, do you like it? When I am free, I will refine it into a defensive magic weapon for Master."

Taoist Changqing's smile stopped, and he turned his head in confusion and asked, "You refined it into a defensive magic weapon?"

Zhang Chengyuan showed an annoyed expression at the right time, and glanced at him several times in embarrassment, as if he was very torn, and finally looked at Taoist Changqing with determination.

He said very seriously: "Master, I didn't tell you everything about the storage ring. The owner of that ring gave me the weapon refining inheritance. He..."

Taoist Changqing raised his hand to interrupt her, and once again lamented that the child could not hide things. He also said solemnly: "Apprentice, there are some things that cannot be said, then never say them. In the world of immortality, it is not uncommon for people to kill people and seize treasures. Even It exists between master and disciple..."

Zhang Chengyuan retorted in a low voice, seemingly unconvinced: "Master, you are not like that, you are very good... Ouch~ Why did you hit me?"

She held her head that hurt from the knock, puffed out her cheeks and stared at Taoist Changqing depressedly and angrily. Taoist Changqing shook his head helplessly. It seems that his stupid disciple still doesn't know where he went wrong. Hey, this is really worrying. What will she do if he is no longer there in the future? She is really a child who will not grow up.

That's all, I just try to live longer and protect her more, but I still have to say what I need to say. No matter how much she can listen, the more I talk about it, the more she will remember it in her heart.

"Disciple, people in the world of cultivating immortals are unpredictable. It's better for you to see Master now, or later. Who can say for sure? People will change, and Master is no exception. You should pay more attention to everything. There will be mistakes..."

Zhang Chengyuan looked at him with a smile and did not refute. It seemed that Taoist Changqing raised her as his daughter.

When Taoist Changqing said it was almost done, Zhang Chengyuan showed a pitiful expression, covered his stomach and said miserably: "Master, I'm so hungry~"

Taoist Changqing slapped his forehead, pulled her and took her to the kitchen with his sword, asking her to eat quickly, but he said: "I don't even know if I'm hungry."

Zhang Chengyuan ate his meal quickly and took the time to reply: "It's obviously Master and you want to make me talk."

Taoist Changqing said angrily: "You don't have a mouth, so you can't speak?"

Zhang Chengyuan didn't even raise his head and took the time to reply: "Wouldn't it be rude if I interrupted you?"

Taoist Changqing hit her on the head again and cursed: "You're so stupid, go and rest as soon as you're done eating."

He left quickly to avoid being pissed off by her.

Everyone else walked out of the kitchen, and Zhang Chengyuan shouted out: "Master! You hit me again!"

Taoist Changqing rolled his eyes in a rare move when he heard this and quickened his pace back to the house.

Zhang Chengyuan knew that Taoist Changqing would definitely hear her, so when she saw that he didn't come back, she lowered her head and continued eating.

After eating, I used a cleansing charm to quickly clean up, then went back to my room. I also used one on myself and my clothes before going to bed, and then I lay down to practice and fall asleep.

They woke up early the next morning and went to morning classes as usual. The three children had no idea that Zhang Chengyuan had been out all day yesterday.

The days after that gradually became dull. My daily routine was to attend morning classes, then cook and eat. After eating, I would go to the spiritual field to walk around, let the spiritual rain fall, apply spiritual energy, and finally go to the monster garden to give magic to the monsters. Animal cubs are fed.

In the remaining time, if you feel bored again, you can draw talismans or make formation disks, or if you don't, you can refine weapons. Once you are busy, it won't be so boring.

Time flies and never stops. Three years seem to have passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Chengyuan's appearance and temperament have not changed at all. The only thing that has changed is her cultivation. She has built the foundation naturally and has not used the foundation building pill at all.

Speaking of which, it was quite easy for her to build the foundation. Just one night two months ago, while she was still sleeping, she naturally succeeded in building the foundation.

The reason why she knew that she had succeeded in building the foundation was because of the strange smell when she woke up in the morning. She was covered in something like thick black oil. She knew it based on the common sense of immortality mentioned by Taoist Changqing, but she was not sure. I checked it again and found that it was indeed the first level of foundation building.

She quickly shared the good news with Taoist Changqing, making him happy.

Taoist Changqing has not relaxed at all in the past three years, and has even worked harder and harder. Now he has gained a lot. He has reached the sixth level of foundation building.

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