Chapter 160 Dian Cang
Gu Xiu dealt with this in the same way as before, laughing it off.

She sighed and stopped talking about the problem. She asked: "How effective is the energy bead?"

"The energy beads had very little effect on me, so I used them to place them around the world for the geniuses in the world to use. The effect was very good. In a short period of time, I have added 50,000 top combat power."

Zhang Chengyuan asked expectantly: "How far is it from meeting the requirements for promotion to the world?"

"There's still more than ten thousand left."

Zhang Chengyuan was very surprised. Before, she was still worried about the mismatch between world strength and world level. Now she can touch the threshold of promotion to the world so easily. It is really incredible.

She asked about the closed attached world again: "How many attached worlds are there?"

"There are more than 10,000 new worlds, more than 3,000 small worlds, only one medium world, and none in the big world."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and said: "Continue to develop at this rate. When the top combat power is sufficient, we will remove the protective formations and try to contact the big world as much as possible. All those who can be contracted will be contracted. It is bound to quickly increase the number of affiliated giants under our control." world, or help the subordinate world to be promoted to the big world.

In short, the more big worlds, the better. If we move fast enough, we may be able to catch up with the benefits again, and then we won’t have to exploit your world’s resources. "

Gu Xiu nodded to show that he understood, and Zhang Chengyuan left one-fifth of the energy beads for it and explained to it the difference between the two colors of energy beads before leaving.

After that, he went to the other four big worlds one by one. Among them, the Xuanqing Realm that was the last contracted one actually met the conditions for a top 100,000 combat power, and it was even worse.

The upper limit of Xuan Qing Realm was actually higher than the upper limit of this mission world. She felt that she was simply lucky.

In addition, Xuan Qing has contracted tens of thousands of medium worlds, hundreds of thousands of small worlds, and millions of microworlds. Not only that, but even the big world has contracted with more than a thousand. Zhang Chengyuan was shocked and didn't know what to say.

This made her deeply realize what the "gap between people" is. The current situation is the gap between the world and the world, which is simply a sky and a place.

After she handed it the energy beads and resources, it directly asked to remove the protective formation and take the initiative.

Zhang Chengyuan hesitated for a moment, but thinking that there was a silkworm baby in the mission world, it would notify her if something happened, so she stayed with peace of mind, preparing to see the battle between the big world and the big world.

Just when she was about to find a place to rest, Xuan Qing had rushed out of the world. Although Zhang Chengyuan was a little confused about what happened, he still hurriedly chased after her.

As soon as I rushed out of the world, I saw two energy groups colliding with each other. Each collision would produce a huge energy shock wave, swinging out in circles like ripples, and carrying it would destroy all the terrifying power.

Zhang Chengyuan was almost affected, so she hurriedly used her strength to form a huge shield, protecting her tightly in front of the Xuan Qing Realm.

With Zhang Chengyuan under the care of Xuan Qingjie, Xuan Qing suddenly lost all scruples, turned on the violent mode, and crashed into the opponent crazily. The opponent dodged left and right but was still hit.

The energy ball dispersed instantly, and it also launched a fierce attack, but in the end it was a feint to escape.

But Xuan Qing didn't care at all whether it attacked violently or not. It was all about dying together. Seeing that it was about to escape, it accelerated even more and bumped into it more violently. In an instant, it transformed into a human form and fought with it. The fighting Tiandao energy ball is held in his hand.

Xuan Qing's voice was calm and without fluctuations: "Submit or annihilate."

Zhang Chengyuan didn't hear the energy group speak, but he saw complicated and primitive runes rising under it and Xuan Qing's feet, and then it transformed into a human form and appeared respectfully beside Xuan Qing in the next moment.

She heard Xuan Qing say again: "Transfer all attached worlds to me."

The handsome man in Tsing Yi obediently obeyed the instructions. Xuan Qing then brought the cat to Zhang Chengyuan and said, "Master, Zhang Chengyuan." The man clasped his fists in a respectful salute and said, "Dian Cang to pay homage to the Lord."

However, Zhang Chengyuan was still a little dazed. She always felt that it ended a little too quickly, and she felt that she had not had enough of it.

She nodded to Dian Cang as a big greeting, and wanted to ask Xuan Qing if he wanted to go back now, but she heard Xuan Qing say: "There are still five big worlds left to meet the promotion conditions."

Zhang Chengyuan blinked, subconsciously picked out his ears and confirmed in disbelief: "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

Xuan Qing repeated it, and Zhang Chengyuan said "Oh" expressionlessly. It was not that she was not excited, but that she was too excited, which was a subconscious expression that made her unable to react for a while.

Seeing her stunned look, Xuan Qing took her directly back to Xuan Qing Realm, and then asked Dian Cang: "How long do you think your world will need to compete with other worlds for derivative worlds?"

Dian Cang thought for a moment and said, "About half a year."

Xuan Qing nodded and said: "If there is a big world, let me make a contract first."

Dian Cang replied: "Yes."

Xuan Qing waved him away with satisfaction. It looked at Zhang Chengyuan and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Zhang Chengyuan didn't respond for a long time, and Xuan Qing didn't urge him, just stayed with him quietly.

After she calmed down, she asked: "Xuan Qing, is there a limit to the attached world?"

Xuan Qing's voice was still cold, but it answered all questions: "Ten Thousand Worlds."

After Zhang Chengyuan nodded thoughtfully, he looked up at it and said, "Then let's wait until we reach the limit before being promoted?"

Seeing Xuan Qing nodding in agreement, Zhang Chengyuan left. She notified Tian Qing, Chi Xin, Shui Mo, and Gu Xiu to allow them to have 10,000 attached worlds before they could be promoted, and told them how to remove the protective formation.

So that after their combat power is satisfied, they can have more channels to contact the big world.

After finishing these tasks, she returned to the mission world. Tianqing and the others no longer needed to worry about it. They could concentrate on completing the mission and live out their lives.

She asked Silkworm Baby if anything happened during her absence. After getting the answer that nothing happened, Zhang Chengyuan continued to take Silkworm Baby to collect energy beads.

Five years seemed to fly by in a blink of an eye. On this day, Xi Aileen sent a message back saying that Jiang Lin was coming back to avenge his past humiliation.

Zhang Chengyuan immediately became energetic and stopped farming and refining elixirs. He took this opportunity to give himself and Silkworm Baby a good vacation and rest for a while.

Ten days passed slowly, and the person who made her look forward to the stars and the moon finally arrived.

Jiang Lin stopped at the door of Xi's house for a long time before speaking in a loud voice: "Jiang Lin, who you looked down upon nine years ago, is here today to ask for advice."

His voice spread clearly throughout the Xi family, making the ears of those who heard it ringing.

Zhang Chengyuan waved his hand and fired out an energy wave to offset the sound wave attack. He appeared in the front door of Xi's house in a flash, opened the door and walked out. He looked at Xi Aileen who was standing next to him and said hello with a smile: "Aileen, you have grown up and become more beautiful. "

Xi Aileen's eyes were a little moist. She looked at Tingting's young aunt and smiled in response, but did not speak. It was not appropriate to speak in this situation.

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