It crawled back to Zhang Chengyuan and said, "Okay, she will be normal when she wakes up."

Zhang Chengyuan knelt down and put it back in his hand, looked at it and said: "Silkworm baby, thank you, but I have something else to do. Why don't you come into my space and stay? There are two of my partners inside. You can get to know each other. Let’s play together.”

Silkworm baby nodded in agreement, and Zhang Chengyuan put it into the first grid space to keep company with the spiritual dragon and the spiritual fish.

With this, Zhang Chengyuan has a bold plan in mind. She wants the silkworm baby to swallow up the power of the plot. Although she doesn't know what it can feed back, it will definitely make the silkworm baby grow up.

Zhang Chengyuan opened the panel to take a look at the progress of task 2. Unexpectedly, task 2 was actually completed.

Then the next step is to wait for Jiang Lin to come to the door, but how to do this extremely difficult thing? She still had to grasp this degree well.

The next day, before Zhang Chengyuan could figure out how to make things difficult, Jiang Lin came to the door.

When Zhang Chengyuan heard the servant say that Jiang Lin was at the door, she asked someone to bring him in. She calmed down and prepared to make things difficult for him. She kept thinking that she would be more powerful from that sentence.

The moment Jiang Lin came in, Zhang Chengyuan calmed down, looked at him with a straight face and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Jiang Lin came to admit his mistake, even if he didn't think he was wrong, but in order to let Xi Aileen come out, he admitted it: "Master, I know I made a mistake, I will leave Aileen, please give me some time, let Xi Aileen come out." I’ll make it clear to her.”

Zhang Chengyuan sneered and said: "What are you talking about? What is there to say? I reminded you from the beginning that I will not allow you to be together. What? Have you learned to cut off first and then show off? Now that you have a relationship foundation, you have to say please." , Why do you want to provoke a relationship between her and my Xi family? "

Jiang Lin was stunned and said: "Master, is this how you think of me? I am actually such a person in Master's heart."

Jiang Lin couldn't help but laugh at himself, but his smile was full of bitterness, grievance, and a little unwillingness.

Zhang Chengyuan continued to output: "Since my words are so useless to you, you have learned everything you should learn, and the relationship between master and disciple between us is broken. You can leave."

After saying that, she stopped looking at him, looking disappointed and angry.

Jiang Lin didn't know how things got to this point. Is it wrong to like someone? Just because he didn't listen to the advice at that time, he did this and even severed the relationship between master and disciple...

Zhang Chengyuan saw that Jiang Lin was a little doubtful about life, and thought it was almost done. She opened the task panel and looked at Task 3, and it showed that it had been completed.

She didn't say anything more and moved Jiang Lin directly to Chen's house.

She is now waiting for Xi Aileen to escape, and then she persuades her eldest brother to sever the father-daughter relationship with Xi Aileen.

Calculating the timeline, it should be a month or two.

She looked at Mission 5 with some worry. Mission 5 obviously couldn't be completed in a short time. She had no choice but to improve her strength quickly.

Immersed in the practice, time was like a surging river, never to return. She broke through the Tribulation Realm a month later. Just when she was about to continue her practice, Xi Aileen suddenly came to visit.

Ever since she was controlled by the power of plot, something was wrong with her whole person. After letting Silkworm Baby swallow up the remaining power of plot in her body that day, she woke up and went to see her. She was in a trance.

Xi Aileen was like this every time she went there. It was determined that her mental state was indeed in a state of relaxation, and that her physical health was normal.

She went there several times later, but Xi Aileen ignored her, so she stopped going. She only occasionally asked the servants about her situation.

She got up and went to greet her. As soon as she met her, she checked her out and found that everything was still normal, but her mental activities were normal: My little aunt can understand me, and she will definitely not regard me as a madman...

Zhang Chengyuan pulled her to sit down, looked at her and asked, "Are you feeling better? Why did you come to me when you had time? I thought you were angry and didn't want to play with me."

Xi Aileen turned a deaf ear to Zhang Chengyuan's words. She stared at Zhang Chengyuan solemnly for a long time before speaking: "Little aunt, do you believe me?"

Zhang Chengyuan nodded affirmatively: "Of course I believe it, you are my relative."

Xi Aileen's expression felt a little relaxed, and she said solemnly: "Little aunt, I feel like something is controlling me. I obviously don't want to do that, but my body is not under my control. It will do some crazy things on its own. ”

When she said this, Xi Aileen stared at Zhang Chengyuan closely, and squeezed her hand tightly, trying to detect any mood swings in her.

Zhang Chengyuan also straightened his expression and asked, "When did you find out?"

Xi Aileen was a little excited when she heard this, but she still resisted her impulse and said, "That's when you went to school with me that day and asked Patriarch Qiushan to tie me back.

At that time, I clearly wanted to come back directly with Qiushan Ancestor, but my body rushed towards Jiang Lin uncontrollably. In the next few days, I no longer felt that way.

I thought it was because I was too excited at the time, and it was just my illusion. As a result, I suddenly wanted to escape from Xi's house that night, but how could I have such an idea? This is my home, why should I escape? But at that time, there was only this sentence in my body and mind.

When she woke up later, everything seemed like a dream again. She didn't know what was going on. I once wondered if I had a mental problem.

I thought about it for a long time, but I didn’t dare to tell anyone, my little aunt, I can feel that I’m not sick, it’s really not my imagination..."

Xi Aileen became more and more excited as she talked, and her tears couldn't stop flowing.

Zhang Chengyuan reached out and touched her head, wiped away her tears, and comforted her with a gentle voice: "I know, Eileen, what you said is true. You are not sick, and this is not your fault."

Xi Aileen looked at her expectantly and asked, "Little aunt, do you really want me?"

Zhang Chengyuan nodded with certainty and said, "Well, I know what's going on with Irene. You don't have to doubt yourself. Do you still remember how I told you at that time that you and Jiang Lin couldn't be together?"

Xi Aileen thought about it and said, "You said that Jiang Lin can make friends and be apprentices, but he can't be a partner. He already has a lot of confidantes around him at this time. I don't want to see him around him in the future." you."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and affirmed what she said. She looked at Xi Aileen and said, "But I still had something to say that I didn't say at the time. This person has some evil nature. If you fall in love with him, something uncontrollable will happen. This This is also the main reason why I don’t allow you to be together.”

Xi Aileen looked at her little aunt in shock, and after a long time she smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry, little aunt, for making you worry."

Zhang Chengyuan smiled and said: "We are the closest relatives. There is no need to be polite to me. I hope you will always be well."

Xi Aileen's suppressed emotions for many days broke out at this moment, and she threw herself into Zhang Chengyuan's arms and sobbed silently.

Zhang Chengyuan patted her gently and let her vent.

(End of this chapter)

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