She put aside her complicated thoughts and took all the energy beads and accumulated resources to find Wan Zitan. She asked Silkworm Baby to stay here just in case, and to contact her immediately if anything happened.

When they arrived at Tiandao, Wan Zitan was also there. The moment he saw her, he immediately greeted her, as if he was waiting for her specially.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't waste any time. He threw twenty energy beads to her and stated his intention directly: "I want to leave."

Wan Zitan followed happily and sent her away with a smile. As soon as they disappeared, she immediately absorbed the energy beads to strengthen her soul.

Zhang Chengyuan walked through the five worlds one by one, distributed the energy beads and resources evenly, and learned about the development of each world before returning to the mission world.

Continue to farm in Silkworm's companion space and let it produce energy beads. This time it is for the improvement of his own cultivation.

In the end, it took her a year to reach the Great Emperor Realm, and she also saved a lot of energy beads.

There is also excellent news. With a little effort, silkworms can produce high-grade energy beads.

Because of this, Zhang Chengyuan decided to stay in seclusion for a period of time until the silkworm baby could produce high-level energy beads.

Three months have passed in the blink of an eye, and Silkworm Baby has finally advanced to the point where it can produce high-level energy beads.

After absorbing two high-level energy beads, Zhang Chengyuan directly reached the Great Emperor state.

Zhang Chengyuan chose to leave seclusion and was always ready to complete the final mission.

What she didn't expect was that after waiting year after year, she didn't see any movement.

She had nothing to do and planned to go find Wan Zitan to trade. When she went there, Wan Zitan was not there, only the cat Tiandao was napping there.

She was about to stroke it secretly, and she was about to succeed, but she didn't expect it to be so vigilant. She jumped out with a short jump, without letting Zhang Chengyuan touch a hair.

She retracted her hand angrily, without any embarrassment: "Where is your master?"

The arrogant Cat Tiandao ignored her and continued to squint in another place, but Wan Zitan appeared in the next second, came to her with a bright smile and said: "What's the matter with my dear sister? I want my sister." Will you help? As long as my sister can help, I will."

Zhang Chengyuan shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to make a deal with you."

Wan Zitan asked with interest: "What deal?"

Zhang Chengyuan explained his request carefully: "I want you to own all the species in the world. I don't want more than one pair of each species. I want to collect them. Whether they are animals or plants, as long as they are available, I will collect them." Yes, except humans.

You know what I mean by a pair, that is, a male and female pair that can reproduce when put together. "

Although Wan Zitan was curious about why she collected this, she was even more looking forward to what chips she used to trade: "Okay, okay, but what do you want to exchange for it?"

Zhang Chengyuan did not say it directly, but asked instead: "What do you want? Tell me and I can think about it and decide later."

Wan Zitan has been able to accept the young lady's temper and said flatteringly: "Can you look at the energy beads?"

Zhang Chengyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, took out a small bag of energy beads, shook them at her and said, "Do you care about this?"

Wan Zitan nodded repeatedly, becoming more and more flattering: "Yeah, okay, do you think that's okay?"

Zhang Chengyuan nodded: "Okay, I have plenty of this."

Wan Zitan immediately took action, and at the same time comforted Zhang Chengyuan and said: "Sit down for a while, I will prepare it for you right away." After saying that, he disappeared.

Zhang Chengyuan was calculating the price he would have to pay for a while. Based on the minimum of three thousand worlds, each world would not have only a few hundred species, which was quite a lot.

However, there shouldn't be that many, and she can't want all species in the world. The duplicates have to be screened out, as long as they are not duplicates.

The previous idea was still not mature enough. If there was one grid space for each world, she only had 150 grid spaces. But based on the world type, 150 was completely enough.

In the blink of an eye, Wan Zitan came back. She did not say that she was given everything to her, but gave her a form, which recorded the basic information of each species and the origin of the world, and also marked her psychological price.

Zhang Chengyuan glanced at her unexpectedly, feeling that she was powerful and thoughtful.

She picked carefully, then took a pen and circled what she wanted. She looked at a thick stack of forms for a long time before finishing the selection.

She stretched out and handed the form to Wan Zitan and said, "Just the ones I've circled, how many energy beads do you need?"

Wan Zitan didn't complain about Zhang Chengyuan's words. After she complied with her request, she found that there were too many duplicates. If she had just collected them, she didn't think she would want them.

So she directly made the form to facilitate her selection, and the result was naturally not beyond her expectations.

Zhang Chengyuan felt very comfortable seeing Wan Zitan's sensible approach, and thought that if she wanted too many primary energy beads, she could use some intermediate energy beads to pay for it.

Wan Zitan looked through it and calculated the result: "3819761 energy beads, you can give 381 million."

Zhang Chengyuan always kept his character in mind and refused directly: "No, because you are so sensible, I will give it to you."

As she spoke, she waved her hand and took out 82 primary energy beads, and then took out 15 intermediate energy beads and sent them over wrapped in energy.

At the same time, he said: "The sea blue ones are 82 elementary energy beads, and the black ones are 15 intermediate energy beads." Zhang Chengyuan glanced at Wan Zitan arrogantly and continued: "Humph, I am in a good mood, otherwise 300 million elementary energy beads If you can’t exchange energy beads for 15 intermediate energy beads, you’re lucky.”

Wan Zitan was not an illiterate person. He immediately understood the meaning of Zhang Chengyuan's words and immediately praised her: "The eldest lady is kind-hearted and takes pity on me."

She quickly accepted the energy beads without leaving Zhang Chengyuan in front of her for inspection. She quickly picked out what Zhang Chengyuan wanted and also wrapped them in energy before sending them to Zhang Chengyuan.

Zhang Chengyuan complained dissatisfied and issued an order: "Can't you separate them one by one? Give me the ones from the same world together."

Wan Zitan complied with a smile and was not unhappy at all. She was making a lot of money, and she naturally had a very good attitude towards the rich man, and there was no impatience at all.

Zhang Chengyuan put them into the grid space one by one, and then said with satisfaction: "I'm leaving for a while."

After saying that, Wan Zitan left without waiting for anything to say.

Wan Zitan didn't care at all when she saw this. She quickly checked the quantity. After confirming that there was a lot, she took out a black energy bead and absorbed it. She felt that the power contained in it was the same as the sea blue one, but it was two or three times more pure. ten times……

Zhang Chengyuan came to the ancient cultivator world to check. The ancient cultivator still noticed it and immediately dropped everything and came to greet him.

Zhang Chengyuan couldn't help but said: "Gu Xiu, there is no need to come to greet me every time."

(End of this chapter)

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