Chapter 156 Energy Bead

Xi Aileen nodded repeatedly: "Well, don't worry, little aunt, I will do as you say, little aunt."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and said: "Get ready first. When you are ready, we will go to the family master and grandpa to discuss it. This matter cannot be hidden, otherwise someone will not come as planned, and accidents will easily happen."

After the two people discussed it, they had dinner together before going back to their houses to intensify their practice. Both of them felt a sense of urgency.

Silkworm baby suddenly made a voice and asked to come out. Zhang Chengyuan thought something was wrong and quickly released it. Silkworm baby said: "Master, give you a few energy beads."

As he spoke, ten beads with the color of the sea came out of his mouth. Although they were only the size of glass marbles, they were very heavy.

Zhang Chengyuan thought of something else: "Silkworm baby, do you have a companion space?"

Silkworm Baby didn't understand why the owner asked this, but it still nodded honestly and said: "Well, I have a big and big companion space."

Zhang Chengyuan asked hurriedly: "Can I go in and have a look?"

Silkworm baby nodded and took her directly in. She only felt her eyes flashing before she came to an endless open space. The land was black land that could be planted. It looked very fertile at first glance, but there was nothing else.

Zhang Chengyuan asked it: "Can I farm in your companion space, baby silkworm?"

Silkworm Baby nodded: "Okay, Master, I'm of no use anyway."

After receiving Silkworm's affirmative answer, Zhang Chengyuan began to spread the seeds in large areas, and the power of his soul emerged, making the seeds fall evenly into the soil.

She took out the elixir and mixed it with water, and then used the spirit rain technique to irrigate the land. Within a few moments, the seeds began to take root, sprout, and grow vigorously.

After finishing this task, she changed places and continued until all the tens of thousands of elixirs were consumed.

At this time, four-fifths of the accompanying space of Silkworm Baby was covered by vegetation. She was admiring her masterpiece with satisfaction. When she looked up, she saw Silkworm Baby, who had gained weight and had grown a bit, before she could say anything.

The silkworm baby flew over and said happily: "Master, I have grown up, and these are the energy beads that were just purified."

Zhang Chengyuan looked at the silkworm baby in confusion, then at the land he had just planted, and asked hesitantly: "Can you also swallow energy during the growth of plants?"

Silkworm Baby nodded: "Master, I can swallow anything. The energy beads can help you directly improve your strength without any side effects."

Only then did Zhang Chengyuan look at the energy beads in her hand. She tried to absorb one. As expected, the power inside was very pure and easy to absorb.

However, they are all non-attributed energy and can be converted into various energies, such as spiritual power, the mysterious energy currently used, etc., without any obstacles.

Just this small one actually made her feel that her cultivation level, which she had just broken through recently, could reach another level.

This surprised her so much that she counted a total of thirty-one. She absorbed them without hesitation. The first level of the Tribulation Realm... the second level of the Sky... the Dao Cutting Realm... the first level of the Dao Cutting Realm... …

It wasn't until he reached the fourth level of Dao Dao Realm that the energy beads were exhausted.

She couldn't help but look forward to it. If Silkworm Baby could feed back a little more, she would be able to reach the limit of this world. By then, she would accumulate more, and when the world improved, she would be able to advance to several realms in a row. At that time, if she drops it a few times, she will be able to greatly increase her strength.

Zhang Chengyuan was unusually excited. She looked at Silkworm Baby and asked, "Can you feed back so many energy beads to Silkworm Baby every time?"

Silkworm Baby thought for a moment and replied: "Absolutely. Master, if the crops you grow are of a higher level, there can be more."

Zhang Chengyuan had a plan in mind, so when she returned, she took out her inventory over the years and started refining the elixir. As long as there were enough elixirs, she could ripen one crop after another.

Although she only had ten years of savings, she couldn't resist the amplification of her talent. She kept refining elixirs all the time. After five days of non-stop work, she refined 25 elixirs. After amplification, she obtained elixirs.

In order to be more effective, she started to synthesize again. Except for the 10,000 that were mutated and unusable, she synthesized 100,000 super elixirs that were six times more effective than before, and another 80,000 that were five times more effective. Panacea.

Without further delay, she entered Silkworm Baby's accompanying space and began to use the Spiritual Pill to turn water into water on a large scale and perform the Spiritual Rain Technique.

The vegetation that was planted before quickly bloomed and bore fruit, and then produced seeds that withered. The seeds took root and sprouted again under the watering of the spiritual rain, completing a cycle of reincarnation over and over again.

The 180,000 elixir was consumed so extravagantly, round after round, for who knows how long. After it was finally consumed, Zhang Chengyuan sat down on the ground to take a breath. She was numb as the flowers blossomed and fell.

The silkworm baby didn't let Zhang Chengyuan wait for long. It quickly flew over, spit out a bunch of energy beads, and then wrapped itself in silk, forming a cocoon.

Zhang Chengyuan was a little worried, so he quickly identified it and learned that it was in the process of life advancement. Then he focused on the small pile of energy beads that were about the same height as when she stood up, and started without hesitation. Absorption increases strength.

The energy beads disappeared rapidly as her cultivation level increased. Soon, Zhang Chengyuan's cultivation level reached the Great Perfection of the Hunyuan Realm, and the next step was the Great Emperor Realm.

She stopped and took a breath, not preparing to continue to break through. A body that grows naturally is no better than a body that is fabricated with energy. Too much unscrupulous improvement will only cause irreparable damage to the body.

She glanced at the motionless cocoon and left its accompanying space.

She was about to go talk to Tiandao, and she found the cat Tiandao in a teleport. She reached out and stroked it, and before it exploded, she said, "Where is your master? I have something to see her."

Perhaps because he had been told, Cat Tiandao stayed away from Zhang Chengyuan and notified his owner.

Wan Zitan arrived very quickly, and greeted her enthusiastically as soon as she appeared: "My good sister, why do you think of me, my sister? I'm sorry, I'm busy with things in other worlds, so I'm late."

Zhang Chengyuan didn't intend to be polite to her. After all, she was now wearing the persona of a little princess favored by a big family: "Sister Wan, I want to give something away, do you mind?"

Wan Zitan's face turned ugly for a moment, but she quickly covered it up. She looked at Zhang Chengyuan in embarrassment and tried to persuade her respectfully.

Zhang Chengyuan spoke again before she could speak. She took out ten energy beads, played with them in her hands, and said with a smile: "Sister Wan, don't refuse in a hurry. I think my sister will like this little valuable thing." , if my sister agrees, I will give it to her to play with."

It's not that Zhang Chengyuan doesn't know how to keep her wealth private, but it's really a critical moment. If she makes a mistake, she will have nothing, and she must give everything she has.

The only thing she can take advantage of now is this energy bead.

Sure enough, Wan Zitan's eyes lit up, and she hesitated. At the same time, she wanted to test Zhang Chengyuan's bottom line. She could feel this thing, which could enhance the power of her soul.

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