Chapter 152 Preparation
He quickened his pace and walked over quickly, respectfully handed over the apprenticeship ceremony with a smile, and then followed the host's prompts to complete the entire process step by step to complete the apprenticeship.

Zhang Chengyuan also solemnly introduced Jiang Lin to everyone present, which was also a disguised introduction to his connections.

The banquet didn't end until the evening. Zhang Chengyuan arranged for Jiang Lin to be sent back and asked him to come over tomorrow to learn about medicine refining.

This made Jiang Lin very excited and looking forward to it. He went home with the return gift he received. After opening it, he became even more excited. The return gift from Xi Xinyue, the young master, was actually one bottle of Qualification Pill and ten bottles of Comprehension Pill. It's a sixth-grade high-grade elixir. If it were sold, it would be worth hundreds of millions.

Naturally, he won't sell it. Ten bottles of Comprehension Pill can provide him with a lot of experience, but now is not the best time to use it.

He is going to learn the medicine refining skill tomorrow. Once he learns it, it will not be too late to use it. Then he can increase his experience along with the medicine refining skill.

He was so excited that he didn't sleep well all night, and passed away the next day with dark circles under his eyes.

Zhang Chengyuan asked him to pay attention to his health, and gave him everything he knew without reservation.

Of course she won't worry about whether she is exposed or not. Refining medicine is mainly about refining it, not anything else. As long as the medicinal materials are enough and the technique is not wrong, you can keep experimenting on your own according to the dosage. Once you become proficient, you will be good at it.

So there was no problem for her to give him everything she knew.

Zhang Chengyuan said to Jiang Lin: "I have prepared a lot of medicinal materials for you here. You can take them back and experiment slowly by yourself. If you encounter any problems, you can call me."

Jiang Lin nodded and went home with the space magic weapon.

Over the next six months, Zhang Chengyuan slowly reduced the number of times she went to school. She began to wait for the right time to prepare for the mission.

During this period, Zhang Chengyuan was finally interviewed by Tiandao.

It was one afternoon when Zhang Chengyuan was suddenly transferred by Tiandao, who appeared in front of her in the form of a snow-white cat dumpling.

Zhang Chengyuan was still a little unresponsive at the time, but there was another beauty in front of her. She had a super good figure, and she was a little excited to see her.

The beauty held the cat dumpling in her arms, examined Zhang Chengyuan for a long time, and asked in a gentle tone: "If you don't develop your own big world, why do you come to me?"

Zhang Chengyuan controlled his lust and said: "I will do the task, the vicious female supporting role."

The beauty frowned and was a little confused, but she didn't ask: "You are quite leisurely. If that's the case, then you should do your job well and don't do unnecessary things."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded repeatedly in assurance, but after hearing what she just said, she had a question. She asked directly: "Beautiful sister, can I ask what you meant when you just said that I am leisurely?

Doesn’t the world let them develop themselves? What does it have to do with me, the master? "

The beautiful woman stroked the cat for a moment and looked at her in surprise, but after just one glance, she looked away and asked, "Newcomer?"

Zhang Chengyuan scratched his head as if embarrassed and replied: "Well, I have only been in the Fast Travel Bureau for less than half a month."

The beauty is already wondering whether she is a child of a big family. Being able to own five big worlds in a short period of time is not something that ordinary families can support. The beauty's attitude immediately improved a lot: "I'm Wan Zitan, what about you?"

Zhang Chengyuan could tell from her attitude, so he was not in a hurry to answer her question: "It turns out to be Sister Wan. Just call me Yuanyuan. Sister Wan, you haven't told me yet. The attached world is not just about smashing Just resources? Why do you need the master to keep busy?”

Wan Zitan frowned slightly when she heard her ambiguous words. She had a feeling that this person was talking nonsense, but her casual attitude made her unsure. However, after hearing what she said next, she decided to answer her first, anyway. It's not a secret that cannot be told.

"The promotion of the Great World is the Great Thousand World, but to be promoted to the Great Thousand World, two conditions need to be met. The first is that the maximum combat power reaches 100,000, and the second condition is that there must be at least 3,000 Great Worlds of the same level.

Of course, the more big worlds you own, the more benefits you can get after promotion. Having a master of heaven who can advance to the big worlds is basically running for this. "

Zhang Chengyuan's eyes widened instantly and he said dissatisfiedly: "No one told me that I want to kill several big worlds."

When Wan Zitan heard this, the doubts in her heart completely disappeared. She could basically confirm that this was a child of a big family, and she was also the most favored eldest lady in the family. Otherwise, she couldn't be so willful.

Her family had finally developed slowly. She could only coax and respect the children of such a big family when she met them, otherwise she would offend these children of the big family. They had worked hard for hundreds of years to build a family that had only slightly improved. Destroyed.

Although she was very angry and unwilling to accept this, it was of no use. All she could do was try her best to protect her family, work hard to become stronger, and stand taller, so that she could have the ability to change everything.

Now, she can only have a better attitude, and even changed her title, pleading slightly: "Good sister, sister, this is a critical period for promotion, I hope that sister will not interfere too much in the world. "

Zhang Chengyuan pretended to be angry and said: "Sister, who do you think I am? My sister has answered me honestly when I asked questions, so how can I still cause trouble to my sister?"

Wan Zitan is still a little uneasy in her heart, but everyone has said this. If she continues to be ignorant, I am afraid it will annoy her. It is better to just follow her words first, and at worst, I will just stare here.

"Good sister, I've been waiting for your words."

Zhang Chengyuan said with a smile: "If nothing happens, I will go back first. I still have a mission to go to."

Wan Zitan naturally agreed and sent her back, but she was worried in her heart.

Zhang Chengyuan returned to his room and thought about what Wan Zitan said just now. If a big world wants to be promoted to the big world, it needs at least three thousand big worlds. It seems that it is imperative for Tianqing and the others to collect the worlds.

I don’t know how Tianqing and the others are developing now, I still have to take some time to go back and take a look.

But it is still important to complete the task now. Calculating the time, without my own interference, the relationship between the two should be under the influence of the power of the plot, and it will be almost the same.

That day she suddenly went to school with Xi Aileen. As soon as she entered the classroom, Jiang Lin greeted her. When she looked up, she saw Zhang Chengyuan who was completely blocked by Xi Aileen.

More than half a year ago, when he asked Xi Aileen to help him find a way to become a disciple, what she said was still vivid in his ears. He stiffened instantly, and a bad premonition rushed into his head.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard her cold voice: "Are you together?"

Xi Aileen's expression is a bit complicated. At first glance, people can't tell what kind of emotion it is, but if you look closely, you will find that these two people have a strong sense of separation.

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