Chapter 153 The power of plot
Although Zhang Chengyuan didn't see it, the appraisal talent skill she had been practicing allowed her to understand what was going on better than Xi Aileen herself.

Jiang Lin suppressed his guilty conscience and didn't dare to look at her. He had been so happy with Xi Aileen in the past six months and really liked her. He was very panicked when he was suddenly caught.

Zhang Chengyuan's voice was not loud, but it was stern and scary: "Speak."

Jiang Lin gritted his teeth and said it out loud: "Master, I like Eileen, I won't..."

But how could Zhang Chengyuan allow his plan to be ruined and fail to complete the task? He said coldly: "Grandpa Qiu Shan, please take Irene back."

Jiang Lin looked at his master who always treated him well in shock. He never expected that her reaction would be so big and he opened his mouth to say something.

At this moment, Xi Aileen, who had been quiet and motionless, suddenly rushed towards Jiang Lin like crazy, as if he was going to stage a drama of being forced to separate.

But now that Zhang Chengyuan didn't care about them, she felt the power of the plot again. This time it not only wanted to control Xi Aileen, it also wanted to control her.

Zhang Chengyuan was not afraid, because she had a full-level passive defense talent skill and would not be harmed at all, but just in case, she still summoned the Ruyi Hairpin and was always ready.

As she thought, the plot was not successful, and it didn't bother too much. It just gave up after failing to succeed, and went to the control seat Irene.

This just gave Zhang Chengyuan an advantage and gave her a chance to complete the task more smoothly.

She glanced at the two of them with a stressful look, and gave the order without mercy: "Grandpa Qiu Shan, just tie her back to me and take her back to let her shut up and think about her mistakes."

Zhang Chengyuan's protector Xi Qiushan appeared after hearing this, quickly tied up Xi Aileen in silence, and disappeared quickly while carrying Xi Aileen.

Zhang Chengyuan took a deep look at Jiang Lin, said nothing, turned around and left following Xi Qiushan.

Jiang Lin hurriedly chased them, but Zhang Chengyuan and the others disappeared in the blink of an eye. He stared at the direction they left in frustration, and made a decision in his heart. He must become stronger as quickly as possible.

When he becomes stronger, all problems will be solved.

Zhang Chengyuan no longer pays attention to Jiang Lin's situation. She is now wary of Xi Aileen, fearing that she will suddenly be affected or controlled by the power of the plot, and her mission 2 will fail.

She now understands why there is a mission to follow the plot. It turns out that the reason is here. The big world is following the plot and is so caught up in it. She still hasn't figured out why the power of the plot wants to control her...

Suddenly, she thought of a possibility. Could it be that the promotion in the world was achieved by taking the path of plot and devouring the power of the plot? However, the power of plot means that she does not want to complete the plot completely, but only wants to take the opportunity to steal the source of luck and run away. ?
With this guess in mind, as she thought about her identity and mission, as well as her increasingly strong cultivation, she felt more and more that it was possible.

I instantly became alert and took it seriously.

It's just that Xi Aileen was very quiet for three days in a row, without any signs of trouble. Zhang Chengyuan was a little flustered and didn't dare to sleep soundly.

At about three o'clock in the morning on the fifth day that Xi Aileen closed her door to think about things, Zhang Chengyuan was sleeping soundly when a force quietly wrapped around her. At one moment, a huge force was like a sharp sword pointed directly at the center of her eyebrows. At the same time, Strength tightens quickly.

Zhang Chengyuan, who noticed the approaching danger in her sleep, opened her eyes suddenly, and the Ruyi Hairpin, her natal weapon, turned into a ball and wrapped her in it.

When she woke up, she saw a real attack at a glance. She removed the protection of Ruyi Hairpin without thinking, and looked around. After she was sure that she would not be harmed, she wondered if she could find the main body of the plot power. Still quite curious.

I just checked around and didn't see the so-called power of plot. Does it mean it doesn't exist? But the consciousness of the world all has an energy body, so it cannot exist without it.

Just as she was thinking about it, she discovered that the attack triggered double the damage after it landed on her. Her eyes followed the attack that was almost solidified, and she saw the attack landing in the air not far from the wall.

For a moment, she seemed to see a black energy body appear, but it disappeared in a breath. The wishful hairpin she threw was stuck on the wall without any results. But when she saw a bubble ball falling, she quickly picked it up and chased it out, not to pursue the power of the plot, but to find Xi Aileen.

If she doesn't succeed here, it will definitely go to Xi Aileen. Xi Aileen is the target of her mission, and nothing should happen to it.

As expected, before she could run away, the power of plot had already escaped and caused trouble for her. Xi Aileen was trying to escape like crazy.

An idea flashed through Zhang Chengyuan's mind, but her body had already knocked Xi Aileen unconscious.

Within three breaths, Xi Aileen suddenly opened her eyes and suddenly made a violent attack. Zhang Chengyuan was afraid that she would trigger a counter-injury, so he immediately retreated to avoid her attack.

Xi Aileen didn't give chase and was about to run away. Zhang Chengyuan captured her again to avoid the situation happening again. She directly tied her arms and legs from the waist up, wrapping them tightly around her feet, so that she couldn't Any power of action is given up.

She stared at Xi Aileen and fell into deep thought. How to get rid of being controlled by the power of the plot? She had no talent, skills or methods in this area.

She was embarrassed for a moment and then gave up. She gave Xi Aileen a dose of sleeping potion, and after she fell asleep, she took out the bubble ball that had just been dropped by the power of the plot.

Touch the bubble ball to make it explode and get a black gift box. After she opened it, the box disappeared. She looked at the remaining black silkworms and fell silent.

The power of the plot sounds so powerful at first glance. Isn't it a bit too hip to drop it?

Zhang Chengyuan took a chance and made an assessment:
Identification successful!

Item: Sky-Eating Insect (infant stage)

Grade: God Grade

Characteristics: Devour all things, reproduce quickly, feed back

Potential: Can grow
Introduction: A special species, dropped by the power of the intermediate plot, grows to the growth stage, can reproduce a large number of offspring, and feed back to the owner.

Function: Devour, feed back

Value: Priceless
After reading the panel, Zhang Chengyuan was surprised. It was not clear whether the "everything" refers to quantity or a quantifier, referring to everything.

She hoped it was from the back. In this case, the silkworm baby would be a big treasure.

She tried to contract it with her soul, but she succeeded just after releasing it, and she heard it speak: "Master."

Zhang Chengyuan responded and quickly asked: "Can you swallow the power of plot?"

Silkworm baby raised his head and nodded: "Yes."

Zhang Chengyuan was sure at once that all things refer to everything and can swallow anything.

She glanced at the unconscious Xi Aileen, and said to Silkworm: "She was affected by the power of the plot. Can you swallow this influence?"

Silkworm baby jumped directly from Zhang Chengyuan's hand, landed on the ground and crawled towards Xi Aileen. It seemed that as soon as he smelled it, a black energy escaped from Xi Aileen's body and turned into a wisp of smoke that Silkworm baby sucked into his body.

(End of this chapter)

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