During this period of time, her soul power was almost exhausted due to non-stop contracting with big worlds, but she still had to contract with more than a hundred big worlds to meet the promotion standards.

Originally, this matter was a matter of heaven. As the master of heaven, she only needed to control the general direction. However, in her own world, she did not even meet the combat requirements, but she found a way to advance through the plot.

She doesn't want to miss it, because the difference between the big world and the big world can be said to be worlds apart. Once promoted, she can enter the center of power and have her own place in the main world, instead of being a powerless worker. Anyone can Bully.

She had delayed the deadline, and she still couldn't get the three thousand affiliated worlds together, but if she didn't start the plot, she would lose this opportunity. She had no choice but to choose to start the plot, so that Tiandao would always pay attention to it, and at the same time, she was busy working on the contract Enough adjunct worlds.

After all, the relationship between the Lord of Heavenly Dao and the world is one of prosperity and loss, so the Heavenly Dao of the world stays in the world, and she takes care of the affairs of the contracted world.

Now that she has reached such a critical moment, she will never allow failure. Recently, she has been looking for something that can enhance her soul.

Now that she had encountered it, it was as if someone had given her a pillow when she was dozing off. How could she miss it, but ten pillows were still a bit too little.

She made no secret of her coveting the energy beads, and pretended to be embarrassed and said clearly: "Good sister, you are really embarrassing me."

Zhang Chengyuan responded naturally and took out ten more, but his expression was a little impatient: "That's enough, I don't have that much patience."

Wan Zitan was overjoyed. She thought she would be overwhelmed if she could get a few more. She did not expect that the eldest lady would be so generous and directly double the number. She immediately said with a smile on her face: "Miss, please do so."

Zhang Chengyuan snorted dissatisfiedly, threw the energy beads he promised her to her, and disappeared in a space-time jump.

When Cat Tiandao spoke, it was the deep voice of a middle-aged woman: "Master, are you just going to let her do this?"

Wan Zitan laughed at herself and asked: "Otherwise, how about fighting her hard? What can I do to fight her hard? It's better to be more stable. At least I got benefits..."

Zhang Chengyuan went to the world of ancient cultivators first, because ancient cultivators are the most experienced and neat in doing things, allowing her to know the development progress of the world most clearly.

As soon as she appeared, Gu Xiu came to say hello respectfully. She did not greet her and went straight to the topic: "Gu Xiu, how is the development of the world now?"

The ancient cultivator reported carefully: "The cultivation system has been reorganized, and more and more souls have entered the Tao through martial arts, but only less than 20,000 have temporarily exceeded the top combat power."

Zhang Chengyuan said again: "Do you know the conditions for promotion to the world?"

Gu Xiu hesitated slightly and said: "For the time being, we only know that a top combat strength of 100,000 is required. The rest can only be known after the conditions are met."

Zhang Chengyuan said seriously: "We still need at least three thousand big worlds of the same level. This is also the purpose of my coming back this time. If a world is born around me, I will quickly take it under my command."

Gu Xiu thought that Zhang Chengyuan was still a little worried. She reminded again: "Remember that you have at least three thousand worlds, but the more you advance, the more benefits you will get."

Gu Xiu understood: "I understand."

Zhang Chengyuan took out a large handful of energy beads and threw them to Gu Xiudao: "Use them well."

After saying that, she left and came to Tianqing Realm.

Tian Qing was reading a novel again. She went over and took the book away and said, "Stop reading and tell me about the current situation in the world."

After Tian Qing finished speaking, Zhang Chengyuan had an idea in his mind, so he told it what Tong Gu Xiu had said, and told him to hurry up and leave a large number of energy beads before leaving.

After that, I went to the Chixin Realm, the Ink Painting Realm and the Xuanqing Realm one after another, and explained the arrangements, and then I felt more at ease.

After returning to the mission world, she continued to retreat. First of all, the elixir was absolutely indispensable, and then she had to deal with the waste elixirs left over from the two synthesis. She restored it with the talent skill of turning waste into treasure, and finally obtained 20,000 usable elixirs, but some of them mutated into poison pills, which could not be restored with the talent skill.

Just when she was worried, Silkworm Baby knew what the owner was worried about, and said that he could swallow it, and then fed her a lot of purified energy beads.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Xi Aileen came over that afternoon. They discussed it again, and quickly went to find the head of the family and others. After explaining the matter in detail and getting approval from their family, the plan was scheduled to be implemented tomorrow.

After setting the tone, everyone went back to recharge their batteries for tomorrow.

Early the next morning, everyone in the main line of the Xi family hurriedly ate and drank in a tacit agreement and got ready.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, a quarrel broke out in the big room, and they all went to the big room to watch the excitement.

Inside, the two of them were reading the manuscript passionately, one more focused and more emotional than the other, just like a crew on set, without any quarrel scenes as imagined.

The eight-year-old nephew looked up at his father and asked, "Wouldn't this be fake?"

His father said nonchalantly: "Our own family knows the specific situation, so what's the matter?"

The little nephew nodded, stopped asking questions, and just watched the fun quietly.

After reading the manuscript, Xi Aileen and her father looked at each other to confirm whether the other was ready.

After nodding to each other, Xi Aileen kicked the table down and the porcelain shattered on the floor. She quickly rushed out, followed closely by her father, who chased after her with an angry look on her face.

At the same time, he yelled angrily: "Damn girl, come back here and speak clearly."

Zhang Chengyuan and the others followed closely and came to the gate. Xi Aileen was grabbed by her father's arm and forced to stop. She raised her head stubbornly, not looking at her father.

Her father said earnestly: "Jiang Lin is not a good match. You are still young. Let's talk about it later when we are older, okay?"

Xi Aileen looked like she couldn't listen and said rebelliously: "No, I want to be with Jiang Lin. I have to be with him."

Her father gritted his teeth and said, "You have to go today, don't you?"

"Yes, I have to go."

Her father seemed to be furious and blurted out: "Okay, okay, you have to go. If you have the ability, go. As long as you dare to go today, I will not recognize you as my daughter."

Xi Aileen looked at her father in disbelief, opened her mouth, and finally seemed to have made up her mind, turned around and left.

Her father who shouted these words seemed to regret it, but seeing the back of her leaving without hesitation, his anger rose again. He didn't know whether he wanted to scare his daughter back or shouted angrily: "Xi Aileen, if you step out of this place today, Men, she is no longer my daughter Xi Liangjiu."

Xi Aileen only paused for a moment, then walked away without looking back. Her back was so determined.

Her father stared blankly at the direction his daughter was leaving. He didn't know what he was thinking. After the excitement was over, it was time for them to spread the news. The direction of public opinion must be in their own hands. There were many things and they were busy.

(End of this chapter)

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